This demo shows how to connect to Greenplum with a python client and run SQL to the database from your python program directly.
First lets get our python setup
python --version
If its not installed follow steps for your platform, here are steps for MacOSX
pip3 install psycopg2-binary
$ python3
>>> import psycopg2
- If running a GCP cluster, PGHOST and PGPASSWORD are available in the deployment manager in the Marketplace
- PGUSER is the user connecting to Greenplum. (e.g.
export PGHOST=_______
export PGPASSWORD=________
export PGUSER=__________
git clone
cd gp-magic-query/pyclient
python3 ./
python3 ./
python3 ./
python3 ./gettweet4lang --lang es
- Write a python program that reads a text file with two words per line
- en Apple
- es gracias
- Write a query for each language and word in the file and for each word do the following
- Create a new table called excersie1__WORD
- INSERT into the new table all tweets that contain the word and the language match
- print out to the terminal 3 tweets from the new table with just the full_text of the tweet, the user_name and the location of the tweet