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This repository folder contains Dockerfiles to build an docker image with the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit. You can use Docker CI framework to build an image, please follow Get Started with DockerHub CI for Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit.

  1. Supported Operating Systems for Docker image
  2. Supported devices and distributions
  3. Where to get OpenVINO package
  4. How to build
  5. Prebuilt images
  6. How to run a container

Supported Operating Systems for Docker image

  • ubuntu18 folder (Ubuntu* 18.04 LTS)
  • ubuntu20 folder (Ubuntu* 20.04 LTS)
  • rhel8 folder (RHEL* 8)
  • winserver2019 folder (Windows* Server Core base OS LTSC 2019)
  • windows20h2 folder (Windows* OS 20H2)

Note: dl-workbench folder contains Dockerfiles for OpenVINO™ Deep Learning Workbench.

Supported devices and distributions

OpenVINO Dockerfile Name


OpenVINO documentation for supported devices.


  • runtime: IE core, nGraph, plugins
  • dev: IE core, nGraph, plugins, samples, Python dev tools: Model Optimizer, Post training Optimization tool, Accuracy checker, Open Model Zoo tools (downloader, converter)
  • base (only for CPU): IE core, nGraph

NOTE: OpenCV is not included since OpenVINO 2022.1.0. You can install it separately using the download script in the extras/scripts directory ( for Linux and download_opencv.ps1 for Windows).

You can generate Dockerfile with your settings, please follow the DockerHub CI documentation.

  • runtime and dev distributions are based on archive package of OpenVINO product. You can just remove unnecessary parts.
  • base distribution is created by OpenVINO™ Deployment Manager.

Where to get OpenVINO package

You can get OpenVINO distribution packages (runtime, dev) directly from public storage. For example:

  • take runtime l_openvino_toolkit_runtime_ubuntu20_p_2022.1.0.643.tgz package and specify -dist runtime option for Docker CI or take a Dockerfile with runtime suffix.
  • take dev l_openvino_toolkit_dev_ubuntu20_p_2022.1.0.643.tgz package and specify -dist dev option for Docker CI or take a Dockerfile with dev suffix.

How to build

Note: Please use Docker CI framework release version corresponding to the version of OpenVINO™ Toolkit that you need to build.

  • Base image with CPU only:

You can use Docker CI framework to build an image, please follow Get Started with DockerHub CI for Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit.

python3 build --file "dockerfiles/ubuntu18/openvino_c_base_2020.3.dockerfile" -os ubuntu18 -dist base -p 2020.3.341

Or via Docker Engine directly, but you need specify BUILD_ID argument:

docker build --build-arg BUILD_ID=2020.3.341 -t ubuntu18_base_cpu:2020.3.341 - < dockerfiles/ubuntu18/openvino_c_base_2020.3.dockerfile

  • Dev/runtime image:

You can use Docker CI framework to build an image, please follow Get Started with DockerHub CI for Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit.

python3 build --file "dockerfiles/ubuntu18/openvino_cgvh_dev_2021.dockerfile" -os ubuntu18 -dist dev -p 2021.1

For runtime distribution, please set appropriate -dist and --file options.

Or via Docker Engine directly, but you need specify package_url argument (see Where to get OpenVINO package section):

docker build --build-arg package_url= \
             -t ubuntu18_dev:2021.4 -f dockerfiles/ubuntu18/openvino_cgvh_dev_2021.4.dockerfile .

Prebuilt images

Prebuilt images are available on:

How to run a container

Please follow Run a container section in DockerHub CI getting started guide.


* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.