- pipmath
- constants
- __init__
- signatures
- idex_types
- idex_types.websocket.guards
- idex_types.websocket.constants
- idex_types.websocket.request
- idex_types.websocket
- idex_types.websocket.response
- WebSocketResponseTickerShort
- WebSocketResponseCandleShort
- WebSocketResponseCandleLong
- WebSocketResponseTradeShort
- WebSocketResponseLiquidityPoolShort
- WebSocketResponseLiquidityPoolLong
- WebSocketResponseL1OrderBookShort
- WebSocketResponseL1OrderBookLong
- WebSocketResponseL2OrderBookShort
- WebSocketResponseL2OrderBookLong
- WebSocketResponseBalanceShort
- WebSocketResponseBalanceLong
- WebSocketResponseOrderFillShort
- WebSocketResponseOrderShort
- WebSocketResponseOrderLong
- WebSocketResponseTokenPriceShort
- WebSocketResponseTokenPriceLong
- WebSocketResponseError
- WebSocketResponseSubscriptions
- idex_types.enums
- idex_types.order_book
- idex_types.errors
- idex_types.rest.guards
- idex_types.rest.request
- RestRequestFindLiquidityPools
- RestRequestAddLiquidity
- RestRequestRemoveLiquidity
- RestRequestFindLiquidityAddition
- RestRequestFindLiquidityRemoval
- RestRequestFindLiquidityChanges
- RestRequestCancelOrders
- RestRequestFindBalances
- RestRequestFindCandles
- RestRequestFindDeposit
- RestRequestFindDeposits
- RestRequestFindFill
- RestRequestFindFills
- RestRequestFindMarkets
- RestRequestFindOrder
- RestRequestFindOrders
- RestRequestFindTrades
- RestRequestFindWithdrawal
- RestRequestFindWithdrawals
- RestRequestAssociateWallet
- idex_types.rest
- idex_types.rest.response
- RestResponseBalance
- RestResponseCandle
- RestResponseDeposit
- RestResponseExchangeInfo
- RestResponseOrderFill
- RestResponseFill
- RestResponseLiquidityPool
- RestResponseLiquidityAddition
- RestResponseLiquidityPoolReserves
- RestResponseLiquidityRemoval
- RestResponseMarket
- RestResponseOrder
- RestResponseTicker
- RestResponseTrade
- RestResponseUser
- RestResponseWallet
- RestResponseWithdrawal
- RestResponseAssociateWallet
- order_book
- order_book.api_conversions
- order_book.hybrid
- order_book.quantities
- calculate_gross_base_quantity
- calculate_gross_base_value_of_buy_quantities
- calculate_gross_quote_quantity
- calculate_gross_quote_value_of_sell_quantities
- calculate_base_quantity_out
- calculate_quote_quantity_out
- calculate_synthetic_price_levels
- recalculate_hybrid_level_amounts
- sort_and_merge_levels_unadjusted
- quantities_available_from_pool_at_ask_price
- quantities_available_from_pool_at_bid_price
- aggregate_l2_order_book_at_tick_size
- l1_or_l2_best_available_prices
- l1_l2_order_books_with_minimum_taker
- validate_synthetic_price_level_inputs
- adjust_price_to_tick_size
- order_book.utils
- client
- client.websocket.client
- client.websocket
- client.websocket.utils
- client.websocket.transform
- client.utils
- client.order_book
- client.order_book.real_time
- client.order_book.utils
- client.rest.public
- client.rest
- client.rest.authenticated
- RestAuthenticatedClient
- add_liquidity
- remove_liquidity
- get_liquidity_addition
- get_liquidity_additions
- get_liquidity_removal
- get_liquidity_removals
- get_user
- get_wallets
- get_balances
- associate_wallet
- create_order
- create_test_order
- cancel_order
- cancel_orders
- get_order
- get_orders
- get_fill
- get_fills
- get_deposit
- get_deposits
- withdraw
- get_withdrawal
- get_withdrawals
- get_ws_token
- RestAuthenticatedClient
def create_private_key_message_signer(
wallet_private_key: str) -> MessageSigner
Returns a function which signs a message with the originally provided private key.
- Private key to use when signing messages
The message signing function
class WebSocketRequestTickersSubscription(TypedDict)
Tickers subscription
- 'tickers'markets
- array of market symbols
class WebSocketRequestCandlesSubscription(TypedDict)
Candles subscription
- 'candles'markets
- array of market symbolsinterval
- candle interval
class WebSocketRequestTokenPriceSubscription(TypedDict)
Token price subscription
- 'tokenprice'markets
- array of market symbols
class WebSocketRequestTradesSubscription(TypedDict)
Trades subscription
- 'trades'markets
- array of market symbols
class WebSocketRequestL1OrderBookSubscription(TypedDict)
L1 order book subscription
- 'l1orderbook'markets
- array of market symbols
class WebSocketRequestL2OrderBookSubscription(TypedDict)
L2 order book subscription
- 'l2orderbook'markets
- array of market symbols
class WebSocketRequestWallet(TypedDict)
wallet is required and is only handled by the idex-sdk. It is used to auto generate the required wsToken
class WebSocketResponseTickerShort(TypedDict)
- (market) Market symbolt
- (time) Timestamp when the statistics were computed, the opening time of the period is 24 hours prioro
- (open) Price of the first trade in the period in quote termsh
- (high) Highest traded price in the period in quote termsl
- (low) Lowest traded price in the period in quote termsc
- (close) Price of the last trade in the period in quote termsQ
- (closeQuantity) Quantity of the last trade in th period in base termsv
- (baseVolume) Trailing 24-hour trading volume in base termsq
- (quoteVolume) Trailing 24-hour trading volume in quote termsP
- (percentChange) Percentage change from open price to close pricen
- (numTrades) Number of trades in the perioda
- (ask) Best ask price on the order book in quote termsb
- (bid) Best bid price on the order book in quote termsu
- (sequence) Fill sequence number of the last trade in the period
class WebSocketResponseCandleShort(TypedDict)
- (market) Market symbolt
- (time) Timestamp when the statistics were computed, time is always between the start and end timestamps of the intervali
- (interval) Interval duration, see Interval Valuess
- (start) Timestamp of the start of the intervale
- (end) Timestamp of the end of the intervalo
- (open) Price of the first trade in the interval in quote termsh
- (high) Highest traded price in the interval in quote termsl
- (low) Lowest traded price in the interval in quote termsc
- (close) Price of the last trade in the interval in quote termsv
- (volume) Trading volume in the interval in base termsn
- (numTrades) Number of trades in the candleu
- (sequence) Fill sequence number of the last trade in the interval
class WebSocketResponseCandleLong(rest_response.RestResponseCandle)
- Market symboltime
- Timestamp when the statistics were computed, time is always between the start and end timestamps of the intervalinterval
- Interval duration, see Interval Valuesstart
- Timestamp of the start of the intervalend
- Timestamp of the end of the intervalopen
- Price of the first trade in the interval in quote termshigh
- Highest traded price in the interval in quote termslow
- Lowest traded price in the interval in quote termsclose
- Price of the last trade in the interval in quote termsvolume
- Trading volume in the interval in base termsnumTrades
- Number of trades in the candlesequence
- Fill sequence number of the last trade in the interval
class WebSocketResponseTradeShort(TypedDict)
- (type) orderBook, pool, or hybridm
- (market) Market symboli
- (fillId) Trade identifierp
- (price) Price of the trade in quote termsq
- (quantity) Quantity of the trade in base termsQ
- (quoteQuantity) Quantity of the trade in quote termst
- (time) Timestamp of the trades
- (makerSide) Maker side of the trade, buy or sellu
- (sequence) Fill sequence number of the trade
class WebSocketResponseLiquidityPoolShort(TypedDict)
- (baseReserveQuantity) quantity of base asset held in the liquidity poolQ
- (quoteReserveQuantity) quantity of quote asset held in the liquidity pool
class WebSocketResponseLiquidityPoolLong(TypedDict)
- quantity of base asset held in the liquidity poolquoteReserveQuantity
- quantity of quote asset held in the liquidity pool
class WebSocketResponseL1OrderBookShort(TypedDict)
- (market) Market symbolt
- (time) Timestamp of the order book updateb
- (bidPrice) Best bid priceB
- (bidQuantity) Quantity available at the best bid pricea
- (askPrice) Best ask priceA
- (askQuantity) Quantity available at the best ask pricep
- Liquidity pool reserves for this market
class WebSocketResponseL1OrderBookLong(TypedDict)
- Market symboltime
- Timestamp of the order book updatebidPrice
- Best bid pricebidQuantity
- Quantity available at the best bid priceaskPrice
- Best ask priceaskQuantity
- Quantity available at the best ask pricepool
- Liquidity pool reserves for this market
class WebSocketResponseL2OrderBookShort(TypedDict)
- (market) Market symbolt
- (time) Timestamp of the order book updateu
- (sequence) Order book update sequence number of the updateb
- (bids) Array of bid price level updatesa
- (asks) Array of ask price level updatesp
- Liquidity pool reserves for this market
class WebSocketResponseL2OrderBookLong(TypedDict)
- Market symboltime
- Timestamp of the order book updatesequence
- Order book update sequence number of the updatebids
- Array of bid price level updatesasks
- Array of ask price level updatespool
- liquidity pool reservesp
- Liquidity pool reserves for this market
class WebSocketResponseBalanceShort(TypedDict)
- (wallet) Target wallet addressa
- (asset) Asset symbolq
- (quantity) Total quantity of the asset held by the wallet on the exchangef
- (availableForTrade) Quantity of the asset available for trading; quantity: lockedl
- (locked) Quantity of the asset held in trades on the order bookd
- (usdValue) Total value of the asset held by the wallet on the exchange in USD
class WebSocketResponseBalanceLong(TypedDict)
- Target wallet addressasset
- Asset symbolquantity
- Total quantity of the asset held by the wallet on the exchangeavailableForTrade
- Quantity of the asset available for trading; quantity: lockedlocked
- Quantity of the asset held in trades on the order bookusdValue
- Total value of the asset held by the wallet on the exchange in USD
class WebSocketResponseOrderFillShort(
- (fillId) Fill identifierp
- (price) Price of the fill in quote termsq
- (quantity) Quantity of the fill in base termsQ
- (quoteQuantity) Quantity of the fill in quote termsoq
- Quantity of the fill in base terms supplied by order book liquidity, omitted for pool fillsoQ
- Quantity of the fill in quote terms supplied by order book liquidity, omitted for pool fillspq
- Quantity of the fill in base terms supplied by pool liquidity, omitted for orderBook fillspQ
- Quantity of the fill in quote terms supplied by pool liquidity, omitted for orderBook fillst
- (time) Timestamp of the fills
- (makerSide) Maker side of the fill, buy or sellu
- (sequence) Fill sequence numberf
- (fee) Fee amount collected on the filla
- (feeAsset) Symbol of asset in which fees collectedg
- (gas) Amount collected to cover trade settlement gas costs, only present for takerl
- (liquidity) Whether the fill is the maker or taker in the trade from the perspective of the requesting user account, maker or takerT
- (txId) Ethereum ID of the trade settlement transactionS
- (txStatus) Status of the trade settlement transaction, see values
class WebSocketResponseOrderShort(_WebSocketResponseOrderShortRequiredAttribs)
- (market) Market symboli
- (orderId) Exchange-assigned order identifierc
- (clientOrderId) Client-specified order identifier w : (wallet) Ethereum address of placing wallett
- (executionTime) Timestamp of the most recent updateT
- (time) Timestamp of initial order processing by the matching enginex
- (update) Type of order update, see valuesX
- (status) Order status, see valuesu
- (sequence) order book update sequence number, only included if update type triggers an order book updateo
- (type) Order type, see valuesS
- (side) Order side, buy or sellq
- (originalQuantity) Original quantity specified by the order in base terms, omitted for market orders specified in quote termsQ
- (originalQuoteQuantity) Original quantity specified by the order in quote terms, only present for market orders specified in quote termz
- (executedQuantity) Quantity that has been executed in base termsZ
- (cumulativeQuoteQuantity) Cumulative quantity that has been spent (buy orders) or received (sell orders) in quote terms, omitted if unavailable for historical ordersv
- (avgExecutionPrice) Weighted average price of fills associated with the order; only present with fillsp
- (price) Original price specified by the order in quote terms, omitted for all market ordersP
- (stopPrice) Stop loss or take profit price, only present for stopLoss, stopLossLimit, takeProfit, and takeProfitLimit ordersf
- (timeInForce) Time in force policy, see values, only present for limit ordersV
- (selfTradePrevention) Self-trade prevention policy, see valuesF
- (fills) Array of order fill objects
class WebSocketResponseOrderLong(_WebSocketResponseOrderLongRequiredAttribs)
- Market symbolorderId
- Exchange-assigned order identifierclientOrderId
- Client-specified order identifierwallet
- Ethereum address of placing walletexecutionTime
- Timestamp of the most recent updatetime
- Timestamp of initial order processing by the matching engineupdate
- Type of order update, see valuesstatus
- Order status, see valuessequence
- order book update sequence number, only included if update type triggers an order book updatetype
- Order type, see valuesside
- Order side, buy or selloriginalQuantity
- Original quantity specified by the order in base terms, omitted for market orders specified in quote termsoriginalQuoteQuantity
- Original quantity specified by the order in quote terms, only present for market orders specified in quote termsexecutedQuantity
- Quantity that has been executed in base termscumulativeQuoteQuantity
- Cumulative quantity that has been spent (buy orders) or received (sell orders) in quote terms, omitted if unavailable for historical ordersavgExecutionPrice
- Weighted average price of fills associated with the order; only present with fillsprice
- Original price specified by the order in quote terms, omitted for all market ordersstopPrice
- Stop loss or take profit price, only present for stopLoss, stopLossLimit, takeProfit, and takeProfitLimit orderstimeInForce
- Time in force policy, see values, only present for limit ordersselfTradePrevention
- Self-trade prevention policy, see valuesfills
- Array of order fill objects
class WebSocketResponseTokenPriceShort(TypedDict)
- (token) Token symbolp
- (price) Current price of token relative to the native asset
class WebSocketResponseTokenPriceLong(TypedDict)
- Token symbolprice
- Current price of token relative to the native asset
class WebSocketResponseError(_WebSocketResponseErrorRequiredAttribs)
Error response
cid error data
- error short codedata.message
- human readable error message
class WebSocketResponseSubscriptions(
Subscriptions response
- subscriptions subscriptionsSubscription.name
- subscription nameSubscription.markets
- marketsSubscription.interval
- candle intervalSubscription.wallet
- wallet address
class OrderBookFeesAndMinimums(TypedDict)
- Taker trade fee rate collected by IDEX; used in computing synthetic price levels for real-time order booktakerLiquidityProviderFeeRate
- Taker trade fee rate collected by liquidity providers; used in computing synthetic price levels for real-time order booktakerTradeMinimum
- Minimum order size that is accepted by the matching engine for execution in MATIC, applies to both MATIC and token
class RestRequestFindLiquidityPools(TypedDict)
- Target markettokenA
- Address of one reserve tokentokenB
- Address of one reserve token
class RestRequestAddLiquidity(TypedDict)
- UUIDv1wallet
- Ethereum wallet addresstokenA
- Asset by addresstokenB
- Asset by addressamountADesired
- Maximum amount of tokenA to add to the liquidity poolamountBDesired
- Maximum amount of tokenB to add to the liquidity poolamountAMin
- Minimum amount of tokenA to add to the liquidity poolamountBMin
- Minimum amount of tokenB to add to the liquidity poolto
- Wallet to credit LP tokens, or the custodian contract address to leave on exchange
class RestRequestRemoveLiquidity(TypedDict)
- UUIDv1wallet
- Ethereum wallet addresstokenA
- Asset by addresstokenB
- Asset by addressliquidity
- LP tokens to burnamountAMin
- Minimum amount of tokenA to add to the liquidity poolamountBMin
- Minimum amount of tokenB to add to the liquidity poolto
- Wallet to credit LP tokens, or the custodian contract address to leave on exchange
class RestRequestFindLiquidityAddition(RestRequestFindLiquidityChange,
- UUIDv1wallet
- Ethereum wallet addressliquidityAdditionId
- Single liquidityAdditionId to return; exclusive with initiatingTxIdinitiatingTxId
- Transaction id of the Exchange contract addLiquidity or addLiquidityETH call transaction, only applies to chain-initiated liquidity additions; exclusive with liquidityAdditionIdstart
- Starting timestamp (inclusive)end
- Ending timestamp (inclusive)limit
- Max results to return from 1-1000fromId
- Liquidity additions created at the same timestamp or after fromId
class RestRequestFindLiquidityRemoval(RestRequestFindLiquidityChange,
- UUIDv1wallet
- Ethereum wallet addressliquidityRemovalId
- Single liquidityRemovalId to return; exclusive with initiatingTxIdinitiatingTxId
- Transaction id of the Exchange contract removeLiquidity or removeLiquidityETH call transaction, only applies to chain-initiated liquidity removals; exclusive with liquidityRemovalIdstart
- Starting timestamp (inclusive)end
- Ending timestamp (inclusive)limit
- Max results to return from 1-1000fromId
- Liquidity additions created at the same timestamp or after fromId
class RestRequestFindLiquidityChanges(
- UUIDv1wallet
- Ethereum wallet addressstart
- Starting timestamp (inclusive)end
- Ending timestamp (inclusive)limit
- Max results to return from 1-1000fromId
- Deposits created at the same timestamp or after fromId
class RestRequestCancelOrders(RestRequestCancelOrdersBase)
- UUIDv1wallet
- Ethereum wallet addressmarket
- Base-quote pair e.g. 'IDEX-ETH'
class RestRequestFindBalances(RestRequestFindByWallet)
- UUIDv1wallet
- Ethereum wallet addressassets
- Asset symbols
class RestRequestFindCandles(RestRequestFindWithPagination)
- Base-quote pair e.g. 'IDEX-ETH'interval
- Time interval for datastart
- Starting timestamp (inclusive)end
- Ending timestamp (inclusive)limit
- Max results to return from 1-1000
class RestRequestFindDeposit(RestRequestFindByWallet)
- UUIDv1 wallet depositId
class RestRequestFindDeposits(RestRequestFindByWallet,
- UUIDv1 walletasset
- Asset by symbolstart
- Starting timestamp (inclusive)end
- Ending timestamp (inclusive)limit
- Max results to return from 1-1000fromId
- Deposits created at the same timestamp or after fromId
class RestRequestFindFill(RestRequestFindByWallet)
- UUIDv1 wallet fillId
class RestRequestFindFills(RestRequestFindByWallet,
- UUIDv1wallet
- Ethereum wallet addressmarket
- Base-quote pair e.g. 'IDEX-ETH'start
- Starting timestamp (inclusive)end
- Ending timestamp (inclusive)limit
- Max results to return from 1-1000fromId
- Fills created at the same timestamp or after fillId
class RestRequestFindMarkets(TypedDict)
- Target market, all markets are returned if omitted
class RestRequestFindOrder(RestRequestFindByWallet)
- UUIDv1 walletorderId
- Single orderId or clientOrderId to cancel; prefix client-provided ids with client
class RestRequestFindOrders(RestRequestFindByWallet,
- UUIDv1 walletmarket
- Base-quote pair e.g. 'IDEX-ETH'closed
- false only returns active orders on the order book; true only returns orders that are no longer on the order book and resulted in at least one fill; only applies if orderId is absentstart
- Starting timestamp (inclusive)end
- Ending timestamp (inclusive)limit
- Max results to return from 1-1000fromId
- order_id of the earliest (oldest) order, only applies if orderId is absent
class RestRequestFindTrades(RestRequestFindWithPagination)
- Base-quote pair e.g. 'IDEX-ETH'start
- Starting timestamp (inclusive)end
- Ending timestamp (inclusive)limit
- Max results to return from 1-1000fromId
- Trades created at the same timestamp or after from_id
class RestRequestFindWithdrawal(RestRequestFindByWallet)
- UUIDv1 wallet withdrawalId
class RestRequestFindWithdrawals(RestRequestFindByWallet,
- UUIDv1 walletasset
- Asset by symbolassetContractAddress
- Asset by contract addressstart
- Starting timestamp (inclusive)end
- Ending timestamp (inclusive)limit
- Max results to return from 1-1000fromId
- Withdrawals created after the fromId
class RestRequestAssociateWallet(TypedDict)
- UUIDv1wallet
- The wallet to associate with the authenticated account
class RestResponseBalance(TypedDict)
- Asset symbolquantity
- Total quantity of the asset held by the wallet on the exchangeavailableForTrade
- Quantity of the asset available for trading; quantity: lockedlocked
- Quantity of the asset held in trades on the order bookusdValue
- Total value of the asset held by the wallet on the exchange in USD
class RestResponseCandle(TypedDict)
- Time of the start of the intervalopen
- Price of the first fill of the interval in quote termshigh
- Price of the highest fill of the interval in quote termslow
- Price of the lowest fill of the interval in quote termsclose
- Price of the last fill of the interval in quote termsvolume
- Total volume of the period in base termssequence
- Fill sequence number of the last trade in the interval
class RestResponseDeposit(TypedDict)
Asset deposits into smart contract
- IDEX-issued deposit identifierasset
- Asset by symbolquantity
- Deposit amount in asset termstxId
- Ethereum transaction hashtxTime
- Timestamp of the Ethereum deposit transactionconfirmationTime
- Timestamp of credit on IDEX including block confirmations
class RestResponseExchangeInfo(TypedDict)
- Server time zone, always UTCserverTime
- Current server timematicDepositContractAddress
- Polygon address of the exchange smart contract for depositsmaticCustodyContractAddress
- Polygon address of the custody smart contract for certain add and remove liquidity callsmaticUsdPrice
- Current price of MATIC in USDgasPrice
- Current gas price used by the exchange for trade settlement and withdrawal transactions in Gweivolume24hUsd
- Total exchange trading volume for the trailing 24 hours in USDtotalVolumeUsd
- Total exchange trading volume for IDEX v3 on Polygon in USDtotalTrades
- Total number of trade executions for IDEX v3 on PolygontotalValueLockedUsd
- Total value locked in IDEX v3 on Polygon in USDidexTokenAddress
- Token contract address for the IDEX token on PolygonidexUsdPrice
- Current price of the IDEX token in USDidexMarketCapUsd
- Market capitalization of the IDEX token in USDmakerFeeRate
- Maker trade fee ratetakerFeeRate
- Total taker trade fee ratetakerIdexFeeRate
- Taker trade fee rate collected by IDEX; used in computing synthetic price levels for real-time order bookstakerLiquidityProviderFeeRate
- Taker trade fee rate collected by liquidity providers; used in computing synthetic price levels for real-time order booksmakerTradeMinimum
- Minimum size of an order that can rest on the order book in MATIC, applies to both MATIC and tokenstakerTradeMinimum
- Minimum order size that is accepted by the matching engine for execution in MATIC, applies to both MATIC and tokenswithdrawMinimum
- Minimum withdrawal amount in MATIC, applies to both MATIC and tokensliquidityAdditionMinimum
- Minimum liquidity addition amount in MATIC, applies to both MATIC and tokensliquidityRemovalMinimum
- Minimum withdrawal amount in MATIC, applies to both MATIC and tokensblockConfirmationDelay
- Minimum number of block confirmations before on-chain transactions are processed
class RestResponseOrderFill(_RestResponseOrderFillRequiredAttribs)
- Internal ID of fillprice
- Executed price of fill in quote termsquantity
- Executed quantity of fill in base termsquoteQuantity
- Executed quantity of trade in quote termsorderBookQuantity
- Quantity of the fill in base terms supplied by order book liquidity, omitted for pool fillsorderBookQuoteQuantity
- Quantity of the fill in quote terms supplied by order book liquidity, omitted for pool fillspoolQuantity
- Quantity of the fill in base terms supplied by pool liquidity, omitted for orderBook fillspoolQuoteQuantity
- Quantity of the fill in quote terms supplied by pool liquidity, omitted for orderBook fillstime
- Fill timestampmakerSide
- Which side of the order the liquidity maker was onsequence
- Last trade sequence number for the marketfee
- Fee amount on fillfeeAsset
- Which token the fee was taken in gas liquiditytype
- orderBook, pool, or hybridtxId
- Ethereum transaction ID, if availabletxStatus
- Ethereum transaction status
class RestResponseFill(_RestResponseFillRequiredAttribs)
- Internal ID of fillprice
- Executed price of fill in quote termsquantity
- Executed quantity of fill in base termsquoteQuantity
- Executed quantity of fill in quote termsorderBookQuantity
- Quantity of the fill in base terms supplied by order book liquidity, omitted for pool fillsorderBookQuoteQuantity
- Quantity of the fill in quote terms supplied by order book liquidity, omitted for pool fillspoolQuantity
- Quantity of the fill in base terms supplied by pool liquidity, omitted for orderBook fillspoolQuoteQuantity
- Quantity of the fill in quote terms supplied by pool liquidity, omitted for orderBook fillstime
- Fill timestampmakerSide
- Which side of the order the liquidity maker was onsequence
- Last trade sequence number for the marketmarket
- Base-quote pair e.g. 'IDEX-ETH'orderId
- Internal ID of orderclientOrderId
- Client-provided ID of orderside
- Orders side, buy or sellfee
- Fee amount on fillfeeAsset
- Which token the fee was taken ingas
- Amount collected to cover trade settlement gas costs, only present for takerliquidity
- Whether the fill is the maker or taker in the trade from the perspective of the requesting API account, maker or takertype
- Fill typetxId
- Ethereum transaction ID, if availabletxStatus
- Ethereum transaction status
class RestResponseLiquidityPool(TypedDict)
- Address of one reserve tokentokenB
- Address of one reserve tokenreserveA
- Quantity of token A held as reserve in token precision, not pipsreserveB
- Quantity of token B held as reserve in token precision, not pipsliquidityToken
- Address of the liquidity provider (LP) tokentotalLiquidity
- Total quantity of liquidity provider (LP) tokens minted in token precision, not pipsreserveUsd
- Total value of reserves in USDmarket
- Market symbol of pool's associated hybrid market
class RestResponseLiquidityAddition(RestResponseLiquidityBase)
- Internal ID of liquidity additiontokenA
- Asset symboltokenB
- Asset symbolamountA
- Amount of tokenA added to the liquidity poolamountB
- Amount of tokenB added to the liquidity poolliquidity
- Amount of liquidity provided (LP) tokens mintedtime
- Liquidity addition timestampinitiatingTxId
- On chain initiated transaction ID, if availableerrorCode
- Error short code present on liquidity addition errorerrorMessage
- Human-readable error message present on liquidity addition errorfeeTokenA
- Amount of tokenA collected as feesfeeTokenB
- Amount of tokenB collected as feestxId
- Ethereum transaction ID, if availabletxStatus
- Ethereum transaction status
class RestResponseLiquidityPoolReserves(TypedDict)
- reserve quantity of base asset in poolquoteReserveQuantity
- reserve quantity of quote asset in pool
class RestResponseLiquidityRemoval(RestResponseLiquidityBase)
- Internal ID of liquidity removaltokenA
- Asset symboltokenB
- Asset symbolamountA
- Amount of tokenA added to the liquidity poolamountB
- Amount of tokenB added to the liquidity poolliquidity
- Amount of liquidity provided (LP) tokens mintedtime
- Liquidity addition timestampinitiatingTxId
- On chain initiated transaction ID, if availableerrorCode
- Error short code present on liquidity addition errorerrorMessage
- Human-readable error message present on liquidity addition errorfeeTokenA
- Amount of tokenA collected as feesfeeTokenB
- Amount of tokenB collected as feestxId
- Ethereum transaction ID, if availabletxStatus
- Ethereum transaction status
class RestResponseMarket(TypedDict)
- Market symboltype
- Market typestatus
- Market trading statusbaseAsset
- Base asset symbolbaseAssetPrecision
- Exchange decimal precision of the base asset, always 8 due to precision normalizationquoteAsset
- Quote asset symbolquoteAssetPrecision
- Exchange decimal precision of the base asset, always 8 due to precision normalizationmakerFeeRate
- Maker trade fee ratetakerFeeRate
- Total taker trade fee ratetakerIdexFeeRate
- Taker trade fee rate collected by IDEX; used in computing synthetic price levels for real-time order bookstakerLiquidityProviderFeeRate
- Taker trade fee rate collected by liquidity providers; used in computing synthetic price levels for real-time order bookstickSize
- Market tick size (minimum change in order price)
class RestResponseOrder(_RestResponseOrderRequiredAttribs)
- Market symbol as base-quote pair e.g. 'IDEX-ETH'orderId
- Exchange-assigned order identifierclientOrderId
- Client-specified order identifierwallet
- Ethereum address of placing wallettime
- Time of initial order processing by the matching enginestatus
- Current order statuserrorCode
- Error short code explaining order error or failed batch cancelerrorMessage
- Error description explaining order error or failed batch canceltype
- Order typeside
- Order sideoriginalQuantity
- Original quantity specified by the order in base terms, omitted for market orders specified in quote termsoriginalQuoteQuantity
- Original quantity specified by the order in quote terms, only present for market orders specified in quote termsexecutedQuantity
- Quantity that has been executed in base termscumulativeQuoteQuantity
- Cumulative quantity that has been spent (buy orders) or received (sell orders) in quote terms, omitted if unavailable for historical ordersavgExecutionPrice
- Weighted average price of fills associated with the order; only present with fills price - Original price specified by the order in quote terms, omitted for all market ordersstopPrice
- Stop loss or take profit price, only present for stopLoss, stopLossLimit, takeProfit, and takeProfitLimit orderstimeInForce
- Time in force policy, see values, only present for limit ordersselfTradePrevention
- Self-trade prevention policy, see valuesfills
- Array of order fill objects
class RestResponseTicker(TypedDict)
- Base-quote pair e.g. 'IDEX-ETH'time
- Time when data was calculated, open and change is assumed to be trailing 24hopen
- Price of the first trade for the period in quote termshigh
- Highest traded price in the period in quote termslow
- Lowest traded price in the period in quote termsclose
- Same as lastcloseQuantity
- Quantity of the last period in base termsbaseVolume
- 24h volume in base termsquoteVolume
- 24h volume in quote termspercentChange
- % change from open to closenumTrades
- Number of fills for the market in the periodask
- Best ask price on the order bookbid
- Best bid price on the order booksequence
- Last trade sequence number for the market
class RestResponseTrade(TypedDict)
- Internal ID of fillprice
- Executed price of trade in quote termsquantity
- Executed quantity of trade in base termsquoteQuantity
- Executed quantity of trade in quote termstime
- Fill timestampmakerSide
- Which side of the order the liquidity maker was ontype
- orderBook, pool, or hybridsequence
- Last trade sequence number for the market
class RestResponseUser(TypedDict)
- Deposits are enabled for the user accountorderEnabled
- Placing orders is enabled for the user accountcancelEnabled
- Cancelling orders is enabled for the user accountwithdrawEnabled
- Withdrawals are enabled for the user accounttotalPortfolioValueUsd
- Total value of all holdings deposited on the exchange, for all wallets associated with the user account, in USDmakerFeeRate
- User-specific maker trade fee ratetakerFeeRate
- User-specific taker trade fee ratetakerIdexFeeRate
- User-specific liquidity pool taker IDEX fee ratetakerLiquidityProviderFeeRate
- User-specific liquidity pool taker LP provider fee rate
class RestResponseWallet(TypedDict)
- Ethereum address of the wallettotalPortfolioValueUsd
- Total value of all holdings deposited on the exchange for the wallet in USDtime
- Timestamp of association of the wallet with the user account
class RestResponseWithdrawal(RestResponseWithdrawalBase)
- Exchange-assigned withdrawal identifierasset
- Symbol of the withdrawn asset, exclusive with assetContractAddressassetContractAddress]
- Token contract address of withdrawn asset, exclusive with assetquantity
- Quantity of the withdrawaltime
- Timestamp of withdrawal API requestfee
- Amount deducted from withdrawal to cover IDEX-paid gastxId
- Ethereum transaction ID, if availabletxStatus
- Ethereum transaction status
class RestResponseAssociateWallet(TypedDict)
- Ethereum address of the wallettotalPortfolioValueUsd
- Total value of all holdings deposited on the exchange for the wallet in USDtime
- Timestamp of association of the wallet with the user account
def l2_limit_order_book_to_hybrid_order_books(
order_book: L2OrderBook,
idex_fee_rate: int,
pool_fee_rate: int,
include_minimum_taker_levels: bool,
minimum_taker_in_quote: Optional[int],
tick_size: int,
visible_levels: int = 10,
visible_slippage: int = 100) -> L1AndL2OrderBook
Convert a limit-order orderbook and a liquidity pool to a hybrid order book representation
- L2 book, e.g. from GET /v1/orderbook?level=2&limitOrderOnly=truevisible_levels
- number of price levels to calculate, default = 10 asks, 10 bidsvisible_slippage
- price slippage per level, in increments of 0.001%, default = 100 (0.1%)idex_fee_rate
- trade fee rate charged by IDEX, expressed in pipspool_fee_rate
- pool fee rate chared by liquidity pool, expressed in pipsinclude_minimum_taker_levels
- if true, calculate a synthetic price level at twice the minimum trade sizeminimum_taker_in_quote
- minimum trade size expressed in pips, or null if none availabletick_size
- minimum price movement expressed in pips (10^-8)
def calculate_gross_base_quantity(base_asset_quantity: int,
quote_asset_quantity: int, target_price: int,
idex_fee_rate: int,
pool_fee_rate: int) -> int
Helper function to calculate gross base quantity available at a bid price. See quantities_available_from_pool_at_bid_price.
def calculate_gross_base_value_of_buy_quantities(
base_asset_quantity: int, quote_asset_quantity: int,
gross_quote_quantity: int) -> int
Helper function to convert from quote to base quantities. See quantities_available_from_pool_at_ask_price.
def calculate_gross_quote_quantity(base_asset_quantity: int,
quote_asset_quantity: int,
target_price: int, idex_fee_rate: int,
pool_fee_rate: int) -> int
Helper function to calculate gross quote available at a bid price. See quantities_available_from_pool_at_bid_price.
def calculate_gross_quote_value_of_sell_quantities(
base_asset_quantity: int, quote_asset_quantity: int,
gross_base_quantity: int) -> int
Helper function to convert from base to quote quantities. See quantities_available_from_pool_at_bid_price.
def calculate_base_quantity_out(base_asset_quantity: int,
quote_asset_quantity: int,
gross_quote_quantity_in: int,
idex_fee_rate: int, pool_fee_rate: int) -> int
Given a taker order size expressed in quote, how much base is received from the pool. See l1or_l2_best_available_prices.
def calculate_quote_quantity_out(base_asset_quantity: int,
quote_asset_quantity: int,
gross_base_quantity_in: int,
idex_fee_rate: int,
pool_fee_rate: int) -> int
Given a taker order size expressed in base, how much quote is received from the pool. See l1_or_l2_best_available_prices.
def calculate_synthetic_price_levels(
base_asset_quantity: int,
quote_asset_quantity: int,
visible_levels: int,
visible_slippage: int,
idex_fee_rate: int = 0,
pool_fee_rate: int = 0,
tick_size: int = 1) -> SyntheticL2OrderBook
Generates a synthetic orderbook consisting of price levels for pool liquidity only
- pool reserve in base asset, must be at least 1.0 expressed in pips (10^-8)quote_asset_quantity
- pool reserve in quote asset, must be at least 1.0 expressed in pips (10^-8)visible_levels
- how many ask and bid price levels to generate (of each)visible_slippage
- how much slippage per price level, in 1/1000th of a percent (100 = 0.1%)idex_fee_rate
- the idex fee rate to use for calculations (query /v1/exchange for current global setting)pool_fee_rate
- the liquidity pool fee rate to use for calculations (query /v1/exchange for current global setting)tick_size
- minimum price movement expressed in pips (10^-8)
A level 2 order book with synthetic price levels only
def recalculate_hybrid_level_amounts(orderbook: L2OrderBook,
idex_fee_rate: int,
pool_fee_rate: int) -> L2OrderBook
Recalculate price level quantities for a book previously sorted with sort_and_merge_levels_unadjusted
- an unadjusted level 2 order book as returned by {sortAndMergeLevelsUnadjusted}idex_fee_rate
- idex fee rate to use in pool quantity calculationspool_fee_rate
- pool fee rate to use in pool quantity calculations
def sort_and_merge_levels_unadjusted(
limit_order_levels: List[OrderBookLevelL2],
synthetic_levels: List[OrderBookLevelL2],
is_before: Callable[[OrderBookLevelL2, OrderBookLevelL2], bool]
) -> List[OrderBookLevelL2]
Combines limit orders and synthetic price levels into an intermediate sorted state IMPORTANT: this function does not update price level quantities after merging
- a level 2 orderbook with only limit orderssynthetic_levels
- a level 2 orderbook with only synthetic ordersis_before
- comparison function for sorting price levels
Level 2 order book with synthetic price levels only
def quantities_available_from_pool_at_ask_price(
base_asset_quantity: int, quote_asset_quantity: int, ask_price: int,
idex_fee_rate: int, pool_fee_rate: int) -> PriceLevelQuantities
Helper function to calculate the asset quantities available at a given price level (pool liquidity only)
- pool reserve in base asset, must be at least 1.0 expressed in pips (10^-8)quote_asset_quantity
- pool reserve in quote asset, must be at least 1.0 expressed in pips (10^-8)ask_price
- the ask price level to calculate quantities foridex_fee_rate
- the idex fee rate to use for calculations (query /v1/exchange for current global setting)pool_fee_rate
- the liquidity pool fee rate to use for calculations (query /v1/exchange for current global setting)
Level 2 order book with synthetic price levels only
def quantities_available_from_pool_at_bid_price(
base_asset_quantity: int, quote_asset_quantity: int, bid_price: int,
idex_fee_rate: int, pool_fee_rate: int) -> PriceLevelQuantities
Helper function to calculate the asset quantities available at a given price level (pool liquidity only)
- pool reserve in base asset, must be at least 1.0 expressed in pips (10^-8)quote_asset_quantity
- pool reserve in quote asset, must be at least 1.0 expressed in pips (10^-8)bid_price
- the bid price level to calculate quantities foridex_fee_rate
- the idex fee rate to use for calculations (query /v1/exchange for current global setting)pool_fee_rate
- the liquidity pool fee rate to use for calculations (query /v1/exchange for current global setting)
Level 2 order book with synthetic price levels only
def aggregate_l2_order_book_at_tick_size(input_book: L2OrderBook,
tick_size: int) -> L2OrderBook
Helper function to re-aggregate L2 orderbook price levels at a larger (more zeroes) tick size
def l1_or_l2_best_available_prices(pool: PoolReserveQuantities,
idex_fee_rate: int, pool_fee_rate: int,
taker_minimum_in_base: int,
taker_minimum_in_quote: int,
tick_size: int) -> BestAvailablePriceLevels
Given a minimum taker order size, calculate the best achievable price level using pool liquidity only.
- pool reserve quantities for the orderbook in questionidex_fee_rate
- the idex fee rate to use for pool calculationspool_fee_rate
- the pool fee rate to use for pool calculationstaker_minimum_in_base
- the minimum taker order size, expressed in base asset unitstaker_minimum_in_quote
- the minimum taker order size, expressed in quote asset units
def l1_l2_order_books_with_minimum_taker(l2: L2OrderBook, idex_fee_rate: int,
pool_fee_rate: int,
taker_minimum_in_quote: int,
tick_size: int) -> L1AndL2OrderBook
Modifies an existing level 2 order book to include better price levels at the desired taker order size, if available from pool reserves.
- pool reserve quantities for the orderbook in questionidexFeeRate
- the idex fee rate to use for pool calculationspoolFeeRate
- the pool fee rate to use for pool calculationstakerMinimumInQuote
- the minimum taker order size, expressed in quote asset units
The resulting level 1 and level 2 orderbooks
def validate_synthetic_price_level_inputs(base_asset_quantity: int,
quote_asset_quantity: int,
target_price: int,
is_buy: bool) -> None
Validates assumptions for reserve quantities and pricing required for quantity calculations
- pool reserve in base asset, must be at least 1.0 expressed in pips (10^-8)quote_asset_quantity
- pool reserve in quote asset, must be at least 1.0 expressed in pips (10^-8)target_price
- price expressed in pips, must be 0 < price < 2^64-1 and on the correct side of the spreadis_buy
- if true, the price is targeting buy orders (bids), otherwise sell orders (asks)
None, validation always succeeds or raises an exception
def adjust_price_to_tick_size(
price: int,
tick_size: int,
rounding_mode: RoundingMode = DEFAULT_ROUNDING_MODE) -> int
Adjusts prices in pips to account for tick size by discarding insignificant digits using specified rounding mode. Ex price 123456789 at tick size 1 is 123456789, at tick size 10 123456780, at 100 123456700, etc
def l2_to_l1_order_book(l2: L2OrderBook) -> L1OrderBook
Derive the level 1 orderbook from a level 2 orderbook
class WebSocketClient()
WebSocket API client
When apiKey and apiSecret are provided, the client will automatically handle WebSocket authentication token generation and refresh. Omit when using only public WebSocket subscriptions.
def __init__(api_key: Optional[str] = None,
api_secret: Optional[str] = None,
should_reconnect_automatically: bool = False,
connect_timeout: Optional[int] = None,
sandbox: bool = False,
multiverse_chain: MultiverseChain = MultiverseChain.MATIC,
base_url: Optional[str] = None,
websocket_auth_token_fetch: Optional[Callable[[str],
str]] = None)
- Used to authenticate user when automatically refreshing WS tokenapi_secret
- Used to compute HMAC signature when automatically refreshing WS token receiving push updates. Eg. {market}@{subscription}_{option}should_reconnect_automatically
- If true, automatically reconnects when connection is closed by the server or network errorsconnect_timeout
- Timeout (in milliseconds) before failing when trying to connect to the WebSocket. Defaults to 5000.sandbox
- If true, client will point to API sandboxmultiverse_chain
- Which multiverse chain the client will point to
async def connect() -> None
Establish a WebSocket connection to the API and start listening for messages
async def subscribe_authenticated(subscriptions: Sequence[
markets: List[str] = None,
cid: str = None) -> None
Strictly typed subscribe which only can be used on authenticated subscriptions.
See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`websocket`-subscriptions
- Optionally provide top level marketscid
- Optional custom identifier to identify the matching response
async def subscribe_unauthenticated(
subscriptions: Sequence[WebSocketRequestUnauthenticatedSubscription],
markets: List[str] = None,
cid: str = None) -> None
Strictly typed subscribe which only can be used on non-authenticated subscriptions.
See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`websocket`-subscriptions
- Optionally provide top level marketscid
- Optional custom identifier to identify the matching response
async def subscribe(subscriptions: Sequence[
WebSocketRequestUnauthenticatedSubscriptionNameOnly, ]],
markets: List[str] = None,
cid: str = None) -> None
Subscribe to a given set of subscriptions, optionally providing a list of top level markets or a cid property.
See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`websocket`-subscriptions
- Optionally provide top level marketscid
- Optional custom identifier to identify the matching response
async def reconnect() -> None
Reconnect with exponential backoff
class OrderBookRealTimeClient(AsyncIOEventEmitter)
async def start(markets: List[str]) -> None
Loads initial state from REST API and begin listening to orderbook updates.
async def stop() -> None
Stop the order book client, and reset internal state. Call this when you are no longer using the client, to release memory and network resources.
def set_fees_and_minimums_override(override: OrderBookFeesAndMinimums) -> None
Set custom fee rates for synthetic price level calculations. Use this if your wallet has custom fees set.
def get_order_book_l1(market: str,
tick_size: Optional[int] = None
) -> RestResponseOrderBook
Load the current state of the level 1 orderbook for this market.
- minimum price movement expressed in pips (10^-8), defaults to market setting
def get_order_book_l2(
market: str,
limit: int = 100,
tick_size: Optional[int] = None) -> RestResponseOrderBook
Load the current state of the level 2 orderbook for this market.
- Total number of price levels (bids + asks) to return, between 2 and 1000tickSize
- minimum price movement expressed in pips (10^-8)
def l1_equal(before_l1: L1OrderBook, after_l1: L1OrderBook) -> bool
Determine whether two level 1 order books are equal, including pool reserves
def update_l2_side(is_ascending: bool, side: List[OrderBookLevelL2],
updates: List[OrderBookLevelL2]) -> List[OrderBookLevelL2]
Applies a changeset to a single side of the orderbook
Params: is_ascending: true for asks, false for bids (ordering of price levels) side updates
Updated order book side
def update_l2_levels(book: L2OrderBook, updated_levels: L2OrderBook) -> None
Updates a level 2 orderbook using a partial "diff" received over websockets
- level 2 orderbook to updateupdated_levels
- level 2 orderbook containing only limit order price levels that have changed
class RestPublicClient()
def ping() -> Dict
Test connectivity to the REST API See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`get`-ping
def get_server_time() -> int
Returns the current server time See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`get`-time
def get_exchange_info() -> RestResponseExchangeInfo
Returns basic information about the exchange See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`get`-exchange
def get_assets() -> List[RestResponseAsset]
Returns information about assets supported by the exchange See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`get`-assets
def get_markets(
find_markets: Optional[RestRequestFindMarkets] = None
) -> List[RestResponseMarket]
Returns information about the currently listed markets See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`get`-markets
def get_liquidity_pools(
find_liquidity_pools: Optional[RestRequestFindLiquidityPools] = None
) -> List[RestResponseLiquidityPool]
Returns information about liquidity pools supported by the exchange See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`get`-liquidity-pools
def get_tickers(market: Optional[str] = None) -> List[RestResponseTicker]
Returns market statistics for the trailing 24-hour period
def get_candles(
find_candles: RestRequestFindCandles) -> List[RestResponseCandle]
Returns candle (OHLCV) data for a market See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`get`-candles
def get_trades(find_trades: RestRequestFindTrades) -> List[RestResponseTrade]
Returns public trade data for a market See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`get`-trades
def get_order_book_level1(
market: str,
limit_order_only: bool = False) -> List[RestResponseOrderBook]
Get current top bid/ask price levels of order book for a market See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`get`-order-books
def get_order_book_level2(
market: str,
limit: int = 50,
limit_order_only: bool = False) -> RestResponseOrderBook
Get current order book price levels for a market See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`get`-order-books
class RestAuthenticatedClient()
def add_liquidity(
req: request.RestRequestAddLiquidity,
signer: Optional[sig.MessageSigner] = None,
dependent_transactions: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> response.RestResponseLiquidityAddition
Add liquidity to a hybrid liquidity pool from assets held by a wallet on the exchange
def remove_liquidity(
req: request.RestRequestRemoveLiquidity,
signer: Optional[sig.MessageSigner] = None,
dependent_transactions: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> response.RestResponseLiquidityRemoval
Remove liquidity from a hybrid liquidity pool represented by LP tokens held by a wallet on the exchange
def get_liquidity_addition(
req: request.RestRequestFindLiquidityAddition
) -> Union[response.RestResponseLiquidityAddition,
Returns information about a single liquidity addition from a wallet
def get_liquidity_additions(
req: request.RestRequestFindLiquidityChanges
) -> List[response.RestResponseLiquidityAddition]
Returns information about multiple liquidity additions from a wallet
def get_liquidity_removal(
req: request.RestRequestFindLiquidityRemoval
) -> response.RestResponseLiquidityRemoval
Returns information about a single liquidity removal from a wallet
def get_liquidity_removals(
req: request.RestRequestFindLiquidityChanges
) -> List[response.RestResponseLiquidityRemoval]
Returns information about multiple liquidity removals from a wallet
def get_user(nonce: str) -> response.RestResponseUser
Get account details for the API key's user See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`get`-user-account
- UUIDv1
Information about the user
def get_wallets(nonce: str) -> List[response.RestResponseWallet]
Get account details for the API key's user See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`get`-wallets
- UUIDv1
The user's wallets
def get_balances(
req: request.RestRequestFindBalances
) -> List[response.RestResponseBalance]
Get asset quantity data (positions) held by a wallet on the exchange
def associate_wallet(
req: request.RestRequestAssociateWallet,
signer: Optional[sig.MessageSigner] = None
) -> response.RestResponseAssociateWallet
Associate a wallet with the authenticated account See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`associate`-wallet
def create_order(
req: request.RestRequestOrder,
signer: Optional[sig.MessageSigner] = None
) -> response.RestResponseOrder
Create and submit an order to the matching engine See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`create`-order
def create_test_order(
req: request.RestRequestOrder,
signer: Optional[sig.MessageSigner] = None
) -> response.RestResponseOrder
Tests order creation and validation without submitting an order to the matching engine See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`test`-create-order
def cancel_order(
req: request.RestRequestCancelOrder,
signer: Optional[sig.MessageSigner] = None
) -> List[response.RestResponseCanceledOrder]
Cancel a single order See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`cancel`-order
def cancel_orders(
req: request.RestRequestCancelOrder,
signer: Optional[sig.MessageSigner] = None
) -> List[response.RestResponseCanceledOrder]
Cancel multiple orders See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`cancel`-order
def get_order(req: request.RestRequestFindOrder) -> response.RestResponseOrder
Get an order See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`get`-orders
def get_orders(
req: request.RestRequestFindOrders
) -> List[response.RestResponseOrder]
Get multiple orders See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`get`-orders
def get_fill(req: request.RestRequestFindFill) -> response.RestResponseFill
Get a fill See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`get`-fills
def get_fills(
req: request.RestRequestFindFills) -> List[response.RestResponseFill]
Get multiple fills See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`get`-fills
def get_deposit(
req: request.RestRequestFindDeposit) -> response.RestResponseDeposit
Get a fill See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`get`-deposits
def get_deposits(
req: request.RestRequestFindDeposits
) -> List[response.RestResponseDeposit]
Get a fill See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`get`-deposits
def withdraw(
req: request.RestRequestWithdrawal,
signer: Optional[sig.MessageSigner] = None
) -> response.RestResponseWithdrawal
Create a new withdrawal See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/[`withdraw`](#client.rest.authenticated.RestAuthenticatedClient.withdraw)-funds
def get_withdrawal(
req: request.RestRequestFindWithdrawal
) -> response.RestResponseWithdrawal
Get a withdrawal See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`get`-withdrawals
def get_withdrawals(
req: request.RestRequestFindWithdrawals
) -> List[response.RestResponseWithdrawal]
Get multiple withdrawals See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`get`-withdrawals
def get_ws_token(nonce: str, wallet: str) -> str
Get multiple withdrawals See https://api-docs-v3.idex.io/`get`-withdrawals