In order to access ICTFax , there are some steps that should be followed.
- Remote Server
- Install Git
- Install NPM and Node
- Install Angular Cli
- Build Project
- Change Server
To build ICTFax on a remote server, a remote connection must be established by SSH.
Establishing this connection requires following steps:
Type this command in terminal and enter the Password afterwards :
You are on the way of building project.
Install git to clone the repository. To install git and other dependencies use the following command:
dnf install git make gcc-c++
For previous versions of OS i.e CentOS and Fedora21 use this command:
yum install git make gcc-c++
Once the installation is complete , clone the repository using:
git clone ~/ictfax-gui
Download the source code.
For installation of npm following commands can be used:
echo 'export PATH=$HOME/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc. ~/.bashrc
make a new folder by :
mkdir ~/local
install node:
mkdir ~/node-latest-install
cd ~/node-latest-install
curl | tar xz --strip-components=1./ configure --prefix=~/local
make install
The last command installs all the npm and node files into a new directory, which might take some time.
This software is built in Angular therefore Angular cli is required for working. Angular cli will be installed by typing the following command in terminal:
npm install -g @angular/cli
Replacing API_URL variable with domain name or IP address of the server will change server. For this navigate to src>environments/
and open the
Find the following lines and make changes to these:
API_URL: '/api',
replace these lines with the following ones:
API_URL: 'http://your.domain.tld/api',
Build the project, use the following commands for this purpose:
cd ~/ictfax-gui
npm install
ng build --env=prod
Now you can manage ICTFax on the new server.
Note : If you want to change the API after build, then open the dist folder which is created after ng build --env=prod command, find the file main.bundle.js , open this file, and change the API_URL with the desired one.