(Written by KadeDev for the community)
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Exiled is a low-level API meaning that you can call functions from the game without needing a bunch of api bloatwear.
This allows Exiled to be updated quite easily, and Exiled can be updated even before the update hits the game.
It also allows plugin developers to not have to change their code in order to update, in fact they don't have to even update!
This documentation will show you the bare basics of making a Exiled Plugin. From here you can start showing the world what creative things you can make with this framework!
The Sample Plugin which is a simple plugin that shows off events and how to properly make them; will help you learn Exiled. There are a couple things in that plugin that are important, lets talk about them
Exiled is a framework that has a Reload command which can be used to reload all the plugins and get new ones. This means you must make your plugins Dynamicly Updatable. What this means is assigning variables, events, and other stuff like cororutines. Must be dis-assigned and nulled in on disable. On Enable should enable it all, and On Disable should disable it all. But you might be wondering what about On Reload? That void is meant to carry over static variables, as in every static constant you make will not be wiped. So you could do something like this:
public static int StaticCount = 0;
public int counter = 0;
public override void OnEnable()
counter = StaticCount;
public override void OnDisable()
public override void OnReload()
StaticCount = counter;
And the output would be:
# On enable fires
# Reload command
# On Disable fires
# On Reload fires
# On Enable fires again
(Of course dis-including anything besides the actual responses) Without doing this it would have just went to 1 and then to 2 again.
Now that we are done with getting our plugins Dynamicly Updatable we can focus on trying to interact with players with events!
An event is pretty cool, it allows SCP:SL to communicate with Exiled and then with Exiled to all the plugins!
You can listen to events for your plugin by add this to the top of your main plugin source file:
using EXILED;
And then you have to reference the EXILED_Events.dll
file for you to actually get events.
To reference an event we will be using a new class we create; called "EventHandlers". This isn't in Exiled we have to make it ourself.
We can reference it in the OnEnable and OnDisable void like this:
public EventHandlers EventHandler;
public override OnEnable()
// Register the event handler class. And add the event,
// to the EXILED_Events event listener so we get the event.
EventHandler = new EventHandlers();
Events.PlayerJoinEvent += EventHandler.PlayerJoined;
public override OnDisable()
// Make it dynamicly updatable.
// We do this by removing the listener for the event and then nulling the event handler.
// The more events the more times you have to do this for each one.
Events.PlayerJoinEvent -= EventHandler.PlayerJoined;
EventHandler = null;
And in the EventHandlers class we would do:
public class EventHandlers
public void PlayerJoined(PlayerJoinEvent ev)
Now we have successfully hooked to a player join event which fires when ever a player joins!
This will allow us to broadcast a message to them, so why don't we?
We are going to make another class called 'Extenstions' this will allow us to store some functions that would take up way to much space otherwise in classes.
public static class Extenstions
public static void Broadcast(this ReferenceHub rh, uint time, string message) =>
rh.GetComponent<Broadcast>().TargetAddElement(rh.scp079PlayerScript.connectionToClient, message, time, false);
That will be our broadcast function we will use. Now lets add it to our event.
public class EventHandlers
public void PlayerJoined(PlayerJoinEvent ev)
ev.Player.Broadcast(5, "<color=lime>Welcome to my cool server!</color>");
And then congratulations! You have made your very first Exiled Plugin!
If you want more information you should join our Discord!
We have a #resources channel that you might find useful.
Or you could read all the events that we have! If you want to check them out here!