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File metadata and controls

530 lines (320 loc) · 13 KB

Dev Notes

2015-04-23 ~ Theo

360 x 180 = 64800 files!

Too many for me to manage. Need simple tools for peep like me. want to cover world

30 second files for whole world in 10 x 10 grid = 640 files

1 second file names in array.

Say 10,000+ of them. Keep list in csv file nxxwxxx,path if found, use 1 second or best re available else use 30 second

2015-04-23 ~ Theo


build mode app to see what de Ferranti data needs to be updated << done

email to scripps academia

look into 1/3 second data look into mass download of 1 second data

usgs 1second r2

  • 4 google map tiles
  • fix navigation

until get help from geoff on errors, keep prepping

2015-04-17 Theo

zoom level 10 tile covers how many lon degrees? 0.3515625

zoom level 12 0.087890625 3601 * 0.087890625 = 316.494140625 pixels

zoom level 13 0.0439453125 3601 * 0.0439453125 = 158.2470703125 pixels

19:31 ~ USGS 3D unFlatland is cooking! Most issues dealt with. Yay!

2015-04-16 ~ Theo

3D Globe low has textures ~ and they zing!

Built capture TMS images utility. All good but images needs mercatorization ~ wil need anither day or so to do

lots of time on read me files, fixing links etc

2015-04-15 ~ Theo

3D Globe now has two forms:

  • low res - while globe
  • medium res - quarter globe
  • need to add
    • map textures
    • links from one to the other

New: node-srtm30-plus-analyze-r1.js

With this script, I think I've found source of errors translation errors

Coming up

clean up: node-jimp-topo30-to-png-tms-7plus.js

and redo all the tms files

See if can add bitmaps to 3D Globes Add to the read me files

USGS reader

figure out how to add map overlay textures

2015-04-14 ~ Theo


Had a lot of issues producing the 4 zoom 1 PNGs to be used to build heightmap for 3D globe

  • needs a code clean-up
  • must change from string concat to push to an array.

On the other hand, I am very pleased that it mostly 'just works.'

3D Globe is coming along

  • should have sphere section with, say, 512 x 256 vertices covering just a quarter of the globe at any time
  • TMS maps as textures beginning to work
    • needs 'mercatoring'

USGS 1 Second

  • coming along fast
  • location viewer moving along well

Coming up

Find accurate way of overlaying TMS images as textures on 3D meshes: then we are gold

4147202174688893 2015-04-13 ~ Theo

Built a sphere section updater that always faces the camera

Built a Google maps updater that updates as you move a slider

For 3D Globe Need

512x256 1024x512 2048x1024 More? Whatever ever fits under Imgur 5md PNG limit heightmaps of the earth from SRTM 30

Overlays that slide 3D meshes that slide

Built a 3D Globe with Google maps zoom 5 as a texture - needs mercatoriztion and it's good to go...

2015-04-12 ~ Theo

It turns out that imgur IS CORS compatible. All you need to do is add the right bit of code.

Why did it take me perhaps a year to figure this out? So it goes.

180 * 360 = 64000 images at 120 x 120 is probably too much to upload

but 10x10 groups would make only 648 images to upload. Or 1 x 180 groups would mean only 360

10x10 probably good, keeps under imgur 5mb png limit

What about the 1 second images?

Turns out that imgur wants max 5mb png images.

So would need to break down 1second images into 4 tiles.

But the whole world on imgur would be cool!

and given that we will have more and more data, best to break down all images into four quarters: a, b, c, d

probably can make transparent. Always load all four and combine.

Make it seem as if always dealing with single 1x1 degree area.

2015-04-09 ~ Theo

SRTM30 Plus data and Viewers ready to start showing Server does not allow CORS access. Bummer!

Will download a bunch and convert to PNG, see what files sizes look like then decide how much to put up on GitHub

Sometime, will have

360 x 180 ( 64,800 ) files at 120 points per degree

X number de Ferranti files at 1201

X number USGS files at 3601

Will have three arrays. Look first in USGS. If not file found, then drop down.

[ 'file name', 'path' ], ...


open zip file, extract hgt, parse hgt, save png. repeat << done

open topo1.gsd, split into 1 x 1 degree tiles << done


C:\Users\Theo\Dropbox\Public\git-repos\jaanga-terrain\terrain-plus\cookbook\hgt-1sec-viewer-3d\r1\hgt-1sec-viewer-3d.html C:\Users\Theo\Dropbox\Public\git-repos\jaanga-terrain\terrain-plus\cookbook\hgt-tms7-zip-viewer-3d\r1\template-tms7-htg-viewer-zip.html

2015-04-03 ~ Theo * png-tms7-viewer-3d.html * going very well / ready to show * node-jimp-topo30-to-png-tms-7plus et al: all progessing well * need to parse file names so as to create dirs * need to be able to batch files

Up next:

* png-1deg-viewer-3d
* identify 30/15/15/1 sec fles using file size

2015-03-29 ~ Theo

  • terrain-srtm30-plus.html
    • data, viewers & menus all moving along wonderfully well

2015-03-26 ~ Theo

  • template-png-tms7-viewer-3d.html
    • code clean-up
    • Mostly fix altitudes

2015-03-23 ~ Theo

  • node-jimp-topo30-to-png-tms7+.js

    • Does northern and southern hemispheres - about three minutes each
  • template-png-tms7-viewer-3d.html

    • select map textures working with default and OSM textures

We are on a roll!

2015-03-22 ~ Theo

  • Updates to template-png-tms7-viewer-3d.html
  • Big code clean-up
  • Basic Google/OSM overlay

2015-03-21 ~ Theo

  • fixing template-tms7-htg-viewer-zip.html

  • Add basic template-png-tms7-viewer-3d.html

    • Works nicely, but can use a cleanup
  • Many failed attempts at getting lwip to handle large numbers of edits, but failed

  • Luckily, came across jimp

  • Jimp seems to do it all - fast and well.

  • More on this tomorrow


Lights Levels 1-7 Google/OSM overlays << started 15 seconds / 3 seconds topo > hgt > png tms7# << go click on location map placards preferences globe view more gazetteers cors iframe permalinks camera position camera paths

2015-03-19 ~ Theo

  • Slow day

  • big file naming clean up

  • Improved PNG TMS7+ Viewer 3D R1

  • issue: node-srtm-to-tms-1-7-hgt-zip.js can only do one file at a time

    • Can't figure out how to get lwip to set pixels in batch mode
  • But now can view PNG files turned into 3D without to many issues - happy accident whil mucking around with zip files

  • so may leave zipped HGT path and go back to PNG heightmaps

  • Bizarre turn of events

  • Can use fs & node-png to read 900mb topo file and write out tms7+ png files

  • But node-png cannot resize images

  • So will have to use lwip or sharp for that operation

  • Everyday move ahead just a tiny bit and yet I keep thinking tomorrow it will be done but then something weird comes up.

2015-03-18 ~ Theo

  • Build node-srtm-to-tms-1-7-hgt-zip.js

    • reads topo binary data
    • converts to ascii
    • converts to image data
    • resizes image data
    • converts to ascii
    • converts to binary
    • writes to zip file
    • I don't believe it myself. Peeps like me can't do this stuff
  • To be tested

    • Works at any zoom level
    • Processes the 1,000's of files nicely

2015-03-17 ~ Theo

  • Reading zipped HGT files and turning into 3D
  • Build node.js file that that reads to and creates the 16K+ TMS7+ files
    • Takes up about half the space as the original data
  • Build tms7-htg-viewer-zip.html
    • has gazetteer/location map

Coming next?

  • San Francisco 1sec data
  • map overlays
  • placards
  • TMS 1 - 7?

2015-03-14 ~ Theo

  • Everything below seems to be done - except for placards
  • New location map feature is awesome
  • Parent/iframe integration going very smoothly

2015-03-11 ~ Theo

  • tms7-htg-viewer-3d

  • tms7-htg-viewer-bitmp

  • Both progressing really well

  • 3D needs

    • Calculate rowsPerTile
    • 2D web maps overlays
    • Better CSS
  • Bitmap needs

    • Save to file?
  • Both need

    • Location map
    • Gazetteer
    • Placards
    • Enter tile numbers
    • Update messages on changes

2015-03-10 ~ Theo

  • R2 srtm-to-tms-hgt-node.js

    • Done!
    • Creates 8,300+ TMS7+ HGT files in 90 seconds
  • SRTM to HGT TMS7+ Viewer R7

    • With new Hackette UI
    • loading files by file dialog
    • Simple NSEW navigation
    • Small & fun

2015-03-09 ~ Tho

  • node parser:

    • Open file by name
    • handles start row, rows, start column, columns
    • save output
    • data seems to verify
  • Started HGT Viewer R7

    • Oopen HTG file vie file dialog
    • Uses vA3C hacker sliding template

Should/could this be both canvas image viewer and 3D viewer?

2015-03-05 ~ Theo

  • Wiping sand off my face
  • I built a proof of concept demo that reads an HGT file, parses it and then saves it
  • Should be abe to take the big SRTM files and breaks then down to TMS7+ size HGT files
    • Not as nice as PNG files. but a start
  • Next hgt parser that allows you to select desired rows and columns
    • After that maybe straight ri TMS builder?

2015-03-02 ~ Theo

Now I have had sand kicked in my face. It looks to me as if node-png or pngjs does not save an accurate representation of the HGT data. Certain bytes appear to be wildly off. Many bytes off by a bit or two. Very strange.

What next?

  1. Crop to TMS7+ size, save as binary then compress
    • learn to save as binary
  2. See if Geoff can help with writing to PNG
    • Build small SRTM file test case for Geoff

2015-02-28 ~ Theo

  • SRTM 16K new files created. takes about 5 minutes
    • GDAL has just had sand kicked in its face
    • Oops there is an issue with entire Southern Hemisphere but that should not take too long to find
    • The main thing is that a derp such as myself working on a laptop is able to process/mash-up 1.8GB of data and write to 16K files in a few minutes
    • Much of this is due to the V8 JavaScript compiler ( and its competition the other compilers ) and its ability to process web data quickly
      • When you bring this ability to the client-side desktop, it screams

2015-02-27 ~ Theo

  • Reading SRTM plus data file into memory, creating multiple TMS7+ tiles in under 5 milliseconds each - with 150 lines of code
  • Coming up next: create the 128 x 128 matrix of tiles!

2015-02-26 ~ Theo

  • Can have node read split topo file
  • amusing accident
  • was having a lot of issues with node
    • could not set parameters to load portions of file I needed
    • Turned out I was using fileRead and I was always loading the entire 900mm each time - just about instantaneously
    • So why bother with portions when you can have the whole thing all at once
    • Makes code even more simple.
  • Turns out lwip not very good at drawing multiple pixels
    • too many callback issues
  • looked at pngjs - and its successor node-png
    • works fine

2015-02-25 ~ Theo

  • Will work in c:temp/topo30 for now
    • means adding lwip there too
  • topo30 file too big for node.
    • Explored many work arounds
    • Eventually: split file into two chunks
    • hope this works

2015-02-23 ~ Theo

Time to start this up again

2014-11-05 ~ Theo Many nice things since last update.

It turns out, I could down load topo30 - a 1.8+ GB file and load bytes of it using JavaScript. All so easy, yet difficult to believe

Can access bytes 180000000 to 180000511 in 18 ms.

This should make everything much easier.

There are 43200 columns and 21600 rows.

Width/X/Lon Need 128 TMS 7+ columns or 337.5 pixels per TMS. Perhaps can alternate 337 and 338 width columns

Height/Y/Lat Needs to be calculated tile by tile.

Top lat is 85.0511.

Pixels from top = 120 * (90 - 85.0511) = 593.8679999999994 = 594

Equator at pixel 10800. 62 more to figure out. then flip for southern latitudes. ;-)

All moving nicely today...

2014-05-06 ~ Theo I have been bashing my head against cropping the big srtm30 plus files into smaller files. It's complicated and still a fail. Maybe I should try the de Ferranti files. 1 degree x 1 degree. As and when I get that working, I can always come here and split the Scripps files into 1x1 files.

2014-04-29 ~ Theo

Several of the directories underneath have their own dev notes. This is the beginning of the notes - and the process - that tries to tie all the work together.

An aside: It's interesting to watch the brain work. I feel that I am just a few hours away from accomplishing the first major goal of this project. The goal is to translate the 33 SRTM30 Plus files into the 16,384 TMM7 heightmaps. But it seems that instead of completing this much required and much sought for objective, the brain said: 'Today is a day where we tidy things up.'

I guess it's as if we know we are going to fight tomorrow and obtain a quick victory and then soon after march down Main Street in a victory parade. So we want to do this with our shoes polished. [And don't usually such certainties have issues?]

Anyway, there are so many files and scripts here that it is going to take some time to explain them all. And it's looking like there are going to be quite a number of scripts that ended up on the cutting room floor / not required. [So do these need explaining as well? Or should the be summarily sent off to some archive?]

Anyway: coming up there will be yet another folder: SRTM to TMS7. Here we will try to go from the 33 SRTM files directly to TMS. The issue is that is you try to do sixteen thousand things dynamically, you end up with a free-for-all of management issues that slows things down. Better to do one big file at a time. And loading SRTM files and PNG files takes about the same amount of time. We shall see...