Deleted branch
Update index.html
Update index.html
Deleted branch
Now with Ctrl + LeftArrow and Ctrl + RightArrow you can go backward o…
Now with Ctrl + LeftArrow and Ctrl + RightArrow you can go backward o…
Deleted branch
added a video countdown when clicking the video duration
added a video countdown when clicking the video duration
small fixes
small fixes
small fixes
small fixes
small fixes
small fixes
small fixes
small fixes
small fixes
small fixes
small fixes
small fixes
bmc button
bmc button
small fixes
small fixes
small fixes
small fixes
smalalt deleted
smalalt deleted
small formatting fixes and a new buy me a coffee button
small formatting fixes and a new buy me a coffee button
only yellow image
only yellow image
focus always on playlistPage except when the active element is an inp…
focus always on playlistPage except when the active element is an inp…
focus always on playlistPage except when the active element is an inp…
focus always on playlistPage except when the active element is an inp…
focus always on playlistPage except when the active element is an input
focus always on playlistPage except when the active element is an input
last commit reversed for now
last commit reversed for now
Autofocus added, now you don't need to click on the page to control t…
Autofocus added, now you don't need to click on the page to control t…
A little more symmetry
A little more symmetry
added percentage of the video on the page title
added percentage of the video on the page title
bug fix
bug fix