copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2022-06-24 |
dns-svcs |
{: #list-perm-nets}
List all permitted networks and get the details of a permitted network in your linked zone by using the UI, CLI, or API. {: shortdesc}
{: #ui-get-details-perm-nets} {: ui}
To get the details of a permitted network using the UI, take the following steps:
- Navigate to the Zones section of your {{}} instance, then select the Linked zones tab.
- Click the link in the Zone name column of the linked zone you want to view.
In the Linked zone details page, the Permitted networks tab lists the details of the permitted network.
{: #cli-list-perm-nets} {: cli}
To list a permitted network using the CLI, run the following command:
ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zones [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]
{: pre}
- -i, --instance value is the instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance specified by
ibmcloud dns instance-target INSTANCE
is used. - --output value specifies the output format. Currently,
is the only supported format.
{: #cli-get-details-perm-nets}
To get the details of a permitted network using the API, run the following command:
ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zone LINKED_ZONE_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]
{: pre}
- LINKED_ZONE_ID is the ID of permitted network.
- -i, --instance value is the instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance specified by
ibmcloud dns instance-target INSTANCE
is used. - --output value specifies the output format. Currently,
is the only supported format.
{: #api-list-perm-nets} {: api}
To list all linked zones using the API, follow these steps:
Set up your API environment with the correct variables.
Store the following values in variables to be used in the API command:
, which is the unique identifier of a service instance.LINKED_DNSZONE_ID
which is the unique identifier of a linked zone.IAM_TOKEN
, which is the IAM authorization token.
When all variables are initiated, list the linked zones:
curl -X GET \$INSTANCE_ID/linked_dnszones/$LINKED_DNSZONE_ID/permitted_networks \ -H "Authorization: $IAM_TOKEN"
{: codeblock}
{: #api-get-details-perm-nets}
To get the details of a permitted network using the API, follow these steps:
Set up your API environment with the correct variables.
Store the following values in variables to be used in the API command:
, which is the unique identifier of a service instance.LINKED_DNSZONE_ID
which is the unique identifier of a linked zone.PERMITTED_NETWORK_ID
which is the unique identifier of a permitted networkIAM_TOKEN
, which is the IAM authorization token.
When all variables are initiated, get the details of the permitted network:
curl -X GET \$INSTANCE_ID/linked_dnszones/$LINKED_DNSZONE_ID/permitted_networks/$PERMITTED_NETWORK_ID \ -H "Authorization: $IAM_TOKEN"
{: codeblock}