Releases: huynhthanhbinh/saigonparking
Releases · huynhthanhbinh/saigonparking
Boost performance by using multithreading
WebSocket throw back error message on exception occurs
- create ERROR type of SaigonParkingMessage
- throw back SaigonParkingMessage of ERROR type on exception occurs
- send HTML Email and boost performance by sending asynchronously
- add CustomerHasOnGoingBookingException
- add missing mapping isActivated for UserEntity
- implement getCustomerOnGoingBooking()
- implement checkCustomerHasOnGoingBooking()
- implement removeEmployeeOfParkingLot()
- implement getEmployeeManageParkingLotList()
- implement checkUserEmailAlreadyExist()
- update README: add Github Workflow badge
Implement createUser, createParkingLot for Admin Management
- implement createNewUser()
- implement createNewRating()
- implement createNewParkingLot()
- implement addEmployeeOfParkingLot()
- implement checkUsernameAlreadyExist()
- implement checkEmployeeAlreadyManageParkingLot()
- fix UnsupportedOperationException: getBookingDetail()
- update project's grpc dependencies' version
Implement countAllGroupBy for Admin Dashboard
- implement countAllUserGroupByRole()
- implement countAllParkingLotGroupByType()
- implement countAllBookingGroupByStatus()
- implement countAllBookingOfParkingLotGroupByStatus()
- implement generateBookingQrCode()
- implement finishBooking()
- fix bug S3Service IOException - Attempted read from closed stream
- fix bug updateBookingStatus to CANCEL by using synchronous stub
- update project dependencies' version
Represent Booking UUID as QR code
- add UUID (type UNIQUEIDENTIFIER) as Booking table's Natural ID
- implement QR Code service to encode string contents
- attach QR code on CreateBookingResponse as byte array
Implement getParkingLotIdByAuthorizationHeader()
- update BookingSchema: add field CreatedAt for BookingTable
- update BookingMapper: sort list before mapping into new list
- using @CreationTimestamp for auto inject current timestamp into an about-to-create object
- implement getParkingLotIdByAuthorizationHeader()
Small fix: forgot to attach booking ID on new booking request
- fix bug forgot to attach booking ID on new booking request
- change prePublishMessageToQueue method to void
Implement Booking Service & Update Contact Service
- init database of BookingService, add TRIGGER on INSERT, UPDATE
- add Booking API: add getOne, countAll, getAll, ...
- implement BookingService [BOOKING]
- update Contact API: add HISTORY_CHANGE & BOOKING_FINISH message-type
- implement IntermediateService [CONTACT]
- remove hardcode microservices configuration, all config is stored in docker-compose .env file
- remove redundant deploy-config of MailService, turn off consul service discovery registration
- preProcessing received message from sender before forwarding to receiver
- preProcessing: set senderId to userId (sent from customer) or to parkingLotId (sent from parkinglot)
- preProcessing: save or update message content into database such as booking information, ...
Small fix: only set sender ID if message's classification is CUSTOMER_MESSAGE
v2.2.5 [SERVER] update project's version
Remove hard-code Saigon Parking's web domain (Mail Service)
- Mail service: remove hard-code web-domain configuration
- User service: remove validateAdmin() check on getUserByUsername()