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Quick Start

Huy Tr edited this page Dec 3, 2019 · 2 revisions

Pomoday is a web-based and keyboard-oritented task management application, that mean, you can do almost everything without leaving your keyboard.

Everything you can do in Pomoday are done via a command bar, you can press i to open a quick command bar or I to open a multiline command bar.

Let me teach you some basic commands:

Working with tasks

Remember when I said Pomoday is a task management app? So the first thing we will talk about is task management!

Create a task

You can create a task by start typing t or task command, followed by a tag, and a task description. If you skip the tag, your task will be created as an @uncategorized tag.

For example:

t @work Setup a meeting with Mr. Baldhead
task Call utility company

You can also enter anything and it will be considered as a new task, for example:

well this is a new task!
@work this is a new task at work

The number before each task is the task's id, you'll need this id for the other commands below.

Edit or delete

To edit the content of a task, you can use e or edit command, using the following syntax:

e 5 new task description here
edit 5 new task description here

To delete a task, just use d or delete command, you can delete multiple tasks at once, or just a single task:

d 1
delete 2 5 4

You can also delete a task using its status, like done, wait, wip,...

Move task to another tag

Sometimes, you might want to change the tag of a task, for example, if you have an @uncategorized task, and later on you want to put it into @work, you can use the move or mv command:

move 5 @new-tag
mv 5 @new-tag

But for this, you'll have to do it task by task, what if you want to move a huge amount of tasks at once?

Rename a tag

You can use tagre or tagrename or tr to rename a tag to another name:

tr @old-tag @new-tag
tagre @old-tag @new-tag
tagrename @old-tag @new-tag

Next, we'll see how to archive a task.

Archive a task

You might want to archive a task if there is a lot of tasks on the screen already and most of them are not needed anymore (done tasks,...), but you don't want to delete them.

The two commands archive (or a) and restore (or re) will help you on this:

# Archive a task
archive 1
a 56

# Restore archived task
re 50
restore 1

You can see all of your archived tasks with the list-archived command.

Time tracking

Pomoday come with a built-in time tracker, you can start the timer for each task separately using begin (or b) command. When the timer is running, you can stop it using stop (or st) command. Marking a task as done (check or c) or flag it (flag or fl) will also stop the timer.

Start a timer for one or multiple tasks:

b 5
begin 3 9 23

Stop the timer for one or multiple tasks:

st 5
stop 3 9 23

Mark a task as finished:

c 9
check 1 2 5

That's everything you need to know about Pomoday!

Other commands

  • – You can customize the UI using CSS via customize command.
  • – Show a timeline to get an overview of your day with today command.
  • – Toggle the visibility of tasks based on its status by typing show or hide following with a task status (done, wip, flagged, wait,...).
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