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File Watchtower

File Watchtower is a lightweight file integrity monitoring tool. This tool is able to detect, log and report file content change, file deletion, file renaming and creation. Whenever an violation is occurs, File Watchtower will notify you by Email and also will produce logs about the incident.


  • Detect a change in a file content.
  • Detect a new file(s) added to a directory.
  • Detect a file rename.
  • Detect a file deletion.
  • Filter(s) options for excluding files from watching zone.
  • Watch a single or multiple files.
  • Delivering reports by email.
  • Logging.

Example scenarios:

  • Detect unauthorized file content modification. ex; configuration files and source code.
  • Detect unauthorized file creation, ex; web shells.
  • Detect unauthorized file deletion. ex; log file deletion


  • Python 3

Installation & Usage

  1. Clone or download the project files.
  2. Place the project files in a writble directory, and outside the directories being watched.
  3. Adjust your settings in ''
  4. Add the file(s) and directories path that should be watched in the file 'watch_list.txt' separated by a new line.

Example on 'watch_list.txt' entries

Single File Format:


Directory Format:

directory path, include sub directories [true or false], excluded file extensions [comma separated], max file size in byte unit

/var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/themes, false, .css|.woff|.ttf, 1048576

/var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/themes, true, .css, 1048576

/var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/themes, true, .css
  1. Run the script '' with silent-scan option.
python3 --silent-scan

The silent scan option will scan the watch list file (watch_list.txt) and create a records for the files. no alarms and notifications will be made. Use this option whenever you add new files into the directories being watched.

  1. Create a cron job for routine scanning. The following cron will run every one minute. Adjust as your requirements.
$ crontab -e
# append the following line, adjust project path

* * * * * python3 /opt/file_watchtower/ --routine_scan
* * * * * python3 /opt/file_watchtower/ --process-email-queue

Command Line Args

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r, --routine_scan    This is the routine scan and usually executed by OS
                        cron manager.The routine scan type, Will scan and
                        report the changes that occurs within the directories
                        or files being watched
  -s, --silent-scan     This type of scan will parse the watch list file
                        (watch_list.txt) and create a records for the file(s).
                        no alerts will be made. Use this option whenever you
                        add new files into the directories being watched.
  -e, --process-email-queue
                        Send pending email alerts.
  --export-db           Export the database file records to a CSV file.
  --reset               Empty the file records database.
  --version             show program's version number and exit


Email Alerts


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details


Moath Maharmeh - [email protected]


Lightweight File Integrity Monitoring Tool








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