The SOMANET Ethernet Library provides Ethernet support for SOMANET devices.
.. cssclass:: downloadable-button `Download Library <>`_
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Required SOMANET Hardware |
1x SOMANET Core |
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Supported SOMANET Devices |
SOMANET Core: :ref:`C22 <core_c22>` |
SOMANET COM: :ref:`Ethernet <com_ethernet>` |
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: Ethernet MAC (dual-port) Module <module_ethernet_dual/doc/index> Ethernet Hub module <module_ethernet_hub/doc/index>
Our SOMANET Ethernet Library is composed of the following modules:
- Ethernet MAC (dual-port) Module: This module allows an abstract access for the application or other upper layers to two different and parallel-running Ethernet MAC layers.
- Ethernet Hub Module: This module offers a layer that runs on top of the Ethernet dual Stack. It connects together two Ethernet interfaces and makes them act as a single network segment. It also provides the received data packets to the upper layers.
- Ethernet SMI Module: This module allows code to communicate with ethernet phys that are configured using the SMI serial protocol.
.. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 Ping demo <examples/app_dual_ethernet_ping/doc/index> Loopback demo <examples/app_dual_ethernet_loopback/doc/index> Ethernet hub demo <examples/app_ethernet_hub/doc/index>
Additionally, the library includes the following examples:
- Ping demo: Learn how to use Ethernet MAC (dual-port) Module in your applications implementing a simple app that responses a ping to the IP address configured at the config file.
- Loopback demo: Learn how to use Ethernet MAC (dual-port) Module in your applications implementing a dummy packet loopback over the two ports that the SOMANET COM Ethernet board offers.
- Ethernet hub demo: Learn how to use Ethernet Hub Module in your applications implementing a simple Ethernet hub.
To run your application it is necessary to include :ref:`SOMANET Base <somanet_base>`.
.. cssclass:: downloadable-button `Download SOMANET Base Library <>`_
.. cssclass:: github `Visit SOMANET Base Public Repository <>`_
SOMANET COM Ethernet hardware modules are required to be used with this software.
Visit our :ref:`SOMANET COM Ethernet <com_ethernet>` documentation for further information.