ironArray containers are created by specifying a Blosc2 metalayer on top of a Caterva container for storing dtype information. Specifically, the ironArray metalayer is named 'iarray' and it follows this format:
|----0-----|---0x01---|---0x02---|---0x03---| |---0x93---|-version--|--dtype---|--flags---| |----------|----------|----------|----------| ^ ^ ^ ^ | | | | | | | +-- [msgpack] positive fixnum for flags (up to 7 flags, currently unused) | | +-- [msgpack] positive fixnum for the data type (up to 127) | +-- [msgpack] positive fixnum for the metalayer format version (up to 127) +-- [msgpack] fixarray with 3 elements
- The supported data types are:
- float64: 0
- float32: 1
- int64: 10
- int32: 11
- int16: 12
- int8: 13
- uint64: 16
- uint32: 17
- uint16: 18
- uint8: 19
- bool: 24