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Getting started with a containerized C# program

Please see README for how to install Mystikos or build it from source code.

Disclaimer: Mystikos's support for dotnet and C# is incomplete. We are working towards complete C# support.

Write the program

In this example, we take numbers from command line and output the sum. C# requires us to create a project first. First we need to install dotnet SDK 3.1 with sudo apt install dotnet-sdk-3.1. Then run the command:

dotnet new console -o sum

After we have the folder sum ready, open Program.cs in it, and replace its content with the following code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace sum
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
			long sum = 0;
			List<long> numbers = new List<long>();
			for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
				sum += numbers[numbers.Count - 1];
		    Console.WriteLine($"Hello World from C#! Sum is {sum}\n");

You can build and run the program on Ubuntu with the following command to make sure it's correct:

cd sum
dotnet build -o build
dotnet build/sum.dll 1 2 3

The expected outputs is a welcome message and the sum of the command line arguments:

Welcome to C#! Sum is 6

Containerize the program

We provide a docker file for building and running the application as follows. Note this is a multi-stage dockerfile as dotnet SDK is only required for building. Running the application requires dotnet runtime, a much smaller package. We can use it in the run stage to save space.

# stage 1: build
FROM AS build
COPY . .
RUN dotnet publish -o publish -r linux-musl-x64 /p:PublishTrimmed=true

# stage 2: run

RUN apk add --no-cache icu-libs
COPY --from=build /app/publish .

ENTRYPOINT [ "dotnet", "/app/sum.dll", "1", "2", "3" ]

It you have an existing docker file for your application running on an Ubuntu-based container, some adjustments are needed to run it on an Alpine Linux based container, which happens to be compatible with Mystikos (they both use MUSL as C-runtime).

  • During the build stage, we need to tell the compiler that we are cross compiling for Alpine Linux with the switch -r linux-musl-x64
  • Also in the building stage, we recommend switch /p:PublishTrimmed=true to generate less files for the application. SGX has limited EPC memory, this switch helps to save memory space.
  • At the run stage, the base image should be changed to (or other supported versions).
  • Also at the run stage, we have to explicitly install packages required by dotnet runtime or the application but aren't included in the base image. Keep in mind that not every package you find on Ubuntu is available on Alpine Linux, which is a less popular distro than Ubuntu.

You can save the docker file to the sum folder, and build and run the container app on Linux with the following command:

docker run $(docker build -q .)

Build the app folder with Mystikos

We use a script to take the same docker file and generates an app folder appdir for preparing the program to be run with Mystikos.

myst-appbuilder Dockerfile

appdir contains the typical Linux root file system, such as /usr, /home, /bin, etc. It also contains our application under /app. The dotnet runtime is also included.

Package the application

dotnet runtime requires more heap memory than Mystikos provides by default. To expand the memory, we need to sign or package the application with a configuration file, in which a higher limit of user heap size can be specified as follows:

	// OpenEnclave specific settings
	"Debug": 1,
    "StackMemSize": "400k",
    "NumUserThreads": 8,
    "ProductID": 1,
    "SecurityVersion": 1,

	// Mystikos specific settings
    // The heap size of the user application. Increase this setting if your app experienced OOM.
    "UserMemSize": "512m",
    // The path to the entry point application in rootfs
    "ApplicationPath": "/usr/bin/dotnet",
    // The parameters to the entry point application
    "ApplicationParameters": ["/app/sum.dll"],
    // Whether we allow "ApplicationParameters" to be overridden by command line options of "myst exec"
    "HostApplicationParameters": true,

You can ignore most of the settings for now except for UserMemSize. 512 MB is the minimum required by dotnet runtime, and you can increase it as needed. For details of the config file, please refer to signing and packaging

Save the above config file to config.json, and package the app with:

openssl genrsa -out private.pem -3 3072
myst package appdir private.pem config.json

Run the program inside a SGX enclave

Packaging produces an executable under $PWD/myst/dotnet, which can be launched like any system-installed dotnet runtime (except the execution actually happens in a TEE):

myst/bin/dotnet /app/sum.dll 1 2 3

The expected outputs, not surprisingly, is Welcome to C#! Sum is 6

Congratulations! You have written a confidential application in a high level programming language, and you have launched it, together with a managed runtime, within a TEE.