Prof. John Wawrzynek
TA: Kevin He, Kevin Anderson
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
College of Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
The ALU that we will implement in this lab is for a RISC-V instruction set architecture. Pay close attention to the design patterns and how the ALU is intended to function in the context of the RISC-V processor. In particular it is important to note the separation of the datapath and control used in this system which we will explore more here.
The specific instructions that your ALU must support are shown in the tables below. The branch condition should not be calculated in the ALU. Depending on your CPU implementation, your ALU may or may not need to do anything for branch, jump, load, and store instructions (i.e., it can just output 0).
The first step in this project is to make a pipeline diagram of your processor, as described in lecture. You only need to make a diagram of the datapath (not the control). Each stage should be clearly separated with a vertical line, and flip-flops will form the boundary between stages. It is a good idea to name signals depending on what stage they are in (eg. s1_killf
, s2_rd0
). Also, it is a good idea to separately name the input/output (D/Q) of a flip flop (eg. s0_next_pc
, s1_pc
). Draw your diagram in a drawing program (Inkscape, Google Drawings, or any program you want), because you will need to keep it up-to-date as you build your processor. As such, we recommend you leave plenty of space between diagram elements to make it easier to insert changes as your project evolves.
It helps to print out scratch copies while you are debugging your processor and to keep your drawings revision-controlled with git. Once you have finished your initial datapath design, you will implement the main building block in the datapath—the ALU.
Given specifications about what the ALU should do, you will create an ALU in Verilog and write a test harness to test the ALU.
The encoding of each instruction is shown in the table below. There is a detailed functional description of each of the instructions in Section 2.4 of the RISC-V Instruction Set Manual (Volume 1, Unprivileged Spec). Pay close attention to the functional description of each instruction as there are some subtleties.
We have provided a skeleton directory structure to help you get started.
Inside, you should see a src
folder, as well as a tests
folder. The src
folder contains all of
the verilog modules for this phase, and the tests
folder contains some RISC-V test binaries for your processor.
One way of testing Verilog code is with testbench Verilog files. The outline of a test bench file has been provided for you in ALUTestbench.v
. There are several key components to this file:
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
- This specifies, in order,the reference time unit and the precision. This example sets the unit delay in the simulation to 1ns (i.e.#1
= 1ns) and the precision to 1ps (i.e. the finest delay you can set is#0.001
= 1ps).- The clock is generated by the code below. Since the ALU is only combinational logic, this is not necessary, but it will be a helpful reference once you have sequential elements.
- The
block sets the clock to 0 at the beginning of the simulation. You should be sure to only change your stimulus when the clock is falling, since the data is captured on the rising edge. Otherwise, it will not only be difficult to debug your design, but it will also cause hold time violations when you run gate level simulation. - You must use an always block without a sensitivity list (the
part of an always statement) to cause the clock to run automatically.
parameter Halfcycle = 5; //half period is 5ns localparam Cycle = 2*Halfcycle; reg Clock; // Clock Signal generation: initial Clock = 0; always #(Halfcycle) Clock = ̃Clock;
- The
task checkOutput
; - this task contains Verilog code that you would otherwise have to copy paste many times. Note that it is not the same thing as a function (as Verilog also has functions).{$random} & 31'h7FFFFFFF
- $random generates a pseudorandom 32-bit integer. A bitwise AND will mask the result for smaller bit widths.
For these two modules, the inputs and outputs that you care about are opcode
, funct
, add_rshift_type
, A
, B
and Out
. To test your design thoroughly, you should work through every possible opcode
, funct
, and add_rshift_type
that you care about, and verify that the correct Out is generated from the A and B that you pass in.
The test bench generates random values for A
and B
and computes REFout = A + B
. It also contains calls to checkOutput
for load and store instructions, for which the ALU should perform addition. It will be up to you to write tests for the remaining combinations of opcode, funct, and add_rshift_type
to test your other instructions.
Remember to restrict A
and B
to reasonable values (e.g. masking them, or making sure that they are not zero) if necessary to guarantee that a function is sufficiently tested. Please also write tests where the inputs and the output are hard-coded. These should be corner cases that you want to be certain are stressed during testing.
An alternative way of testing is to use a test vector, which is a series of bit arrays that map to the inputs and outputs of your module. The inputs can be all applied at once if you are testing a combinational logic block or applied over time for a sequential logic block (e.g. an FSM).
You will write a Verilog testbench that takes the parts of the bit array that correspond to the inputs of the module, feeds those to the module, and compares the output of the module with the output bits of the bit array. The bit vector should be formatted as follows:
[106:100] = opcode
[99:97] = funct
[96] = add_rshift_type
[95:64] = A
[63:32] = B
[31:0] = REFout
Open up the skeleton provided to you in ALUTestVectorTestbench.v
. You need to complete the module by making use of $readmemb
to read in the test vector file (named testvectors.input), writing some assign statements to assign the parts of the test vectors to registers, and writing a for loop to iterate over the test vectors.
The syntax for a for loop can be found in ALUTestbench.v
. $readmemb
takes as its arguments a filename and a reg vector, e.g.:
reg [5:0] bar [0:20];
$readmemb("foo.input", bar);
You will also have to generate the test vectors used in your testbench. A test vector can either be specified in Verilog, or generated using a higher-level language like Python.
Test vectors are of the format specified above, with the 7 opcode bits occupying the left-most bits. We've also provided a test vector generator written in Python. However, the only R-type instruction it tests is add. Update tests/
to generate test vectors for all R-type instructions. You may find the comp
function useful for performing signed comparisons.
Once you are done, run
. It should produce a test vector file in the tests
folder. This will overwrite the testvectors.input
file, so if you want to save any handwritten test vectors, rename the file before running the script, then append them once the file has been generated.
Keep in mind that this script makes a couple assumptions that aren’t necessary and may differ from your implementation:
Jump, branch, load and store instructions will use the ALU to compute the target address.
For all shift instructions,
is shifted byB
. In other words,B
is the shift amount. -
For the
instruction, the value to load into the register is fed in through theB
You can either match these assumptions or modify the script to fit with your implementation.
All the methods to generate test vectors are located in the two Python dictionaries opcodes
and functs
. The lambda methods contained (separated by commas) are respectively: the function that the operation should perform, a function to restrict the A
input to a particular range, and a function to restrict the B
input to a particular range.
Ensure that your Verilog test vector testbench uses the testvectors.input
file when loading the test vectors via $readmemb
Run the test vector testbench by updating sim-rtl.yml
, and then running
make sim-rtl
The tests will fail until you implement your ALU.
For this exercise, we’ve provided the module interfaces for you. They are logically divided into a control (ALUdec.v
) and a datapath (ALU.v
). The datapath contains the functional units while control contains the necessary logic to drive the datapath. You will be responsible for implementing these two modules. Descriptions of the inputs and outputs of the modules can be found in the first few lines of each file. The ALU should take an ALUop
and its two inputs A
and B
, and provide an output dependent on the ALUop
. The operations that it needs to support are outlined in the Functional Specification. Don’t worry about sign extensions–they should take place outside of the ALU. The ALU decoder uses the opcode
, funct
, and add_rshift_type
to determine the ALUop
that the ALU should execute. The funct
input corresponds to the funct3
field from the ISA encoding table. The add_rshift_type
input is used to distinguish between ADD/SUB
; you will notice that each of these pairs has the same opcode
and funct3
, but differ in the funct7
To make your job easier, we have provided two Verilog header files: Opcode.vh
and ALUop.vh
. They provide, respectively, macros for the opcodes and functs in the ISA and macros for the different ALU operations. You should feel free to change ALUop.vh
to optimize the ALUop
encoding, but if you change Opcode.vh
, you will break the test bench skeleton provided to you. You can use these macros by placing a backtick in front of the macro name, e.g.:
is the equivalent of:
Open the file sim-rtl.yml
, set the testbench’s name to be ALUTestbench.
tb_name: &TB_NAME "ALUTestbench"
By typing make sim-rtl
you will run the ALU simulation.You may change the testbench’s name to ALUTestVectorTestbench
to use the test vector testbench.
Once you have a working design, you should see the following output when you run either of the given testbenches:
To clean the simulation directory from previous simulations’ files, type make clean
Checkoff due: 6PM 3/21/24 (Kevin A's OH)
Please answer the following questions to be checked off by a TA:
- Show your pipeline diagram, and explain when writes and reads occur in the register file and memory relative to the pipeline stages.
- Show your working ALU test bench files to your TA and explain your hard-coded cases. You should also be able to show that the tests for the test vectors generated by the Python script and your hard-coded test vectors both work.
- In ALUTestbench, the inputs to the ALU were generated randomly. When would it be preferable to perform an exhaustive test rather than a random test?
- What bugs, if any, did your test bench help you catch?