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F-Zero X

This is a WIP Matching Decompilation for F-Zero X.

It currently builds the following ROMs:

  • MD5: 753437d0d8ada1d12f3f9cf0f0a5171f
  • MD5: 58d200d43620007314304f4e6c9e6528

This repo does not include any assets or assembly code necessary for compiling the ROM. A prior copy of the game is required to extract the required assets.


1. Install build dependencies


For Windows 10, install WSL and a distribution by following this Windows Subsystem for Linux Installation Guide. We recommend using Debian or Ubuntu 22.04 Linux distributions.

Linux (Native or under WSL / VM)

The build process has the following package requirements:

  • make
  • git
  • build-essential
  • binutils-mips-linux-gnu
  • python3
  • pip3
  • libpng-dev

Under Debian / Ubuntu (which we recommend using), you can install them with the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install make cmake git build-essential binutils-mips-linux-gnu python3 python3-pip clang-format-14 clang-tidy


Install Homebrew and the following dependencies:

brew update
brew install coreutils make pkg-config tehzz/n64-dev/mips64-elf-binutils

2. Clone the repository

Create your own fork of the repository at Then clone your fork where you wish to have the project, with the command:

git clone<YOUR_USERNAME>/fzerox.git

This will copy the GitHub repository contents into a new folder in the current directory called fzerox. Change into this directory before doing anything else:

cd fzerox

3. Install python dependencies

The build process has a few python packages required that are located in /tools/requirements-python.txt.

To install them simply run in a terminal:

python3 -m pip install -r ./tools/requirements-python.txt
  • Depending on your python version, you might need to add --break-system-packages, or use venv.

4. Update submodules & build toolchain

git submodule update --init --recursive
make toolchain

5. Prepare a base ROM

Copy your ROM to the root of this new project directory, and rename the file of the baserom to reflect the version of ROM you are using. ex:

  • Make sure the ROM is the US or JP version, revision 1.0

6. Make and Build the ROM

To start the extraction/build process, run the following command:

make init

This will create the build folders, a new folder with the assembly as well as containing the disassembly of nearly all the files containing code.

this make target will also build the ROM. If all goes well, a new ROM called "" should be built and the following text should be printed:

Calculating Rom Header Checksum... build/ OK

If you instead see the following:

Calculating Rom Header Checksum... build/ FAILED

This means that something is wrong with the ROM's contents. Either the base files are incorrect due to a bad ROM, or some of the code is not matching.

From now on you should be able to build the rom by running make.

For building the japanese version, make commands must all contain this additional define VERSION=jp.