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Google Authentication

Configure Google Project

  • Google Console -> Create New Project -> Go to APIs & Services within the project -> OAuth consent screen -> Choose External and Click Create -> Fill out the App information -> Add Scopes then Save and Continue -> Add a Test user then Save.

  • Credentials -> Create Credentials -> Choose OAuth client ID -> Choose "Web application" as App Type, and add the Authorized JavaScript origins -> Copy the "Client ID" and "Client secret".

Environment Variables

# .env.development
// src/auth/config/jwt.config.ts
import { registerAs } from "@nestjs/config";

export default registerAs("jwt", () => {
  return {
    googleClientId: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,
    googleClientSecret: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET,

Installing Google Auth Library

npm i google-auth-library

google-auth-library : Official Google authentication library for Node.js, which provides helper methods for working with Google authentication flows.

Generating Necessary Files

npx nest g co auth/social/google-authentication --flat --no-spec
npx nest g s auth/social/providers/google-authentication --flat --no-spec
npx nest g pr /users/providers/find-one-by-google-id.provider --flat --no-spec
npx nest g pr /users/providers/create-google-user.provider --flat --no-spec

Enabling CORS in Main File

// main.ts
import { NestFactory } from "@nestjs/core";
import { AppModule } from "./app.module";

async function bootstrap() {
  const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);

  app.enableCors(); // Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

  await app.listen(3000);
  • Purpose: Enables CORS to allow requests from different origins, which is necessary when your frontend and backend are hosted on different domains or ports.
  • Importance for Google Authentication: The frontend will send requests to the backend with Google tokens, so CORS needs to be enabled to prevent cross-origin request errors.

Google Authentication Controller

// auth/social/google-authentication.controller.ts
import { Body, Controller, Post } from "@nestjs/common";
import { GoogleAuthenticationService } from "./providers/google-authentication.service";
import { GoogleTokenDto } from "./dtos/google-token.dto";
import { AuthType } from "../enums/auth-type.enum";
import { Auth } from "../decorators/auth.decorator";

export class GoogleAuthenticationController {
  constructor(private readonly googleAuthenticationService: GoogleAuthenticationService) {}

  public authenticate(@Body() googleTokenDto: GoogleTokenDto) {
    return this.googleAuthenticationService.authenticate(googleTokenDto);
  • @Auth(AuthType.None) : Custom decorator to specify that this route does not require authentication.

  • @Controller("auth/google") : Sets the base route for this controller to /auth/google.

  • authenticate Method : Handles POST requests to /auth/google with a Google token in the body, which then delegates the authentication process to GoogleAuthenticationService.

Google Authentication Service

// auth/social/providers/google-authentication.service.ts
import {
} from "@nestjs/common";
import { ConfigType } from "@nestjs/config";
import { OAuth2Client } from "google-auth-library";
import jwtConfig from "src/auth/config/jwt.config";
import { GoogleTokenDto } from "../dtos/google-token.dto";
import { UsersService } from "src/users/providers/users.service";
import { GenerateTokensProvider } from "src/auth/providers/generate-tokens.provider";

export class GoogleAuthenticationService implements OnModuleInit {
  private oauthClient: OAuth2Client;

    private readonly jwtConfiguration: ConfigType<typeof jwtConfig>,

    @Inject(forwardRef(() => UsersService))
    private readonly usersService: UsersService,

    private readonly generateTokensProvider: GenerateTokensProvider
  ) {}

  onModuleInit() {
    const clientId = this.jwtConfiguration.googleClientId;
    const clientSecret = this.jwtConfiguration.googleClientSecret;
    this.oauthClient = new OAuth2Client(clientId, clientSecret);

  public async authenticate(googleTokenDto: GoogleTokenDto) {
    try {
      // verify the Google Token sent by User
      const loginTicket = await this.oauthClient.verifyIdToken({
        idToken: googleTokenDto.token,

      // Extract the payload from Google JWT
      const {
        sub: googleId,
        given_name: firstName,
        family_name: lastName,
      } = loginTicket.getPayload();

      // Find the user in the database using the GoogleId
      const user = await this.usersService.findOneByGoogleId(googleId);

      // If googleId exists generate token
      if (user) return this.generateTokensProvider.generateTokens(user);

      // If not create a new user and then generate tokens
      const newUser = await this.usersService.createGoogleUser({
      return this.generateTokensProvider.generateTokens(newUser);
    } catch (error) {
      // throw Unauthorized exception
      throw new UnauthorizedException(error);
  • OAuth2Client : An instance of Google's OAuth 2.0 client used to verify ID tokens.

  • OnModuleInit : Lifecycle hook that initializes oauthClient after the module is instantiated.

  • authenticate Method: Verifies the Google ID token and handles user authentication. Steps:

    1. Verify the Token: Uses oauthClient.verifyToken to validate the ID token received from the client. If the token is invalid or expired, an error is thrown.
    2. Extract User Information: loginTicket.getPayload() Retrieves the user's email, Google ID (sub), first name, and last name from the token payload.
    3. Check for Existing User: If user exists, generate JWT tokens and return them. If user does not exist, create a new user in the database using the extracted information, then generate and return JWT tokens.
    4. Error Handling: Any exceptions during the process result in an UnauthorizedException.

Create Google User Provider

// users/providers/create-google-user.provider.ts
import { ConflictException, Injectable } from "@nestjs/common";
import { InjectRepository } from "@nestjs/typeorm";
import { Repository } from "typeorm";
import { User } from "../user.entity";
import { GoogleUser } from "../interfaces/google-user.interface";

export class CreateGoogleUserProvider {
    private readonly userRepository: Repository<User>
  ) {}

  public async createGoogleUser(googleUser: GoogleUser) {
    try {
      const user = this.userRepository.create(googleUser);
      return await;
    } catch (error) {
      throw new ConflictException(error, {
        description: "Could Not Create A New User",

This provider handles the creation of a new user in the database using information from Google.

Frontend Integration

npm i @react-oauth/google

@react-oauth/google : A React library that provides components for integrating Google OAuth into your frontend application.

import { GoogleLogin, GoogleOAuthProvider } from "@react-oauth/google";

export default function App() {
  return (
    <GoogleOAuthProvider clientId="google-client-id">
        onSuccess={(response) => {
          fetch("http://localhost:3000/auth/google", {
            method: "POST",
            headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
            body: JSON.stringify({ token: response.credential }),
            .then((response) => response.json())
            .then((data) => console.log(data));
  • GoogleOAuthProvider : Wraps your application and provides Google OAuth context.
  • clientId: Your Google OAuth client ID.
  • GoogleLogin Component: Renders a Google Sign-In button.
  • onSuccess: Called when the user successfully logs in with Google.
    • Receives a credentialResponse containing the ID token (credential field).
    • Sends a POST request to your backend /auth/google endpoint with the ID token.
  • onError: Called if the login fails.

Process Flow

  1. User Interaction: User clicks the Google Sign-In button. Completes the authentication flow with Google.
  2. Token Reception: The GoogleLogin component receives an ID token (credential) from Google.
  3. Backend Communication: The frontend sends the ID token to your NestJS backend endpoint (/auth/google) via a POST request.
  4. Backend Verification: The backend verifies the ID token using oauthClient.verifyIdToken. If valid, proceeds to authenticate or register the user, and returns JWT tokens.