The easiest way to use Bluetooth (BLE )in ios,even bady can use . CoreBluetooth wrap.
- CoreBluetooth wrap,simple and eary for use.
- CoreBluetooth is dependency on delegate ,and most times,call method at delegate then go into delegate,and over and over,it's messy.BabyBluetooth favor to using block.
- call methor in a serial,it's simple and graceful.
- using channel switch blcoks in a group.
current verison v0.2
- usage
- QuickExample
- init
- scan for
- scan for then connect
- connect direct
- disconnect and cancel
- services characteristic description
- [characteristic and value then description and there‘s value](#user-content-characteristic and value then description-and-there‘s-value)
- subscript of characteristic
- unsubscript of characteristic
- delegate
- methor in serial
- how to install
- demo explain
- project struct
- Compatibility
- plan for update
- wish
//import header file
#import "BabyBluetooth.h"
-(void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
//get babyBluetooth instance
baby = [BabyBluetooth shareBabyBluetooth];
//setting delegate
[self babyDelegate];
//just use it,no need wait CBCentralManagerStatePoweredOn
//setting delegate
//delegate of DiscoverToPeripherals
[baby setBlockOnDiscoverToPeripherals:^(CBCentralManager *central, CBPeripheral *peripheral, NSDictionary *advertisementData, NSNumber *RSSI) {
NSLog(@"discovered peripheral:%@",;
//setting filter of discoverPeripheral
[baby setDiscoverPeripheralsFilter:^BOOL(NSString *peripheralsFilter) {
//设置查找规则是名称大于1 , the search rule is length > 1
if (peripheralsFilter.length >1) {
return YES;
return NO;
//Singleton, recommend
BabyBluetooth *baby = [BabyBluetooth shareBabyBluetooth];
BabyBluetooth *baby = [[BabyBluetooth alloc]init];
//scan for peripheral
//scan for ten seconds and stop (disconnect peripheral and cancel scan for)
//setting filter of discoverPeripheral
[baby setFilterOnDiscoverPeripherals:^BOOL(NSString *peripheralName) {
//设置查找规则是名称大于1 , the search rule is length > 2
if (peripheralName.length >2) {
return YES;
return NO;
*scan for then connect:1:setting filter 2:scan and connect
//1:setting filter
__block BOOL isFirst = YES;
[baby setFilterOnConnetToPeripherals:^BOOL(NSString *peripheralName) {
//rule:first peripheral and name start with "AAA"
if(isFirst && [peripheralName hasPrefix:@"AAA"]){
isFirst = NO;
return YES;
return NO;
//2:scan and connect
//disconnect peripheral,peripheral is a instance of CBPeripheral
[baby cancelPeripheralConnection:peripheral];
//disconnect all peripheral
[baby cancelAllPeripheralsConnection];
[baby cancelScan];
discover services、characteristic、description and those value
//set a peripheral then discoverServices,and then characteristics and its value,then characteristics’s description name and value
//self.peripheral is a CBPeripheral instance
//self.peripheral and self.characteristic is instance
//self.peripheral and self.characteristic is instance
[baby notify:self.currPeripheral
block:^(CBPeripheral *peripheral, CBCharacteristic *characteristics, NSError *error) {
//when receive
NSLog(@"new value %@",characteristics.value);
//self.peripheral and self.characteristic is instance
[baby cancelNotify:self.peripheral characteristic:self.characteristic];
//setting delegate of discoverToPeripherals
[baby setBlockOnDiscoverToPeripherals:^(CBCentralManager *central, CBPeripheral *peripheral, NSDictionary *advertisementData, NSNumber *RSSI) {
NSLog(@"has scan for peropheral:%@",;
//setting delegate of peripheral connected
[baby setBlockOnConnected:^(CBCentralManager *central, CBPeripheral *peripheral) {
after setting delegate ,then execute serial
when scan for a peripheral,or connected peripheral,it's into delegate on
//====================================default channel delegate======================================
//when CentralManager state changed
-(void)setBlockOnCentralManagerDidUpdateState:(void (^)(CBCentralManager *central))block;
//when find peripheral
-(void)setBlockOnDiscoverToPeripherals:(void (^)(CBCentralManager *central,CBPeripheral *peripheral,NSDictionary *advertisementData, NSNumber *RSSI))block;
//when connected peripheral
-(void)setBlockOnConnected:(void (^)(CBCentralManager *central,CBPeripheral *peripheral))block;
//when fail to connected peripheral
-(void)setBlockOnFailToConnect:(void (^)(CBCentralManager *central,CBPeripheral *peripheral,NSError *error))block;
//when disconnected peripheral
-(void)setBlockOnDisconnect:(void (^)(CBCentralManager *central,CBPeripheral *peripheral,NSError *error))block;
//when discover services of peripheral
-(void)setBlockOnDiscoverServices:(void (^)(CBPeripheral *peripheral,NSError *error))block;
//when discovered Characteristics
-(void)setBlockOnDiscoverCharacteristics:(void (^)(CBPeripheral *peripheral,CBService *service,NSError *error))block;
//when read new characteristics value
-(void)setBlockOnReadValueForCharacteristic:(void (^)(CBPeripheral *peripheral,CBCharacteristic *characteristic,NSError *error))block;
//when discover descriptors for characteristic
-(void)setBlockOnDiscoverDescriptorsForCharacteristic:(void (^)(CBPeripheral *peripheral,CBCharacteristic *characteristic,NSError *error))block;
//when read descriptors for characteristic
-(void)setBlockOnReadValueForDescriptors:(void (^)(CBPeripheral *peripheral,CBDescriptor *descriptorNSError,NSError *error))block;
//====================================channel delegate======================================
//when CentralManager state changed
-(void)setBlockOnCentralManagerDidUpdateStateAtChannel:(NSString *)channel
block:(void (^)(CBCentralManager *central))block;
//when find peripheral
-(void)setBlockOnDiscoverToPeripheralsAtChannel:(NSString *)channel
block:(void (^)(CBCentralManager *central,CBPeripheral *peripheral,NSDictionary *advertisementData, NSNumber *RSSI))block;
//when connected peripheral
-(void)setBlockOnConnectedAtChannel:(NSString *)channel
block:(void (^)(CBCentralManager *central,CBPeripheral *peripheral))block;
//when fail to connected peripheral
-(void)setBlockOnFailToConnectAtChannel:(NSString *)channel
block:(void (^)(CBCentralManager *central,CBPeripheral *peripheral,NSError *error))block;
//when disconnected peripheral
-(void)setBlockOnDisconnectAtChannel:(NSString *)channel
block:(void (^)(CBCentralManager *central,CBPeripheral *peripheral,NSError *error))block;
//when discover services of peripheral
-(void)setBlockOnDiscoverServicesAtChannel:(NSString *)channel
block:(void (^)(CBPeripheral *peripheral,NSError *error))block;
//when discovered Characteristics
-(void)setBlockOnDiscoverCharacteristicsAtChannel:(NSString *)channel
block:(void (^)(CBPeripheral *peripheral,CBService *service,NSError *error))block;
//when read new characteristics value
-(void)setBlockOnReadValueForCharacteristicAtChannel:(NSString *)channel
block:(void (^)(CBPeripheral *peripheral,CBCharacteristic *characteristic,NSError *error))block;
//when discover descriptors for characteristic
-(void)setBlockOnDiscoverDescriptorsForCharacteristicAtChannel:(NSString *)channel
block:(void (^)(CBPeripheral *peripheral,CBCharacteristic *service,NSError *error))block;
//when read descriptors for characteristic
-(void)setBlockOnReadValueForDescriptorsAtChannel:(NSString *)channel
block:(void (^)(CBPeripheral *peripheral,CBDescriptor *descriptorNSError,NSError *error))block;
//setting filter of discover peripherals
-(void)setFilterOnDiscoverPeripheralsAtChannel:(NSString *)channel
filter:(BOOL (^)(NSString *peripheralName))filter;
//setting filter of connetTo peripherals
-(void)setFilterOnConnetToPeripheralsAtChannel:(NSString *)channel
filter:(BOOL (^)(NSString *peripheralName))filter;
delegate can switch by channel
usually in our app,more then one viewController want using bluetooth,you can setting delegate in defferent channel by group of setBlockOn...AtChannel method。and use
to switch then.
//setting channel at “detailsView” when discover to peripheral
NSString *channelName = @"detailsChannel";
[baby setBlockOnDiscoverToPeripheralsAtChannel:channelName
block:^(CBCentralManager *central, CBPeripheral *peripheral, NSDictionary *advertisementData, NSNumber *RSSI) {
NSLog(@"channel(%@) :搜索到了设备:%@",channelName,;
//switch to channel
##default channel in serial method of baby.().().(), channel() can be everywhere but after begin(),if serial without channel(), the channel in default channel.
#serial method
in baby.().().() , the verb method and,then,with can improve code readability 。
serial method in baby.().().() according to corebluetooth’s sequence and limit . the sequence is scanfor->discover peripheral -> connect peripheral ->discover service ->discover characteristic->read characteristic value or discover characteristic's descriptors -> read descriptor's value
- begin() or stop() must end of serial
- having(),channel() must before begin()
- without peripheral having(instance of peripheral), connectToPeripherals() is forbid
- without connect peripheral ,discoverServices() is forbid
- without discoverServices() or discoverCharacteristics() , readValueForCharacteristic() 、discoverDescriptorsForCharacteristic()、readValueForDescriptors() is forbid
- without discoverCharacteristics(),readValueForCharacteristic() or discoverDescriptorsForCharacteristic() is forbid
- without discoverDescriptorsForCharacteristic(),readValueForDescriptors() is forbid
##1 manual step1: let src folder‘s files import your project
step2:import .h
#import "BabyBluetooth.h"
##2 cocoapods not support for now
BabyBluetoothExamples/BabyBluetoothAppDemo :similar to lightblue ,implement by BabyBluetooch
- 1:scan for nearby bluetooch peripheral
- 2:cannect and discover peripheral’s services and characteristic
- 3:read characteristic and characteristic‘s value,and descriptors or descriptors's value
- 4:write 0x01 to characteristic
- 5:subscription/unsubscription characteristic
BabyBluetoothExamples/BabyBluetoothOSDemo :mac osx app,osx and ios is not diffent on CoreBluetooth,so BabyBluetooth can use in both ios and osx 。 functionality
1:scanfor peripheral, conncet peripheral 、read characteristic,read characteristic 's value,discover descriptors and descriptors's value,the message all in nslog,this app none UI
- BabyBluetooth: implement serial method, also is BabyBluetooth facade
- Babysister: centralManager delegate calss ,it's handler serial method and implement dilter and block callback
- BabySpeaker: implement chanel of block get and set
- BabyCallback: block and filter's model
- BabyToy: util method
- Bluetooch 4.0,another name is BLE,ios6 free access
- both os and ios
- in ios app,it's can be ues in simulator
- add support to peripheralManager Mode(for now,it's only support centralManager mode)
history verison,see wiki
- ios蓝牙开发(一)蓝牙相关基础知识
- ios蓝牙开发(二)蓝牙中心模式的ios代码实现
- ios蓝牙开发(三)app作为外设被连接的实现
- ios蓝牙开发(四)BabyBluetooth蓝牙库介绍
- 暂未完成-ios蓝牙开发(五)BabyBluetooth实现原理
- to be continue...
- coding BabyBluetooth is work hard , wish audience star BabyBluetooch for support
- if find bug or function is not enough,please issues me
- wish everyone join BabyBluetooth and active pull requests 。my code is only just beginning and it have lot of area for improvements。
- wish learning,communicating,growing with yours by pull requests in BabyBluetooch
- english grammar issue, please help for fix
- thanks