- CMeKg项目的网站已经无法访问,由于本项目的代码是爬虫代码,因此代码已经失效了。
- 基于第一点,目前本项目只有数据库文件能使用了,没有必要将项目运行起来。
- 本人基于此爬虫的项目只是本科的毕业设计,并没有高深的算法在里面,因此直接下载数据库使用即可。
- 最后,感谢大家对项目的认可。
The project includes 140000 entities and nearly 700000 relationships
- Java 8 and up
- Maven 3.6.3 and up
- Neo4j
git clone https://gitee.com/huyuanxin/CMeKGCrawler
git clone https://github.com/huyuanxin/CMeKGCrawler
- Run KnowledgeCrawlerApplication.java.java
If you used Knowledge Crawler in your research, please quote it in the following format:
author = {huyuanxin,luhaoyi,zhangtingting},
title = {{CMeKGCrawler: CMeKGCrawler}},
year = {2021},
url = {https://github.com/huyuanxin/CMeKGCrawler},
Please do not apply Knowledge Crawler to any work that may violate the legal provisions and moral constraints. Please use Knowledge Crawler friendly, abide by the spider agreement, and do not use Knowledge Crawler for any illegal purpose. If you choose to use Knowledge Crawler, you will abide by this agreement. The author will not bear any legal risks and losses caused by your violation of this agreement, and all consequences will be borne by you.
链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1I9GG4zD2rULAKA6Mb365LQ 提取码:MKGS
适配Neo4j v5.2&Neo4j v4.4
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1UPtlNCEtH2P05LgG1veFEw 提取码: MKGS