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Methods are provided that let you search and extract corpus elements from ‘The American Presidency Project’

What’s Inside The Tin

The following functions are implemented:

  • app_eo_list: Retieve a data frame of metadata about Executive Orders issues in a given year
  • app_get_eo: Retrieve metadata and full text of an executive order by APP id
  • app_get_inaugurals: Retrieve metadata and full text for Presidential Inaugural Addresses





# current verison
## [1] '0.1.0'


app_eo_list(1826) %>%
  mutate(eo_info = map(eo_id, app_get_eo)) %>%
  unnest() %>%
## Observations: 1
## Variables: 9
## $ potus    <chr> "John Quincy Adams"
## $ eo_date  <date> 1826-07-11
## $ eo_title <chr> "Executive Order"
## $ eo_id    <chr> "66658"
## $ date     <date> 1826-07-11
## $ eo_num   <lgl> NA
## $ title    <chr> NA
## $ potus1   <chr> "John Quincy Adams"
## $ eo_text  <chr> "ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S OFFICE,\n GENERAL ORDERS.\nThe General in Chief has received from the Departme...
app_eo_list(2014) %>%
  mutate(eo_info = map(eo_id, app_get_eo)) %>%
  unnest() %>%
## Observations: 31
## Variables: 9
## $ potus    <chr> "Barack Obama", "Barack Obama", "Barack Obama", "Barack Obama", "Barack Obama", "Barack Obama", "B...
## $ eo_date  <date> 2014-01-17, 2014-02-10, 2014-02-12, 2014-02-19, 2014-03-06, 2014-03-16, 2014-03-20, 2014-03-20, 2...
## $ eo_title <chr> "Executive Order 13656—Establishment of the Afghanistan and Pakistan Strategic Partnership Office ...
## $ eo_id    <chr> "104627", "104736", "104737", "104775", "104791", "104855", "104854", "104911", "104910", "104909"...
## $ date     <date> 2014-01-17, 2014-02-10, 2014-02-12, 2014-02-19, 2014-03-06, 2014-03-16, 2014-03-20, 2014-03-20, 2...
## $ eo_num   <chr> "13656", "13657", "13658", "13659", "13660", "13661", "13662", "13663", "13664", "13665", "13666",...
## $ title    <chr> "Establishment Of The Afghanistan And Pakistan Strategic Partnership Office And Amendment To Execu...
## $ potus1   <chr> "Barack Obama", "Barack Obama", "Barack Obama", "Barack Obama", "Barack Obama", "Barack Obama", "B...
## $ eo_text  <chr> "By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States ...
## # A tibble: 58 x 5
##    potus             date       word_count ia_id content                                                               
##    <chr>             <date>          <int> <chr> <chr>                                                                 
##  1 George Washington 1789-04-30       1431 25800 "Fellow-Citizens of the Senate and of the House of Representatives:\n…
##  2 George Washington 1793-03-04        135 25801 "Fellow Citizens:\nI AM again called upon by the voice of my country …
##  3 John Adams        1797-03-04       2321 25802 "WHEN it was first perceived, in early times, that no middle course f…
##  4 Thomas Jefferson  1801-03-04       1730 25803 "Friends and Fellow-Citizens:\nCALLED upon to undertake the duties of…
##  5 Thomas Jefferson  1805-03-04       2166 25804 "PROCEEDING, fellow-citizens, to that qualification which the Constit…
##  6 James Madison     1809-03-04       1177 25805 "Unwilling to depart from examples of the most revered authority, I a…
##  7 James Madison     1813-03-04       1211 25806 "About to add the solemnity of an oath to the obligations imposed by …
##  8 James Monroe      1817-03-04       3375 25807 "I should be destitute of feeling if I was not deeply affected by the…
##  9 James Monroe      1821-03-04       4472 25808 "Fellow-Citizens:\nI shall not attempt to describe the grateful emoti…
## 10 John Quincy Adams 1825-03-04       2915 25809 "In compliance with an usage coeval with the existence of our Federal…
## # ... with 48 more rows