This document is used to list steps of reproducing MXNet ResNet18_v1/ResNet50_v1/Squeezenet1.0/MobileNet1.0/MobileNetv2_1.0/Inceptionv3 tuning zoo result.
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can use
to download dataset for this example. like below:
bash ./ --dataset_location=./data
This will download validation dataset val_256_q90.rec, it will put to the directory ./data/
You can use
to download model for this example. like below:
python --model_name mobilenet1.0 --model_path ./model
This will download the pre-trained model mobilenet1.0, and then put to the directory ./model/. For more details, see below:
python -h
usage: [-h]
[--model_name {resnet18_v1,resnet50_v1,squeezenet1.0,mobilenet1.0,mobilenetv2_1.0,inceptionv3}]
[--model_path MODEL_PATH] [--image_shape IMAGE_SHAPE]
Prepare pre-trained model for MXNet ImageNet Classifier
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--model_name {resnet18_v1,resnet50_v1,squeezenet1.0,mobilenet1.0,mobilenetv2_1.0,inceptionv3}
model to download, default is resnet18_v1
--model_path MODEL_PATH
directory to put models, default is ./model
--image_shape IMAGE_SHAPE
model input shape, default is 3,224,224
bash --topology=resnet18_v1 --dataset_location=./data/val_256_q90.rec --input_model=/PATH/TO/MODEL --output_model=./ilit_resnet18
bash --topology=resnet50_v1 --dataset_location=./data/val_256_q90.rec --input_model=/PATH/TO/MODEL --output_model=./ilit_resnet50_v1
bash --topology=squeezenet1.0 --dataset_location=./data/val_256_q90.rec --input_model=/PATH/TO/MODEL --output_model=./ilit_squeezenet
bash --topology=mobilenet1.0 --dataset_location=./data/val_256_q90.rec --input_model=/PATH/TO/MODEL --output_model=./ilit_mobilenet1.0
bash --topology=mobilenetv2_1.0 --dataset_location=./data/val_256_q90.rec --input_model=/PATH/TO/MODEL --output_model=./ilit_mobilenetv2_1.0
bash --topology=inceptionv3 --dataset_location=./data/val_256_q90.rec --input_model=/PATH/TO/MODEL --output_model=./ilit_inception_v3
Use resnet18 as an example:
# accuracy mode, run the whole test dataset and get accuracy
bash --topology=resnet18_v1 --dataset_location=./data/val_256_q90.rec --input_model=./model --batch_size=32 --mode=accuracy
# benchmark mode, specify iteration number and batch_size in option, get throughput and latency
bash --topology=resnet18_v1 --dataset_location=./data/val_256_q90.rec --input_model=./model --batch_size=32 --iters=100 --mode=benchmark
This is a tutorial of how to enable a MXNet classification model with Intel® Low Precision Optimization Tool.
Intel® Low Precision Optimization Tool supports two usages:
User specifies fp32 "model", calibration dataset "q_dataloader", evaluation dataset "eval_dataloader" and metric in tuning.metric field of model-specific yaml config file.
User specifies fp32 "model", calibration dataset "q_dataloader" and a custom "eval_func" which encapsulates the evaluation dataset and metric by itself.
As ResNet50_v1/Squeezenet1.0/MobileNet1.0/MobileNetv2_1.0/Inceptionv3 series are typical classification models, use Top-K as metric which is built-in supported by Intel® Low Precision Optimization Tool. So here we integrate MXNet ResNet with Intel® Low Precision Optimization Tool by the first use case for simplicity.
In examples directory, there is a template.yaml. We could remove most of items and only keep mandotory item for tuning.
- name: mxnet
- topk: 1
- relative: 0.01
timeout: 0
random_seed: 9527
Here we choose topk built-in metric and set accuracy target as tolerating 0.01 relative accuracy loss of baseline. The default tuning strategy is basic strategy. The timeout 0 means early stop as well as a tuning config meet accuracy target.
After prepare step is done, we just need update like below.
import ilit
fp32_model = load_model(symbol_file, param_file, logger)
cnn_tuner = Tuner("./cnn.yaml")
cnn_tuner.tune(fp32_model, q_dataloader=data, eval_dataloader=data)
The tune() function will return a best quantized model during timeout constrain.