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Install Guide Certificate via USB

meltman edited this page Nov 6, 2013 · 8 revisions

Download and install the iPhone Configuration Utility

[iPhone configuration Utility for Mac 3.5] (

[iPhone configuration Utility for Windows 3.6.2] (

Install the certificate to your local certificate store (Windows only)

Double click the trailers.cer file and then click "Install Certificate" to install it to your local certificate store.

iPhone Configuration Utility

  1. Open the iPhone Configuration Utility and click Configuration Profiles on the left, then click new. Fill in the Name and Identifier with whatever names you want and then scroll down on the left pane and choose Credentials.

  2. Mac users: Click Configure and add the “trailers.cer”. Windows users: Click Configure and add the “” certificate (or if you named it differently pick appropriately.

  3. At this point you’ll have something that looks like this:

iPhone Configuration Utility

Install the profile on the AppleTV

First, plug AC power into the AppleTV. Next, connect your AppleTV to your computer using the microUSB cable. You must have the AppleTV plugged into power when you do this or else it will enter recovery mode. Once it sees the device click on it on the left, then click the Configuration Profiles tab, and finally click install next to the configuration profile you want to install.

iPhone Configuration Utility

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