CSS: meeting.css use_numbered_headers: true
- Shane to email Infragistics about getting us some money ($400)
- Jon to contact fog creek dude again.
- Jon to ping Alex about git series #2 topic
- Jon to ping Shinkle about story mapping
- Git Series #2 - GUI Tools or GitHub
- Fog Creek Dude ?
- Shinkle Story Mapping ?
- Backup Mobile Web Development - Sasha
- Fishbowl - Interviewing.
- Git Series #3 - ??
- Fog Creek Dude ?
- Fishbowl ?
- Backup Mobile Web Development - Sasha ?
- NuGet + OpenWrap
- Lightning Talk - autorefresh/watchr
- Lightning Talk - Cyclomatic Complexity - Reducing/refactoring - Brett
- Anti-If Campaign - Mike
- Design Patterns - Dean
- Refactoring - Dean
- Attribute Magic (refactoring, etc.) - Shane
- Git - Jon, but not necessarily
- Cyclomatic Complexity - Reducing/refactoring - Brett
- Greg - Google Closure
- Shawn - Coffee Roasting
- T4
- Chris Shinkle about Story Mapping
- Evented code - thin, unicorn, rainbows, node, kayak, mongrel2, zeromq, etc.
- Editor Showdown/Tooling
- AOP (weaving, etc.) + Dynamic Proxy
- Software Craftsmanship (Brian Ball)
- Low-level/Hardware Platform concerns and Profiling (CPU/IO/Memory/Network)
- Node.js
- Profiling
- Virtualization - Single box n-tier dev environment
- Effective Organizational Change
- Low-level/Hardware Platform concerns (CPU/IO/Memory/Network) - Fishbowl+Pres
- Roles Fishbowl (again)
- War-Stories
- Bitchfest - Dean is responsible for beer
- Interviewing techniques
- Buzzword Bingo is a decent idea to do sometime