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Installing ngsim_env and gail

  • These are the install instructions for the environment which is called ngsim_env followed by generative adversarial imitation learning called hgail

Installation instructions for ngsim_env

# install miniconda
# answer yes to everything
sh ./
source ~/.bashrc

# install rllab
git clone
cd rllab
# this takes a while
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda env update
# If hdf5 is not installed, install it as it is required by AutoEnvs later in the process
conda install hdf5
# activate the rllab environment
source activate rllab3
python develop
cd ..

Install julia

source deactivate
# install our own version of julia
tar -xf julia-0.6.2-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
rm julia-0.6.2-linux-x86_64.tar.gz

# add this line to avoid a pyjulia issue where it uses the wrong julia
# this makes it so that by default we use this julia install
echo "export PATH=$(pwd)/julia-d386e40c17/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc



source activate rllab3 # this is probably not necessary, but just in case
git clone
# this takes a long time
julia ngsim_env/julia/deps/build.jl

# this avoids a bug
echo "using Iterators" >> ~/.juliarc.jl
# avoiding a PyPlot bug
echo "export LD_PRELOAD=${HOME}/.julia/v0.6/Conda/deps/usr/lib/" >> ~/.bashrc 
source ~/.bashrc
# manually add AutoEnvs
echo "push!(LOAD_PATH, \"$(pwd)/ngsim_env/julia/AutoEnvs\")" >> ~/.juliarc.jl

# Revert to a previous version of Vec.jl
cd ~/.julia/v0.6/Vec
git fetch --tags
git checkout v0.1.0

# Revert  AutomotiveDrivingModels to commit before update for Vec.jl
cd ~/.julia/v0.6/AutomotiveDrivingModels
git checkout 74050e9ae44bda72a485c2573ac4f0df2bc3e767

# enter a julia interpreter
  # set python path (replace with your miniconda3 install location)
  >>ENV["PYTHON"] = "/home/wulfebw2/miniconda3/envs/rllab3/bin/python"
  # if any of this raises a bug, fix it before moving on
  # this installs the julia-internal conda referenced above
  >>using PyCall
  >>using PyPlot
    # takes a while
      # If this errors ImportError('No module named mpl_toolkits.mplot3d',), you need to upgrade matplotlib
# The following steps (until and including python quit()) are only required if julia gives 
# an import error while using PyPlot
pip install --upgrade matplotlib
# Check the install went through correctly
    >>>import mpl_toolkits

# Open up Julia interpreter again and try using PyPlot again
  >> using PyPlot
  >>using AutoEnvs
  # If this AutoEnvs step errors saying problems with HDF5, just do what it suggests
  # If the above errors, do what is says i.e. sudo apt-get install hdf5-tools
  >> quit()
sudo apt-get install hdf5-tools
  # If it doesn't work immediately, I got an error saying extra trailing apt, restart the terminal and try again
  # Now let's go back to Julia and try using AutoEnvs again
  >> using AutoEnvs
  >> quit()

Next, we will get the NGSIM data and run a few tests with julia and python to make sure everything is fine

download NGSIM data

##Get the data
cd ~/.julia/v0.6/NGSIM/data

##Fix a trajectory converstion script
cd ../src
#change line 205 of .julia/v0.6/NGSIM/src/trajdata.jl" to outpath = Pkg.dir("NGSIM", "data", "trajdata_"*splitdir(filename)[2])

##Create trajectories from the data
## convert_raw_ngsim_to_trajdatas() is the first step to preprocess raw NGSim data.
## target data is in YOUPATH/.julia/v0.6/NGSIM/data
## the script conatining this function is in YOUPATH/.julia/v0.6/NGSIM/src/trajdata.jl

## please change/add name of holomatic files in 
## TRAJDATA_PATHS in trajdata.jl and 
## NGSIM_TRAJDATA_PATHS in ngsim_trajdata.jl

## after successfully running, you get trajdata_+"ngsim_file_name".txt

cd ../data
  >> using NGSIM
  >> convert_raw_ngsim_to_trajdatas()
  >> quit()

run julia tests

# run the julia tests
# if you don't get an error, everything works with julia
# it will take a few minutes because it's creating some cached files
cd ngsim_env/julia/test
julia runtests.jl
cd ../../..

run python tests

# install the python components of the package
source activate rllab3
cd ngsim_env/python # this is assuming you have ngsim_env on your home directory. If not, navigate to where you have ngsim_env
python develop
pip install julia
cd tests
# one of the these tests will fail if you don't have hgail installed

  # if you get a segfault, need to delete the PyCall.jl cache file

  cd ~/.julia/lib/v0.6
  rm PyCall.jl
  # Check
    >>>import julia

# After removing PyCall.jl let's try the test again (all this is assuming you got a seg fault)
cd ~/ngsim_env/python/tests
  # If you get the error: 
  # ERROR: test_vectorized_ngsim_env (unittest.loader._FailedTest)
  # Intel MKL FATAL ERROR: Cannot load or

  conda install nomkl numpy scipy scikit-learn numexpr
  # Found the fix
  # Answer by libphy
  # Then run the test again and it should be fine

Installation instructions for the imitation learning algorithm

cd ~
git clone
source activate rllab3
cd hgail
python develop
cd tests python
cd ~/ngsim_env
mkdir data
mkdir data/trajectories
mkdir data/experiments
cd scripts
  >> Pkg.checkout("AutomotiveDrivingModels", "lidar_sensor_optimization")
  >> quit()

cd ~/ngsim_env/scripts

## this is the second part for preprocessing NGSim data
## script is in YOURPATH/ngsim_env/scripts/
## this function is mainly about extract_ngsim_features() at the bottom. 
## please change output_filename and n_expert_files based on holomatic data. 
## output path is YOURPATH/ngsim_env/data/trajectories/
julia extract_ngsim_demonstrations.jl
#code references both ngsim.h5 and ngsim_all.h5, so make a copy?
cd ../data/trajectories
cp ngsim_all.h5 ngsim.h5

# for multi-agent ground truth generation
## first please analysis through original NGSim to see which vehicles overlap at the same time
## this is just simple visualization
## pick a time span where there are multiple agents 
## please see example in

## pick these data out to firm a new .txt and start from first part of the preprocess
## please note to modify 'offset' value in extract_ngsim_demonstrations.jl
## this variable controls the starting point, time before that will be ignored

## preprocessed data for 22 agents ground truth in i101 NGSim is in ./22agentGroundTruth
## please put .h5 file to its path

Congratulations!! You have completed the installation process. Navigate back to main readme page and look at the 'Train and run a single agent GAIL policy:' section to train a policy

this was originally compiled by raunakbh92