The Cloneable interface was intended(目的) as a mixin interface (Item 20) for classes to advertise that they permit cloning. Unfortunately, it fails to serve this purpose. Its primary flaw(n. 瑕疵,缺点) is that it lacks a clone method, and Object’s clone method is protected. You cannot, without resorting(求助) to reflection (Item 65), invoke clone on an object merely(adv. 仅仅,只是) because it implements Cloneable.Even a reflective invocation may fail, because there is no guarantee(n. 保证;担保) that the object has an accessible clone method. Despite this flaw and many others, the facility(n. 设施;设备) is in reasonably wide use, so it pays to understand it. This item tells you how to implement a well-behaved clone method, discusses when it is appropriate to do so, and presents alternatives.
So what does Cloneable do, given that it contains no methods? It determines the behavior of Object’s protected clone implementation: if a class implements Cloneable, Object’s clone method returns a field-byfield copy of the object; otherwise it throws CloneNotSupportedException. This is a highly atypical use of interfaces and not one to be emulated. Normally, implementing an interface says something about what a class can do for its clients. In this case, it modifies the behavior of a protected method on a superclass.
Though the specification(n. 规格;说明书;详述) doesn’t say it, in practice, a class implementing Cloneable is expected to provide a properly(adv. 适当地;正确地;恰当地) functioning public clone method. In order to achieve(vt. 取得;获得;实现;) this, the class and all of its superclasses must obey a complex(adj. 复杂的;合成的), unenforceable, thinly documented protocol. The resulting mechanism is fragile, dangerous, and extralinguistic(adj. 语言以外的;语言学以外的): it creates objects without calling a constructor.
The general contract for the clone method is weak. Here it is, copied from the Object specification(n. 规格;说明书;详述) :
Creates and returns a copy of this object. The precise meaning of “copy” may depend on the class of the object. The general intent(n. 意图;目的;含义,adj. 专心的;急切的;坚决的) is that, for any object x,the expression
x.clone() != x
will be true, and the expression
x.clone().getClass() == x.getClass()
will be true, but these are not absolute requirements(n. 要求;必要条件;). While it is typically the case that
will be true, this is not an absolute requirement.
By convention(n. 大会;惯例;约定;协定;习俗), the object returned by this method should be obtained(v. 获得) by calling super.clone. If a class and all of its superclasses (except Object) obey this convention, it will be the case that
x.clone().getClass() == x.getClass().
By convention, the returned object should be independent of the object being cloned. To achieve this independence, it may be necessary to modify one or more fields of the object returned by super.clone before returning it.
This mechanism is vaguely similar to constructor chaining, except that it isn’t enforced: if a class’s clone method returns an instance that is not obtained by calling super.clone but by calling a constructor, the compiler won’t complain, but if a subclass of that class calls super.clone, the resulting object will have the wrong class, preventing the subclass from clone method from working properly. If a class that overrides clone is final, this convention may be safely ignored, as there are no subclasses to worry about. But if a final class has a clone method that does not invoke super.clone, there is no reason for the class to implement Cloneable, as it doesn’t rely on the behavior of Object’s clone implementation.
Suppose you want to implement Cloneable in a class whose superclass provides a well-behaved clone method. First call super.clone. The object you get back will be a fully functional replica of the original. Any fields declared in your class will have values identical to those of the original. If every field contains a primitive value or a reference to an immutable object, the returned object may be exactly what you need, in which case no further processing is necessary. This is the case, for example, for the PhoneNumber class in Item 11, but note that immutable classes should never provide a clone method because it would merely encourage wasteful copying. With that caveat, here’s how a clone method for PhoneNumber would look:
// Clone method for class with no references to mutable state
@Override public PhoneNumber clone() {
try {
return (PhoneNumber) super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new AssertionError(); // Can't happen
In order for this method to work, the class declaration for PhoneNumber would have to be modified to indicate that it implements Cloneable. Though Object’s clone method returns Object, this clone method returns PhoneNumber. It is legal and desirable to do this because Java supports covariant return types. In other words, an overriding method’s return type can be a subclass of the overridden method’s return type. This eliminates the need for casting in the client. We must cast the result of super.clone from Object to PhoneNumber before returning it, but the cast is guaranteed to succeed.
The call to super.clone is contained in a try-catch block. This is because Object declares its clone method to throw CloneNotSupportedException, which is a checked exception. Because PhoneNumber implements Cloneable, we know the call to super.clone will succeed. The need for this boilerplate indicates that CloneNotSupportedException should have been unchecked (Item 71).
If an object contains fields that refer to mutable objects, the simple clone implementation shown earlier can be disastrous. For example, consider the Stack class in Item 7:
public class Stack {
private Object[] elements;
private int size = 0;
private static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 16;
public Stack() {
this.elements = new Object[DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY];
public void push(Object e) {
elements[size++] = e;
public Object pop() {
if (size == 0)
throw new EmptyStackException();
Object result = elements[--size];
elements[size] = null; // Eliminate obsolete reference
return result;
// Ensure space for at least one more element.
private void ensureCapacity() {
if (elements.length == size)
elements = Arrays.copyOf(elements, 2 * size + 1);
Suppose you want to make this class cloneable. If the clone method merely(adv. 仅仅,只不过;只是) returns super.clone(), the resulting Stack instance will have the correct value in its size field, but its elements field will refer to the same array as the original Stack instance. Modifying the original will destroy the invariants in the clone and vice versa. You will quickly find that your program produces nonsensical results or throws a NullPointerException.
This situation could never occur as a result of calling the sole constructor in the Stack class. In effect, the clone method functions as a constructor;you must ensure that it does no harm to the original object and that it properly establishes invariants on the clone. In order for the clone method on Stack to work properly, it must copy the internals of the stack. The easiest way to do this is to call clone recursively on the elements array:
// Clone method for class with references to mutable state
@Override public Stack clone() {
try {
Stack result = (Stack) super.clone();
result.elements = elements.clone();
return result;
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new AssertionError();
Note that we do not have to cast the result of elements.clone to Object[]. Calling clone on an array returns an array whose runtime and compile-time types are identical to those of the array being cloned. This is the preferred idiom to duplicate an array. In fact, arrays are the sole compelling use of the clone facility(n. 设施;设备;容易;灵巧).
Note also that the earlier solution would not work if the elements field were final because clone would be prohibited from assigning a new value to the field. This is a fundamental problem: like serialization, the Cloneable architecture is incompatible with normal use of final fields referring to mutable objects, except in cases where the mutable objects may be safely shared between an object and its clone. In order to make a class cloneable, it may be necessary to remove final modifiers from some fields.
It is not always sufficient(adj. 足够的;充分的) merely to call clone recursively. For example,suppose you are writing a clone method for a hash table whose internals consist of an array of buckets, each of which references the first entry in a linked list of key-value pairs. For performance, the class implements its own lightweight singly linked list instead of using java.util.LinkedList internally:
public class HashTable implements Cloneable {
private Entry[] buckets = ...;
private static class Entry {
final Object key;
Object value;
Entry next;
Entry(Object key, Object value, Entry next) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value; = next;
} ... // Remainder omitted
Suppose you merely clone the bucket array recursively, as we did for Stack:
// Broken clone method - results in shared mutable state!
@Override public HashTable clone() {
try {
HashTable result = (HashTable) super.clone();
result.buckets = buckets.clone();
return result;
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new AssertionError();
Though the clone has its own bucket array, this array references the same linked lists as the original, which can easily cause nondeterministic behavior in both the clone and the original. To fix this problem, you’ll have to copy the linked list that comprises each bucket. Here is one common approach:
// Recursive clone method for class with complex mutable state
public class HashTable implements Cloneable {
private Entry[] buckets = ...;
private static class Entry {
final Object key;
Object value;
Entry next;
Entry(Object key, Object value, Entry next) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value; = next;
// Recursively copy the linked list headed by this Entry
Entry deepCopy() {
return new Entry(key, value,next == null ? null : next.deepCopy());
@Override public HashTable clone() {
try {
HashTable result = (HashTable) super.clone();
result.buckets = new Entry[buckets.length];
for (int i = 0; i < buckets.length; i++)
if (buckets[i] != null)
result.buckets[i] = buckets[i].deepCopy();
return result;
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new AssertionError();
} ... // Remainder omitted
The private class HashTable.Entry has been augmented to support a “deep copy” method. The clone method on HashTable allocates a new buckets array of the proper size and iterates over the original buckets array,deep-copying each nonempty bucket. The deepCopy method on Entry invokes itself recursively to copy the entire linked list headed by the entry. While this technique is cute and works fine if the buckets aren’t too long, it is not a good way to clone a linked list because it consumes one stack frame for each element in the list. If the list is long, this could easily cause a stack overflow. To prevent this from happening, you can replace the recursion in deepCopy with iteration:
// Iteratively copy the linked list headed by this Entry
Entry deepCopy() {
Entry result = new Entry(key, value, next);
for (Entry p = result; != null; p = = new Entry(,,;
return result;
A final approach to cloning complex mutable objects is to call super.clone, set all of the fields in the resulting object to their initial state,and then call higher-level methods to regenerate the state of the original object.In the case of our HashTable example, the buckets field would be initialized to a new bucket array, and the put(key, value) method (not shown) would be invoked for each key-value mapping in the hash table being cloned. This approach typically yields a simple, reasonably elegant clone method that does not run as quickly as one that directly manipulates the innards of the clone. While this approach is clean, it is antithetical to the whole Cloneable architecture because it blindly overwrites the field-by-field object copy that forms the basis of the architecture.
克隆复杂可变对象的最后一种方法是调用super.clone,将结果对象中的所有字段设置为初始状态,然后调用更高级别的方法重新生成原始对象的状态。在我们的HashTable示例中,bucket字段将初始化为一个新的bucket数组,并且对于克隆的散列表中的每个键值映射将调用put(key, value)方法(未显示)。这种方法通常产生一个简单、相当优雅的克隆方法,它的运行速度不如直接操作克隆的内部的方法快。虽然这种方法很简洁,但它与整个可克隆体系结构是对立的,因为它盲目地覆盖了构成体系结构基础的逐字段对象副本。
Like a constructor, a clone method must never invoke an overridable method on the clone under construction (Item 19). If clone invokes a method that is overridden in a subclass, this method will execute before the subclass has had a chance to fix its state in the clone, quite possibly leading to corruption in the clone and the original. Therefore, the put(key, value) method discussed in the previous paragraph should be either final or private. (If it is private, it is presumably the “helper method” for a nonfinal public method.)
与构造函数一样,克隆方法决不能在正在构建的克隆上调用可覆盖方法(项目19)。如果clone调用一个在子类中被重写的方法,这个方法将在子类有机会修复其在克隆中的状态之前执行,很可能导致克隆和原始的破坏。因此,前一段中讨论的put(key, value)方法应该是final或private方法。(如果它是私有的,那么它可能是非最终公共方法的“助手方法”。)
Object’s clone method is declared to throw CloneNotSupportedException, but overriding methods need not. Public clone methods should omit the throws clause, as methods that don’t throw checked exceptions are easier to use (Item 71).
对象的clone方法被声明为抛出CloneNotSupportedException异常,但是重写方法不需要。公共克隆方法应该省略throw子句, 作为不抛出受控异常的方法更容易使用(Item-71)。
You have two choices when designing a class for inheritance (Item 19), but whichever one you choose, the class should not implement Cloneable. You may choose to mimic the behavior of Object by implementing a properly functioning protected clone method that is declared to throw CloneNotSupportedException. This gives subclasses the freedom to implement Cloneable or not, just as if they extended Object directly.Alternatively, you may choose not to implement a working clone method, and to prevent subclasses from implementing one, by providing the following degenerate clone implementation:
// clone method for extendable class not supporting Cloneable
protected final Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
throw new CloneNotSupportedException();
There is one more detail that bears noting. If you write a thread-safe class that implements Cloneable, remember that its clone method must be properly synchronized, just like any other method (Item 78). Object’s clone method is not synchronized, so even if its implementation is otherwise satisfactory, you may have to write a synchronized clone method that returns super.clone().
To recap, all classes that implement Cloneable should override clone with a public method whose return type is the class itself. This method should first call super.clone, then fix any fields that need fixing. Typically, this means copying any mutable objects that comprise the internal “deep structure” of the object and replacing the clone’s references to these objects with references to their copies. While these internal copies can usually be made by calling clone recursively, this is not always the best approach. If the class contains only primitive fields or references to immutable objects, then it is likely the case that no fields need to be fixed. There are exceptions to this rule. For example, a field representing a serial number or other unique ID will need to be fixed even if it is primitive or immutable.
Is all this complexity really necessary? Rarely. If you extend a class that already implements Cloneable, you have little choice but to implement a well-behaved clone method. Otherwise, you are usually better off providing an alternative means of object copying. A better approach to object copying is to provide a copy constructor or copy factory. A copy constructor is simply a constructor that takes a single argument whose type is the class containing the constructor, for example,
// Copy constructor
public Yum(Yum yum) { ... };
A copy factory is the static factory (Item 1) analogue of a copy constructor:
// Copy factory
public static Yum newInstance(Yum yum) { ... };
The copy constructor approach and its static factory variant have many advantages over Cloneable/clone: they don’t rely on a risk-prone extralinguistic object creation mechanism; they don’t demand unenforceable adherence to thinly documented conventions; they don’t conflict with the proper use of final fields; they don’t throw unnecessary checked exceptions; and they don’t require casts.
Furthermore, a copy constructor or factory can take an argument whose type is an interface implemented by the class. For example, by convention all generalpurpose collection implementations provide a constructor whose argument is of type Collection or Map. Interface-based copy constructors and factories,more properly known as conversion constructors and conversion factories, allow the client to choose the implementation type of the copy rather than forcing the client to accept the implementation type of the original. For example, suppose you have a HashSet, s, and you want to copy it as a TreeSet. The clone method can’t offer this functionality, but it’s easy with a conversion constructor:new TreeSet<>(s).
此外,复制构造函数或工厂可以接受类型为类实现的接口的参数。例如,按照约定,所有通用集合实现都提供一个构造函数,其参数为collection或Map类型。基于接口的复制构造函数和工厂(更确切地称为转换构造函数和转换工厂)允许客户端选择副本的实现类型,而不是强迫客户端接受原始的实现类型。例如,假设您有一个HashSet s,并且希望将它复制为TreeSet。克隆方法不能提供这种功能,但是使用转换构造函数很容易:new TreeSet<>(s)。
Given all the problems associated(adj. 关联的;联合的) with Cloneable, new interfaces should not extend it, and new extendable classes should not implement it. While it’s less harmful for final classes to implement Cloneable, this should be viewed as a performance optimization, reserved for the rare cases where it is justified (Item 67). As a rule, copy functionality is best provided by constructors or factories. A notable exception to this rule is arrays, which are best copied with the clone method.