0.29.0-beta (2024-11-05)
- blob: relay file download and upload to minio (#261) (ec27223)
- run: pipeline/model runs and metrics APIs (#265) (c5f1a8d)
0.28.1-beta (2024-10-23)
0.28.0-beta (2024-10-22)
0.27.0-beta (2024-10-04)
0.26.0-beta (2024-09-24)
- release v0.26.0-beta (5a85791)
0.25.0-beta (2024-09-10)
- pipeline: add connection create and get endpoints (#246) (28e7cdc)
- pipeline: add integration read endpoints (#244) (2e4d8fa)
- pipeline: expose integration endpoints (#248) (b02ec58)
- vdp: add grpc pipeline run logging endpoints (#247) (795aeb0)
0.24.0-beta (2024-08-26)
- catalog: add conversations and messages endpoints (#234) (7734662)
- model: added model run logging endpoint (#231) (e7c3232)
- model: fixed model run logging endpoint prefix (#235) (1051b64)
- model: fixed model run logging endpoint query param (#233) (2d11f99)
- vdp: added pipeline run logging endpoints (#237) (c0a52d9)
- vdp: support authentication for streaming API (#238) (a99d723)
- vdp: use the
header to identify and handletext/event-stream
(#242) (3891071)
0.23.0-beta (2024-08-13)
- catalog: add file catalog and question answering endpoint (#226) (a5c85dc)
- env: update KrakenD to v2.7.0 (#230) (4c6144b)
- catalog: fix typo in file catalog api (#229) (05fea14)
- registry: fix wrong namespace format comparison (#228) (dbe1818)
0.22.0-beta (2024-08-01)
0.21.0-beta (2024-07-30)
- artifact: use namespace and add similary search api (#214) (97074e8)
- mgmt: use unified dashboard endpoints (#218) (f3522ac)
- registry: adopt namespace endpoint (#219) (ac2ce07)
- vdp,model: expose namespace endpoints (#217) (386dc58)
- vdp: expose run-on-event endpoints (#221) (55d8cab)
- artifact: fix gRPC endpoints not correctly exposed (#223) (a32a1e0)
- kb: upload file timeout (#222) (48ba2f5)
- mgmt: restore pipeline dashboard enpoints (#220) (82e79bb)
0.20.0-beta (2024-07-15)
- cors: allow Instill-Use-SSE header (#209) (296740f)
- vdp: add server plugin to enable SSE streaming and enable endpoints and configuration (#202) (7d41024)
- vdp: expose pipeline profile image endpoint (#211) (006f016)
0.19.0-beta (2024-07-01)
- model: add model version deletion endpoints (#203) (77714f4)
- pipeline: add requester header to CORS (#207) (9cbe156)
- pipeline: add requester UID header (#205) (f56379e)
- vdp: expose endpoints for cloning pipeline release (#206) (d813ad6)
0.18.0-beta (2024-06-17)
- endpoints: use camelCase for query strings (#199) (bb3a943)
- kb: support knowledge base file related api (#194) (832c55f)
- plugin: adopt multi-auth plugin to adopt the changes in /login endpoint (#197) (b4d1897)
0.17.0-beta (2024-06-06)
- model: add order_by field for list model endpoints (#186) (7486703)
- model: support trigger latest model version (#185) (bbf250d)
- kb: endpoint conflict (#189) (5051f09)
- registry: fix org membership check in registry plugin (#182) (5370041)
0.16.0-beta (2024-05-15)
- model: support listing available regions for model deployment (#178) (37333d1)
- pipeline: add order_by param for pipeline endpoints (#181) (c66b67d)
0.15.0-beta (2024-05-07)
0.14.0-beta (2024-04-24)
- mgmt: add credit public endpoints (#168) (8643c26)
- vdp: adjust user secrets endpoint (#172) (f76992b)
- vdp: expose pipeline secrets endpoints (#164) (0ade2f8)
- vdp: move connector/operator definition endpoints to auth section (#174) (0f5e0d1)
0.13.0-beta (2024-04-11)
- artifact: create tag on successful push (#153) (2bfe85a)
- artifact: deploy model on push completion (#152) (19abc68)
- artifact: expose public Artifact endpoints (#149) (02ac5c5)
- mgmt: add endpoints for user and organization avatars (#162) (bbcd8c8)
- model: add model async trigger (#159) (35f3165)
- model: add namespace check and adopt latest protobuf (#156) (64fcd6e)
- registry: capture NotFound response in namespace check (#160) (7ed29dd)
- registry: handle errors complying with the V2 API (#158) (3fb5532)
0.12.0-beta (2024-03-30)
0.11.0-beta (2024-02-29)
0.10.0-beta (2024-02-05)
- mgmt: refactor API for
authenticated user (#133) (d4c3268) - model: add model organization endpoints (#135) (b653945)
0.9.0-beta (2024-01-29)
- vdp: add
endpoint (#132) (e5ad528) - vdp: add
endpoints (#131) (633967f) - vdp: add visibility query param for list pipelines endpoints (#130) (d664bc3)
0.8.0-beta (2024-01-17)
0.7.1-beta (2023-12-29)
- dockerfile: build Krakend from source to fix golang vesion mismatch (#119) (6c9edc2)
- dockerfile: fix cross compiling issues (#122) (558b99e)
0.7.0-beta (2023-12-15)
- core,vdp: upgrade endpoints version from v1alpha to v1beta (#116) (aaa153f)
- plugin: inject visitor id for public endpoints (#114) (ea6ebfa)
- vdp: add organization pipeline and connector endpoints (#112) (aa08892)
- release: release v0.7.0-beta (a91aa20)
0.6.0-alpha (2023-11-22)
0.5.3-alpha (2023-11-11)
- release: release v0.5.3-alpha (b2b9d25)
0.5.2-alpha (2023-10-27)
- release: release v0.5.2-alpha (2f3cb5c)
0.5.1-alpha (2023-10-13)
0.5.0-alpha (2023-09-26)
- auth: add auth/signer and auth/validator (#85) (5e13fc2)
- plugin: add multi_auth plugin to support
authentication and basic_auth (#87) (a482904)
- auth: fix api gateway
tool failed in arm64 (#89) (b76f85f) - base: fix pipeline release
endpoint (#93) (d1b33cd)
0.4.0-alpha (2023-09-13)
- release: release v0.4.0-alpha (74585ef)
0.3.2-alpha (2023-08-03)
- release: release v0.3.2-alpha (9fbcd3a)
0.3.1-alpha (2023-07-20)
- release: release v0.3.1-alpha (8cc0fa8)
0.3.0-alpha (2023-07-09)
- release: release v0.3.0-alpha (bd0d73e)
0.2.8-alpha (2023-06-20)
- release: release 0.2.8-alpha (486d600)
0.2.7-alpha (2023-06-02)
- release: release v0.2.7-alpha (3624550)
0.2.6-alpha (2023-05-11)
- release: release v0.2.6-alpha (929dee8)
0.2.5-alpha (2023-04-14)
0.2.4-alpha (2023-04-09)
- release v0.2.4-alpha (797410a)
0.2.3-alpha (2023-03-26)
- release v0.2.3-alpha (bbfa661)
0.2.2-alpha (2023-02-23)
- release v0.2.2-alpha (d7f3dd0)
0.2.1-alpha (2023-02-10)
- fix endpoints and remove jwt token configuration (#13) (7b35a60)
- update configuration for headers allowed to reach the backend (#16) (a4f66b2)
0.2.0-alpha (2023-01-15)
- enable h2c (89db3e9)
0.1.1-alpha (2023-01-03)
- release v0.1.1-alpha (6f12078)