This parcel plugin will upload the bundle to PlayCanvas project asset. Then it would help the local development workflow i.e. Local IDE > Parcel bundler > Auto update / hot reload PlayCanvas scripts.
This works with PlayCanvas script 2.0 since they have removed the local server development!
npm install --save-dev parcel-plugin-playcanvas
oryarn add -D parcel-plugin-playcanvas
on your main project -
The main project should use parcel as the bundler, recommend my other playcanvas-typescript-template, with only ONE output file for example
parcel build ./src/index.ts -o bundle.js
Need these env vars set so the plugin can authorise with PlayCanvas
Please follow on how to get the above
That's it and parcel will do the rest!
$ parcel build ./src/index.ts -o bundle.js
✨ Built in 162ms.
dist/ 7.14 KB 18ms
dist/bundle.js 4.51 KB 37ms
Uploading script bundle to PlayCanvas... DONE!
✨ Done in 2.96s.
Thank you!