Query Synthetic test results
synctl get result [id] [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--verify-tls verify tls certificate
--test Synthetic test id
--window-size <window> set synthetic result window size, support [1,60]m, [1-24]h
--har save HAR to local
--use-env, -e <name> use a specified config
--host <host> set hostname
--token <token> set token
Display result list with time window, default time window is 1h
synctl get result --test <test-id> --window-size 30m
Show result details, note that time window need to be same with result list
synctl get result <id> --test <test-id> --window-size 6h
Save HAR file to local
synctl get result <id> --test <test-id> --har