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File metadata and controls

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Automatically run Mediainfo when a MediaConvert job is created

In this module you'll use Cloudwatch and Lambda to automatically collect metadata about the input video of a MediaConvert job using mediainfo.

This tutorial is based off the AWS blog post Extracting Video Metadata using Lambda and Mediainfo

Serverless event architecture

You'll implement a Lambda function that will be invoked each time a MediaConvert INPUT_INFORMATION event is detected by CloudWatch event rules. The lambda stores the mediainfo outputs in DynamoDB so we can examine them later.


  1. You need the ability to create MediaConvert jobs for triggering the automation. Jobs can be created from the console or you could use the watchfolder workflow from this this folder: Workflow-WatchfolderAndNotification.

Implementation Instructions

Each of the following sections provide an implementation overview and detailed, step-by-step instructions. The overview should provide enough context for you to complete the implementation if you're already familiar with the AWS Management Console or you want to explore the services yourself without following a walkthrough.

(optional) Skip ahead with CloudFormation

A CloudFormation template is provided for this module in the file mediainfo.yaml, if you would prefer to build the workflow automatically.

Region Launch
US East (N. Virginia) Launch in us-east-1
US West (Oregon) Launch in us-west-2

The information about the resources created is in the Outputs tab of the stack. Save this in a browser tab so you can use it later when you create other stacks and MediaConvert jobs.


1. Create a DynamoDB table for storing mediainfo outputs

Use the console to create a DyanmoDB table called MediainfoTable.

  1. Select the Region you've chosen to use for this workshop from the dropdown.

  2. In the AWS Management Console choose Services then select DynamoDB under Storage.

  3. Click on the Create Table button

  4. Provide a name for your table such as MediainfoTable in the Table name box.

  5. Type jobId in the Primary key box

  6. Check the Add sort key radio button

  7. Fill in the sort key box with timestamp and change the type to Number in the dropdown

  8. Leave everything else as Default and click Create

  9. In the Overview tab, select the Manage TTL link

  10. Type in timestampTTL in the box and click Continue

    Mediainfo table

2. Create an IAM Role for Your Lambda function


Every Lambda function has an IAM role associated with it. This role defines what other AWS services the function is allowed to interact with. For the purposes of this workshop, you'll need to create an IAM role that grants your Lambda function permission to interact with the DynamoDB table created in the last step.

High-Level Instructions

Use the IAM console to create a new role. Name it MediainfoLambdaRole and select AWS Lambda for the role type.

Attach the managed policy called AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole to this role to grant the necessary CloudWatch Logs permissions.

Use inline policies to grant permissions to other resources needed for the lambda to execute.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. From the AWS Management Console, click on Services and then select IAM in the Security, Identity & Compliance section.

  2. Select Roles in the left navigation bar and then choose Create role.

  3. Select AWS Service and Lambda for the role type, then click on the Next:Permissions button.

    Note: Selecting a role type automatically creates a trust policy for your role that allows AWS services to assume this role on your behalf. If you were creating this role using the CLI, AWS CloudFormation or another mechanism, you would specify a trust policy directly.

  4. Begin typing AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole in the Filter text box and check the box next to that role.

  5. Choose Next:Review.

  6. Repeat the search with AmazonDyanamoDBFullAccess in the Filter text box and check the name next to that role.

  7. Repeat the search with AmazonS3FullAccess in the Filter text box and check the name next to that role.

  8. Enter MediainforoLambdaRole for the name of the role.

  9. Choose Create role.


3. Create a Lambda Function for collecting mediainfo


AWS Lambda will run your code in response to events. In this step you'll build the core function that will catch MediaConvert INPUT_INFORMATION events and store collect and mediainfo metadata.

This lambda is a little more complicated than the EventCollector or the WatchFolder lambdas. We need to use resources that don't exist in the standard lambda execution environment on AWS. These items include the mediainfo executable and some of the Python packages used in the lambda code. In order to get these resources up to the lambda environment, we'll create a deployment package that includes all of the dependencies.

High-Level Instructions

Use the AWS Lambda console to create a new Lambda function called MediainfoCollector. Use the provided example implementation for your function code.

Make sure to configure your function to use the MediainfoLambdaRole IAM role you created in the previous section.

Step-by-step instructions

Create the lambda package

Option 1 (use a pre-created lambda package from s3):

  1. There is a zipfile already created for the Cloudformation here. Copy the link and save to use when creating the lambda function later:

  2. Skip ahead to the next step and select Copy a file from S3 instead of upload when you add the function code.

Option 2 - create your own lambda package

  1. Obtain an AWS Lambda compatible copy of mediainfo. You can download a version here.

  2. Place the copy of mediainfo in the ElementalTechMarketingVODTools/1C-MediaConvert-mediainfo directory

  3. Setup a virtualenv environment, vodtk, for developing in this project:

     virtualenv -p python3 <virtualenv-dir>/vodtk
     source <virtualenv-dir>/vodtk/bin/activate
     cd <git-repo>/ElementalTechMarketingVODTools/1C-MediaConvert-mediainfo
     pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Create a zipfile for the mediainfo lambda

     export VIRTUALENV='<virtualenv-dir>/vodtk'
     export ZIP_FILE=''
     export PYTHON_VERSION='python3.6'
     cd $VIRTUALENV/lib/$PYTHON_VERSION/site-packages/
     zip -r9 $DIR/$ZIP_FILE *
     cd $DIR 
     zip -g $ZIP_FILE *
Create the lambda function
  1. Choose Services then select Lambda in the Compute section.

  2. Choose Create function.

  3. Choose the Author from scratch button.

  4. On the Author from Scratch panel, enter MediainfoCollector in the Name field.

  5. Select Python 3.6 for the Runtime.

  6. Choose Use and existing role from the Role dropdown.

  7. Select MediainfoLambdaRole from the Existing Role dropdown.

    Create mediainfo lambda

  8. Click on Create function.

  9. On the Configuration tab of the MediainfoCollector page, in the function code panel:

    1. Select Upload a zip file for the Code entry type

    2. Click Upload and select the zip file you created in the previous step from the dialog box.

    3. Enter mediainfo.handler for the Handler field.

      Lambda function code screenshot

  10. On the Environment Variables panel of the MediainfoCollector lambda console page, enter the following keys and values:

    1. MediainfoTable = MediainfoTable
    2. MediainfoTableTTL = 1

    Lambda function code screenshot

  11. On the Basic Settings panel, enter the following:

    1. Timeout = 2 min
  12. Scroll back to the top of the page and click on the Save button.

Test the lambda

  1. From the main edit screen for your function, select the dropdown that says Select test event and then select Configure test event.

  2. Copy and paste the following test event into the editor:

    "version": "0",
    "id": "dc02e4d4-5955-368e-07b6-7d561e848b5d",
    "detail-type": "MediaConvert Job State Change",
    "source": "aws.mediaconvert",
    "account": "123456789",
    "time": "2018-05-08T17:05:33Z",
    "region": "us-east-1",
    "resources": [
    "detail": {
      "timestamp": 1525799133520,
      "accountId": "123456789",
      "queue": "arn:aws:mediaconvert:us-east-1:123456789:queues/Default",
      "jobId": "1525799045060-9vh36h",
      "status": "INPUT_INFORMATION",
      "userMetadata": {
        "workflow": "funnycatvideos"
      "inputDetails": [
          "id": 1,
          "uri": "s3://elementalrodeo99-us-west-2/video-archive/720p60/futbol_720p60.mp4",
          "video": [
              "streamId": 1,
              "codec": "H_264",
              "width": 1280,
              "height": 720,
              "frameRate": 60,
              "sar": "1:1",
              "bitDepth": 8,
              "interlaceMode": "PROGRESSIVE",
              "colorFormat": "YUV_420",
              "standard": "UNSPECIFIED",
              "fourCC": "avc1"
          "audio": [
              "streamId": 2,
              "codec": "AAC",
              "channels": 2,
              "sampleRate": 48000,
              "language": "ENG"
          "data": null
    "timestamp": 1525799133,
    "testTime": 1525799133,
    "timestampTTL": 1525885533,
    "jobId": "1525799045060-9vh36h"

} ```

  1. Fill in the Test event name InputInfoTest

  2. Choose Save and test.

  3. Verify that the execution succeeded and that the result returned by your function execution box has:


2. Create Cloudwatch event rule for determining what events will invoke our lambda function


Unlike S3, MediaConvert doesn't provide a direct Event Source Mapping type for Lambdas, so we need to create a CloudWatch event rule to invoke Lambda in response to MediaConvert INPUT_INFORMATION events.

High-Level Instructions

Use the AWS CloudWatch console to create a new Event Rule called InputMediaConvertEventRule that will trigger a Lambda when an INPUT_INFORMATION event from source aws:mediaconvert occurs.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Choose Services then select CloudWatch from the AWS console.

  2. Click on Rules in the Events section of the sidebar menu.

  3. Click on Create rule

  4. Leave the Event source radio button activated

  5. Select MediaConvertfrom the Service name drop down.

  6. Select Media Convert Job State Change the Event type drop down

  7. Select the Specfic state radio button and select INPUT_INFORMATION from the drop down.

  8. Click on +Add target

  9. In the target dropdown, select the Lambda function you created in the last step.

  10. Click on the Configure details button at the bottom of the page.

  11. Enter InputMediaConvertEventRule for the Name

  12. Click on the Create rule button

    input rule

2. Create a role to grant Cloudwatch Event rules permission to invoke the lambda function


Cloudwatch will need to invoke our lambda when it sees an event that matches the event rule.

High-Level Instructions

Use the IAM console to create a new role. Name it EventInvokeLambda and select Cloudwatch Events as the service that will use the role.

If you already created this role from the previous module, you can skip this step.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. From the AWS Management Console, click on Services and then select IAM in the Security, Identity & Compliance section.

  2. Select Roles in the left navigation bar and then choose Create role.

  3. Select AWS Service and CloudWatch Events for the service that will use the role, and CloudWatch Events for the use case, then click on the Next:Permissions button.

    Note: Selecting a role type automatically creates a trust policy for your role that allows AWS services to assume this role on your behalf. If you were creating this role using the CLI, AWS CloudFormation or another mechanism, you would specify a trust policy directly.

  4. The required policies will already be selected.

  5. Choose Next:Review.

  6. Enter EventInvokeLambda for the Role name.

  7. Choose Create role.

2. Finally test the workflow

High-Level Instructions

Create a MediaConvert job and view the events from the DynamoDB console.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Create a MediaConvert job using the MediaConvert console or the watchfolder workflow.

  2. In one browser tab, monitor the MediaConvert console to see the progress of the job.

  3. In another tab, open the DyanamoDB console and open the page for your MediainfoTable.

  4. You should see one item added to the table table as the MediaConvert job progresses.

  5. The mediainfo output is stored under the inputDetails for each input.

    input rule