- Rename auto coembedding name and proteinGPS. --algorithm auto option is depreacted and --algorithm proteingps should be used. The coembedding implementation was moved to ProteinGPSCoEmbeddingGenerator class and AutoCoEmbeddingGenerator is deprecated and calls proteingps. The package name was renamed from autoembed_sc to proteingps.
- Added mean_losses mean loses flag and argument in ProteinGPSCoEmbeddingGenerator. If set, uses mean of losses otherwise sum of losses.
- Constants updated in ProteinGPSCoEmbeddingGenerator (triplet_margin=0.2) and in proteingps's fit_predict (triplet_margin=0.2, lambda_reconstruction=5.0, lambda_triplet=5.0)
- Bug fix: add missing a .to(device) call to ensure tensors are correctly moved to the appropriate device.
- Update version bounds of required packages
- Added README generation.
- Refactor code.
- Bug fix: raise more informative error when no embeddings overlap.
- Added
flag to pass a path to json file with provenance information. This removes the necessity of input directory to be an RO-Crate.
- Added a new coembedding algorithm accessible via flag
--algorithm auto
. This algorithm utilizes neural networks to generate latent embeddings, optimizing both reconstruction and triplet losses to improve embedding accuracy by learning intra- and inter-modality relationships.
- First release on PyPI.