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Ralph Soika edited this page Aug 30, 2014 · 23 revisions

Magento Adapter

The Imixs-Magento-Adapter is a connector module providing a set of classes to connect to the Ecommerce Softwareplattform Magento. Magento provides two different WebService Interfaces. The Magento Rest API for a simple Rest Service based on a the OAuth 1.0.a protocol and the Magento SOAP API for a SOAP interface.

See details about the two client implmentations here:

  • [Rest Client](Magento Rest Client)
  • [Soap Client](Magento Soap Client)

The Imixs-Magento-Adapter can use both client types. Which type is used can be configured by the file or the imixs PropertyService .

# Magento REST Service Configuration 
# magento host

# optional 

The OrderID

If a workitem is based on the import of a magento order the order id is stored in the property 'txtName' in the following format:


All properties of the magento order are stored in properties with the prafix 'm_'.


The class org.imixs.workflow.magento.MagentoPlugin synchronizes the Order Data of a worktiem and creates the following workitem attributes:

  • txtMagentoCustomer=combined magento customer name (First- and Lastname)

  • txtMagentoCustomerEmail = E-Mail address of customer

  • txtMagentoOrderID = Order id of magento order

  • txtMagentoBillingFirstname = Firstname of Billing address

  • txtMagentoBillingLastname = Lastname of Billing address

  • txtMagentoBillingTelephone = telephone of Billing address

  • txtMagentoBillingCompany = company of Billing address

  • txtMagentoBillingstreet = String of Billing address

  • txtMagentoBillingPostcode = Postcode of Billing address

  • txtMagentoBillingCity = City of Billing address

  • txtMagentoShippingFirstname = Firstname of Shipping address

  • txtMagentoShippingLastname = Lastname of Shipping address

  • txtMagentoShippingTelephone = telephone of Shipping address

  • txtMagentoShippingCompany = company of Shipping address

  • txtMagentoShippingstreet = String of Shipping address

  • txtMagentoShippingPostcode = Postcode of Shipping address

  • txtMagentoShippingCity = City of Shipping address


The MagentoSchedulerService implements a Timer EJB to import order items from Magento. The EJB can be configured through the config entity 'Type=ConfigMagento'. The JSF page /pages/admin/magento.xthml and the MagentoController provides a way to easy configure the timer in the web frontend of Imixs-Office-Workflow.

When a new order is imported or updated the scheduler calls the activityID 800. This activity should be definend in every status the order should be updated.


The EJB MagentoCache provides a caching mechanism to cache products and customer entities. This EJB is used by the MagentoService. The config property 'magento.cache.refresh' defines the maximal time in seconds a magento object is cached. If an object is older then the refresh time the object will be refetched by the MagentoService.


The method flush() provides a way to force the flush of older items. This method is called automatically by the MagentoScheduelerService. To clear the cache the method clear() can be called.

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