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420 lines (312 loc) · 15.5 KB

The easiest way to use Bluetooth (BLE )in ios,even bady can use . CoreBluetooth wrap.


  • CoreBluetooth wrap,simple and eary for use.
  • CoreBluetooth is dependency on delegate ,and most times,call method at delegate then go into delegate,and over and over,it's messy.BabyBluetooth favor to using block.
  • call methor in a serial,it's simple and graceful.
  • using channel switch blcoks in a group.

current verison v0.2




//import header file
#import "BabyBluetooth.h"

-(void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];

    //get babyBluetooth instance
    baby = [BabyBluetooth shareBabyBluetooth];
    //setting delegate
    [self babyDelegate];
    //just use it,no need wait CBCentralManagerStatePoweredOn

//setting delegate

    //delegate of DiscoverToPeripherals
    [baby setBlockOnDiscoverToPeripherals:^(CBCentralManager *central, CBPeripheral *peripheral, NSDictionary *advertisementData, NSNumber *RSSI) {
        NSLog(@"discovered peripheral:%@",;
    //setting filter of discoverPeripheral
    [baby setDiscoverPeripheralsFilter:^BOOL(NSString *peripheralsFilter) {
        //设置查找规则是名称大于1 , the search rule is length > 1
        if (peripheralsFilter.length >1) {
            return YES;
        return NO;



    //Singleton, recommend
    BabyBluetooth *baby = [BabyBluetooth shareBabyBluetooth];
    BabyBluetooth *baby = [[BabyBluetooth alloc]init];


    //scan for peripheral   
    //scan for ten seconds and stop (disconnect peripheral and cancel scan for)
    //setting filter of discoverPeripheral
    [baby setFilterOnDiscoverPeripherals:^BOOL(NSString *peripheralName) {
        //设置查找规则是名称大于1 , the search rule is length > 2
        if (peripheralName.length >2) {
            return YES;
        return NO;

scan for then connect

    *scan for then connect:1:setting filter 2:scan and connect
    //1:setting filter
     __block BOOL isFirst = YES;
    [baby setFilterOnConnetToPeripherals:^BOOL(NSString *peripheralName) {
        //rule:first peripheral and name start with "AAA"
        if(isFirst && [peripheralName hasPrefix:@"AAA"]){
            isFirst = NO;
            return YES;
        return NO;

    //2:scan and connect

connect direct


disconnect and cancel

  //disconnect peripheral,peripheral is a instance of CBPeripheral
  [baby cancelPeripheralConnection:peripheral];
  //disconnect all peripheral
  [baby cancelAllPeripheralsConnection];
  [baby cancelScan];


discover services、characteristic、description and those value

  //set a peripheral then discoverServices,and then characteristics and its value,then characteristics’s description name and value
  //self.peripheral is a CBPeripheral instance


  //self.peripheral and self.characteristic is instance

subscript of characteristic

            //self.peripheral and self.characteristic is instance
            [baby notify:self.currPeripheral
                   block:^(CBPeripheral *peripheral, CBCharacteristic *characteristics, NSError *error) {
                //when receive
                NSLog(@"new value %@",characteristics.value);

unsubscript of characteristic

  //self.peripheral and self.characteristic is instance
  [baby cancelNotify:self.peripheral characteristic:self.characteristic];



    //setting  delegate of discoverToPeripherals
    [baby setBlockOnDiscoverToPeripherals:^(CBCentralManager *central, CBPeripheral *peripheral, NSDictionary *advertisementData, NSNumber *RSSI) {
        NSLog(@"has scan for peropheral:%@",;
    //setting delegate of peripheral connected
    [baby setBlockOnConnected:^(CBCentralManager *central, CBPeripheral *peripheral) {

after setting delegate ,then execute serial


when scan for a peripheral,or connected peripheral,it's into delegate on

all delegate

//====================================default channel delegate======================================
//when CentralManager state changed
-(void)setBlockOnCentralManagerDidUpdateState:(void (^)(CBCentralManager *central))block;
//when find peripheral
-(void)setBlockOnDiscoverToPeripherals:(void (^)(CBCentralManager *central,CBPeripheral *peripheral,NSDictionary *advertisementData, NSNumber *RSSI))block;
//when connected peripheral
-(void)setBlockOnConnected:(void (^)(CBCentralManager *central,CBPeripheral *peripheral))block;
//when fail to connected peripheral
-(void)setBlockOnFailToConnect:(void (^)(CBCentralManager *central,CBPeripheral *peripheral,NSError *error))block;
//when disconnected peripheral
-(void)setBlockOnDisconnect:(void (^)(CBCentralManager *central,CBPeripheral *peripheral,NSError *error))block;
//when discover services of peripheral
-(void)setBlockOnDiscoverServices:(void (^)(CBPeripheral *peripheral,NSError *error))block;
//when discovered Characteristics
-(void)setBlockOnDiscoverCharacteristics:(void (^)(CBPeripheral *peripheral,CBService *service,NSError *error))block;
//when read new characteristics value 
-(void)setBlockOnReadValueForCharacteristic:(void (^)(CBPeripheral *peripheral,CBCharacteristic *characteristic,NSError *error))block;
//when discover descriptors for characteristic
-(void)setBlockOnDiscoverDescriptorsForCharacteristic:(void (^)(CBPeripheral *peripheral,CBCharacteristic *characteristic,NSError *error))block;
//when read descriptors for characteristic
-(void)setBlockOnReadValueForDescriptors:(void (^)(CBPeripheral *peripheral,CBDescriptor *descriptorNSError,NSError *error))block;

//====================================channel delegate======================================
//when CentralManager state changed
-(void)setBlockOnCentralManagerDidUpdateStateAtChannel:(NSString *)channel
                                                        block:(void (^)(CBCentralManager *central))block;
//when find peripheral
-(void)setBlockOnDiscoverToPeripheralsAtChannel:(NSString *)channel
                                          block:(void (^)(CBCentralManager *central,CBPeripheral *peripheral,NSDictionary *advertisementData, NSNumber *RSSI))block;

//when connected peripheral
-(void)setBlockOnConnectedAtChannel:(NSString *)channel
                              block:(void (^)(CBCentralManager *central,CBPeripheral *peripheral))block;

//when fail to connected peripheral
-(void)setBlockOnFailToConnectAtChannel:(NSString *)channel
                                       block:(void (^)(CBCentralManager *central,CBPeripheral *peripheral,NSError *error))block;

//when disconnected peripheral
-(void)setBlockOnDisconnectAtChannel:(NSString *)channel
                                    block:(void (^)(CBCentralManager *central,CBPeripheral *peripheral,NSError *error))block;

//when discover services of peripheral
-(void)setBlockOnDiscoverServicesAtChannel:(NSString *)channel
                                     block:(void (^)(CBPeripheral *peripheral,NSError *error))block;

//when discovered Characteristics
-(void)setBlockOnDiscoverCharacteristicsAtChannel:(NSString *)channel
                                            block:(void (^)(CBPeripheral *peripheral,CBService *service,NSError *error))block;
//when read new characteristics value
-(void)setBlockOnReadValueForCharacteristicAtChannel:(NSString *)channel
                                               block:(void (^)(CBPeripheral *peripheral,CBCharacteristic *characteristic,NSError *error))block;
//when discover descriptors for characteristic
-(void)setBlockOnDiscoverDescriptorsForCharacteristicAtChannel:(NSString *)channel
                                                         block:(void (^)(CBPeripheral *peripheral,CBCharacteristic *service,NSError *error))block;
//when read descriptors for characteristic
-(void)setBlockOnReadValueForDescriptorsAtChannel:(NSString *)channel
                                            block:(void (^)(CBPeripheral *peripheral,CBDescriptor *descriptorNSError,NSError *error))block;

//setting filter of discover peripherals
-(void)setFilterOnDiscoverPeripheralsAtChannel:(NSString *)channel
                                      filter:(BOOL (^)(NSString *peripheralName))filter;

//setting filter of connetTo peripherals
-(void)setFilterOnConnetToPeripheralsAtChannel:(NSString *)channel
                                     filter:(BOOL (^)(NSString *peripheralName))filter;

delegate at channe

delegate can switch by channel

usually in our app,more then one viewController want using bluetooth,you can setting delegate in defferent channel by group of setBlockOn...AtChannel method。and use to switch then.


    //setting channel at “detailsView” when discover to peripheral
    NSString *channelName = @"detailsChannel";
    [baby setBlockOnDiscoverToPeripheralsAtChannel:channelName
          block:^(CBCentralManager *central, CBPeripheral *peripheral, NSDictionary *advertisementData, NSNumber *RSSI) {
         NSLog(@"channel(%@) :搜索到了设备:%@",channelName,;
    //switch to channel

##default channel in serial method of baby.().().(), channel() can be everywhere but after begin(),if serial without channel(), the channel in default channel.

#serial method


in baby.().().() , the verb method and,then,with can improve code readability 。



serial method sequence

serial method in baby.().().() according to corebluetooth’s sequence and limit . the sequence is scanfor->discover peripheral -> connect peripheral ->discover service ->discover characteristic->read characteristic value or discover characteristic's descriptors -> read descriptor's value


  • begin() or stop() must end of serial
  • having(),channel() must before begin()
  • without peripheral having(instance of peripheral), connectToPeripherals() is forbid
  • without connect peripheral ,discoverServices() is forbid
  • without discoverServices() or discoverCharacteristics() , readValueForCharacteristic() 、discoverDescriptorsForCharacteristic()、readValueForDescriptors() is forbid
  • without discoverCharacteristics(),readValueForCharacteristic() or discoverDescriptorsForCharacteristic() is forbid
  • without discoverDescriptorsForCharacteristic(),readValueForDescriptors() is forbid

how to install

##1 manual step1: let src folder‘s files import your project

step2:import .h

#import "BabyBluetooth.h"

##2 cocoapods not support for now

demo explain

BabyBluetoothExamples/BabyBluetoothAppDemo :similar to lightblue ,implement by BabyBluetooch


  • 1:scan for nearby bluetooch peripheral
  • 2:cannect and discover peripheral’s services and characteristic
  • 3:read characteristic and characteristic‘s value,and descriptors or descriptors's value
  • 4:write 0x01 to characteristic
  • 5:subscription/unsubscription characteristic

BabyBluetoothExamples/BabyBluetoothOSDemo :mac osx app,osx and ios is not diffent on CoreBluetooth,so BabyBluetooth can use in both ios and osx 。 functionality

  • 1:scanfor peripheral, conncet peripheral 、read characteristic,read characteristic 's value,discover descriptors and descriptors's value,the message all in nslog,this app none UI

project struct

  • BabyBluetooth: implement serial method, also is BabyBluetooth facade
  • Babysister: centralManager delegate calss ,it's handler serial method and implement dilter and block callback
  • BabySpeaker: implement chanel of block get and set
  • BabyCallback: block and filter's model
  • BabyToy: util method


  • Bluetooch 4.0,another name is BLE,ios6 free access
  • both os and ios
  • in ios app,it's can be ues in simulator

next verison

  • add support to peripheralManager Mode(for now,it's only support centralManager mode)

history verison,see wiki

ios bluetooth learning resource(chinese)


  • coding BabyBluetooth is work hard , wish audience star BabyBluetooch for support
  • if find bug or function is not enough,please issues me
  • wish everyone join BabyBluetooth and active pull requests 。my code is only just beginning and it have lot of area for improvements。
  • wish learning,communicating,growing with yours by pull requests in BabyBluetooch
  • english grammar issue, please help for fix
  • thanks