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This documentation will explain iVvy notifications. In our system, it is referred to as a subscription and each event type is a notification.

For terminology, you subscribe to an endpoint. There are several endpoints available and will provide the changes related to that specific endpoint.

Table Of Contents


iVvy offers notifications that will send you details of a specific object that you wish to subscribe to. There are several notifications available and you may subscribe and unsubscribe to whichever notification is necessary for your development.


The notification endpoints are currently only available to the “Primary” user of the account or API keys created without user. API Keys created with a user selected that is not a “primary” user, will result in a 403 - Not Allowed error


You can test using this fantastic website:

This website will assist you in receiving webhook information during your testing.

Subscribing To A Notification

Following on the instructions we have available on our website:

You can use the following subscription endpoints:

Request Body

The request body to be provided to the endpoints is a JSON body with the key being the name of the notification endpoint you wish to subscribe to / unsubscribe from. And the value being the URL you are using to receive our notification.

The same object is required when interacting with either endpoint described below. The notification endpoints available are described below.



/api/1.0/account?action=subscribeToNotifications - POST

This endpoint will allow you to subscribe to a new notification type.


The response that you will receive will be very similar to this. It will show you the current status of all of the notifications that you currently subscribe to. In the example below, this is a response when subscribed to the companies notification.

  "eventsSuccess": false,
  "eventsTopicId": null,
  "venuesSuccess": false,
  "venuesTopicId": null,
  "paymentsSuccess": false,
  "paymentsTopicId": null,
  "crmSuccess": false,
  "crmTopicId": null,
  "contactsSuccess": false,
  "contactsTopicId": null,
  "companiesSuccess": true,
  "companiesTopicId": "arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-2:2:iVvy_Account_41_d7_NotifCompanies"

When you have subscribed to a notification, the endpoint you have provided will receive a message containing specific information about the notification you have subscribed to. Below is an example of a message from the iVvy API.

  "Type": "SubscriptionConfirmation",
  "MessageId": "9a55edb6-b3e8-4cef-9eee-6d302d24c5ac",
  "Token": "2336412f37fb687f5d51e6e2425f004ae03ffa22ff5caccf7d0",
  "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-2:232528047142:iVvy_Account5_d7336c818a0bf60d087_NotifCompanies",
  "Message": "You have chosen to subscribe to the topic arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-2:232528047142:iVvy_Account5_d7336c818a0bf60d087_NotifCompanies.\nTo confirm the subscription, visit the SubscribeURL included in this message.",
  "SubscribeURL": "",
  "Timestamp": "2020-09-14T00:10:13.086Z",
  "SignatureVersion": "1",
  "Signature": "bvcrDYRbbqYK6aXAOAIK0e+W/Bs0kr6VQMyoNQ==",
  "SigningCertURL": ""

In the JSON object above, you’ll notice that there is a message and it will say something similar to the below:

To confirm the subscription, visit the SubscribeURL included in this message

There is a SubscribeURL attribute. You will need to contact this endpoint which will complete the registration of the subscription for that URL. You will not receive any notifications until you have contacted this endpoint.


/api/1.0/account?action=unsubscribeFromNotifications - POST

Note: Use the body request that you used in the subscribe endpoint.

Should you wish to no longer receive notifications of a particular type.


  "eventsResult": 2,
  "venuesResult": 2,
  "paymentsResult": 2,
  "crmResult": 2,
  "contactsResult": 2,
  "companiesResult": 1

The response example above shows the result of unsubscribing each endpoint. The integer value will be one of the following:

Value Short Description
1 Success The notification endpoint has been unsubscribed, and will no longer receive notifications
2 Not Requested The notification endpoint was not in the api request
3 Unknown Error An unknown error has occurred, contact iVvy tech support
4 Not Found The notification endpoint was not found in the list of subscribed endpoints
5 Incorrect Source You must unsubscribe with the API key that was used to subscribe the notification endpoint
6 Status Not Confirmed The notification endpoint cannot be unsubscribed until it has been confirmed

Notification Payload

The notification payload looks as follow.

  "Type": "Notification",
  "MessageId": "1bca0cbf-8790-506f-a983-52d7cc7d32d9",
  "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-2:232528047142:iVvy_Account_14_d4959ffe27f4a760733babdf1fa7fbbd354d4f62_NotifCompanies",
  "Message": "{\"TxnId\":\"b898c04362bcbfe984f1867ce7db5599\",\"Region\":\"stage\",\"Timestamp\":1710115244,\"AccountId\":\"14\",\"Subject\":\"CompanyAdded\",\"Body\":\"{\\\"data\\\":{\\\"id\\\":60825,\\\"externalId\\\":null,\\\"businessName\\\":\\\"Test Company 123\\\",\\\"tradingName\\\":\\\"Trading Name\\\",\\\"businessNumber\\\":\\\"ABN123\\\",\\\"phone\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"otherPhone\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"fax\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"website\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"email\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"address\\\":{\\\"line1\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"line2\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"line3\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"line4\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"city\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"stateCode\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"countryCode\\\":\\\"AU\\\",\\\"postalCode\\\":\\\"\\\"},\\\"modifiedDate\\\":\\\"2024-03-11 00:00:44 UTC\\\",\\\"primaryAccountManager\\\":{\\\"id\\\":50476,\\\"firstName\\\":\\\"API\\\",\\\"lastName\\\":\\\"Test\\\",\\\"email\\\":\\\"[email protected]\\\"},\\\"secondaryAccountManager\\\":null,\\\"industry\\\":{\\\"id\\\":369,\\\"name\\\":\\\"Banking\\\"},\\\"primaryContact\\\":{\\\"id\\\":7474181,\\\"firstName\\\":\\\"test\\\",\\\"lastName\\\":\\\"test\\\",\\\"email\\\":\\\"[email protected]\\\",\\\"phone\\\":\\\"078 0895 8308\\\"},\\\"isAgent\\\":0,\\\"parentCompanyId\\\":0,\\\"leftValue\\\":1,\\\"rightValue\\\":2,\\\"depth\\\":0,\\\"rootId\\\":60825,\\\"commissionSpace\\\":null,\\\"commissionSpaceType\\\":null,\\\"commissionFood\\\":null,\\\"commissionFoodType\\\":null,\\\"commissionBeverage\\\":null,\\\"commissionBeverageType\\\":null,\\\"commissionAudioVisual\\\":null,\\\"commissionAudioVisualType\\\":null,\\\"commissionAccommodation\\\":null,\\\"commissionAccommodationType\\\":null,\\\"iataNumber\\\":null,\\\"customFields\\\":[{\\\"fieldId\\\":64,\\\"displayName\\\":\\\"t\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"\\\"},{\\\"fieldId\\\":67,\\\"displayName\\\":\\\"RB-1952 test 1\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"\\\"},{\\\"fieldId\\\":68,\\\"displayName\\\":\\\"RB-1952 test 2\\\",\\\"value\\\":[\\\"\\\"]},{\\\"fieldId\\\":76,\\\"displayName\\\":\\\"Upload file\\\",\\\"value\\\":null},{\\\"fieldId\\\":169753,\\\"displayName\\\":\\\"RB-3526 test\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"2024-03-11 14:00:00 UTC\\\"}]}}\",\"SourceType\":0,\"SourceInfo\":null,\"Signature\":\"jbOmjGh1CmyA\\/Z1vS+gnTidrTD\\/vxX7wZtmRmb8N1M7NxTqgpiGOErR8zAvTtfQqVH0sU6yCQkXykEOrmCIT1u3pC9j34IZQKgAMv859xXBSCpx0SXBNqo7dyXT8zAq5p6vW\\/1BGuIWbooaNFB3KNmWmc8y9fMs0akFINuF2kSS6AndnD2zwtIVxZ3jIs8eFSBroEVNOX1YaaGKOulIjQvdMsk7Ge0UGCAba36izHf65Q5riEjrqz0W62OseHJseLZIVRRjlW+4VsYdx2sq1cCXYz1M3Muw0iTNUvHcqAIEG18cF6+tNuqPX4ilDzYzc4udEOv1z8X8+Un5kmqO9Uw==\",\"SigningPublicKeyPath\":\"\\/accounts\\/14\\/1537854341\\/notifcert.txt\"}",
  "Timestamp": "2024-03-11T00:00:45.569Z",
  "SignatureVersion": "1",
  "Signature": "k1fv23ZAC0tYVn8UaFZHcwJQCH0LaubIz5219ziK/tn4uR7GlSi/h0A7XL3aibrVn5aU6LF3scYzXezw0N21EOD2VZohAY/oSgbqzwp+RECvbGs4kZuz8x+6lKYeem2TPEjsaPaFF+JuW7sSvTqZ8L2MZuxbCBXOuiuBl5hKF2va2Tkaiho0A+753AbQWL4hQjqxCCLb1UrglvgKTPfrg9Ew4x9FFe9tNjkh7utYYKI9fltcqp5Hk66E6ftsxsixBsa44t2cUCCOKFnleTH90sPgtWwBYazee4wdL/s+rsBLMxKPYTUcwTLc6TAqtE4N1V2xBILksFEBlG9nNGBLpg==",
  "SigningCertURL": "",
  "UnsubscribeURL": ""

We are using AWS SNS so about notification is from SNS. You should validate the message before processing it further.

Message Details

Here is the explanation of each key in the "Message". Using the "Subject" you can identify the what type of the message. The "Body" schema depends on the Subject.

Property Description Type
AccountId The Account Id from where notification has been published string
Subject The subject of the message. This is predefined string
Body The body of the notification. string
Region The region of the notification from where notification has been published string
Signature The cryptographic signature of the message string
SigningPublicKeyPath The path of the public certificate paired with the private key used to generate the signature. string
SourceInfo Optionally the source of the message in JSON. E.g. API key for API source string
SourceType The source of the message int
Timestamp The timestamp of the notification string
TxnId The Transaction id of the notification string

Source Type

Value Description
0 Unknown


The notification can have message for different entities. For example, contactsEndpoint has a message for contact's note added or updated.

Here is the list of endpoints

Endpoint Key Details
companiesEndpoint Click Here
contactsEndpoint Click Here
crmEndpoint Click Here
paymentsEndpoint Click Here
venuesEndpoint Click Here
eventsEndpoint Click Here