Osaretin Precious Igbinosun - 13129589
IRM is a digital investment company and are the cuurent owner of Robin Nixon’s social networking site. They want to update the site wit more functionalities, security and a better user interface.
This objective gives the uses the option to share location information with users and to track their location history too. Objective 3 uses HTML5 Google location API, geoPostion.js (HTML5 wrapper or framework) and IP-Based API to retrieve the location details to mark a user on a Google map.
One of the main problem concerns for IRM was to map the location Awareness functionality adaptable for both existing users and current users. With or with authorization, the IP-Base API displays user’s current location’s city and country.
Its also supports older browsers up to Internet Explorer 5, mobile devices, non-GPS devices, Blackberry OS with or without internet connection.
http://mudfoot.doc.stu.mmu.ac.uk/students/igbinoso/13129589/awt-cw2/index.php Log in Example Username: robin Passwors: Robin1
Pre-existing File by Robin Nest:
- style.css
- index,php
- header.php
- function.php
- javascript.js
- checkuser.php
- friends.php
- login.php
- logout,php
- members.php
- message.php
- profile.php
- setup.php
- signup.php
File Added by Osaretin Precious Igbinosun:
- js/geolocationHomepageScript.js : Contains all the javascript functions used for is objective
- indexLocation.php:
- sqlScript.sql:
- sendcoords.php:
- locationHistory.php:
- jquery-gomap.js
- geoPosition.js and geoPositionSimulator.js
- Bootstrap css, images, font and javascripts files
- README.md File Update by Osaretin Precious Igbinosun:
- style.css
- index,php
- header.php
- function.php
- geoPostion.js - The web framework used by HTML5 Location API
- Jquery and Javascript – for Mapping
- IP Geolocation API - the IP address to query provider
- Sublime text – text editor
- Github
- MySQLWorkBench - connects to the database
- MAMP and Mudfoot - web server
- All users and guest should be able to be able to view and search for other users within a specific location. For example a user or guest can see users on the index page without login to their account. As well as they can search various locations to see if there are Robin Nest users around.
- Logging onto your account, users can see their current location on a side map and can share this with other users