From acd05a3fbe2f7c1cd0847461fd90e56278c09e70 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: imohamme Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2022 18:47:23 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] V3.3.0 --- .DS_Store | Bin 14340 -> 14340 bytes DESCRIPTION | 4 +- | 4 + R/NEXGDDP_CMIP6.R | 427 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- README.Rmd | 2 +- | 2 +- inst/.DS_Store | Bin 8196 -> 8196 bytes man/NEX_GDDP_CMIP6.Rd | 2 +- 8 files changed, 218 insertions(+), 223 deletions(-) diff --git a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store index 4d83b8c5bf6b457f3e5ed08c257c1aada8497896..146dba98e0fbfb6430ac5b088533affcabadaeb2 100644 GIT binary patch delta 397 zcmZoEXepR*fMu@3^35ABnz2uOz`L29;|~YZ#=_04f?ruh4K0mz6pT!bYjqT=4Nc8} z9CJg{$^7CjOzPa5L&d9Ef_jz{n7ko1fy6l#`zXsho6a%Ws%};Sj%E?ax@;JaUo8QY=GcwKj zHMv1fOfWa!1upBm{*d9j$+dEllXK*FSYbRhW`P0*klM|A>p#fnxvw diff --git a/DESCRIPTION b/DESCRIPTION index 83d43db..827bef7 100644 --- a/DESCRIPTION +++ b/DESCRIPTION @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ Package: NASAaccess -Version: 3.2.0 -Date: 2022-07-06 +Version: 3.3.0 +Date: 2022-11-12 Type: Package Title: Downloading and Reformatting Tool for NASA Earth Observation Data Products Authors@R: c(person("Ibrahim", "Mohammed", role = c("aut", "cre"), diff --git a/ b/ index 60a3eaf..2a64273 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ +# NASAaccess 3.3.0 + +* Fixing CMIP6 server access. + # NASAaccess 3.2.0 * Adding Near Real Time GPM function with latency as one day. Fixing CMIP5 and CMIP6 server access. diff --git a/R/NEXGDDP_CMIP6.R b/R/NEXGDDP_CMIP6.R index 05415eb..a90ac3c 100644 --- a/R/NEXGDDP_CMIP6.R +++ b/R/NEXGDDP_CMIP6.R @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -###1/11/22 +###11/11/22 #' Generate rainfall or air temperature as well as climate input stations file from NASA NEX-GDDP-CMIP6 remote sensing climate change data products needed to drive various hydrological models. #' #' This function downloads climate change data of rainfall and air temperature from \acronym{NASA} Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections \acronym{NEX-GDDP-CMIP6} \acronym{AMES} servers, extracts data from grids within a specified watershed shapefile, and then generates tables in a format that any hydrological model requires for rainfall or air temperature data input. The function also generates the climate stations file input (file with columns: ID, File NAME, LAT, LONG, and ELEVATION) for those selected climatological grids that fall within the specified watershed. The \acronym{NASA} Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections \acronym{NEX-GDDP-CMIP6} data set is comprised of downscaled climate scenarios for the globe that are derived from the General Circulation Model \acronym{GCM} runs conducted under the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 \acronym{CMIP6} and across two of the four "Tier 1" greenhouse gas emissions scenarios known as Shared Socioeconomic Pathways \acronym{SSPs}. @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ #' #' \acronym{NEX-GDDP-CMIP6} dataset is comprised of downscaled climate scenarios for the globe that are derived from the General Circulation Model \acronym{GCM} runs conducted under the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 \acronym{CMIP6} (Eyring et al. 2016) #' and across the four "Tier 1" greenhouse gas emissions scenarios known as Shared Socioeconomic Pathways \acronym{SSPs} (O'Neil et al. 2016; Meinshausen et al. 2020). The \acronym{CMIP6} \acronym{GCM} runs were developed in support of the Sixth Assessment Report -#' of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change \acronym{IPCC AR6}. This data set includes downscaled projections from the 35 models and scenarios for which daily scenarios were produced and distributed under \acronym{CMIP6}. Please visit \acronym{NCCS} Dataportal - Datashare \url{} to ensure that the requested model and greenhouse gas emissions scenario (\acronym{SSPs}) is available on the server before you execute your run. +#' of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change \acronym{IPCC AR6}. This data set includes downscaled projections from the 35 models and scenarios for which daily scenarios were produced and distributed under \acronym{CMIP6}. Please visit \acronym{NCCS} Dataportal - Datashare \url{} to ensure that the requested model and greenhouse gas emissions scenario (\acronym{SSPs}) is available on the server before you execute your run. #' The Bias-Correction Spatial Disaggregation \acronym{BCSD} method used in generating the \acronym{NEX-GDDP-CMIP6} data set is a statistical downscaling algorithm specifically developed to address the current limitations of the global \acronym{GCM} outputs #' (Wood et al. 2002; Wood et al. 2004; Maurer et al. 2008; Thrasher et al. 2012). The \acronym{NEX-GDDP-CMIP6} climate projections is downscaled at a spatial resolution of 0.25 degrees x 0.25 degrees (approximately 25 km x 25 km). #' The \command{NEX_GDDP_CMIP6} downscales the \acronym{NEX-GDDP-CMIP6} data to grid points of 0.1 degrees x 0.1 degrees following nearest point methods described by Mohammed et al. (2018). @@ -62,179 +62,176 @@ NEX_GDDP_CMIP6=function(Dir='./INPUT/', watershed ='LowerMekong.shp', DEM = 'Low { url.IMERG.input <- '' - url.GDDP.input <- '' + url.GDDP.input <- '' + url.catalog.input <- paste('',model,slice,'catalog.html',sep="/") myvarIMERG <- 'precipitationCal' myvarNAME <- 'climate' - #check the DATASHARE NEX-GDDP availability - if(httr::status_code(GET(url.GDDP.input))==200) - { - #let's get the Variant (e.g., r1i1p1f1) - rr <- readLines(paste(url.GDDP.input,model,slice,sep="/")) - dump.address <- "/icons/alt_icons/folder.gif" ; my.pattern <- "[[:alnum:]]{8}" - folderlines <- grep(dump.address,rr,value=TRUE) - Variant<- unique(as.vector(str_match_all(folderlines,my.pattern)[[1]])) - if(type=='pr'){ftp <- paste(url.GDDP.input,model,'/',slice,'/',Variant,'/',type,'/', sep = '')} - if(type=='tas'){ftp_min <- paste(url.GDDP.input,model,'/',slice,'/',Variant,'/',type,'min','/', sep=''); ftp_max <- paste(url.GDDP.input,model,'/',slice,'/',Variant,'/',type,'max','/', sep='')} - ####Before getting to work on this function do this check on start and end dates - if (as.Date(start) >= as.Date('1950-01-01') & as.Date(end) <= as.Date('2100-12-31') & slice == 'ssp126' | slice == 'ssp245' | slice == 'ssp370' | slice == 'ssp585' | slice == 'historical') - { - - # Constructing time series based on start and end input days! - time_period <- seq.Date(from = as.Date(start), to = as.Date(end), by = 'day') - # Reading cell elevation data (DEM should be in geographic projection) - watershed.elevation <- raster::raster(DEM) - # Reading the study Watershed shapefile - polys <- rgdal::readOGR(dsn=watershed,verbose = F) - # To address missing parameters in projection strings - polys <- sp::spTransform(polys,CRS('+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs')) - # Hydrological model climate master file name - filenametableKEY<-paste(Dir,type, 'Grid_Master.txt',sep='') - # Creating empty lists - filenameSWAT <- list() - filenameSWAT_TXT <- list() - closestSiteVec <- list() - minDistVec <- list() - cell.temp.values <- list() - # The IMERG data grid information - # Read a dummy day to extract spatial information and assign elevation data to the grids within the study watersheds - DUMMY_DATE <- as.Date('2016-09-01') - mon <- format(DUMMY_DATE,format='%m') - year <- format(DUMMY_DATE,format='%Y') - myurl = paste(paste(url.IMERG.input,year,mon,sep = '/'),'/',sep = '') - if(httr::status_code(GET(myurl))==200) - { - r <- httr::GET(myurl) - filenames <- httr::content(r, "text") - filenames <- XML::readHTMLTable(XML::htmlParse(filenames))[[1]]#getting the daily files at each monthly URL - filenames <- unique(stats::na.exclude(stringr::str_extract(as.character(filenames$Name),'3B-DAY.+(.nc4)'))) - # Extract the IMERG nc4 files for the specific month - # trying here the first day since I am only interested on grid locations - # downloading one file - if(dir.exists('./temp/')==FALSE){dir.create('./temp/')} - utils::download.file(quiet = T,method='curl',url=paste(myurl,filenames[1],sep = ''),destfile = paste('./temp/',filenames[1],sep = ''), mode = 'wb', extra = '-n -c ~/.urs_cookies -b ~/.urs_cookies -L') - test1<'./temp/',filenames[1],sep= ''))$size - stopifnot('The GPM IMERG server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.' = test1 > 3.5e6) - #reading ncdf file - nc<-ncdf4::nc_open( paste('./temp/',filenames[1],sep = '') ) - #since geographic info for all files are the same (assuming we are working with the same data product) - ###evaluate these values one time! - ###getting the y values (longitudes in degrees east) - nc.long.IMERG<-ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc,nc$dim[[1]]) - ####getting the x values (latitudes in degrees north) -<-ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc,nc$dim[[2]]) - #extract data - data<-ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc,myvarIMERG) - #reorder the rows - data<-data[ nrow(data):1, ] - ncdf4::nc_close(nc) - ###save the daily climate data values in a raster - IMERG<-raster::raster(x=as.matrix(data),xmn=nc.long.IMERG[1],xmx=nc.long.IMERG[NROW(nc.long.IMERG)],[1],[NROW(],crs=sp::CRS('+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs')) - #obtain cell numbers within the IMERG raster -<-raster::cellFromPolygon(IMERG, polys) - suppressWarnings(<-raster::cellFromPolygon(IMERG, polys)) - #obtain lat/long values corresponding to watershed cells - cell.longlat<-raster::xyFromCell(IMERG,unlist( - cell.rowCol <- raster::rowColFromCell(IMERG,unlist( - points_elevation<-raster::extract(x=watershed.elevation,y=cell.longlat,method='simple') - study_area_records_IMERG<-data.frame(ID=unlist(,cell.longlat,cell.rowCol,Elevation=points_elevation) - sp::coordinates (study_area_records_IMERG)<- ~x+y - rm(data,IMERG) - # The NEX-GDDP-CMIP6 data grid information - # Use the same dummy date defined above since NEX-GDDP-CMIP6 has data from 1950 to 2100. - # Using dummy date and file info for a file in the NEX-GDDP-CMIP6 dataset - # downloading one file - if(dir.exists('./temp/')==FALSE){dir.create('./temp/')} - type.start<-ifelse(isTRUE(type=="pr")==TRUE,type,paste(type,'min',sep='')) - filename.start <- paste(paste(type.start,'day',model,slice,Variant,'gn',format(time_period[1],"%Y"),sep = '_'),'.nc',sep="") - myurl <- paste(ifelse(isTRUE(type=="pr")==TRUE,ftp,ftp_min),filename.start,sep = '') - # downloading the first date NEX_GDDF file - utils::download.file(quiet = T, method = 'curl', url = myurl, destfile = paste('./temp/',filename.start,sep= ''), mode = 'wb', extra = '-L') - - test2<'./temp/',filename.start,sep= ''))$size - stopifnot('The NEX GDDP server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.' = test2 > 7.0e6) - #reading ncdf file - nc<-ncdf4::nc_open( paste('./temp/',filename.start,sep= '') ) - #since geographic info for all NEX files are the same - ###evaluate these values at one time! - ###getting the x values (longitudes in degrees east, 0 to +360) so it needed to be converted to -180 to 180) - nc.long.NEXGDDP<-ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc,nc$dim[[3]]) - ####getting the y values (latitudes in degrees north, -90 to +90) -<-ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc,nc$dim[[2]]) - #getting the climate data - catch <- ifelse(isTRUE(type=="pr")==TRUE,type,paste(type,'min',sep="")) - data<-ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc,catch, start = c(1,1,1) , count = c(-1, -1 ,1)) - #transpose the data - data <- raster::t(data) - #reorder the rows - data<-data[ nrow(data):1, ] - ncdf4::nc_close(nc) - ###save the daily climate data values in a raster - NEX<-raster::raster(x=as.matrix(data),xmn=nc.long.NEXGDDP[1],xmx=nc.long.NEXGDDP[NROW(nc.long.NEXGDDP)],[1],[NROW(],crs=sp::CRS('+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs')) - ###rotate the raster to obtain the longitudes extent -180 to 180 - NEX<-raster::rotate(NEX) - #obtain cell numbers within the NEX-GDDP raster -<-raster::cellFromPolygon(NEX, polys) - suppressWarnings(<-raster::cellFromPolygon(NEX, polys)) - ##check to address small watershed - if(length(unlist( + #check the DATASHARE NEX-GDDP availability + if(httr::status_code(GET(url.catalog.input))==200) + { + #let's get the Variant (e.g., r1i1p1f1) + rr <- readLines(url.catalog.input) + dump.address <- "/thredds2/folder.gif" ; my.pattern <- "[[:alnum:]]{8}" + folderlines <- grep(dump.address,rr,value=TRUE) + Variant<- unique(as.vector(stringr::str_match_all(folderlines,my.pattern)[[2]]))[2] + rm(dump.address,folderlines,my.pattern,rr) + if(type=='pr'){ftp <- paste(url.GDDP.input,model,'/',slice,'/',Variant,'/',type,'/',type,'_','day','_',model,'_',slice,'_',Variant,'_','gn','_',sep='')} + if(type=='tas'){ftp_min <- paste(url.GDDP.input,model,'/',slice,'/',Variant,'/',type,'min','/',type,'min','_','day','_',model,'_',slice,'_',Variant,'_','gn','_',sep='');ftp_max <- paste(url.GDDP.input,model,'/',slice,'/',Variant,'/',type,'max','/',type,'max','_','day','_',model,'_',slice,'_',Variant,'_','gn','_',sep='')} + ####Before getting to work on this function do this check on start and end dates + if (as.Date(start) >= as.Date('1950-01-01') & as.Date(end) <= as.Date('2100-12-31') & slice == 'ssp126' | slice == 'ssp245' | slice == 'ssp370' | slice == 'ssp585' | slice == 'historical') + { + + # Constructing time series based on start and end input days! + time_period <- seq.Date(from = as.Date(start), to = as.Date(end), by = 'day') + # Reading cell elevation data (DEM should be in geographic projection) + watershed.elevation <- raster::raster(DEM) + # Reading the study Watershed shapefile + polys <- rgdal::readOGR(dsn=watershed,verbose = F) + # To address missing parameters in projection strings + polys <- sp::spTransform(polys,CRSobj = c('+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs')) + # Hydrological model climate master file name + filenametableKEY<-paste(Dir,type, 'Grid_Master.txt',sep='') + # Creating empty lists + filenameSWAT <- list() + filenameSWAT_TXT <- list() + closestSiteVec <- list() + minDistVec <- list() + cell.temp.values <- list() + # The IMERG data grid information + # Read a dummy day to extract spatial information and assign elevation data to the grids within the study watersheds + DUMMY_DATE <- as.Date('2016-09-01') + mon <- format(DUMMY_DATE,format='%m') + year <- format(DUMMY_DATE,format='%Y') + myurl = paste(paste(url.IMERG.input,year,mon,sep = '/'),'/',sep = '') + if(httr::status_code(GET(myurl))==200) + { + r <- httr::GET(myurl) + filenames <- httr::content(r, "text") + filenames <- XML::readHTMLTable(XML::htmlParse(filenames))[[1]]#getting the daily files at each monthly URL + filenames <- unique(stats::na.exclude(stringr::str_extract(as.character(filenames$Name),'3B-DAY.+(.nc4)'))) + # Extract the IMERG nc4 files for the specific month + # trying here the first day since I am only interested on grid locations + # downloading one file + if(dir.exists('./temp/')==FALSE){dir.create('./temp/')} + utils::download.file(quiet = T,method='curl',url=paste(myurl,filenames[1],sep = ''),destfile = paste('./temp/',filenames[1],sep = ''), mode = 'wb', extra = '-n -c ~/.urs_cookies -b ~/.urs_cookies -L') + test1<'./temp/',filenames[1],sep= ''))$size + stopifnot('The GPM IMERG server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.' = test1 > 3.5e6) + #reading ncdf file + nc<-ncdf4::nc_open( paste('./temp/',filenames[1],sep = '') ) + #since geographic info for all files are the same (assuming we are working with the same data product) + ###evaluate these values one time! + ###getting the y values (longitudes in degrees east) + nc.long.IMERG<-ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc,nc$dim[[1]]) + ####getting the x values (latitudes in degrees north) +<-ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc,nc$dim[[2]]) + #extract data + data<-ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc,myvarIMERG) + #reorder the rows + data<-data[ nrow(data):1, ] + ncdf4::nc_close(nc) + ###save the daily climate data values in a raster + IMERG<-raster::raster(x=as.matrix(data),xmn=nc.long.IMERG[1],xmx=nc.long.IMERG[NROW(nc.long.IMERG)],[1],[NROW(],crs=sp::CRS('+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs')) + #obtain cell numbers within the IMERG raster +<-raster::cellFromPolygon(IMERG, polys) + suppressWarnings(<-raster::cellFromPolygon(IMERG, polys)) + #obtain lat/long values corresponding to watershed cells + cell.longlat<-raster::xyFromCell(IMERG,unlist( + cell.rowCol <- raster::rowColFromCell(IMERG,unlist( + points_elevation<-raster::extract(x=watershed.elevation,y=cell.longlat,method='simple') + study_area_records_IMERG<-data.frame(ID=unlist(,cell.longlat,cell.rowCol,Elevation=points_elevation) + sp::coordinates (study_area_records_IMERG)<- ~x+y + rm(data,IMERG) + # The NEX-GDDP-CMIP6 data grid information + # Use the same dummy date defined above since NEX-GDDP-CMIP6 has data from 1950 to 2100. + # Using dummy date and file info for a file in the NEX-GDDP-CMIP6 dataset + # downloading one file + if(dir.exists('./temp/')==FALSE){dir.create('./temp/')} + utils::download.file(quiet = T, method = 'curl', url = '', destfile = paste('./temp/','',sep= ''), mode = 'wb', extra = '-L') + test2<'./temp/','',sep= ''))$size + stopifnot('The NEX GDDP server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.' = test2 > 6.0e6) + #reading ncdf file + nc<-ncdf4::nc_open( paste('./temp/','',sep = '') ) + #since geographic info for all NEX files are the same + ###evaluate these values at one time! + ###getting the x values (longitudes in degrees east, 0 to +360) so it needed to be converted to -180 to 180) + nc.long.NEXGDDP<-ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc,nc$dim[[3]]) + ####getting the y values (latitudes in degrees north, -90 to +90) +<-ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc,nc$dim[[2]]) + #getting the climate data + data<-ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc,'tasmax', start = c(1,1,1) , count = c(-1, -1 ,1)) + #transpose the data + data <- raster::t(data) + #reorder the rows + data<-data[ nrow(data):1, ] + ncdf4::nc_close(nc) + ###save the daily climate data values in a raster + NEX<-raster::raster(x=as.matrix(data),xmn=nc.long.NEXGDDP[1],xmx=nc.long.NEXGDDP[NROW(nc.long.NEXGDDP)],[1],[NROW(],crs=sp::CRS('+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs')) + ###rotate the raster to obtain the longitudes extent -180 to 180 + NEX<-raster::rotate(NEX) + #obtain cell numbers within the NEX-GDDP raster +<-raster::cellFromPolygon(NEX, polys) + suppressWarnings(<-raster::cellFromPolygon(NEX, polys)) + ##check to address small watershed + if(length(unlist( { -<-raster::cellFromPolygon(NEX, polys, weights = TRUE)[[1]][,"cell"][1] - suppressWarnings(<-raster::cellFromPolygon(NEX, polys, weights = TRUE)[[1]][,"cell"][1]) +<-raster::cellFromPolygon(NEX, polys, weights = TRUE)[[1]][,"cell"][1] + suppressWarnings(<-raster::cellFromPolygon(NEX, polys, weights = TRUE)[[1]][,"cell"][1]) } - #obtain lat/long values corresponding to watershed cells - cell.longlat<-raster::xyFromCell(NEX,unlist( - cell.rowCol <- raster::rowColFromCell(NEX,unlist( - study_area_records_NEX<-data.frame(NEX_ID=unlist(,cell.longlat,cell.rowCol) - sp::coordinates (study_area_records_NEX)<- ~x+y - rm(data,NEX) - - } - # creating a similarity table that connects IMERG and TRMM grids - # calculate euclidean distances to know how to connect TRMM grids with IMERG grids - for (i in 1 : nrow(study_area_records_IMERG)) - { - distVec <- sp::spDistsN1(study_area_records_NEX,study_area_records_IMERG[i,]) - minDistVec[[i]] <- min(distVec) - closestSiteVec[[i]] <- which.min(distVec) - } - - PointAssignIDs <- methods::as(study_area_records_NEX[unlist(closestSiteVec),]$NEX_ID,'numeric') - PointsAssignCol <- methods::as(study_area_records_NEX[unlist(closestSiteVec),]$col,'numeric') - PointsAssignRow <- methods::as(study_area_records_NEX[unlist(closestSiteVec),]$row,'numeric') - FinalTable = data.frame(sp::coordinates(study_area_records_IMERG),ID=study_area_records_IMERG$ID,row=study_area_records_IMERG$row,col=study_area_records_IMERG$col,Elevation=study_area_records_IMERG$Elevation, - CloseNEXIndex=PointAssignIDs,Distance=unlist(minDistVec),NEXCol=PointsAssignCol,NEXRow=PointsAssignRow) - #### Begin writing hydrological model climate input tables - #### Get the hydrological model file names and then put the first record date - for(jj in 1:dim(FinalTable)[1]) - { - if(dir.exists(Dir)==FALSE){dir.create(Dir,recursive = TRUE)} - filenameSWAT[[jj]]<-paste(type, myvarNAME,FinalTable$ID[jj],sep='') - filenameSWAT_TXT[[jj]]<-paste(Dir,filenameSWAT[[jj]],'.txt',sep='') - #write the data beginning date once! - write(x=format(time_period[1],'%Y%m%d'),file=filenameSWAT_TXT[[jj]]) - } - #### Write out the hydrological model grid information master table - OutHydrology<-data.frame(ID=FinalTable$ID,NAME=unlist(filenameSWAT),LAT=FinalTable$y,LONG=FinalTable$x,ELEVATION=FinalTable$Elevation) - utils::write.csv(OutHydrology,filenametableKEY,row.names = F,quote = F) - #### Start doing the work! - #### iterate over days to extract record from NEX-GDDP at IMERG grid locations established in the 'FinalTable' dataframe - if(type == 'pr') + #obtain lat/long values corresponding to watershed cells + cell.longlat<-raster::xyFromCell(NEX,unlist( + cell.rowCol <- raster::rowColFromCell(NEX,unlist( + study_area_records_NEX<-data.frame(NEX_ID=unlist(,cell.longlat,cell.rowCol) + sp::coordinates (study_area_records_NEX)<- ~x+y + rm(data,NEX) + + } + # creating a similarity table that connects IMERG and TRMM grids + # calculate euclidean distances to know how to connect TRMM grids with IMERG grids + for (i in 1 : nrow(study_area_records_IMERG)) + { + distVec <- sp::spDistsN1(study_area_records_NEX,study_area_records_IMERG[i,]) + minDistVec[[i]] <- min(distVec) + closestSiteVec[[i]] <- which.min(distVec) + } + + PointAssignIDs <- methods::as(study_area_records_NEX[unlist(closestSiteVec),]$NEX_ID,'numeric') + PointsAssignCol <- methods::as(study_area_records_NEX[unlist(closestSiteVec),]$col,'numeric') + PointsAssignRow <- methods::as(study_area_records_NEX[unlist(closestSiteVec),]$row,'numeric') + FinalTable = data.frame(sp::coordinates(study_area_records_IMERG),ID=study_area_records_IMERG$ID,row=study_area_records_IMERG$row,col=study_area_records_IMERG$col,Elevation=study_area_records_IMERG$Elevation, + CloseNEXIndex=PointAssignIDs,Distance=unlist(minDistVec),NEXCol=PointsAssignCol,NEXRow=PointsAssignRow) + #### Begin writing hydrological model climate input tables + #### Get the hydrological model file names and then put the first record date + for(jj in 1:dim(FinalTable)[1]) + { + if(dir.exists(Dir)==FALSE){dir.create(Dir,recursive = TRUE)} + filenameSWAT[[jj]]<-paste(type, myvarNAME,FinalTable$ID[jj],sep='') + filenameSWAT_TXT[[jj]]<-paste(Dir,filenameSWAT[[jj]],'.txt',sep='') + #write the data beginning date once! + write(x=format(time_period[1],'%Y%m%d'),file=filenameSWAT_TXT[[jj]]) + } + #### Write out the hydrological model grid information master table + OutHydrology<-data.frame(ID=FinalTable$ID,NAME=unlist(filenameSWAT),LAT=FinalTable$y,LONG=FinalTable$x,ELEVATION=FinalTable$Elevation) + utils::write.csv(OutHydrology,filenametableKEY,row.names = F,quote = F) + #### Start doing the work! + #### iterate over days to extract record from NEX-GDDP at IMERG grid locations established in the 'FinalTable' dataframe + if(type == 'pr') + { + for(kk in 1:length(time_period)) { - for(kk in 1:length(time_period)) - { - timestart <- time_period[kk] - timeyear <- format(timestart,"%Y") - dayjuilan <- as.numeric(format(timestart,"%j")) - filename <- paste(paste(type,'day',model,slice,Variant,'gn',as.character(timeyear),sep = '_'),'.nc',sep="") - myurl <- paste(ftp,filename,sep = '') + timestart <- time_period[kk] + timeend <- timestart + 1 + timeyear <- format(timestart,"%Y") + filename <- paste(type,'_day_',slice,'_',Variant,'_',model,'_',as.character(timestart),'_',as.character(timeend),'.nc',sep = '') + myurl <- paste(ftp,timeyear,'.nc?','var=',type,'&disableLLSubset=on&disableProjSubset=on&horizStride=1&time_start=',as.character(timestart),'T12%3A00%3A00Z&time_duration=P1D','&timeStride=1',sep = '') + # downloading file if(dir.exists('./temp/')==FALSE){dir.create('./temp/')} if(file.exists(paste('./temp/',filename,sep= ''))==FALSE){utils::download.file(quiet = T, method = 'curl', url = myurl, destfile = paste('./temp/',filename,sep= ''), mode = 'wb', extra = '-L')} # Reading the ncdf file test3<'./temp/',filename,sep= ''))$size - stopifnot('The NEX GDDP server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.' = test3 > 6.0e6) + stopifnot('The NEX GDDP server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.' = test3 > 3.0e6) nc <- ncdf4::nc_open( paste('./temp/',filename,sep = '') ) - data <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc,type, start = c(1,1,dayjuilan) , count = c(-1, -1 ,1)) + data <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc,type, start = c(1,1,1) , count = c(-1, -1 ,1)) #transpose the data data <- raster::t(data) #reorder the rows @@ -248,36 +245,36 @@ NEX_GDDP_CMIP6=function(Dir='./INPUT/', watershed ='LowerMekong.shp', DEM = 'Low cell.values<-as.vector(NEX)[FinalTable$CloseNEXIndex]*86400 cell.values[] <- '-99.0' #filling missing data ### Looping through the NEX points and writing out the daily climate data in hydrology model format - for(jj in 1:dim(FinalTable)[1]) - { - write(x=cell.values[jj],filenameSWAT_TXT[[jj]],append=T,ncolumns = 1) - } - - #empty memory and getting ready for the next day! - cell.values<-list() + for(jj in 1:dim(FinalTable)[1]) + { + write(x=cell.values[jj],filenameSWAT_TXT[[jj]],append=T,ncolumns = 1) } + + #empty memory and getting ready for the next day! + cell.values<-list() } - else + } + else + { + for(jj in 1:length(time_period)) { - for(jj in 1:length(time_period)) - { - timestart <- time_period[jj] - dayjuilan <- as.numeric(format(timestart,"%j")) - timeyear <- format(timestart,"%Y") - typemin <- paste(type,'min',sep='') - typemax <- paste(type,'max',sep='') - filename_min <- paste(paste(typemin,'day',model,slice,Variant,'gn',as.character(timeyear),sep = '_'),'.nc',sep='') - filename_max <- paste(paste(typemax,'day',model,slice,Variant,'gn',as.character(timeyear),sep = '_'),'.nc',sep='') - myurl_min <- paste(ftp_min,filename_min, sep = '') - myurl_max <- paste(ftp_max,filename_max, sep = '') + timestart <- time_period[jj] + timeend <- timestart + 1 + timeyear <- format(timestart,"%Y") + typemin <- paste(type,'min',sep='') + typemax <- paste(type,'max',sep='') + filename_min <- paste(typemin,'_day_',slice,'_',Variant,'_',model,'_',as.character(timestart),'_',as.character(timeend),'.nc',sep = '') + filename_max <- paste(typemax,'_day_',slice,'_',Variant,'_',model,'_',as.character(timestart),'_',as.character(timeend),'.nc',sep = '') + myurl_min <- paste(ftp_min,timeyear,'.nc?','var=',type,'min','&disableLLSubset=on&disableProjSubset=on&horizStride=1&time_start=',as.character(timestart),'T12%3A00%3A00Z&time_duration=P1D','&timeStride=1',sep = '') + myurl_max <- paste(ftp_max,timeyear,'.nc?','var=',type,'max','&disableLLSubset=on&disableProjSubset=on&horizStride=1&time_start=',as.character(timestart),'T12%3A00%3A00Z&time_duration=P1D','&timeStride=1',sep = '') # downloading file if(dir.exists('./temp/')==FALSE){dir.create('./temp/')} if(file.exists(paste('./temp/',filename_min,sep= ''))==FALSE|file.exists(paste('./temp/',filename_max,sep= ''))==FALSE){utils::download.file(quiet = T, method = 'curl', url = myurl_min, destfile = paste('./temp/',filename_min,sep= ''), mode = 'wb', extra = '-L');utils::download.file(quiet = T, method = 'curl', url = myurl_max, destfile = paste('./temp/',filename_max,sep= ''), mode = 'wb', extra = '-L')} # Reading the tmin ncdf file test4<'./temp/',filename_min,sep= ''))$size - stopifnot('The NEX GDDP server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.' = test4 > 6.0e6) + stopifnot('The NEX GDDP server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.' = test4 > 3.0e6) nc_min <- ncdf4::nc_open( paste('./temp/',filename_min,sep = '') ) - data_min <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc_min,typemin, start = c(1,1,dayjuilan) , count = c(-1, -1 ,1)) + data_min <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc_min,typemin, start = c(1,1,1) , count = c(-1, -1 ,1)) #transpose the data data_min <- raster::t(data_min) #reorder the rows @@ -285,9 +282,9 @@ NEX_GDDP_CMIP6=function(Dir='./INPUT/', watershed ='LowerMekong.shp', DEM = 'Low ncdf4::nc_close(nc_min) # Reading the tmax ncdf file test5<'./temp/',filename_max,sep= ''))$size - stopifnot('The NEX GDDP server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.' = test5 > 6.0e6) + stopifnot('The NEX GDDP server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.' = test5 > 3.0e6) nc_max <- ncdf4::nc_open( paste('./temp/',filename_max,sep = '') ) - data_max <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc_max,typemax, start = c(1,1,dayjuilan) , count = c(-1, -1 ,1)) + data_max <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc_max,typemax, start = c(1,1,1) , count = c(-1, -1 ,1)) #transpose the data data_max <- raster::t(data_max) #reorder the rows @@ -304,45 +301,39 @@ NEX_GDDP_CMIP6=function(Dir='./INPUT/', watershed ='LowerMekong.shp', DEM = 'Low cell.values_max<-as.vector(NEX_max)[FinalTable$CloseNEXIndex] - 273.16 #convert to degree C cell.values_min[] <- '-99.0' #filling missing data cell.values_max[] <- '-99.0' #filling missing data - - ### Looping through the NEX points and writing out the daily climate data - for(k in 1:dim(FinalTable)[1]) - { - cell.temp.values[[k]]<-paste(cell.values_max[k],cell.values_min[k],sep=',') - write(x=cell.temp.values[[k]],filenameSWAT_TXT[[k]],append=T,ncolumns = 1) - } - #empty memory and getting ready for the next day! - cell.temp.values<-list() + + ### Looping through the NEX points and writing out the daily climate data + for(k in 1:dim(FinalTable)[1]) + { + cell.temp.values[[k]]<-paste(cell.values_max[k],cell.values_min[k],sep=',') + write(x=cell.temp.values[[k]],filenameSWAT_TXT[[k]],append=T,ncolumns = 1) } - + #empty memory and getting ready for the next day! + cell.temp.values<-list() } - - - unlink(x='./temp', recursive = TRUE) - } - - else - { - cat('Sorry!',paste(format(as.Date(start),'%b'),format(as.Date(start),'%Y'),sep=','),'is out of coverage for the NEX-GDDP-CMIP6 data products.',' \n') - cat('Please pick start and end dates following notes described at the function notes to access the NEX-GDDP-CMIP6 data products.',' \n') - cat('Thank you!',' \n') - } - - } - else - { - cat('Sorry!',' \n') - cat('The NEX-GDDP DATASHARE server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.',' \n') - cat('Thank you.',' \n') - } + } - + unlink(x='./temp', recursive = TRUE) + } - } + else + { + cat('Sorry!',paste(format(as.Date(start),'%b'),format(as.Date(start),'%Y'),sep=','),'is out of coverage for the NEX-GDDP-CMIP6 data products.',' \n') + cat('Please pick start and end dates following notes described at the function notes to access the NEX-GDDP-CMIP6 data products.',' \n') + cat('Thank you!',' \n') + } + } + else + { + cat('Sorry!',' \n') + cat('The NEX-GDDP DATASHARE server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.',' \n') + cat('Thank you.',' \n') + } +} else { cat('Sorry!',' \n') diff --git a/README.Rmd b/README.Rmd index 175a998..2cda0c3 100644 --- a/README.Rmd +++ b/README.Rmd @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ On a local machine the user should have installed the following programs as well + [Installing R software]( - + [Installing Rstudio software]( (OPTIONAL) + + [Installing Rstudio software]( (OPTIONAL) + *NASAaccess* R package needs a user registration access with [Earthdata]( Users should set up a registration account(s) with [Earthdata]( login as well as well as authorizing [NASA]( "The National Aeronautics and Space Administration") [GES DISC]( data access. Please refer to for further details. diff --git a/ b/ index 5123d74..f268e2a 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ local machine: - [Installing R software]( -- [Installing Rstudio software]( (OPTIONAL) +- [Installing Rstudio software]( (OPTIONAL) - *NASAaccess* R package needs a user registration access with [Earthdata]( Users should set up a diff --git a/inst/.DS_Store b/inst/.DS_Store index 5c3e44b76d8ef54d1d9626cda4ccfe92fd633ca9..6c6190fbbd3233eb753958dfc9315b1933dfbe13 100644 GIT binary patch delta 19 acmZp1XmQw(D9CiwVzQ&4@a8hXK0W|NEe3c1 delta 19 acmZp1XmQw(D9E(eVzQ&4@a8hXK0W|M)dp|? diff --git a/man/NEX_GDDP_CMIP6.Rd b/man/NEX_GDDP_CMIP6.Rd index 2bec500..b7fa2cd 100644 --- a/man/NEX_GDDP_CMIP6.Rd +++ b/man/NEX_GDDP_CMIP6.Rd @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ air temperature data products. The \command{NEX_GDDP_CMIP6} function outputs gri \acronym{NEX-GDDP-CMIP6} dataset is comprised of downscaled climate scenarios for the globe that are derived from the General Circulation Model \acronym{GCM} runs conducted under the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 \acronym{CMIP6} (Eyring et al. 2016) and across the four "Tier 1" greenhouse gas emissions scenarios known as Shared Socioeconomic Pathways \acronym{SSPs} (O'Neil et al. 2016; Meinshausen et al. 2020). The \acronym{CMIP6} \acronym{GCM} runs were developed in support of the Sixth Assessment Report -of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change \acronym{IPCC AR6}. This data set includes downscaled projections from the 35 models and scenarios for which daily scenarios were produced and distributed under \acronym{CMIP6}. Please visit \acronym{NCCS} Dataportal - Datashare \url{} to ensure that the requested model and greenhouse gas emissions scenario (\acronym{SSPs}) is available on the server before you execute your run. +of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change \acronym{IPCC AR6}. This data set includes downscaled projections from the 35 models and scenarios for which daily scenarios were produced and distributed under \acronym{CMIP6}. Please visit \acronym{NCCS} Dataportal - Datashare \url{} to ensure that the requested model and greenhouse gas emissions scenario (\acronym{SSPs}) is available on the server before you execute your run. The Bias-Correction Spatial Disaggregation \acronym{BCSD} method used in generating the \acronym{NEX-GDDP-CMIP6} data set is a statistical downscaling algorithm specifically developed to address the current limitations of the global \acronym{GCM} outputs (Wood et al. 2002; Wood et al. 2004; Maurer et al. 2008; Thrasher et al. 2012). The \acronym{NEX-GDDP-CMIP6} climate projections is downscaled at a spatial resolution of 0.25 degrees x 0.25 degrees (approximately 25 km x 25 km). The \command{NEX_GDDP_CMIP6} downscales the \acronym{NEX-GDDP-CMIP6} data to grid points of 0.1 degrees x 0.1 degrees following nearest point methods described by Mohammed et al. (2018).