diff --git a/404.html b/404.html index 82bac88a..b749096b 100644 --- a/404.html +++ b/404.html @@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ - + - - - - + + + +
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index 82bac88a..b749096b 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ - + - - - - + + + + diff --git a/static/index.C4Y4Ef5t.entry.js b/static/index.D2-4jXpn.entry.js similarity index 98% rename from static/index.C4Y4Ef5t.entry.js rename to static/index.D2-4jXpn.entry.js index d4006a4e..f7e2359c 100644 --- a/static/index.C4Y4Ef5t.entry.js +++ b/static/index.D2-4jXpn.entry.js @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ import { c as n, n as e, j as a, r as s, b as t, w as c, R as l, p as o, q as i, v as r, x as p, y as d, z as u, F as m, A as h, B as k, C as N, e as g, D as y, E as f, k as v, s as x, G as b, H as w } from "./lib-nodepkg-vuekit.DnJ2JQqf.chunk.js"; -import { c as _, z as C, A as S, p as O, l as j, f as I, B as E, C as T, g as D } from "./lib-nodepkg-typedef.CuY8ZQtO.chunk.js"; -import { I as P, a as $, T as R, b as z, c as B, E as V, F as M, d as A, O as L, D as F, e as U, M as H, L as W } from "./lib-nodepkg-vuematerial.42Lc8gSV.chunk.js"; -import { m as X, a as q, C as J, D as G, b as Y, c as Z, d as K, e as Q, f as nn } from "./webapp-vuekit-layout.C4GlEj-j.chunk.js"; -import { B as ne, C as na, b as ns, G as nt, T as nc, c as nl, e as no, f as ni, s as nr, v as np, a as nd, g as nu, P as nm, d as nh, t as nk } from "./lib-nodepkg-vueuikit.DmOX2DFP.chunk.js"; -import { I as nN, _ as ng } from "./webapp-vuekit-page.gBTd4hjz.chunk.js"; +import { c as _, z as S, A as C, p as O, l as j, f as I, B as E, C as T, g as D } from "./lib-nodepkg-typedef.CuY8ZQtO.chunk.js"; +import { I as P, a as $, T as R, b as z, c as B, E as V, F as M, d as A, O as L, D as F, e as U, M as H, L as W } from "./lib-nodepkg-vuematerial.CbvdgO5d.chunk.js"; +import { m as q, a as J, C as X, D as G, b as Y, c as Z, d as K, e as Q, f as nn } from "./webapp-vuekit-layout.fPJJ8P1q.chunk.js"; +import { B as ne, C as na, b as ns, G as nt, T as nc, c as nl, e as no, f as ni, s as nr, v as np, a as nd, g as nu, P as nm, d as nh, t as nk } from "./lib-nodepkg-vueuikit.B_gkDEbM.chunk.js"; +import { I as nN, _ as ng } from "./webapp-vuekit-page.SLrEBMDY.chunk.js"; let ny = n(() => { - let n10 = C(e().options.routes.filter((n11) => "/" !== n11.path), (n11) => n11.path.split("/")[1]); - return () => a(ne, { sx: { py: 16, px: 0, textTransform: "capitalize" }, children: S(n10, (n11, e2) => { + let n10 = S(e().options.routes.filter((n11) => "/" !== n11.path), (n11) => n11.path.split("/")[1]); + return () => a(ne, { sx: { py: 16, px: 0, textTransform: "capitalize" }, children: C(n10, (n11, e2) => { var s2; let [c2, l2] = O(n11, (n12) => n12.path === `/${e2}`); - return t(ne, { sx: { px: 8 }, children: [c2[0] ? a(z, { component: o, sx: { width: "100%", justifyContent: "flex-start" }, activeClass: "active", to: null === (s2 = c2[0]) || void 0 === s2 ? void 0 : s2.path, children: e2 }) : a(z, { sx: { width: "100%", justifyContent: "flex-start" }, children: e2 }), a(ne, { sx: { pl: 16 }, children: S(l2, (n12) => { + return t(ne, { sx: { px: 8 }, children: [c2[0] ? a(z, { component: o, sx: { width: "100%", justifyContent: "flex-start" }, activeClass: "active", to: null === (s2 = c2[0]) || void 0 === s2 ? void 0 : s2.path, children: e2 }) : a(z, { sx: { width: "100%", justifyContent: "flex-start" }, children: e2 }), a(ne, { sx: { pl: 16 }, children: C(l2, (n12) => { var e3; return a(z, { component: o, activeClass: "active", to: n12.path, sx: { width: "100%", justifyContent: "flex-start" }, children: null === (e3 = j(n12.path.split("/"))) || void 0 === e3 ? void 0 : e3.replaceAll("-", " ") }, n12.name); }) })] }, e2); @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ let ny = n(() => { var n11; return t(ne, { "data-theme": l2.value, sx: { display: "flex", height: "100vh", width: "100vw", containerStyle: "sys.surface" }, children: [t(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", width: "280px", height: "100vh", borderRightRadius: "lg", overflowY: "auto", containerStyle: "sys.surface-container-low", elevation: "0", _hover: { elevation: "2" } }, children: [a(ne, { sx: { flex: 1 }, children: a(ny, {}) }), t(ne, { sx: { p: 16, display: "flex", justifyContent: "flex-end" }, children: [a(P, { component: "a", target: "_blank", sx: { color: "sys.on-surface-variant" }, href: "//github.com/innoai-tech/vuekit", children: a($, { path: Y }) }), a(R, { title: `切换到${"light" === l2.value ? "深色模式" : "浅色模式"}`, children: a(ne, { component: P, "data-test": true, sx: { color: "sys.on-surface-variant" }, onClick: () => { l2.value = "light" === l2.value ? "dark" : "light"; - }, children: a($, { path: "light" === l2.value ? X : q }) }) })] })] }), a(ne, { sx: { flex: 1, overflow: "auto" }, children: a(J, { children: null === (n11 = c2.default) || void 0 === n11 ? void 0 : n11.call(c2) }) })] }); + }, children: a($, { path: "light" === l2.value ? q : J }) }) })] })] }), a(ne, { sx: { flex: 1, overflow: "auto" }, children: a(X, { children: null === (n11 = c2.default) || void 0 === n11 ? void 0 : n11.call(c2) }) })] }); }; }, { displayName: "Scaffold" }), nv = n(() => { let n10 = G.use(), e2 = na.use(); @@ -33,27 +33,27 @@ let ny = n(() => { let s2 = n10.value.theming, c2 = s2.unstable_css(e2, { ":root": s2.rootCSSVars }); return a(G, { value: n10, children: t(nc, { value: s2, children: [a(ns, {}), a(nt, { styles: '/*! normalize.css v8.0.1 | MIT License | github.com/necolas/normalize.css */\n\n/* Document\n ========================================================================== */\n\n/**\n * 1. Correct the line height in all browsers.\n * 2. Prevent adjustments of font size after orientation changes in iOS.\n */\n\nhtml {\n line-height: 1.15; /* 1 */\n -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/* Sections\n ========================================================================== */\n\n/**\n * Remove the margin in all browsers.\n */\n\nbody {\n margin: 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * Render the `main` element consistently in IE.\n */\n\nmain {\n display: block;\n}\n\n/**\n * Correct the font size and margin on `h1` elements within `section` and\n * `article` contexts in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.\n */\n\nh1 {\n font-size: 2em;\n margin: 0.67em 0;\n}\n\n/* Grouping content\n ========================================================================== */\n\n/**\n * 1. Add the correct box sizing in Firefox.\n * 2. Show the overflow in Edge and IE.\n */\n\nhr {\n box-sizing: content-box; /* 1 */\n height: 0; /* 1 */\n overflow: visible; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/**\n * 1. Correct the inheritance and scaling of font size in all browsers.\n * 2. Correct the odd `em` font sizing in all browsers.\n */\n\npre {\n font-family: monospace, monospace; /* 1 */\n font-size: 1em; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/* Text-level semantics\n ========================================================================== */\n\n/**\n * Remove the gray background on active links in IE 10.\n */\n\na {\n background-color: transparent;\n}\n\n/**\n * 1. Remove the bottom border in Chrome 57-\n * 2. Add the correct text decoration in Chrome, Edge, IE, Opera, and Safari.\n */\n\nabbr[title] {\n border-bottom: none; /* 1 */\n text-decoration: underline; /* 2 */\n text-decoration: underline dotted; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/**\n * Add the correct font weight in Chrome, Edge, and Safari.\n */\n\nb,\nstrong {\n font-weight: bolder;\n}\n\n/**\n * 1. Correct the inheritance and scaling of font size in all browsers.\n * 2. Correct the odd `em` font sizing in all browsers.\n */\n\ncode,\nkbd,\nsamp {\n font-family: monospace, monospace; /* 1 */\n font-size: 1em; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/**\n * Add the correct font size in all browsers.\n */\n\nsmall {\n font-size: 80%;\n}\n\n/**\n * Prevent `sub` and `sup` elements from affecting the line height in\n * all browsers.\n */\n\nsub,\nsup {\n font-size: 75%;\n line-height: 0;\n position: relative;\n vertical-align: baseline;\n}\n\nsub {\n bottom: -0.25em;\n}\n\nsup {\n top: -0.5em;\n}\n\n/* Embedded content\n ========================================================================== */\n\n/**\n * Remove the border on images inside links in IE 10.\n */\n\nimg {\n border-style: none;\n}\n\n/* Forms\n ========================================================================== */\n\n/**\n * 1. Change the font styles in all browsers.\n * 2. Remove the margin in Firefox and Safari.\n */\n\nbutton,\ninput,\noptgroup,\nselect,\ntextarea {\n font-family: inherit; /* 1 */\n font-size: 100%; /* 1 */\n line-height: 1.15; /* 1 */\n margin: 0; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/**\n * Show the overflow in IE.\n * 1. Show the overflow in Edge.\n */\n\nbutton,\ninput { /* 1 */\n overflow: visible;\n}\n\n/**\n * Remove the inheritance of text transform in Edge, Firefox, and IE.\n * 1. Remove the inheritance of text transform in Firefox.\n */\n\nbutton,\nselect { /* 1 */\n text-transform: none;\n}\n\n/**\n * Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari.\n */\n\nbutton,\n[type="button"],\n[type="reset"],\n[type="submit"] {\n -webkit-appearance: button;\n}\n\n/**\n * Remove the inner border and padding in Firefox.\n */\n\nbutton::-moz-focus-inner,\n[type="button"]::-moz-focus-inner,\n[type="reset"]::-moz-focus-inner,\n[type="submit"]::-moz-focus-inner {\n border-style: none;\n padding: 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * Restore the focus styles unset by the previous rule.\n */\n\nbutton:-moz-focusring,\n[type="button"]:-moz-focusring,\n[type="reset"]:-moz-focusring,\n[type="submit"]:-moz-focusring {\n outline: 1px dotted ButtonText;\n}\n\n/**\n * Correct the padding in Firefox.\n */\n\nfieldset {\n padding: 0.35em 0.75em 0.625em;\n}\n\n/**\n * 1. Correct the text wrapping in Edge and IE.\n * 2. Correct the color inheritance from `fieldset` elements in IE.\n * 3. Remove the padding so developers are not caught out when they zero out\n * `fieldset` elements in all browsers.\n */\n\nlegend {\n box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */\n color: inherit; /* 2 */\n display: table; /* 1 */\n max-width: 100%; /* 1 */\n padding: 0; /* 3 */\n white-space: normal; /* 1 */\n}\n\n/**\n * Add the correct vertical alignment in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.\n */\n\nprogress {\n vertical-align: baseline;\n}\n\n/**\n * Remove the default vertical scrollbar in IE 10+.\n */\n\ntextarea {\n overflow: auto;\n}\n\n/**\n * 1. Add the correct box sizing in IE 10.\n * 2. Remove the padding in IE 10.\n */\n\n[type="checkbox"],\n[type="radio"] {\n box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */\n padding: 0; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/**\n * Correct the cursor style of increment and decrement buttons in Chrome.\n */\n\n[type="number"]::-webkit-inner-spin-button,\n[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {\n height: auto;\n}\n\n/**\n * 1. Correct the odd appearance in Chrome and Safari.\n * 2. Correct the outline style in Safari.\n */\n\n[type="search"] {\n -webkit-appearance: textfield; /* 1 */\n outline-offset: -2px; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/**\n * Remove the inner padding in Chrome and Safari on macOS.\n */\n\n[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration {\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n}\n\n/**\n * 1. Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari.\n * 2. Change font properties to `inherit` in Safari.\n */\n\n::-webkit-file-upload-button {\n -webkit-appearance: button; /* 1 */\n font: inherit; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/* Interactive\n ========================================================================== */\n\n/*\n * Add the correct display in Edge, IE 10+, and Firefox.\n */\n\ndetails {\n display: block;\n}\n\n/*\n * Add the correct display in all browsers.\n */\n\nsummary {\n display: list-item;\n}\n\n/* Misc\n ========================================================================== */\n\n/**\n * Add the correct display in IE 10+.\n */\n\ntemplate {\n display: none;\n}\n\n/**\n * Add the correct display in IE 10.\n */\n\n[hidden] {\n display: none;\n}\n' }), a(nf, { children: a(l, {}) })] }, c2.name) }); }; -}, { displayName: "App" }), nx = [{ name: "vuematerial-textfields", path: "/vuematerial/textfields", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => nw), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vuematerial-buttons", path: "/vuematerial/buttons", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => n_), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vuematerial", path: "/vuematerial", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => nO), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vuematerial-overlays", path: "/vuematerial/overlays", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => nj), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vuematerial-icons", path: "/vuematerial/icons", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => nP), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vueuikit-figma-tokens", path: "/vueuikit/figma-tokens", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => n$), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vueuikit", path: "/vueuikit", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => nA), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vueuikit-color-palette", path: "/vueuikit/color-palette", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => nX), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vueuikit-elevation", path: "/vueuikit/elevation", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => nq), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vueuikit-typography", path: "/vueuikit/typography", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => nJ), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vueuikit-color-scheme", path: "/vueuikit/color-scheme", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => nY), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vueuikit-popper", path: "/vueuikit/popper", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => n2), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vuekit", path: "/vuekit", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => en), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vuekit-rx-in-vue", path: "/vuekit/rx-in-vue", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => ec), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "index", path: "/", component: Object.assign(nN, ng), props: true }]; +}, { displayName: "App" }), nx = [{ name: "vuematerial-textfields", path: "/vuematerial/textfields", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => nw), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vuematerial-buttons", path: "/vuematerial/buttons", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => n_), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vuematerial", path: "/vuematerial", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => nO), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vuematerial-overlays", path: "/vuematerial/overlays", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => nj), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vuematerial-icons", path: "/vuematerial/icons", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => nP), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vueuikit-figma-tokens", path: "/vueuikit/figma-tokens", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => n$), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vueuikit", path: "/vueuikit", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => nA), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vueuikit-color-palette", path: "/vueuikit/color-palette", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => nq), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vueuikit-elevation", path: "/vueuikit/elevation", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => nJ), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vueuikit-typography", path: "/vueuikit/typography", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => nX), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vueuikit-color-scheme", path: "/vueuikit/color-scheme", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => nY), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vueuikit-popper", path: "/vueuikit/popper", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => n2), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vuekit", path: "/vuekit", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => en), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "vuekit-rx-in-vue", path: "/vuekit/rx-in-vue", component: () => i(() => Promise.resolve().then(() => ec), true ? void 0 : void 0), props: true }, { name: "index", path: "/", component: Object.assign(nN, ng), props: true }]; console.log(nx); let nb = r({ history: p(new URL(null !== (nF = null === (nL = document.querySelector("base")) || void 0 === nL ? void 0 : nL.href) && void 0 !== nF ? nF : "/").pathname), routes: nx }); d(nv).use(nb).mount("#root"); let nw = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, default: n(() => { let n10 = { Enabled: {}, Focused: { focus: true }, Invalid: { invalid: true }, Disabled: { disabled: true } }, e2 = { TextField: B }; - return () => a(J, { children: a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: 48 }, children: S(e2, (e3, s2) => a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: 16 }, children: [(n11) => a(e3, { ...n11, children: a("input", { "data-input": "", type: "text", placeholder: "Type" }) }), (n11) => a(e3, { ...n11, valued: true, children: a("input", { "data-input": "", type: "text", value: "Username" }) }), (n11) => a(e3, { ...n11, $leading: a($, { path: Z }), children: a("input", { "data-input": "", type: "text" }) }), (n11) => a(e3, { ...n11, $trailing: a($, { path: K }), children: a("input", { "data-input": "", type: "text" }) })].map((e4, s3) => a(u, { children: a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", gap: 16 }, children: S(n10, (n11) => e4({ ...n11, $label: "Name", $supporting: "Desc" })) }) }, `${s3}`)) }, s2)) }) }); + return () => a(X, { children: a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: 48 }, children: C(e2, (e3, s2) => a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: 16 }, children: [(n11) => a(e3, { ...n11, children: a("input", { "data-input": "", type: "text", placeholder: "Type" }) }), (n11) => a(e3, { ...n11, valued: true, children: a("input", { "data-input": "", type: "text", value: "Username" }) }), (n11) => a(e3, { ...n11, $leading: a($, { path: Z }), children: a("input", { "data-input": "", type: "text" }) }), (n11) => a(e3, { ...n11, $trailing: a($, { path: K }), children: a("input", { "data-input": "", type: "text" }) })].map((e4, s3) => a(u, { children: a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", gap: 16 }, children: C(n10, (n11) => e4({ ...n11, $label: "Name", $supporting: "Desc" })) }) }, `${s3}`)) }, s2)) }) }); }) }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), n_ = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, default: n(() => { let n10 = { Enabled: {}, Disabled: { disabled: true }, Hovered: { hover: true }, Focused: { focus: true }, Pressed: { active: true } }, e2 = { ElevatedButton: V, FilledButton: M, TonalButton: A, OutlinedButton: L, TextButton: z }; - return () => a(J, { children: a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: 48 }, children: S(e2, (e3, s2) => a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: 16 }, children: [(n11) => n11, (n11) => t(m, { children: [a($, { path: K, placement: "start" }), n11] }), (n11) => t(m, { children: [n11, a($, { path: Q, placement: "end" })] })].map((s3, t2) => a(u, { children: a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", gap: 16 }, children: S(n10, (n11, t3) => a(e3, { ...n11, children: s3(t3) })) }) }, `${t2}`)) }, s2)) }) }); + return () => a(X, { children: a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: 48 }, children: C(e2, (e3, s2) => a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: 16 }, children: [(n11) => n11, (n11) => t(m, { children: [a($, { path: K, placement: "start" }), n11] }), (n11) => t(m, { children: [n11, a($, { path: Q, placement: "end" })] })].map((s3, t2) => a(u, { children: a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", gap: 16 }, children: C(n10, (n11, t3) => a(e3, { ...n11, children: s3(t3) })) }) }, `${t2}`)) }, s2)) }) }); }) }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })); -function nC(n10) { +function nS(n10) { return a({ p: "p", ...n10.components }.p, { children: "这不是一个完整的组件库,只是一个示例,作为 vueuikit 的参考" }); } -function nS() { +function nC() { let n10 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, { wrapper: e2 } = n10.components || {}; - return e2 ? a(e2, { ...n10, children: a(nC, { ...n10 }) }) : nC(n10); + return e2 ? a(e2, { ...n10, children: a(nS, { ...n10 }) }) : nS(n10); } -let nO = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, default: h(() => () => k(nS, { components: {} })) }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), nj = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, default: n(() => { +let nO = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, default: h(() => () => k(nC, { components: {} })) }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), nj = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, default: n(() => { let n10 = s(false), e2 = s(false), c2 = s(false); - return () => a(J, { children: t(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: 8 }, children: [a(z, { onClick: () => { + return () => a(X, { children: t(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: 8 }, children: [a(z, { onClick: () => { e2.value = true; }, children: "Open Dialog" }), a(F, { isOpen: e2.value, onClose: () => { e2.value = false; @@ -144,42 +144,34 @@ let nW = N(function(n10, e2) { i2 && ("function" == typeof i2.removeRange ? i2.removeRange(o2) : i2.removeAllRanges()), r2 && document.body.removeChild(r2), l2(); } return p2; -}), nX = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, default: n(() => { +}), nq = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, default: n(() => { let n10 = G.use(), e2 = g(); return () => { let s2 = ni.fromColors(n10.value.seed); - return t(ne, { ref: e2, sx: { display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: 24 }, children: [t(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", gap: 56 }, children: [a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }, children: S(n10.value.seed, (e3, s3) => t(ne, { sx: { flex: 1, display: "flex", alignItems: "center", gap: 16 }, children: [a(ne, { sx: { flex: 1 }, children: s3 }), a("input", { type: "color", value: e3, onChange: (e4) => { + return t(ne, { ref: e2, sx: { display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: 24 }, children: [t(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", gap: 56 }, children: [a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }, children: C(n10.value.seed, (e3, s3) => t(ne, { sx: { flex: 1, display: "flex", alignItems: "center", gap: 16 }, children: [a(ne, { sx: { flex: 1 }, children: s3 }), a("input", { type: "color", value: e3, onChange: (e4) => { n10.next((n11) => { n11.seed[s3] = e4.target.value; }); - } })] })) }), a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", flexWrap: "wrap", gap: 16 }, children: S(n10.value.rules, (e3, c2) => { - let [l2, o2, i2] = e3; - return t(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", alignItems: "center", width: "30%" }, children: [a(ne, { sx: { flex: 1 }, children: c2 }), t(ne, { sx: { flex: 1, display: "flex", gap: 4, "& input": { width: "40%", border: "1px solid", borderColor: "sys.outline" } }, children: [a("input", { type: "number", value: o2, max: 100, min: 0, style: { backgroundColor: ni.toHEX(s2.seeds[l2].tone(o2)), color: o2 > 50 ? "black" : "white" }, "data-color": ni.toHEX(s2.seeds[l2].tone(o2)), "data-theme": "dark", onChange: (e4) => { + } })] })) }), a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", flexWrap: "wrap", gap: 16 }, children: C(n10.value.rules, (e3, c2) => { + let [l2, o2] = e3; + return t(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", alignItems: "center", width: "30%" }, children: [a(ne, { sx: { flex: 1 }, children: c2 }), a(ne, { sx: { flex: 1, display: "flex", gap: 4, "& input": { width: "40%", border: "1px solid", borderColor: "sys.outline" } }, children: a("input", { type: "number", value: o2, max: 100, min: 0, style: { backgroundColor: ni.toHEX(s2.seeds[l2].tone(o2)), color: o2 > 50 ? "black" : "white" }, "data-color": ni.toHEX(s2.seeds[l2].tone(o2)), "data-theme": "dark", onChange: (e4) => { try { let a2 = parseInt(e4.target.value); n10.next((n11) => { - n11.rules[c2] = [l2, a2, i2]; + n11.rules[c2] = [l2, a2, o2]; }); } catch (n11) { } - } }), a("input", { type: "number", max: 100, min: 0, value: i2, style: { backgroundColor: ni.toHEX(s2.seeds[l2].tone(i2)), color: i2 > 50 ? "black" : "white" }, "data-color": ni.toHEX(s2.seeds[l2].tone(i2)), "data-theme": "light", onChange: (e4) => { - try { - let a2 = parseInt(e4.target.value); - n10.next((n11) => { - n11.rules[c2] = [l2, o2, a2]; - }); - } catch (n11) { - } - } })] })] }); + } }) })] }); }) })] }), a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", gap: 16, "& > *": { flex: 1 } }, children: a("pre", { onClick: () => nW(JSON.stringify(n10.value)), children: a("code", { children: JSON.stringify(n10.value, null, 2) }) }) })] }); }; -}) }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), nq = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, default: n(() => { +}) }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), nJ = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, default: n(() => { let n10 = nc.use(); return () => a(m, { children: Object.keys(n10.token.elevation.tokens).map((n11) => a(ne, { sx: { mt: 16, p: 16, rounded: "lg", transitionDuration: "md4", transitionTimingFunction: "standard", shadow: n11, _hover: { shadow: `${1 + parseInt(n11)}` } }, children: t("div", { children: ["Elevation ", n11] }) }, n11)) }); -}) }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), nJ = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, default: n(() => { +}) }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), nX = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, default: n(() => { let n10 = nc.use(); return () => a(m, { children: a(ne, { sx: { height: "40vh", display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", flexWrap: "wrap", justifyContent: "space-between", gap: 8 }, children: n10.token.textStyle.tokens.map((n11) => t(ne, { sx: { flex: 1, rounded: "md", textStyle: n11, p: 16, border: "2px solid", borderColor: "sys.outline-variant", bgColor: "sys.surface-container", color: "sys.primary", minW: "10vw", whiteSpace: "nowrap", display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", justifyContent: "space-between" }, children: [a(ne, { sx: { textStyle: "sys.label-small" }, children: n11 }), a(ne, { sx: { flex: 1 } }), a(ne, { sx: { py: 16 }, children: "中文测试" })] }, n11)) }) }); -}) }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), nG = { 0: true, 10: true, 20: true, 30: true, 40: true, 50: true, 60: true, 70: true, 80: true, 90: true, 95: true, 100: true }, nY = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, default: n(() => () => a(m, { children: ["light", "dark"].map((n10) => t("div", { "data-theme": n10, children: [t(ne, { component: "h1", sx: { textStyle: "sys.headline-medium", pb: 8, mt: 16 }, children: [E(n10), " Scheme"] }), t(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: 16 }, children: [a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", flexWrap: "wrap", gap: 16 }, children: ["primary", "secondary", "tertiary", "error", "warning", "success"].map((n11) => t(ne, { sx: { flex: 1, minW: 1 / 4, display: "flex", alignItems: "stretch" }, children: [a(ne, { sx: { flex: 1, display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }, children: ["", "-container"].map((e2) => t(u, { children: [a(ne, { sx: { bgColor: `sys.${n11}${e2}`, color: `sys.on-${n11}${e2}`, p: 8, flex: 3 }, children: `${n11}${e2}` }), a(ne, { sx: { color: `sys.${n11}${e2}`, bgColor: `sys.on-${n11}${e2}`, p: 8, flex: 1 }, children: `on-${n11}${e2}` })] }, e2)) }), a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }, children: S(nG, (e2, a2) => t(ne, { sx: { color: `${n11}.${parseInt(a2) > 50 ? 0 : 100}`, bgColor: `${n11}.${a2}`, w: 60, p: 8, textAlign: "right" }, children: [".", a2] })) })] }, n11)) }), t("div", { children: [a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", "& > *": { width: 1 / 3 } }, children: ["-dim", "", "-bright"].map((n11) => a(ne, { sx: { color: "sys.on-surface", bgColor: `sys.surface${n11}`, height: 80, p: 8 }, children: `surface${n11}` })) }), a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", "& > *": { width: 1 / 4 } }, children: ["-lowest", "-low", "", "-high", "-highest"].map((n11) => a(ne, { sx: { color: "sys.on-surface", bgColor: `sys.surface-container${n11}`, height: 80, p: 8 }, children: `surface-container${n11}` })) }), a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", "& > *": { width: 1 / 4 } }, children: ["on-surface", "on-surface-variant", "outline", "outline-variant"].map((n11) => a(ne, { sx: { color: n11.includes("outline-variant") ? "sys.inverse-surface" : "sys.inverse-on-surface", bgColor: `sys.${n11}`, height: 80, p: 8 }, children: n11 })) }), a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex" }, children: S(nG, (n11, e2) => t(ne, { sx: { color: `neutral.${parseInt(e2) > 50 ? 0 : 100}`, bgColor: `neutral.${e2}`, flex: 1, p: 8, textAlign: "right" }, children: [".", e2] })) })] })] })] }, n10)) })) }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), nZ = n(() => { +}) }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), nG = { 0: true, 10: true, 20: true, 30: true, 40: true, 50: true, 60: true, 70: true, 80: true, 90: true, 95: true, 100: true }, nY = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, default: n(() => () => a(m, { children: ["light", "dark"].map((n10) => t("div", { "data-theme": n10, children: [t(ne, { component: "h1", sx: { textStyle: "sys.headline-medium", pb: 8, mt: 16 }, children: [E(n10), " Scheme"] }), t(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: 16 }, children: [a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", flexWrap: "wrap", gap: 16 }, children: ["primary", "secondary", "tertiary", "error", "warning", "success"].map((n11) => t(ne, { sx: { flex: 1, minW: 1 / 4, display: "flex", alignItems: "stretch" }, children: [a(ne, { sx: { flex: 1, display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }, children: ["", "-container"].map((e2) => t(u, { children: [a(ne, { sx: { bgColor: `sys.${n11}${e2}`, color: `sys.on-${n11}${e2}`, p: 8, flex: 3 }, children: `${n11}${e2}` }), a(ne, { sx: { color: `sys.${n11}${e2}`, bgColor: `sys.on-${n11}${e2}`, p: 8, flex: 1 }, children: `on-${n11}${e2}` })] }, e2)) }), a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }, children: C(nG, (e2, a2) => t(ne, { sx: { color: `${n11}.${parseInt(a2) > 50 ? 0 : 100}`, bgColor: `${n11}.${a2}`, w: 60, p: 8, textAlign: "right" }, children: [".", a2] })) })] }, n11)) }), t("div", { children: [a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", "& > *": { width: 1 / 3 } }, children: ["-dim", "", "-bright"].map((n11) => a(ne, { sx: { color: "sys.on-surface", bgColor: `sys.surface${n11}`, height: 80, p: 8 }, children: `surface${n11}` })) }), a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", "& > *": { width: 1 / 4 } }, children: ["-lowest", "-low", "", "-high", "-highest"].map((n11) => a(ne, { sx: { color: "sys.on-surface", bgColor: `sys.surface-container${n11}`, height: 80, p: 8 }, children: `surface-container${n11}` })) }), a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex", "& > *": { width: 1 / 4 } }, children: ["on-surface", "on-surface-variant", "outline", "outline-variant"].map((n11) => a(ne, { sx: { color: n11.includes("outline-variant") ? "sys.inverse-surface" : "sys.inverse-on-surface", bgColor: `sys.${n11}`, height: 80, p: 8 }, children: n11 })) }), a(ne, { sx: { display: "flex" }, children: C(nG, (n11, e2) => t(ne, { sx: { color: `neutral.${parseInt(e2) > 50 ? 0 : 100}`, bgColor: `neutral.${e2}`, flex: 1, p: 8, textAlign: "right" }, children: [".", e2] })) })] })] })] }, n10)) })) }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), nZ = n(() => { let n10 = s(false), e2 = nu((n11) => { let { state: e3 } = n11; e3.styles.popper.width = `${e3.rects.reference.width}px`; diff --git a/static/lib-nodepkg-vuematerial.42Lc8gSV.chunk.js b/static/lib-nodepkg-vuematerial.CbvdgO5d.chunk.js similarity index 99% rename from static/lib-nodepkg-vuematerial.42Lc8gSV.chunk.js rename to static/lib-nodepkg-vuematerial.CbvdgO5d.chunk.js index 0dd43d66..5ea07f59 100644 --- a/static/lib-nodepkg-vuematerial.42Lc8gSV.chunk.js +++ b/static/lib-nodepkg-vuematerial.CbvdgO5d.chunk.js @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { s as o, v as a, a as e, d as t, t as r, P as n, O as l } from "./lib-nodepkg-vueuikit.DmOX2DFP.chunk.js"; +import { s as o, v as a, a as e, d as t, t as r, P as n, O as l } from "./lib-nodepkg-vueuikit.B_gkDEbM.chunk.js"; import { j as i, c as s, r as d, a as p, w as u, b as c } from "./lib-nodepkg-vuekit.DnJ2JQqf.chunk.js"; import { f as y, c as b, g as m, h as g } from "./lib-nodepkg-typedef.CuY8ZQtO.chunk.js"; let _ = o("button", { hover: y().optional(), focus: y().optional(), active: y().optional(), disabled: y().optional() }, { displayName: "ButtonBase" })({ textStyle: "sys.label-large", display: "inline-flex", alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center", textDecoration: "none", outline: "none", overflow: "hidden", border: 0, margin: 0, userSelect: "none", cursor: "pointer", _disabled: { cursor: "not-allowed" }, gap: 8, h: 40, px: 24, rounded: 20, transitionDuration: "md4", transitionTimingFunction: "standard-accelerate", bg: "none", pos: "relative", zIndex: 1, _$before: { content: '""', pos: "absolute", top: 0, right: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, zIndex: -1, transitionDuration: "md1", transitionTimingFunction: "standard-accelerate" }, $data_icon: { boxSize: 18, _data_placement__start: { ml: -8 }, _data_placement__end: { mr: -8 } } }), v = o(_, { displayName: "FilledButton" })({ containerStyle: "sys.primary", shadow: "1", _hover: { shadow: "2", _$before: { bgColor: a("white", e(0.08)) } }, _focus: { shadow: "2", _$before: { bgColor: a("white", e(0.12)) } }, _active: { shadow: "2", _$before: { bgColor: a("white", e(0.12)) } }, _disabled: { shadow: "0", color: a("sys.on-surface", e(0.38)), bgColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", _$before: { bgColor: a("sys.on-surface", e(0.12)) } } }), f = o(_, { displayName: "ElevatedButton" })({ color: "sys.primary", shadow: "1", _$before: { bgColor: "sys.surface-container-low" }, _hover: { shadow: "2", _$before: { bgColor: a("sys.primary", e(0.08)) } }, _focus: { shadow: "2", _$before: { bgColor: a("sys.primary", e(0.12)) } }, _active: { shadow: "2", _$before: { bgColor: a("sys.primary", e(0.12)) } }, _disabled: { shadow: "0", color: a("sys.on-surface", e(0.38)), _$before: { bgColor: a("sys.on-surface", e(0.12)) } } }), h = o(_, { displayName: "TextButton" })({ extends: [{ px: 16, $data_icon: { _data_placement__start: { ml: -4 }, _data_placement__end: { mr: -4 } } }], color: "sys.primary", _$before: { bgColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)" }, _hover: { _$before: { bgColor: a("sys.primary", e(0.08)) } }, _focus: { _$before: { bgColor: a("sys.primary", e(0.12)) } }, _active: { _$before: { bgColor: a("sys.primary", e(0.12)) } }, _disabled: { color: a("sys.on-surface", e(0.38)), bgColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", _$before: { bgColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)" } } }), $ = o(_, { displayName: "TonalButton" })({ containerStyle: "sys.secondary-container", color: "sys.primary", shadow: "0", _hover: { shadow: "1", _$before: { bgColor: a("sys.on-secondary-container", e(0.08)) } }, _focus: { _$before: { bgColor: a("sys.on-secondary-container", e(0.12)) } }, _active: { _$before: { bgColor: a("sys.on-secondary-container", e(0.12)) } }, _disabled: { color: a("sys.on-surface", e(0.38)), bgColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", shadow: "0", _$before: { bgColor: a("sys.on-surface", e(0.12)) } } }), C = o(_, { displayName: "OutlinedButton" })({ extends: [{ border: "1px solid" }], color: "sys.primary", bgColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", borderColor: "sys.outline", _hover: { bgColor: a("sys.primary", e(0.08)) }, _active: { bgColor: a("sys.primary", e(0.12)) }, _focus: { bgColor: a("sys.primary", e(0.12)) }, _disabled: { color: a("sys.on-surface", e(0.38)), bgColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", borderColor: a("sys.on-surface", e(0.12)) } }), x = o(h, { displayName: "IconButton" })({ boxSize: 40, p: 0 }), w = o("span", (o2, a2) => (a3) => i(a3, { "data-icon": true, "data-placement": o2.placement, children: i("svg", { viewBox: "0 0 24 24", children: i("path", { d: o2.path }) }) }), { displayName: "Icon", props: ["path", "placement"] })({ boxSize: "1.2em" }), B = t({ from: { opacity: 0 }, to: { opacity: 1 }, duration: r.duration.md1, easing: r.easing.standard.accelerate }, { from: { opacity: 1 }, to: { opacity: 0 }, duration: r.duration.sm4, easing: r.easing.standard.decelerate }), N = o("div", { displayName: "TooltipContainer" })({ py: 4, px: 12, rounded: "sm", shadow: "3", containerStyle: "sys.on-surface", pos: "relative", zIndex: 100 }), I = s({ title: b(), $default: b() }, (o2, a2) => { diff --git a/static/lib-nodepkg-vueuikit.DmOX2DFP.chunk.js b/static/lib-nodepkg-vueuikit.B_gkDEbM.chunk.js similarity index 91% rename from static/lib-nodepkg-vueuikit.DmOX2DFP.chunk.js rename to static/lib-nodepkg-vueuikit.B_gkDEbM.chunk.js index 5a0c552d..0a727290 100644 --- a/static/lib-nodepkg-vueuikit.DmOX2DFP.chunk.js +++ b/static/lib-nodepkg-vueuikit.B_gkDEbM.chunk.js @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { en var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value); let e; import { _ as t, c as r, j as n, T as a, d as i, o, e as s, i as l, f as c, r as u, g as d, a as f, u as h, h as p, k as m, t as g, l as v, s as b, m as y, w as x, b as w, F as k } from "./lib-nodepkg-vuekit.DnJ2JQqf.chunk.js"; -import { k as M, h as C, a as P, l as _, s as S, e as O, j as D, m as T, n as $, q as R, r as A, t as I, u as L, v as F, i as B, b as j, w as V, x as E, c as H, y as z, f as W } from "./lib-nodepkg-typedef.CuY8ZQtO.chunk.js"; +import { k as M, h as C, a as P, l as _, s as S, e as O, j as $, m as D, n as T, q as R, r as A, t as I, u as L, v as B, i as F, b as j, w as V, x as E, c as H, y as z, f as W } from "./lib-nodepkg-typedef.CuY8ZQtO.chunk.js"; var N, q, U, G, Y, X, K, J, Z, Q, ee, et = function() { }; let er = (e10, t10, r10) => Math.min(Math.max(r10, e10), t10); @@ -97,19 +97,19 @@ let ex = (e10, t10) => (r10) => !!(eg(r10) && em.test(r10) && r10.startsWith(e10 } }, e_ = { test: ex("#"), parse: function(e10) { let t10 = "", r10 = "", n7 = "", a2 = ""; return e10.length > 5 ? (t10 = e10.substr(1, 2), r10 = e10.substr(3, 2), n7 = e10.substr(5, 2), a2 = e10.substr(7, 2)) : (t10 = e10.substr(1, 1), r10 = e10.substr(2, 1), n7 = e10.substr(3, 1), a2 = e10.substr(4, 1), t10 += t10, r10 += r10, n7 += n7, a2 += a2), { red: parseInt(t10, 16), green: parseInt(r10, 16), blue: parseInt(n7, 16), alpha: a2 ? parseInt(a2, 16) / 255 : 1 }; -}, transform: eP.transform }, eS = { test: (e10) => eP.test(e10) || e_.test(e10) || ek.test(e10), parse: (e10) => eP.test(e10) ? eP.parse(e10) : ek.test(e10) ? ek.parse(e10) : e_.parse(e10), transform: (e10) => eg(e10) ? e10 : e10.hasOwnProperty("red") ? eP.transform(e10) : ek.transform(e10) }, eO = "${c}", eD = "${n}"; -function eT(e10) { +}, transform: eP.transform }, eS = { test: (e10) => eP.test(e10) || e_.test(e10) || ek.test(e10), parse: (e10) => eP.test(e10) ? eP.parse(e10) : ek.test(e10) ? ek.parse(e10) : e_.parse(e10), transform: (e10) => eg(e10) ? e10 : e10.hasOwnProperty("red") ? eP.transform(e10) : ek.transform(e10) }, eO = "${c}", e$ = "${n}"; +function eD(e10) { "number" == typeof e10 && (e10 = `${e10}`); let t10 = [], r10 = 0, n7 = e10.match(ep); n7 && (r10 = n7.length, e10 = e10.replace(ep, eO), t10.push(...n7.map(eS.parse))); let a2 = e10.match(eh); - return a2 && (e10 = e10.replace(eh, eD), t10.push(...a2.map(ev.parse))), { values: t10, numColors: r10, tokenised: e10 }; + return a2 && (e10 = e10.replace(eh, e$), t10.push(...a2.map(ev.parse))), { values: t10, numColors: r10, tokenised: e10 }; } -let e$ = function(e10) { - let { values: t10, numColors: r10, tokenised: n7 } = eT(e10), a2 = t10.length; +let eT = function(e10) { + let { values: t10, numColors: r10, tokenised: n7 } = eD(e10), a2 = t10.length; return (e11) => { let t11 = n7; - for (let n9 = 0; n9 < a2; n9++) t11 = t11.replace(n9 < r10 ? eO : eD, n9 < r10 ? eS.transform(e11[n9]) : ef(e11[n9])); + for (let n9 = 0; n9 < a2; n9++) t11 = t11.replace(n9 < r10 ? eO : e$, n9 < r10 ? eS.transform(e11[n9]) : ef(e11[n9])); return t11; }; }; @@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ function eA(e10) { let eI = (e10, t10, r10) => { let n7 = e10 * e10; return Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, r10 * (t10 * t10 - n7) + n7)); -}, eL = [e_, eP, ek], eF = (e10) => eL.find((t10) => t10.test(e10)), eB = (e10, t10) => { - let r10 = eF(e10), n7 = eF(t10), a2 = r10.parse(e10), i2 = n7.parse(t10); +}, eL = [e_, eP, ek], eB = (e10) => eL.find((t10) => t10.test(e10)), eF = (e10, t10) => { + let r10 = eB(e10), n7 = eB(t10), a2 = r10.parse(e10), i2 = n7.parse(t10); r10 === ek && (a2 = eA(a2), r10 = eP), n7 === ek && (i2 = eA(i2), n7 = eP); let o2 = Object.assign({}, a2); return (e11) => { @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ let eI = (e10, t10, r10) => { return t10.reduce(eV); }; function eH(e10, t10) { - return ej(e10) ? (r10) => eu(e10, t10, r10) : eS.test(e10) ? eB(e10, t10) : eq(e10, t10); + return ej(e10) ? (r10) => eu(e10, t10, r10) : eS.test(e10) ? eF(e10, t10) : eq(e10, t10); } let ez = (e10, t10) => { let r10 = [...e10], n7 = r10.length, a2 = e10.map((e11, r11) => eH(e11, t10[r11])); @@ -159,12 +159,12 @@ let ez = (e10, t10) => { }; }; function eN(e10) { - let t10 = eT(e10).values, r10 = t10.length, n7 = 0, a2 = 0, i2 = 0; + let t10 = eD(e10).values, r10 = t10.length, n7 = 0, a2 = 0, i2 = 0; for (let e11 = 0; e11 < r10; e11++) n7 || "number" == typeof t10[e11] ? n7++ : void 0 !== t10[e11].hue ? i2++ : a2++; return { parsed: t10, numNumbers: n7, numRGB: a2, numHSL: i2 }; } let eq = (e10, t10) => { - let r10 = e$(t10), n7 = eN(e10), a2 = eN(t10); + let r10 = eT(t10), n7 = eN(e10), a2 = eN(t10); return n7.numHSL === a2.numHSL && n7.numRGB === a2.numRGB && n7.numNumbers >= a2.numNumbers ? eE(ez(n7.parsed, a2.parsed), r10) : (r11) => `${r11 > 0 ? t10 : e10}`; }, eU = (e10, t10) => (r10) => eu(e10, t10, r10); function eG(e10, t10) { @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ function eG(e10, t10) { et(i2 === t10.length), et(!n7 || !Array.isArray(n7) || n7.length === i2 - 1), e10[0] > e10[i2 - 1] && (e10 = [].concat(e10), t10 = [].concat(t10), e10.reverse(), t10.reverse()); let o2 = function(e11, t11, r11) { var n9; - let a3 = [], i3 = r11 || ("number" == typeof (n9 = e11[0]) ? eU : "string" == typeof n9 ? eS.test(n9) ? eB : eq : Array.isArray(n9) ? ez : "object" == typeof n9 ? eW : void 0), o3 = e11.length - 1; + let a3 = [], i3 = r11 || ("number" == typeof (n9 = e11[0]) ? eU : "string" == typeof n9 ? eS.test(n9) ? eF : eq : Array.isArray(n9) ? ez : "object" == typeof n9 ? eW : void 0), o3 = e11.length - 1; for (let r12 = 0; r12 < o3; r12++) { let n10 = i3(e11[r12], e11[r12 + 1]); t11 && (n10 = eE(Array.isArray(t11) ? t11[r12] : t11, n10)), a3.push(n10); @@ -444,55 +444,55 @@ __publicField(_tS, "walkStateValues", function(e10, t10) { }); let tS = _tS; var tO = ((U = tO || {}).var = "var", U.mixin = "mixin", U); -class tD { +class t$ { static create(e10, t10) { let { value: r10, on: n7, transform: a2 } = t10; return { type: e10, value: r10, on: n7, transform: a2, __Tokens: void 0, __ValueType: void 0, __CSSTokens: void 0 }; } static color(e10) { - return tD.create("var", { value: e10, on: tP(tC.color, tC.bgColor, tC.outlineColor, tC.borderColor, tC.accentColor, tC.fill, tC.stroke), transform: (e11, t10) => D(e11) ? { default: `var(${t10(e11)})`, rgb: `var(${t10(`${e11}/rgb`)})` } : { default: `rgb(${e11[0]}, ${e11[1]}, ${e11[2]})`, rgb: `${e11[0]} ${e11[1]} ${e11[2]}` }, fallback: "" }); + return t$.create("var", { value: e10, on: tP(tC.color, tC.bgColor, tC.outlineColor, tC.borderColor, tC.accentColor, tC.fill, tC.stroke), transform: (e11, t10) => $(e11) ? { default: `var(${t10(e11)})`, rgb: `var(${t10(`${e11}/rgb`)})` } : { default: `rgb(${e11[0]}, ${e11[1]}, ${e11[2]})`, rgb: `${e11[0]} ${e11[1]} ${e11[2]}` }, fallback: "" }); } static space(e10) { - return tD.create("var", { value: e10, on: tP(tC.gap, tC.rowGap, tC.columnGap, tC.top, tC.right, tC.bottom, tC.left, tC.m, tC.ms, tC.me, tC.mt, tC.mr, tC.mb, tC.ml, tC.mx, tC.my, tC.p, tC.ps, tC.pe, tC.pt, tC.pr, tC.pb, tC.pl, tC.px, tC.py) }); + return t$.create("var", { value: e10, on: tP(tC.gap, tC.rowGap, tC.columnGap, tC.top, tC.right, tC.bottom, tC.left, tC.m, tC.ms, tC.me, tC.mt, tC.mr, tC.mb, tC.ml, tC.mx, tC.my, tC.p, tC.ps, tC.pe, tC.pt, tC.pr, tC.pb, tC.pl, tC.px, tC.py) }); } static boxSize(e10) { - return tD.create("var", { value: e10, on: tP(tC.w, tC.minW, tC.maxW, tC.h, tC.minH, tC.maxH, tC.boxSize), fallback: 0 }); + return t$.create("var", { value: e10, on: tP(tC.w, tC.minW, tC.maxW, tC.h, tC.minH, tC.maxH, tC.boxSize), fallback: 0 }); } static fontSize(e10) { - return tD.create("var", { value: e10, on: tP(tC.fontSize), fallback: 0 }); + return t$.create("var", { value: e10, on: tP(tC.fontSize), fallback: 0 }); } static lineHeight(e10) { - return tD.create("var", { value: e10, on: tP(tC.lineHeight), fallback: 0 }); + return t$.create("var", { value: e10, on: tP(tC.lineHeight), fallback: 0 }); } static rounded(e10) { - return tD.create("var", { value: e10, fallback: 0, on: tP(tC.rounded, tC.roundedTop, tC.roundedBottom, tC.roundedLeft, tC.roundedRight, tx.borderTopLeftRadius, tx.borderTopRightRadius, tx.borderBottomLeftRadius, tx.borderBottomRightRadius, tx.borderTopRightRadius, tx.borderBottomRightRadius, tx.borderTopLeftRadius, tx.borderBottomLeftRadius) }); + return t$.create("var", { value: e10, fallback: 0, on: tP(tC.rounded, tC.roundedTop, tC.roundedBottom, tC.roundedLeft, tC.roundedRight, tx.borderTopLeftRadius, tx.borderTopRightRadius, tx.borderBottomLeftRadius, tx.borderBottomRightRadius, tx.borderTopRightRadius, tx.borderBottomRightRadius, tx.borderTopLeftRadius, tx.borderBottomLeftRadius) }); } static transitionTimingFunction(e10) { - return tD.create("var", { value: e10, on: tP(tC.transitionTimingFunction) }); + return t$.create("var", { value: e10, on: tP(tC.transitionTimingFunction) }); } static transitionDuration(e10) { - return tD.create("var", { value: e10, on: tP(tC.transitionDuration), transform: (e11) => `${e11}ms` }); + return t$.create("var", { value: e10, on: tP(tC.transitionDuration), transform: (e11) => `${e11}ms` }); } static font(e10) { - return tD.create("var", { value: e10, on: tP(tC.font) }); + return t$.create("var", { value: e10, on: tP(tC.font) }); } static fontWeight(e10) { - return tD.create("var", { value: e10, on: tP(tC.fontWeight) }); + return t$.create("var", { value: e10, on: tP(tC.fontWeight) }); } static letterSpacing(e10) { - return tD.create("var", { value: e10, on: tP(tC.letterSpacing) }); + return t$.create("var", { value: e10, on: tP(tC.letterSpacing) }); } static shadow(e10) { - return tD.create("var", { value: e10, on: tP(tC.shadow) }); + return t$.create("var", { value: e10, on: tP(tC.shadow) }); } static customMixin(e10, t10) { - return tD.create("mixin", { value: t10, on: [e10] }); + return t$.create("mixin", { value: t10, on: [e10] }); } static mixin(e10) { return { ...e10, __mixin: true }; } } -let tT = (e10, t10, r10) => { +let tD = (e10, t10, r10) => { let n7 = e10; for (let e11 = 0; e11 < t10.length; e11++) { var a2; @@ -504,12 +504,12 @@ let tT = (e10, t10, r10) => { n7[i2] = null !== (a2 = n7[i2]) && void 0 !== a2 ? a2 : {}, n7 = n7[i2]; } }; -const _t$ = class _t$ { +const _tT = class _tT { constructor(e10, { cssVar: t10, transformFallback: r10 }) { __publicField(this, "__Tokens"); __publicField(this, "_values", {}); __publicField(this, "_cssVarRefs", {}); - _t$.walkValues(e10.value, (n7, a2) => { + _tT.walkValues(e10.value, (n7, a2) => { let i2 = a2.join("."), o2 = (n9, a3) => { let i3 = e10.transform ? e10.transform(n9, t10) : r10(n9); if (R(i3)) for (let e11 in i3) a3(i3[e11], "default" === e11 ? "" : e11); @@ -524,38 +524,38 @@ const _t$ = class _t$ { }); } get tokens() { - return $(this._values); + return T(this._values); } get(e10, t10, r10) { let n7 = this._values[e10]; if (R(n7)) { var a2; - return r10 ? n7[t10] : null !== (a2 = n7[t10]) && void 0 !== a2 ? a2 : n7[_t$.defaultMode]; + return r10 ? n7[t10] : null !== (a2 = n7[t10]) && void 0 !== a2 ? a2 : n7[_tT.defaultMode]; } - return r10 ? t10 === _t$.defaultMode ? n7 : void 0 : n7; + return r10 ? t10 === _tT.defaultMode ? n7 : void 0 : n7; } use(e10) { let t10 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1]; if (this._cssVarRefs[e10]) return t10 ? `${this._cssVarRefs[e10]}` : `var(${this._cssVarRefs[e10]})`; } }; -__publicField(_t$, "defaultMode", "_default"); -__publicField(_t$, "walkValues", function(e10, t10) { +__publicField(_tT, "defaultMode", "_default"); +__publicField(_tT, "walkValues", function(e10, t10) { let r10 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : []; for (let n7 in e10) { let a2 = e10[n7]; if (P(a2)) { - if (T(a2, "_default")) { + if (D(a2, "_default")) { t10(a2, [...r10, n7]); continue; } - _t$.walkValues(a2, t10, [...r10, n7]); + _tT.walkValues(a2, t10, [...r10, n7]); continue; } t10(a2, [...r10, n7]); } }); -let t$ = _t$; +let tT = _tT; const _tR = class _tR { constructor(e10) { __publicField(this, "_values", {}); @@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ const _tR = class _tR { }); } get tokens() { - return $(this._values); + return T(this._values); } get(e10) { return this._values[e10]; @@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ __publicField(_tR, "walkValue", function(e10, t10) { for (let n7 in e10) { let a2 = e10[n7]; if (P(a2)) { - if (T(a2, "__mixin")) { + if (D(a2, "__mixin")) { t10(a2, [...r10, n7]); continue; } @@ -589,9 +589,9 @@ __publicField(_tR, "walkValue", function(e10, t10) { let tR = _tR; let tA = { primary: ["primary"], secondary: ["secondary"], tertiary: ["tertiary"], error: ["error"], warning: ["warning"], success: ["success"], neutral: ["surface", "outline"] }, tI = (e10) => { let t10 = C(e10, ["color", "sys"], {}); - return { ...e10, color: { sys: I(tA, (e11) => L(t10, (t11, r10) => F(e11, (e12) => r10.indexOf(e12) > -1))) } }; -}, tL = (e10) => (t10) => `rgba(var(${t10}--rgb) / ${e10})`, tF = (e10) => B(e10) && T(e10, "token"); -function tB(e10, t10) { + return { ...e10, color: { sys: I(tA, (e11) => L(t10, (t11, r10) => B(e11, (e12) => r10.indexOf(e12) > -1))) } }; +}, tL = (e10) => (t10) => `rgba(var(${t10}--rgb) / ${e10})`, tB = (e10) => F(e10) && D(e10, "token"); +function tF(e10, t10) { return Object.assign((e11) => t10(e11), { toString: () => e10, token: e10 }); } let tj = (e10) => e10.reduce((e11, t10) => Object.assign(e11, { [t10]: true }), {}); @@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ const _tV = class _tV { } })); __publicField(this, "processValue", (e10, t10) => { var r10, n7, a2; - if (tF(t10)) { + if (tB(t10)) { let r11 = null === (n7 = this.propValues[e10]) || void 0 === n7 ? void 0 : n7.use(t10.token, true); return r11 ? t10(r11) : void 0; } @@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ const _tV = class _tV { let t11 = e10[a2]; if (t11) { if (t11.type === tO.var) { - let e11 = new t$(t11, { cssVar: (e12) => this.cssVar(a2, e12), transformFallback: (e12) => this.transformFallback(t11.on[0], e12) }); + let e11 = new tT(t11, { cssVar: (e12) => this.cssVar(a2, e12), transformFallback: (e12) => this.transformFallback(t11.on[0], e12) }); for (let r11 of (this.tokens[a2] = e11, t11.on)) this.propValues[r11] = e11; for (let t12 of e11.tokens) for (let r11 of ["light", "dark"]) { let n9 = r11 === this.mode ? "_default" : `_${r11}`, i2 = e11.get(t12, n9, true); @@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ const _tV = class _tV { }(this.unstable_sx(t10), null == e10 ? void 0 : e10.registered, {}), n7.__emotion_styles; } toFigmaTokens() { - let e10 = { space: { dp: { $type: "sizing", $value: 1 } } }, t10 = {}, r10 = {}, n7 = (e11, t11) => R(t11) ? { $type: e11, $value: I(t11, (t12) => n7(e11, t12).$value) } : D(t11) ? { $type: e11, $value: t11.replace(/var\(([^)]+)\)/g, (e12) => { + let e10 = { space: { dp: { $type: "sizing", $value: 1 } } }, t10 = {}, r10 = {}, n7 = (e11, t11) => R(t11) ? { $type: e11, $value: I(t11, (t12) => n7(e11, t12).$value) } : $(t11) ? { $type: e11, $value: t11.replace(/var\(([^)]+)\)/g, (e12) => { var t12, r11; let n9 = null !== (r11 = null === (t12 = e12.slice(4, e12.length - 1).slice(`--${this.varPrefix}-`.length).split("--")[0]) || void 0 === t12 ? void 0 : t12.split("__").map((e13, t13) => 0 === t13 ? E(e13) : e13).join(".")) && void 0 !== r11 ? r11 : ""; return n9.startsWith("sys.") ? `{${n9}}` : `{seed.${n9}}`; @@ -690,8 +690,8 @@ const _tV = class _tV { for (let s2 of i2.tokens) if (!s2.includes("/")) { if (s2.startsWith("sys.")) { let e11 = i2.get(s2, "_default"), l2 = i2.get(s2, "_dark"); - tT(t10, [a2, ...s2.split(".")], n7(o3, e11)), e11 !== l2 && tT(r10, [a2, ...s2.split(".")], n7(o3, l2)); - } else tT(e10, [a2, ...s2.split(".")], n7(o3, i2.get(s2, "_default"))); + tD(t10, [a2, ...s2.split(".")], n7(o3, e11)), e11 !== l2 && tD(r10, [a2, ...s2.split(".")], n7(o3, l2)); + } else tD(e10, [a2, ...s2.split(".")], n7(o3, i2.get(s2, "_default"))); } }; switch (a2) { @@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ const _tV = class _tV { let o2 = r11.get(i2); if (!o2) continue; let s2 = this.unstable_sx(o2)[0]; - tT(t10, [e11, ...i2.split(".")], n7(a3, s2)); + tD(t10, [e11, ...i2.split(".")], n7(a3, s2)); } }; "textStyle" === e11 && a2("typography"); @@ -727,10 +727,10 @@ const _tV = class _tV { return { seed: e10, base: tI(t10), dark: tI(r10) }; } }; -__publicField(_tV, "propsCanPercent", tj([...tD.boxSize({}).on])); -__publicField(_tV, "propsCanBaseDp", tj([...tD.boxSize({}).on, ...tD.space({}).on, ...tD.fontSize({}).on, ...tD.letterSpacing({}).on, ...tD.lineHeight({}).on, ...tD.rounded({}).on])); +__publicField(_tV, "propsCanPercent", tj([...t$.boxSize({}).on])); +__publicField(_tV, "propsCanBaseDp", tj([...t$.boxSize({}).on, ...t$.space({}).on, ...t$.fontSize({}).on, ...t$.letterSpacing({}).on, ...t$.lineHeight({}).on, ...t$.rounded({}).on])); let tV = _tV; -let tE = { shadow: tD.shadow({ 0: { _default: "0px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), 0px 0px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", _dark: "0px 0px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), 0px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" }, 1: { _default: "0px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0px 1px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)", _dark: "0px 1px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)" }, 2: { _default: "0px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0px 2px 6px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)", _dark: "0px 2px 6px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)" }, 3: { _default: "0px 4px 8px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0px 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)", _dark: "0px 4px 8px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0px 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)" }, 4: { _default: "0px 6px 10px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0px 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)", _dark: "0px 6px 10px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0px 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)" }, 5: { _default: "0px 8px 12px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0px 4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)", _dark: "0px 8px 12px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0px 4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)" } }), elevation: tD.customMixin("elevation", { 0: tD.mixin({ transitionDuration: "md4", transitionTimingFunction: "standard", shadow: "0", _hover: { shadow: "1" } }), 1: tD.mixin({ transitionDuration: "md4", transitionTimingFunction: "standard", shadow: "1", _hover: { shadow: "2" } }), 2: tD.mixin({ transitionDuration: "md4", transitionTimingFunction: "standard", shadow: "2", _hover: { shadow: "3" } }), 3: tD.mixin({ transitionDuration: "md4", transitionTimingFunction: "standard", shadow: "3", _hover: { shadow: "4" } }), 4: tD.mixin({ transitionDuration: "md4", transitionTimingFunction: "standard", shadow: "4", _hover: { shadow: "5" } }) }) }, tH = (e10, t10, r10, n7) => Object.assign(function(e11, t11, r11, n9) { +let tE = { shadow: t$.shadow({ 0: { _default: "0px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), 0px 0px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", _dark: "0px 0px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), 0px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" }, 1: { _default: "0px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0px 1px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)", _dark: "0px 1px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)" }, 2: { _default: "0px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0px 2px 6px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)", _dark: "0px 2px 6px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)" }, 3: { _default: "0px 4px 8px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0px 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)", _dark: "0px 4px 8px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0px 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)" }, 4: { _default: "0px 6px 10px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0px 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)", _dark: "0px 6px 10px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0px 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)" }, 5: { _default: "0px 8px 12px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0px 4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)", _dark: "0px 8px 12px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), 0px 4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)" } }), elevation: t$.customMixin("elevation", { 0: t$.mixin({ transitionDuration: "md4", transitionTimingFunction: "standard", shadow: "0", _hover: { shadow: "1" } }), 1: t$.mixin({ transitionDuration: "md4", transitionTimingFunction: "standard", shadow: "1", _hover: { shadow: "2" } }), 2: t$.mixin({ transitionDuration: "md4", transitionTimingFunction: "standard", shadow: "2", _hover: { shadow: "3" } }), 3: t$.mixin({ transitionDuration: "md4", transitionTimingFunction: "standard", shadow: "3", _hover: { shadow: "4" } }), 4: t$.mixin({ transitionDuration: "md4", transitionTimingFunction: "standard", shadow: "4", _hover: { shadow: "5" } }) }) }, tH = (e10, t10, r10, n7) => Object.assign(function(e11, t11, r11, n9) { if (e11 === t11 && r11 === n9) return eY; let a2 = new Float32Array(11); for (let t12 = 0; t12 < 11; ++t12) a2[t12] = tl(0.1 * t12, e11, r11); @@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ let tE = { shadow: tD.shadow({ 0: { _default: "0px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), 0px return n(a, { css: false, onEnter: c2, onEnterCancelled: d2, onLeave: u2, onLeaveCancelled: d2, children: null === (e11 = s2.default) || void 0 === e11 ? void 0 : e11.call(s2) }); }; }, { name: "Transition" }); -}, tN = { transitionDuration: tD.transitionDuration(tz.duration), transitionTimingFunction: tD.transitionTimingFunction({ linear: tz.easing.linear.toString(), standard: tz.easing.standard.toString(), "standard-accelerate": tz.easing.standard.accelerate.toString(), "standard-decelerate": tz.easing.standard.decelerate.toString(), emphasized: tz.easing.emphasized.toString(), "emphasized-decelerate": tz.easing.emphasized.decelerate.toString(), "emphasized-accelerate": tz.easing.emphasized.accelerate.toString(), legacy: tz.easing.legacy.toString(), "legacy-decelerate": tz.easing.legacy.decelerate.toString(), "legacy-accelerate": tz.easing.legacy.accelerate.toString() }) }; +}, tN = { transitionDuration: t$.transitionDuration(tz.duration), transitionTimingFunction: t$.transitionTimingFunction({ linear: tz.easing.linear.toString(), standard: tz.easing.standard.toString(), "standard-accelerate": tz.easing.standard.accelerate.toString(), "standard-decelerate": tz.easing.standard.decelerate.toString(), emphasized: tz.easing.emphasized.toString(), "emphasized-decelerate": tz.easing.emphasized.decelerate.toString(), "emphasized-accelerate": tz.easing.emphasized.accelerate.toString(), legacy: tz.easing.legacy.toString(), "legacy-decelerate": tz.easing.legacy.decelerate.toString(), "legacy-accelerate": tz.easing.legacy.accelerate.toString() }) }; /** * @license * Copyright 2021 Google LLC @@ -1358,33 +1358,41 @@ const _rm = class _rm { constructor(e10) { this.seeds = e10; } + static createRoleColorRuleBuilder(e10) { + let t10 = {}, r10 = new Proxy({}, { get: (n7, a2) => "build" == a2 ? () => t10 : (n9, a3) => (t10[`${n9}${e10 ? `:${e10}` : ""}`] = a3, r10) }); + return r10; + } + static createRoleColorSourcePicker() { + return new Proxy({}, { get: (e10, t10) => (e11) => [t10, e11] }); + } normalizeRoleRules() { - let e10 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, t10 = { shadow: ["neutral", 0, 0], scrim: ["neutral", 0, 0], outline: ["neutralVariant", 60, 87], "outline-variant": ["neutralVariant", 30, 80], surface: ["neutral", 10, 99], "on-surface": ["neutral", 90, 10], "surface-variant": ["neutralVariant", 30, 90], "on-surface-variant": ["neutralVariant", 80, 30], "surface-dim": ["neutral", 6, 87], "surface-bright": ["neutral", 24, 98], "surface-container-lowest": ["neutral", 4, 100], "surface-container-low": ["neutral", 10, 96], "surface-container": ["neutral", 12, 94], "surface-container-high": ["neutral", 17, 92], "surface-container-highest": ["neutral", 22, 90], "inverse-surface": ["neutral", 90, 20], "inverse-on-surface": ["neutral", 20, 95], "inverse-primary": ["primary", 40, 80] }; - for (let e11 in this.seeds) e11.startsWith("neutral") || (t10[e11] = [e11, 80, 40], t10[`on-${e11}`] = [e11, 20, 100], t10[`${e11}-container`] = [e11, 30, 90], t10[`on-${e11}-container`] = [e11, 90, 10]); - return { ...t10, ...e10 }; + let e10 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, t10 = _rm.createRoleColorSourcePicker(), r10 = _rm.createRoleColorRuleBuilder().rule("shadow", t10.neutral(0)).rule("scrim", t10.neutral(0)).rule("outline", t10.neutralVariant(87)).rule("outline-variant", t10.neutralVariant(80)).rule("surface", t10.neutral(99)).rule("on-surface", t10.neutral(10)).rule("surface-variant", t10.neutralVariant(90)).rule("on-surface-variant", t10.neutralVariant(30)).rule("surface-dim", t10.neutral(87)).rule("surface-bright", t10.neutral(98)).rule("surface-container-lowest", t10.neutral(100)).rule("surface-container-low", t10.neutral(96)).rule("surface-container", t10.neutral(94)).rule("surface-container-high", t10.neutral(92)).rule("surface-container-highest", t10.neutral(90)).rule("inverse-surface", t10.neutral(20)).rule("inverse-on-surface", t10.neutral(95)).rule("inverse-primary", t10.primary(80)), n7 = _rm.createRoleColorRuleBuilder("dark").rule("shadow", t10.neutral(0)).rule("scrim", t10.neutral(0)).rule("outline", t10.neutralVariant(60)).rule("outline-variant", t10.neutralVariant(30)).rule("surface", t10.neutral(10)).rule("on-surface", t10.neutral(90)).rule("surface-variant", t10.neutralVariant(30)).rule("on-surface-variant", t10.neutralVariant(80)).rule("surface-dim", t10.neutral(6)).rule("surface-bright", t10.neutral(24)).rule("surface-container-lowest", t10.neutral(4)).rule("surface-container-low", t10.neutral(10)).rule("surface-container", t10.neutral(12)).rule("surface-container-high", t10.neutral(17)).rule("surface-container-highest", t10.neutral(22)).rule("inverse-surface", t10.neutral(90)).rule("inverse-on-surface", t10.neutral(20)).rule("inverse-primary", t10.primary(40)); + for (let e11 in this.seeds) e11.startsWith("neutral") || (r10 = r10.rule(e11, t10[e11](40)).rule(`on-${e11}`, t10[e11](100)).rule(`${e11}-container`, t10[e11](90)).rule(`on-${e11}-container`, t10[e11](10)), n7 = n7.rule(e11, t10[e11](80)).rule(`on-${e11}`, t10[e11](20)).rule(`${e11}-container`, t10[e11](30)).rule(`on-${e11}-container`, t10[e11](90))); + return { ...r10.build(), ...n7.build(), ...e10 }; } getThemeRoleColors(e10) { let t10 = {}, r10 = {}; - for (let i2 in e10) { - let [o2, s2, l2] = C(e10, [i2], []); - if (this.seeds[o2]) { - var n7, a2; - r10[i2] = rf[s2] ? `${o2}.${s2}` : null === (n7 = this.seeds[o2]) || void 0 === n7 ? void 0 : n7.tone(s2), t10[i2] = rf[l2] ? `${o2}.${l2}` : null === (a2 = this.seeds[o2]) || void 0 === a2 ? void 0 : a2.tone(l2); + for (let [i2, [o2, s2]] of Object.entries(e10)) if (this.seeds[o2]) { + var n7, a2; + if (i2.endsWith(":dark")) { + r10[i2.split(":")[0]] = rf[s2] ? `${String(o2)}.${s2}` : null === (a2 = this.seeds[o2]) || void 0 === a2 ? void 0 : a2.tone(s2); + continue; } + t10[i2] = rf[s2] ? `${String(o2)}.${s2}` : null === (n7 = this.seeds[o2]) || void 0 === n7 ? void 0 : n7.tone(s2); } return [t10, r10]; } toDesignTokens() { - let e10 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, [t10, r10] = this.getThemeRoleColors(this.normalizeRoleRules(e10)), n7 = {}, a2 = {}; - for (let e11 in t10) if (n7[`${e11}`] = { _default: V(t10[e11]) ? rh(t10[e11]) : t10[e11], _dark: V(r10[e11]) ? rh(r10[e11]) : r10[e11] }, rp(e11) && (a2[`${e11}`] = tD.mixin({ bgColor: `sys.${e11}`, color: `sys.on-${e11}` }), a2[`${e11}-container`] = tD.mixin({ bgColor: `sys.${e11}-container`, color: `sys.on-${e11}-container` })), e11.startsWith("surface")) { + let e10 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, t10 = this.normalizeRoleRules(e10), [r10, n7] = this.getThemeRoleColors(t10), a2 = {}, i2 = {}; + for (let e11 in r10) if (a2[`${e11}`] = { _default: V(r10[e11]) ? rh(r10[e11]) : r10[e11], _dark: V(n7[e11]) ? rh(n7[e11]) : n7[e11] }, rp(e11) && (i2[`${e11}`] = t$.mixin({ bgColor: `sys.${e11}`, color: `sys.on-${e11}` }), i2[`${e11}-container`] = t$.mixin({ bgColor: `sys.${e11}-container`, color: `sys.on-${e11}-container` })), e11.startsWith("surface")) { if (e11.includes("container")) { - a2[`${e11}`] = tD.mixin({ bgColor: `sys.${e11}`, color: "sys.on-surface" }); + i2[`${e11}`] = t$.mixin({ bgColor: `sys.${e11}`, color: "sys.on-surface" }); continue; } - a2[`${e11}`] = tD.mixin({ bgColor: `sys.${e11}`, color: "sys.on-surface" }), a2[`on-${e11}`] = tD.mixin({ bgColor: `sys.on-${e11}`, color: "sys.inverse-on-surface" }); + i2[`${e11}`] = t$.mixin({ bgColor: `sys.${e11}`, color: "sys.on-surface" }), i2[`on-${e11}`] = t$.mixin({ bgColor: `sys.on-${e11}`, color: "sys.inverse-on-surface" }); } - let i2 = (e11) => Object.keys(rf).reduce((t11, r11) => Object.assign(t11, { [r11]: rh(e11.tone(parseInt(r11))) }), {}); - return { color: tD.color({ ...I(this.seeds, (e11) => i2(e11)), white: [255, 255, 255], black: [0, 0, 0], sys: n7 }), containerStyle: tD.customMixin("containerStyle", { sys: a2 }) }; + let o2 = (e11) => Object.keys(rf).reduce((t11, r11) => Object.assign(t11, { [r11]: rh(e11.tone(parseInt(r11))) }), {}); + return { color: t$.color({ ...I(this.seeds, (e11) => o2(e11)), white: [255, 255, 255], black: [0, 0, 0], sys: a2 }), containerStyle: t$.customMixin("containerStyle", { sys: i2 }) }; } }; __publicField(_rm, "toHEX", (e10) => `#${rh(e10).map((e11) => z(e11.toString(16), 2, "0")).join("")}`); @@ -1393,7 +1401,7 @@ __publicField(_rm, "fromColors", (e10) => { return a2 && (l2.n1 = rl.fromHueAndChroma(ru(a2), 4)), i2 && (l2.n2 = rl.fromHueAndChroma(ru(i2), 8)), new _rm({ primary: l2.a1, secondary: l2.a2, tertiary: l2.a3, neutral: l2.n1, neutralVariant: l2.n2, error: l2.error, ...I(s2, (e11) => rl.fromInt(ru(e11))) }); }); let rm = _rm; -let rg = tD.rounded({ xs: 4, sm: 8, md: 12, lg: 16, xl: 28 }), rv = { font: tD.font({ brand: '-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI",Roboto,"Helvetica Neue",Arial,sans-serif,"Apple Color Emoji","Segoe UI Emoji","Segoe UI Symbol"', plain: '-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI",Roboto,"Helvetica Neue",Arial,sans-serif,"Apple Color Emoji","Segoe UI Emoji","Segoe UI Symbol"', code: "'Lucida Console',Consolas,Monaco,'Andale Mono','Ubuntu Mono',monospace" }), fontWeight: tD.fontWeight({ regular: 400, medium: 500, bold: 700 }), textStyle: tD.customMixin("textStyle", { sys: { "display-large": tD.mixin({ lineHeight: 64, fontSize: 57, letterSpacing: -0.25, fontWeight: "regular", font: "brand" }), "display-medium": tD.mixin({ lineHeight: 52, fontSize: 45, letterSpacing: 0, fontWeight: "regular", font: "brand" }), "display-small": tD.mixin({ lineHeight: 44, fontSize: 36, letterSpacing: 0, fontWeight: "regular", font: "brand" }), "headline-large": tD.mixin({ lineHeight: 40, fontSize: 32, letterSpacing: 0, fontWeight: "regular", font: "brand" }), "headline-medium": tD.mixin({ lineHeight: 36, fontSize: 28, letterSpacing: 0, fontWeight: "regular", font: "brand" }), "headline-small": tD.mixin({ lineHeight: 32, fontSize: 24, letterSpacing: 0, fontWeight: "regular", font: "plain" }), "title-large": tD.mixin({ lineHeight: 28, fontSize: 22, letterSpacing: 0, fontWeight: "regular", font: "brand" }), "title-medium": tD.mixin({ lineHeight: 24, fontSize: 16, letterSpacing: 0.15, fontWeight: "medium", font: "plain" }), "title-small": tD.mixin({ lineHeight: 20, fontSize: 14, letterSpacing: 0.1, fontWeight: "medium", font: "plain" }), "label-large": tD.mixin({ lineHeight: 20, fontSize: 14, letterSpacing: 0.1, fontWeight: "medium", font: "plain" }), "label-medium": tD.mixin({ lineHeight: 16, fontSize: 12, letterSpacing: 0.5, fontWeight: "medium", font: "plain" }), "label-small": tD.mixin({ lineHeight: 16, fontSize: 11, letterSpacing: 0.5, fontWeight: "medium", font: "plain" }), "body-large": tD.mixin({ lineHeight: 24, fontSize: 16, letterSpacing: 0.5, fontWeight: "regular", font: "plain" }), "body-medium": tD.mixin({ lineHeight: 20, fontSize: 14, letterSpacing: 0.25, fontWeight: "regular", font: "plain" }), "body-small": tD.mixin({ lineHeight: 16, fontSize: 12, letterSpacing: 0.4, fontWeight: "regular", font: "plain" }) } }) }, rb = rm.fromColors({ primary: "#1270f5", secondary: "#8a90a5", tertiary: "#b58391", neutral: "#5e5e5e", error: "#d93f23", warning: "#e69c00", success: "#5ac220" }), ry = { ...rv, ...tN, ...tE, rounded: rg, ...rb.toDesignTokens({ primary: ["primary", 80, 50] }) }, rx = tV.create(ry, { varPrefix: "vk" }), rw = i(() => rx, { name: "Theme" }); +let rg = t$.rounded({ xs: 4, sm: 8, md: 12, lg: 16, xl: 28 }), rv = { font: t$.font({ brand: '-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI",Roboto,"Helvetica Neue",Arial,sans-serif,"Apple Color Emoji","Segoe UI Emoji","Segoe UI Symbol"', plain: '-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI",Roboto,"Helvetica Neue",Arial,sans-serif,"Apple Color Emoji","Segoe UI Emoji","Segoe UI Symbol"', code: "'Lucida Console',Consolas,Monaco,'Andale Mono','Ubuntu Mono',monospace" }), fontWeight: t$.fontWeight({ regular: 400, medium: 500, bold: 700 }), textStyle: t$.customMixin("textStyle", { sys: { "display-large": t$.mixin({ lineHeight: 64, fontSize: 57, letterSpacing: -0.25, fontWeight: "regular", font: "brand" }), "display-medium": t$.mixin({ lineHeight: 52, fontSize: 45, letterSpacing: 0, fontWeight: "regular", font: "brand" }), "display-small": t$.mixin({ lineHeight: 44, fontSize: 36, letterSpacing: 0, fontWeight: "regular", font: "brand" }), "headline-large": t$.mixin({ lineHeight: 40, fontSize: 32, letterSpacing: 0, fontWeight: "regular", font: "brand" }), "headline-medium": t$.mixin({ lineHeight: 36, fontSize: 28, letterSpacing: 0, fontWeight: "regular", font: "brand" }), "headline-small": t$.mixin({ lineHeight: 32, fontSize: 24, letterSpacing: 0, fontWeight: "regular", font: "plain" }), "title-large": t$.mixin({ lineHeight: 28, fontSize: 22, letterSpacing: 0, fontWeight: "regular", font: "brand" }), "title-medium": t$.mixin({ lineHeight: 24, fontSize: 16, letterSpacing: 0.15, fontWeight: "medium", font: "plain" }), "title-small": t$.mixin({ lineHeight: 20, fontSize: 14, letterSpacing: 0.1, fontWeight: "medium", font: "plain" }), "label-large": t$.mixin({ lineHeight: 20, fontSize: 14, letterSpacing: 0.1, fontWeight: "medium", font: "plain" }), "label-medium": t$.mixin({ lineHeight: 16, fontSize: 12, letterSpacing: 0.5, fontWeight: "medium", font: "plain" }), "label-small": t$.mixin({ lineHeight: 16, fontSize: 11, letterSpacing: 0.5, fontWeight: "medium", font: "plain" }), "body-large": t$.mixin({ lineHeight: 24, fontSize: 16, letterSpacing: 0.5, fontWeight: "regular", font: "plain" }), "body-medium": t$.mixin({ lineHeight: 20, fontSize: 14, letterSpacing: 0.25, fontWeight: "regular", font: "plain" }), "body-small": t$.mixin({ lineHeight: 16, fontSize: 12, letterSpacing: 0.4, fontWeight: "regular", font: "plain" }) } }) }, rb = rm.fromColors({ primary: "#1270f5", secondary: "#8a90a5", tertiary: "#b58391", neutral: "#5e5e5e", error: "#d93f23", warning: "#e69c00", success: "#5ac220" }), ry = { ...rv, ...tN, ...tE, rounded: rg, ...rb.toDesignTokens({}) }, rx = tV.create(ry, { varPrefix: "vk" }), rw = i(() => rx, { name: "Theme" }); var rk = function() { function e10(e11) { var t11 = this; @@ -1428,7 +1436,7 @@ var rk = function() { return null == (t11 = e11.parentNode) ? void 0 : t11.removeChild(e11); }), this.tags = [], this.ctr = 0; }, e10; -}(), rM = "-ms-", rC = "-moz-", rP = "-webkit-", r_ = "comm", rS = "rule", rO = "decl", rD = "@keyframes", rT = Math.abs, r$ = String.fromCharCode, rR = Object.assign; +}(), rM = "-ms-", rC = "-moz-", rP = "-webkit-", r_ = "comm", rS = "rule", rO = "decl", r$ = "@keyframes", rD = Math.abs, rT = String.fromCharCode, rR = Object.assign; function rA(e10, t10, r10) { return e10.replace(t10, r10); } @@ -1438,10 +1446,10 @@ function rI(e10, t10) { function rL(e10, t10) { return 0 | e10.charCodeAt(t10); } -function rF(e10, t10, r10) { +function rB(e10, t10, r10) { return e10.slice(t10, r10); } -function rB(e10) { +function rF(e10) { return e10.length; } function rj(e10, t10) { @@ -1493,7 +1501,7 @@ function rX(e10) { return 0; } function rK(e10) { - return rV = rE = 1, rH = rB(rN = e10), rz = 0, []; + return rV = rE = 1, rH = rF(rN = e10), rz = 0, []; } function rJ(e10) { var t10, r10; @@ -1512,14 +1520,14 @@ function rJ(e10) { rG(); } return rz; - }(91 === e10 ? e10 + 2 : 40 === e10 ? e10 + 1 : e10), rF(rN, t10, r10)).trim(); + }(91 === e10 ? e10 + 2 : 40 === e10 ? e10 + 1 : e10), rB(rN, t10, r10)).trim(); } function rZ(e10, t10, r10, n7, a2, i2, o2, s2, l2, c2, u2) { - for (var d2 = a2 - 1, f2 = 0 === a2 ? i2 : [""], h2 = f2.length, p2 = 0, m2 = 0, g2 = 0; p2 < n7; ++p2) for (var v2 = 0, b2 = rF(e10, d2 + 1, d2 = rT(m2 = o2[p2])), y2 = e10; v2 < h2; ++v2) (y2 = (m2 > 0 ? f2[v2] + " " + b2 : rA(b2, /&\f/g, f2[v2])).trim()) && (l2[g2++] = y2); + for (var d2 = a2 - 1, f2 = 0 === a2 ? i2 : [""], h2 = f2.length, p2 = 0, m2 = 0, g2 = 0; p2 < n7; ++p2) for (var v2 = 0, b2 = rB(e10, d2 + 1, d2 = rD(m2 = o2[p2])), y2 = e10; v2 < h2; ++v2) (y2 = (m2 > 0 ? f2[v2] + " " + b2 : rA(b2, /&\f/g, f2[v2])).trim()) && (l2[g2++] = y2); return rq(e10, t10, r10, 0 === a2 ? rS : s2, l2, c2, u2); } function rQ(e10, t10, r10, n7) { - return rq(e10, t10, r10, rO, rF(e10, 0, n7), rF(e10, n7 + 1, -1), n7); + return rq(e10, t10, r10, rO, rB(e10, 0, n7), rB(e10, n7 + 1, -1), n7); } function r0(e10, t10) { for (var r10 = "", n7 = e10.length, a2 = 0; a2 < n7; a2++) r10 += t10(e10[a2], a2, e10, t10) || ""; @@ -1534,16 +1542,16 @@ function r1(e10, t10, r10, n7) { return e10.return = e10.return || e10.value; case r_: return ""; - case rD: + case r$: return e10.return = e10.value + "{" + r0(e10.children, n7) + "}"; case rS: e10.value = e10.props.join(","); } - return rB(r10 = r0(e10.children, n7)) ? e10.return = e10.value + "{" + r10 + "}" : ""; + return rF(r10 = r0(e10.children, n7)) ? e10.return = e10.value + "{" + r10 + "}" : ""; } var r2 = function(e10, t10, r10) { for (var n7 = 0, a2 = 0; n7 = a2, a2 = rY(), 38 === n7 && 12 === a2 && (t10[r10] = 1), !rX(a2); ) rG(); - return rF(rN, e10, rz); + return rB(rN, e10, rz); }, r4 = function(e10, t10) { var r10 = -1, n7 = 44; do @@ -1560,7 +1568,7 @@ var r2 = function(e10, t10, r10) { break; } default: - e10[r10] += r$(n7); + e10[r10] += rT(n7); } while (n7 = rG()); return e10; @@ -1662,7 +1670,7 @@ var r2 = function(e10, t10, r10) { case 5789: case 5021: case 4765: - if (rB(t11) - 1 - r11 > 6) switch (rL(t11, r11 + 1)) { + if (rF(t11) - 1 - r11 > 6) switch (rL(t11, r11 + 1)) { case 109: if (45 !== rL(t11, r11 + 4)) break; case 102: @@ -1674,7 +1682,7 @@ var r2 = function(e10, t10, r10) { case 4949: if (115 !== rL(t11, r11 + 1)) break; case 6444: - switch (rL(t11, rB(t11) - 3 - (~rI(t11, "!important") && 10))) { + switch (rL(t11, rF(t11) - 3 - (~rI(t11, "!important") && 10))) { case 107: return rA(t11, ":", ":" + rP) + t11; case 101: @@ -1695,7 +1703,7 @@ var r2 = function(e10, t10, r10) { return t11; }(e10.value, e10.length); break; - case rD: + case r$: return r0([rU(e10, { value: rA(e10.value, "@", "@" + rP) })], n7); case rS: if (e10.length) { @@ -1760,7 +1768,7 @@ var r2 = function(e10, t10, r10) { case 92: P2 += function(e13, t13) { for (var r13; --t13 && rG() && !(rW < 48) && !(rW > 102) && (!(rW > 57) || !(rW < 65)) && (!(rW > 70) || !(rW < 97)); ) ; - return r13 = rz + (t13 < 6 && 32 == rY() && 32 == rG()), rF(rN, e13, r13); + return r13 = rz + (t13 < 6 && 32 == rY() && 32 == rG()), rB(rN, e13, r13); }(rz - 1, 7); continue; case 47: @@ -1770,15 +1778,15 @@ var r2 = function(e10, t10, r10) { rj(rq(u3 = function(e13, t13) { for (; rG(); ) if (e13 + rW === 57) break; else if (e13 + rW === 84 && 47 === rY()) break; - return "/*" + rF(rN, t13, rz - 1) + "*" + r$(47 === e13 ? e13 : rG()); - }(rG(), rz), r12, n9, r_, r$(rW), rF(u3, 2, -2), 0), c3); + return "/*" + rB(rN, t13, rz - 1) + "*" + rT(47 === e13 ? e13 : rG()); + }(rG(), rz), r12, n9, r_, rT(rW), rB(u3, 2, -2), 0), c3); break; default: P2 += "/"; } break; case 123 * v2: - l3[d3++] = rB(P2) * y2; + l3[d3++] = rF(P2) * y2; case 125 * v2: case 59: case 0: @@ -1787,7 +1795,7 @@ var r2 = function(e10, t10, r10) { case 125: b2 = 0; case 59 + f3: - -1 == y2 && (P2 = rA(P2, /\f/g, "")), m2 > 0 && rB(P2) - h3 && rj(m2 > 32 ? rQ(P2 + ";", a3, n9, h3 - 1) : rQ(rA(P2, " ", "") + ";", a3, n9, h3 - 2), c3); + -1 == y2 && (P2 = rA(P2, /\f/g, "")), m2 > 0 && rF(P2) - h3 && rj(m2 > 32 ? rQ(P2 + ";", a3, n9, h3 - 1) : rQ(rA(P2, " ", "") + ";", a3, n9, h3 - 2), c3); break; case 59: P2 += ";"; @@ -1809,27 +1817,27 @@ var r2 = function(e10, t10, r10) { d3 = f3 = m2 = 0, v2 = y2 = 1, w2 = P2 = "", h3 = s3; break; case 58: - h3 = 1 + rB(P2), m2 = g2; + h3 = 1 + rF(P2), m2 = g2; default: if (v2 < 1) { if (123 == x2) --v2; else if (125 == x2 && 0 == v2++ && 125 == (rW = rz > 0 ? rL(rN, --rz) : 0, rE--, 10 === rW && (rE = 1, rV--), rW)) continue; } - switch (P2 += r$(x2), x2 * v2) { + switch (P2 += rT(x2), x2 * v2) { case 38: y2 = f3 > 0 ? 1 : (P2 += "\f", -1); break; case 44: - l3[d3++] = (rB(P2) - 1) * y2, y2 = 1; + l3[d3++] = (rF(P2) - 1) * y2, y2 = 1; break; case 64: - 45 === rY() && (P2 += rJ(rG())), p3 = rY(), f3 = h3 = rB(w2 = P2 += function(e13) { + 45 === rY() && (P2 += rJ(rG())), p3 = rY(), f3 = h3 = rF(w2 = P2 += function(e13) { for (; !rX(rY()); ) rG(); - return rF(rN, e13, rz); + return rB(rN, e13, rz); }(rz)), x2++; break; case 45: - 45 === g2 && 2 == rB(P2) && (v2 = 0); + 45 === g2 && 2 == rF(P2) && (v2 = 0); } } return o3; @@ -1878,11 +1886,11 @@ function ni() { for (var t10 = arguments.length, a2 = Array(t10), i2 = 0; i2 < t10; i2++) a2[i2] = arguments[i2]; let s2 = "div", h2 = {}, p2 = {}; for (let t11 of a2) { - if (B(t11)) { + if (F(t11)) { e10 = t11; continue; } - if (D(t11) || l(t11)) { + if ($(t11) || l(t11)) { s2 = t11; continue; } @@ -1918,7 +1926,7 @@ function ni() { }; } let no = r({ styles: H() }, (e10) => { - let { styles: t10 } = e10, r10 = rw.use(), n7 = nr.use(), a2 = nn(n7), i2 = r10.unstable_css(n7, D(t10) ? { "&": t10 } : t10); + let { styles: t10 } = e10, r10 = rw.use(), n7 = nr.use(), a2 = nn(n7), i2 = r10.unstable_css(n7, $(t10) ? { "&": t10 } : t10); return d(() => { a2({ serialized: i2, withoutScoping: true }); }), () => null; @@ -2002,7 +2010,7 @@ function nS(e10) { function nO(e10) { return e10.split("-")[0]; } -var nD = Math.max, nT = Math.min, n$ = Math.round; +var n$ = Math.max, nD = Math.min, nT = Math.round; function nR() { var e10 = navigator.userAgentData; return null != e10 && e10.brands && Array.isArray(e10.brands) ? e10.brands.map(function(e11) { @@ -2015,18 +2023,18 @@ function nA() { function nI(e10, t10, r10) { void 0 === t10 && (t10 = false), void 0 === r10 && (r10 = false); var n7 = e10.getBoundingClientRect(), a2 = 1, i2 = 1; - t10 && n_(e10) && (a2 = e10.offsetWidth > 0 && n$(n7.width) / e10.offsetWidth || 1, i2 = e10.offsetHeight > 0 && n$(n7.height) / e10.offsetHeight || 1); + t10 && n_(e10) && (a2 = e10.offsetWidth > 0 && nT(n7.width) / e10.offsetWidth || 1, i2 = e10.offsetHeight > 0 && nT(n7.height) / e10.offsetHeight || 1); var o2 = (nP(e10) ? nC(e10) : window).visualViewport, s2 = !nA() && r10, l2 = (n7.left + (s2 && o2 ? o2.offsetLeft : 0)) / a2, c2 = (n7.top + (s2 && o2 ? o2.offsetTop : 0)) / i2, u2 = n7.width / a2, d2 = n7.height / i2; return { width: u2, height: d2, top: c2, right: l2 + u2, bottom: c2 + d2, left: l2, x: l2, y: c2 }; } function nL(e10) { return nC(e10).getComputedStyle(e10); } -function nF(e10) { +function nB(e10) { return ((nP(e10) ? e10.ownerDocument : e10.document) || window.document).documentElement; } -function nB(e10) { - return "html" === nM(e10) ? e10 : e10.assignedSlot || e10.parentNode || (nS(e10) ? e10.host : null) || nF(e10); +function nF(e10) { + return "html" === nM(e10) ? e10 : e10.assignedSlot || e10.parentNode || (nS(e10) ? e10.host : null) || nB(e10); } function nj(e10) { return n_(e10) && "fixed" !== nL(e10).position ? e10.offsetParent : null; @@ -2036,7 +2044,7 @@ function nV(e10) { return r10 && ("html" === nM(r10) || "body" === nM(r10) && "static" === nL(r10).position) ? t10 : r10 || function(e11) { var t11 = /firefox/i.test(nR()); if (/Trident/i.test(nR()) && n_(e11) && "fixed" === nL(e11).position) return null; - var r11 = nB(e11); + var r11 = nF(e11); for (nS(r11) && (r11 = r11.host); n_(r11) && 0 > ["html", "body"].indexOf(nM(r11)); ) { var n7 = nL(r11); if ("none" !== n7.transform || "none" !== n7.perspective || "paint" === n7.contain || -1 !== ["transform", "perspective"].indexOf(n7.willChange) || t11 && "filter" === n7.willChange || t11 && n7.filter && "none" !== n7.filter) return r11; @@ -2054,11 +2062,11 @@ function nz(e10) { y2 = k2.x, w2 = k2.y; var M2 = f2.hasOwnProperty("x"), C2 = f2.hasOwnProperty("y"), P2 = np, _2 = "top", S2 = window; if (m2) { - var O2 = nV(l2), D2 = "clientHeight", T2 = "clientWidth"; - O2 === nC(l2) && "static" !== nL(O2 = nF(l2)).position && "absolute" === h2 && (D2 = "scrollHeight", T2 = "scrollWidth"), ("top" === u2 || (u2 === np || u2 === nh) && "end" === d2) && (_2 = nf, w2 -= (v2 && O2 === S2 && S2.visualViewport ? S2.visualViewport.height : O2[D2]) - c2.height, w2 *= p2 ? 1 : -1), (u2 === np || ("top" === u2 || u2 === nf) && "end" === d2) && (P2 = nh, y2 -= (v2 && O2 === S2 && S2.visualViewport ? S2.visualViewport.width : O2[T2]) - c2.width, y2 *= p2 ? 1 : -1); + var O2 = nV(l2), $2 = "clientHeight", D2 = "clientWidth"; + O2 === nC(l2) && "static" !== nL(O2 = nB(l2)).position && "absolute" === h2 && ($2 = "scrollHeight", D2 = "scrollWidth"), ("top" === u2 || (u2 === np || u2 === nh) && "end" === d2) && (_2 = nf, w2 -= (v2 && O2 === S2 && S2.visualViewport ? S2.visualViewport.height : O2[$2]) - c2.height, w2 *= p2 ? 1 : -1), (u2 === np || ("top" === u2 || u2 === nf) && "end" === d2) && (P2 = nh, y2 -= (v2 && O2 === S2 && S2.visualViewport ? S2.visualViewport.width : O2[D2]) - c2.width, y2 *= p2 ? 1 : -1); } - var $2 = Object.assign({ position: h2 }, m2 && nH), R2 = true === g2 ? (t10 = { x: y2, y: w2 }, r10 = nC(l2), n7 = t10.x, a2 = t10.y, { x: n$(n7 * (i2 = r10.devicePixelRatio || 1)) / i2 || 0, y: n$(a2 * i2) / i2 || 0 }) : { x: y2, y: w2 }; - return (y2 = R2.x, w2 = R2.y, p2) ? Object.assign({}, $2, ((s2 = {})[_2] = C2 ? "0" : "", s2[P2] = M2 ? "0" : "", s2.transform = 1 >= (S2.devicePixelRatio || 1) ? "translate(" + y2 + "px, " + w2 + "px)" : "translate3d(" + y2 + "px, " + w2 + "px, 0)", s2)) : Object.assign({}, $2, ((o2 = {})[_2] = C2 ? w2 + "px" : "", o2[P2] = M2 ? y2 + "px" : "", o2.transform = "", o2)); + var T2 = Object.assign({ position: h2 }, m2 && nH), R2 = true === g2 ? (t10 = { x: y2, y: w2 }, r10 = nC(l2), n7 = t10.x, a2 = t10.y, { x: nT(n7 * (i2 = r10.devicePixelRatio || 1)) / i2 || 0, y: nT(a2 * i2) / i2 || 0 }) : { x: y2, y: w2 }; + return (y2 = R2.x, w2 = R2.y, p2) ? Object.assign({}, T2, ((s2 = {})[_2] = C2 ? "0" : "", s2[P2] = M2 ? "0" : "", s2.transform = 1 >= (S2.devicePixelRatio || 1) ? "translate(" + y2 + "px, " + w2 + "px)" : "translate3d(" + y2 + "px, " + w2 + "px, 0)", s2)) : Object.assign({}, T2, ((o2 = {})[_2] = C2 ? w2 + "px" : "", o2[P2] = M2 ? y2 + "px" : "", o2.transform = "", o2)); } var nW = { passive: true }, nN = { left: "right", right: "left", bottom: "top", top: "bottom" }; function nq(e10) { @@ -2077,7 +2085,7 @@ function nY(e10) { return { scrollLeft: t10.pageXOffset, scrollTop: t10.pageYOffset }; } function nX(e10) { - return nI(nF(e10)).left + nY(e10).scrollLeft; + return nI(nB(e10)).left + nY(e10).scrollLeft; } function nK(e10) { var t10 = nL(e10), r10 = t10.overflow, n7 = t10.overflowX, a2 = t10.overflowY; @@ -2086,9 +2094,9 @@ function nK(e10) { function nJ(e10, t10) { void 0 === t10 && (t10 = []); var r10, n7 = function e11(t11) { - return ["html", "body", "#document"].indexOf(nM(t11)) >= 0 ? t11.ownerDocument.body : n_(t11) && nK(t11) ? t11 : e11(nB(t11)); + return ["html", "body", "#document"].indexOf(nM(t11)) >= 0 ? t11.ownerDocument.body : n_(t11) && nK(t11) ? t11 : e11(nF(t11)); }(e10), a2 = n7 === (null == (r10 = e10.ownerDocument) ? void 0 : r10.body), i2 = nC(n7), o2 = a2 ? [i2].concat(i2.visualViewport || [], nK(n7) ? n7 : []) : n7, s2 = t10.concat(o2); - return a2 ? s2 : s2.concat(nJ(nB(o2))); + return a2 ? s2 : s2.concat(nJ(nF(o2))); } function nZ(e10) { return Object.assign({}, e10, { left: e10.x, top: e10.y, right: e10.x + e10.width, bottom: e10.y + e10.height }); @@ -2096,14 +2104,14 @@ function nZ(e10) { function nQ(e10, t10, r10) { var n7, a2, i2, o2, s2, l2, c2, u2, d2, f2; return t10 === nb ? nZ(function(e11, t11) { - var r11 = nC(e11), n9 = nF(e11), a3 = r11.visualViewport, i3 = n9.clientWidth, o3 = n9.clientHeight, s3 = 0, l3 = 0; + var r11 = nC(e11), n9 = nB(e11), a3 = r11.visualViewport, i3 = n9.clientWidth, o3 = n9.clientHeight, s3 = 0, l3 = 0; if (a3) { i3 = a3.width, o3 = a3.height; var c3 = nA(); (c3 || !c3 && "fixed" === t11) && (s3 = a3.offsetLeft, l3 = a3.offsetTop); } return { width: i3, height: o3, x: s3 + nX(e11), y: l3 }; - }(e10, r10)) : nP(t10) ? ((n7 = nI(t10, false, "fixed" === r10)).top = n7.top + t10.clientTop, n7.left = n7.left + t10.clientLeft, n7.bottom = n7.top + t10.clientHeight, n7.right = n7.left + t10.clientWidth, n7.width = t10.clientWidth, n7.height = t10.clientHeight, n7.x = n7.left, n7.y = n7.top, n7) : nZ((a2 = nF(e10), o2 = nF(a2), s2 = nY(a2), l2 = null == (i2 = a2.ownerDocument) ? void 0 : i2.body, c2 = nD(o2.scrollWidth, o2.clientWidth, l2 ? l2.scrollWidth : 0, l2 ? l2.clientWidth : 0), u2 = nD(o2.scrollHeight, o2.clientHeight, l2 ? l2.scrollHeight : 0, l2 ? l2.clientHeight : 0), d2 = -s2.scrollLeft + nX(a2), f2 = -s2.scrollTop, "rtl" === nL(l2 || o2).direction && (d2 += nD(o2.clientWidth, l2 ? l2.clientWidth : 0) - c2), { width: c2, height: u2, x: d2, y: f2 })); + }(e10, r10)) : nP(t10) ? ((n7 = nI(t10, false, "fixed" === r10)).top = n7.top + t10.clientTop, n7.left = n7.left + t10.clientLeft, n7.bottom = n7.top + t10.clientHeight, n7.right = n7.left + t10.clientWidth, n7.width = t10.clientWidth, n7.height = t10.clientHeight, n7.x = n7.left, n7.y = n7.top, n7) : nZ((a2 = nB(e10), o2 = nB(a2), s2 = nY(a2), l2 = null == (i2 = a2.ownerDocument) ? void 0 : i2.body, c2 = n$(o2.scrollWidth, o2.clientWidth, l2 ? l2.scrollWidth : 0, l2 ? l2.clientWidth : 0), u2 = n$(o2.scrollHeight, o2.clientHeight, l2 ? l2.scrollHeight : 0, l2 ? l2.clientHeight : 0), d2 = -s2.scrollLeft + nX(a2), f2 = -s2.scrollTop, "rtl" === nL(l2 || o2).direction && (d2 += n$(o2.clientWidth, l2 ? l2.clientWidth : 0) - c2), { width: c2, height: u2, x: d2, y: f2 })); } function n0(e10) { var t10, r10 = e10.reference, n7 = e10.element, a2 = e10.placement, i2 = a2 ? nO(a2) : null, o2 = a2 ? nE(a2) : null, s2 = r10.x + r10.width / 2 - n7.width / 2, l2 = r10.y + r10.height / 2 - n7.height / 2; @@ -2140,7 +2148,7 @@ function n1(e10, t10) { void 0 === t10 && (t10 = {}); var r10, n7, a2, i2, o2, s2, l2, c2, u2 = t10, d2 = u2.placement, f2 = void 0 === d2 ? e10.placement : d2, h2 = u2.strategy, p2 = void 0 === h2 ? e10.strategy : h2, m2 = u2.boundary, g2 = u2.rootBoundary, v2 = u2.elementContext, b2 = void 0 === v2 ? ny : v2, y2 = u2.altBoundary, x2 = u2.padding, w2 = void 0 === x2 ? 0 : x2, k2 = Object.assign({}, { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 }, "number" != typeof w2 ? w2 : ng.reduce(function(e11, t11) { return e11[t11] = w2, e11; - }, {})), M2 = e10.rects.popper, C2 = e10.elements[void 0 !== y2 && y2 ? b2 === ny ? "reference" : ny : b2], P2 = (r10 = nP(C2) ? C2 : C2.contextElement || nF(e10.elements.popper), n7 = void 0 === m2 ? "clippingParents" : m2, a2 = void 0 === g2 ? nb : g2, l2 = (s2 = [].concat("clippingParents" === n7 ? (i2 = nJ(nB(r10)), nP(o2 = ["absolute", "fixed"].indexOf(nL(r10).position) >= 0 && n_(r10) ? nV(r10) : r10) ? i2.filter(function(e11) { + }, {})), M2 = e10.rects.popper, C2 = e10.elements[void 0 !== y2 && y2 ? b2 === ny ? "reference" : ny : b2], P2 = (r10 = nP(C2) ? C2 : C2.contextElement || nB(e10.elements.popper), n7 = void 0 === m2 ? "clippingParents" : m2, a2 = void 0 === g2 ? nb : g2, l2 = (s2 = [].concat("clippingParents" === n7 ? (i2 = nJ(nF(r10)), nP(o2 = ["absolute", "fixed"].indexOf(nL(r10).position) >= 0 && n_(r10) ? nV(r10) : r10) ? i2.filter(function(e11) { return nP(e11) && function(e12, t11) { var r11 = t11.getRootNode && t11.getRootNode(); if (e12.contains(t11)) return true; @@ -2155,16 +2163,16 @@ function n1(e10, t10) { }(e11, o2) && "body" !== nM(e11); }) : []) : [].concat(n7), [a2]))[0], (c2 = s2.reduce(function(e11, t11) { var n9 = nQ(r10, t11, p2); - return e11.top = nD(n9.top, e11.top), e11.right = nT(n9.right, e11.right), e11.bottom = nT(n9.bottom, e11.bottom), e11.left = nD(n9.left, e11.left), e11; - }, nQ(r10, l2, p2))).width = c2.right - c2.left, c2.height = c2.bottom - c2.top, c2.x = c2.left, c2.y = c2.top, c2), _2 = nI(e10.elements.reference), S2 = n0({ reference: _2, element: M2, strategy: "absolute", placement: f2 }), O2 = nZ(Object.assign({}, M2, S2)), D2 = b2 === ny ? O2 : _2, T2 = { top: P2.top - D2.top + k2.top, bottom: D2.bottom - P2.bottom + k2.bottom, left: P2.left - D2.left + k2.left, right: D2.right - P2.right + k2.right }, $2 = e10.modifiersData.offset; - if (b2 === ny && $2) { - var R2 = $2[f2]; - Object.keys(T2).forEach(function(e11) { + return e11.top = n$(n9.top, e11.top), e11.right = nD(n9.right, e11.right), e11.bottom = nD(n9.bottom, e11.bottom), e11.left = n$(n9.left, e11.left), e11; + }, nQ(r10, l2, p2))).width = c2.right - c2.left, c2.height = c2.bottom - c2.top, c2.x = c2.left, c2.y = c2.top, c2), _2 = nI(e10.elements.reference), S2 = n0({ reference: _2, element: M2, strategy: "absolute", placement: f2 }), O2 = nZ(Object.assign({}, M2, S2)), $2 = b2 === ny ? O2 : _2, D2 = { top: P2.top - $2.top + k2.top, bottom: $2.bottom - P2.bottom + k2.bottom, left: P2.left - $2.left + k2.left, right: $2.right - P2.right + k2.right }, T2 = e10.modifiersData.offset; + if (b2 === ny && T2) { + var R2 = T2[f2]; + Object.keys(D2).forEach(function(e11) { var t11 = [nh, nf].indexOf(e11) >= 0 ? 1 : -1, r11 = ["top", nf].indexOf(e11) >= 0 ? "y" : "x"; - T2[e11] += R2[r11] * t11; + D2[e11] += R2[r11] * t11; }); } - return T2; + return D2; } let n2 = { name: "flip", enabled: true, phase: "main", fn: function(e10) { var t10 = e10.state, r10 = e10.options, n7 = e10.name; @@ -2185,10 +2193,10 @@ let n2 = { name: "flip", enabled: true, phase: "main", fn: function(e10) { return y3[e12] - y3[t11]; })) : r11); }, []), x2 = t10.rects.reference, w2 = t10.rects.popper, k2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), M2 = true, C2 = y2[0], P2 = 0; P2 < y2.length; P2++) { - var _2 = y2[P2], S2 = nO(_2), O2 = nE(_2) === nv, D2 = ["top", nf].indexOf(S2) >= 0, T2 = D2 ? "width" : "height", $2 = n1(t10, { placement: _2, boundary: u2, rootBoundary: d2, altBoundary: f2, padding: c2 }), R2 = D2 ? O2 ? nh : np : O2 ? nf : "top"; - x2[T2] > w2[T2] && (R2 = nq(R2)); + var _2 = y2[P2], S2 = nO(_2), O2 = nE(_2) === nv, $2 = ["top", nf].indexOf(S2) >= 0, D2 = $2 ? "width" : "height", T2 = n1(t10, { placement: _2, boundary: u2, rootBoundary: d2, altBoundary: f2, padding: c2 }), R2 = $2 ? O2 ? nh : np : O2 ? nf : "top"; + x2[D2] > w2[D2] && (R2 = nq(R2)); var A2 = nq(R2), I2 = []; - if (i2 && I2.push($2[S2] <= 0), s2 && I2.push($2[R2] <= 0, $2[A2] <= 0), I2.every(function(e11) { + if (i2 && I2.push(T2[S2] <= 0), s2 && I2.push(T2[R2] <= 0, T2[A2] <= 0), I2.every(function(e11) { return e11; })) { C2 = _2, M2 = false; @@ -2196,7 +2204,7 @@ let n2 = { name: "flip", enabled: true, phase: "main", fn: function(e10) { } k2.set(_2, I2); } - if (M2) for (var L2 = p2 ? 3 : 1, F2 = function(e11) { + if (M2) for (var L2 = p2 ? 3 : 1, B2 = function(e11) { var t11 = y2.find(function(t12) { var r11 = k2.get(t12); if (r11) return r11.slice(0, e11).every(function(e12) { @@ -2204,7 +2212,7 @@ let n2 = { name: "flip", enabled: true, phase: "main", fn: function(e10) { }); }); if (t11) return C2 = t11, "break"; - }, B2 = L2; B2 > 0 && "break" !== F2(B2); B2--) ; + }, F2 = L2; F2 > 0 && "break" !== B2(F2); F2--) ; t10.placement !== C2 && (t10.modifiersData[n7]._skip = true, t10.placement = C2, t10.reset = true); } }, requiresIfExists: ["offset"], data: { _skip: false } }; @@ -2292,7 +2300,7 @@ var n3 = (K = void 0 === (X = (Y = { defaultModifiers: [{ name: "eventListeners" if (!s2) { var e11, t11, r11, n9, a3, o3, c3, u2, d2, f2, h2, p2, m2, g2, v2, b2 = i2.elements, y2 = b2.reference, x2 = b2.popper; if (n5(y2, x2)) { - i2.rects = { reference: (t11 = nV(x2), r11 = "fixed" === i2.options.strategy, n9 = n_(t11), u2 = n_(t11) && (o3 = n$((a3 = t11.getBoundingClientRect()).width) / t11.offsetWidth || 1, c3 = n$(a3.height) / t11.offsetHeight || 1, 1 !== o3 || 1 !== c3), d2 = nF(t11), f2 = nI(y2, u2, r11), h2 = { scrollLeft: 0, scrollTop: 0 }, p2 = { x: 0, y: 0 }, (n9 || !n9 && !r11) && (("body" !== nM(t11) || nK(d2)) && (h2 = (e11 = t11) !== nC(e11) && n_(e11) ? { scrollLeft: e11.scrollLeft, scrollTop: e11.scrollTop } : nY(e11)), n_(t11) ? (p2 = nI(t11, true), p2.x += t11.clientLeft, p2.y += t11.clientTop) : d2 && (p2.x = nX(d2))), { x: f2.left + h2.scrollLeft - p2.x, y: f2.top + h2.scrollTop - p2.y, width: f2.width, height: f2.height }), popper: (m2 = nI(x2), g2 = x2.offsetWidth, v2 = x2.offsetHeight, 1 >= Math.abs(m2.width - g2) && (g2 = m2.width), 1 >= Math.abs(m2.height - v2) && (v2 = m2.height), { x: x2.offsetLeft, y: x2.offsetTop, width: g2, height: v2 }) }, i2.reset = false, i2.placement = i2.options.placement, i2.orderedModifiers.forEach(function(e12) { + i2.rects = { reference: (t11 = nV(x2), r11 = "fixed" === i2.options.strategy, n9 = n_(t11), u2 = n_(t11) && (o3 = nT((a3 = t11.getBoundingClientRect()).width) / t11.offsetWidth || 1, c3 = nT(a3.height) / t11.offsetHeight || 1, 1 !== o3 || 1 !== c3), d2 = nB(t11), f2 = nI(y2, u2, r11), h2 = { scrollLeft: 0, scrollTop: 0 }, p2 = { x: 0, y: 0 }, (n9 || !n9 && !r11) && (("body" !== nM(t11) || nK(d2)) && (h2 = (e11 = t11) !== nC(e11) && n_(e11) ? { scrollLeft: e11.scrollLeft, scrollTop: e11.scrollTop } : nY(e11)), n_(t11) ? (p2 = nI(t11, true), p2.x += t11.clientLeft, p2.y += t11.clientTop) : d2 && (p2.x = nX(d2))), { x: f2.left + h2.scrollLeft - p2.x, y: f2.top + h2.scrollTop - p2.y, width: f2.width, height: f2.height }), popper: (m2 = nI(x2), g2 = x2.offsetWidth, v2 = x2.offsetHeight, 1 >= Math.abs(m2.width - g2) && (g2 = m2.width), 1 >= Math.abs(m2.height - v2) && (v2 = m2.height), { x: x2.offsetLeft, y: x2.offsetTop, width: g2, height: v2 }) }, i2.reset = false, i2.placement = i2.options.placement, i2.orderedModifiers.forEach(function(e12) { return i2.modifiersData[e12.name] = Object.assign({}, e12.data); }); for (var w2 = 0; w2 < i2.orderedModifiers.length; w2++) { @@ -2368,5 +2376,5 @@ export { n8 as g, ni as s, tz as t, - tB as v + tF as v }; diff --git a/static/webapp-vuekit-layout.C4GlEj-j.chunk.js b/static/webapp-vuekit-layout.fPJJ8P1q.chunk.js similarity index 98% rename from static/webapp-vuekit-layout.C4GlEj-j.chunk.js rename to static/webapp-vuekit-layout.fPJJ8P1q.chunk.js index e9af37ba..d2fa7715 100644 --- a/static/webapp-vuekit-layout.C4GlEj-j.chunk.js +++ b/static/webapp-vuekit-layout.fPJJ8P1q.chunk.js @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { s as e, v as a, a as o, f as r, c as s, e as t } from "./lib-nodepkg-vueuikit.DmOX2DFP.chunk.js"; +import { s as e, v as a, a as o, f as r, c as s, e as t } from "./lib-nodepkg-vueuikit.B_gkDEbM.chunk.js"; import { d as n, E as i } from "./lib-nodepkg-vuekit.DnJ2JQqf.chunk.js"; var l = "M12,4A4,4 0 0,1 16,8A4,4 0 0,1 12,12A4,4 0 0,1 8,8A4,4 0 0,1 12,4M12,14C16.42,14 20,15.79 20,18V20H4V18C4,15.79 7.58,14 12,14Z", L = "M19,6.41L17.59,5L12,10.59L6.41,5L5,6.41L10.59,12L5,17.59L6.41,19L12,13.41L17.59,19L19,17.59L13.41,12L19,6.41Z", C = "M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12C2,16.42 4.87,20.17 8.84,21.5C9.34,21.58 9.5,21.27 9.5,21C9.5,20.77 9.5,20.14 9.5,19.31C6.73,19.91 6.14,17.97 6.14,17.97C5.68,16.81 5.03,16.5 5.03,16.5C4.12,15.88 5.1,15.9 5.1,15.9C6.1,15.97 6.63,16.93 6.63,16.93C7.5,18.45 8.97,18 9.54,17.76C9.63,17.11 9.89,16.67 10.17,16.42C7.95,16.17 5.62,15.31 5.62,11.5C5.62,10.39 6,9.5 6.65,8.79C6.55,8.54 6.2,7.5 6.75,6.15C6.75,6.15 7.59,5.88 9.5,7.17C10.29,6.95 11.15,6.84 12,6.84C12.85,6.84 13.71,6.95 14.5,7.17C16.41,5.88 17.25,6.15 17.25,6.15C17.8,7.5 17.45,8.54 17.35,8.79C18,9.5 18.38,10.39 18.38,11.5C18.38,15.32 16.04,16.16 13.81,16.41C14.17,16.72 14.5,17.33 14.5,18.26C14.5,19.6 14.5,20.68 14.5,21C14.5,21.27 14.66,21.59 15.17,21.5C19.14,20.16 22,16.42 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z", c = "M19,13H13V19H11V13H5V11H11V5H13V11H19V13Z", d = "M2,21L23,12L2,3V10L17,12L2,14V21Z", H = "M17.75,4.09L15.22,6.03L16.13,9.09L13.5,7.28L10.87,9.09L11.78,6.03L9.25,4.09L12.44,4L13.5,1L14.56,4L17.75,4.09M21.25,11L19.61,12.25L20.2,14.23L18.5,13.06L16.8,14.23L17.39,12.25L15.75,11L17.81,10.95L18.5,9L19.19,10.95L21.25,11M18.97,15.95C19.8,15.87 20.69,17.05 20.16,17.8C19.84,18.25 19.5,18.67 19.08,19.07C15.17,23 8.84,23 4.94,19.07C1.03,15.17 1.03,8.83 4.94,4.93C5.34,4.53 5.76,4.17 6.21,3.85C6.96,3.32 8.14,4.21 8.06,5.04C7.79,7.9 8.75,10.87 10.95,13.06C13.14,15.26 16.1,16.22 18.97,15.95M17.33,17.97C14.5,17.81 11.7,16.64 9.53,14.5C7.36,12.31 6.2,9.5 6.04,6.68C3.23,9.82 3.34,14.64 6.35,17.66C9.37,20.67 14.19,20.78 17.33,17.97Z", V = "M3.55 19.09L4.96 20.5L6.76 18.71L5.34 17.29M12 6C8.69 6 6 8.69 6 12S8.69 18 12 18 18 15.31 18 12C18 8.68 15.31 6 12 6M20 13H23V11H20M17.24 18.71L19.04 20.5L20.45 19.09L18.66 17.29M20.45 5L19.04 3.6L17.24 5.39L18.66 6.81M13 1H11V4H13M6.76 5.39L4.96 3.6L3.55 5L5.34 6.81L6.76 5.39M1 13H4V11H1M13 20H11V23H13"; e("div", { displayName: "Unused" })({ bgColor: "sys.surface-container" }); diff --git a/static/webapp-vuekit-page.gBTd4hjz.chunk.js b/static/webapp-vuekit-page.SLrEBMDY.chunk.js similarity index 66% rename from static/webapp-vuekit-page.gBTd4hjz.chunk.js rename to static/webapp-vuekit-page.SLrEBMDY.chunk.js index 9faf14a6..534b4205 100644 --- a/static/webapp-vuekit-page.gBTd4hjz.chunk.js +++ b/static/webapp-vuekit-page.SLrEBMDY.chunk.js @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -const __vite__mapDeps=(i,m=__vite__mapDeps,d=(m.f||(m.f=["static/webapp-vuekit-layout.C4GlEj-j.chunk.js","static/lib-nodepkg-vueuikit.DmOX2DFP.chunk.js","static/lib-nodepkg-vuekit.DnJ2JQqf.chunk.js","static/lib-nodepkg-typedef.CuY8ZQtO.chunk.js"])))=>i.map(i=>d[i]); +const __vite__mapDeps=(i,m=__vite__mapDeps,d=(m.f||(m.f=["static/webapp-vuekit-layout.fPJJ8P1q.chunk.js","static/lib-nodepkg-vueuikit.B_gkDEbM.chunk.js","static/lib-nodepkg-vuekit.DnJ2JQqf.chunk.js","static/lib-nodepkg-typedef.CuY8ZQtO.chunk.js"])))=>i.map(i=>d[i]); import { q as e, c as t, j as _ } from "./lib-nodepkg-vuekit.DnJ2JQqf.chunk.js"; -import { B as i } from "./lib-nodepkg-vueuikit.DmOX2DFP.chunk.js"; -let a = { meta: { name: "Home", icon: () => e(() => import("./webapp-vuekit-layout.C4GlEj-j.chunk.js").then((e2) => e2.i), true ? __vite__mapDeps([0,1,2,3]) : void 0) } }, s = t(() => () => _(i, { sx: { display: "flex", alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center", textStyle: "sys.display-large" }, children: "Vuekit" })); +import { B as i } from "./lib-nodepkg-vueuikit.B_gkDEbM.chunk.js"; +let a = { meta: { name: "Home", icon: () => e(() => import("./webapp-vuekit-layout.fPJJ8P1q.chunk.js").then((e2) => e2.i), true ? __vite__mapDeps([0,1,2,3]) : void 0) } }, s = t(() => () => _(i, { sx: { display: "flex", alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center", textStyle: "sys.display-large" }, children: "Vuekit" })); export { s as I, a as _