🚧 IPv6 networking is currently under development.
GEP-21 proposes IPv6 Single-Stack Support in the local Gardener environment. This documentation will be enhanced while implementing GEP-21, see gardener/gardener#7051.
To use IPv6 single-stack networking, the feature gate IPv6SingleStack
must be enabled on gardener-apiserver and gardenlet.
Developing or testing IPv6-related features requires a Linux machine (docker only supports IPv6 on Linux) and native IPv6 connectivity to the internet. If you're on a different OS or don't have IPv6 connectivity in your office environment or via your home ISP, make sure to check out gardener-community/dev-box-gcp, which allows you to circumvent these limitations.
To get started with the IPv6 setup and create a local IPv6 single-stack shoot cluster, run the following commands:
make kind-up gardener-up IPFAMILY=ipv6
k apply -f example/provider-local/shoot-ipv6.yaml
Please also take a look at the guide on Deploying Gardener Locally for more details on setting up an IPv6 gardener for testing or development purposes.
If you plan on using custom images, make sure your registry supports IPv6 access.
The docker.io
registry doesn't support pulling images over IPv6 (see Beta IPv6 Support on Docker Hub Registry).
There is a prow job copying images from Docker Hub that are needed in gardener components to the gardener GCR under the prefix eu.gcr.io/gardener-project/3rd/
(see the documentation or gardener/ci-infra#619).
If you want to use a new image from Docker Hub or upgrade an already used image to a newer tag, please open a PR to the ci-infra repository that modifies the job's list of images to copy: images.yaml