A Flutter package that provides Spotify player widgets, which can be used to seamlessly connect with your Spotify app.
TODO: List what your package can do. Maybe include images, gifs, or videos.
TODO: List prerequisites and provide or point to information on how to start using the package.
You can import the package as follows,
import 'package:spotify_player_widgets/spotify_player_widgets.dart';
class SpotifyPlayerDemo extends StatelessWidget {
SpotifyPlayerDemo({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
final ClientCredentials clientCredentials = ClientCredentials(
redirectUrl: <REDIRECT_URL>);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return SpotifyPlayer(clientCredentials: clientCredentials);
class SpotifyMiniPlayerDemo extends StatelessWidget {
SpotifyMiniPlayerDemo({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
final ClientCredentials clientCredentials = ClientCredentials(
redirectUrl: <REDIRECT_URL>);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return SpotifyMiniPlayer(clientCredentials: clientCredentials);
class SpotifyPlaylistPlayerDemo extends StatelessWidget {
SpotifyPlaylistPlayerDemo({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
final ClientCredentials clientCredentials = ClientCredentials(
redirectUrl: <REDIRECT_URL>);
final List<PlaylistDetails> playlists = [
url: "playlist URL",
name: "playlist name",
coverImageUrl: "playlist cover image URL - Optional"),
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return SpotifyPlaylistPlayer(playlists: playlists, clientCredentials: clientCredentials);
TODO: Tell users more about the package: where to find more information, how to contribute to the package, how to file issues, what response they can expect from the package authors, and more.