Name | Type | Description |
cusip | String | The CUSIP number for the security report by the Institutional Owner |
ticker | String | The ticker symbol for the security |
securityName | String | The name of the security |
securityType | String | The type of the security |
titleOfClass | String | The class of stock held |
stockExchange | String | The stock exchange where the security is traded |
periodEnded | LocalDate | The date of the latest 13-F filing on record with the SEC. |
filingDate | LocalDate | The date when the filing was submitted to the SEC by the company |
value | BigDecimal | The market value in amount of dollars of the holding in the listed security |
amount | BigDecimal | The number of shares held in the listed security |
type | String | Shares |
investmentDiscretion | String | Segregate the holdings of securities of a class according to the nature of the investment discretion held by the Manager. |
otherManager | String | A code for other managerial authority of the securities listed |
soleVotingAuthority | BigDecimal | The number of shares where the insitutional holder has sole voting authority |
sharedVotingAuthority | BigDecimal | The number of shares where the insitutional holder has shared voting authority |
noVotingAuthority | BigDecimal | The number of shares where the insitutional holder has no voting authority |