Provisions an existing host to run services defined in a docker-compose.yml
This is a convenient companion to aws_ec2_ebs_docker_host
, though any Debian-like host reachable over SSH should work.
Changing the contents of your docker-compose.yml
file (or any other variables defined for this module) will trigger re-creation of the containers on the next terraform apply
Assuming you have the AWS provider set up:
module "my_host" {
# Available inputs:
# Check for updates:
source = "git::ssh://[email protected]/futurice/terraform-utils.git//aws_ec2_ebs_docker_host?ref=v11.0"
hostname = "my-docker-host"
ssh_private_key_path = "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
ssh_public_key_path = "~/.ssh/"
allow_incoming_http = true
reprovision_trigger = "${module.my_docker_compose.reprovision_trigger}"
module "my_docker_compose" {
# Available inputs:
# Check for updates:
source = "git::ssh://[email protected]/futurice/terraform-utils.git//docker_compose_host?ref=v11.0"
public_ip = "${module.my_host.public_ip}"
ssh_username = "${module.my_host.ssh_username}"
ssh_private_key = "${module.my_host.ssh_private_key}"
docker_compose_yml = "${file("./docker-compose.yml")}"
output "test_link" {
value = "http://${module.my_host.public_ip}/"
In your docker-compose.yml
file, try:
version: "3"
image: nginx
- "80:80"
After a terraform apply
, you should be able to visit the test_link
and see nginx greeting you.
Any changes to the compose file trigger re-provisioning of the services. For example, try changing your services to:
version: "3"
image: jwilder/whoami
- "80:8000"
When running terraform apply
, the previous nginx
service will be stopped and removed, and then the new whoami
service will be started in its stead. Visiting the test_link
URL again should give you a different result now.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
docker_compose_down_command | Command to remove services with; will be run during un- or re-provisioning | string | "docker-compose stop 00260026 docker-compose rm -f" |
no |
docker_compose_env | Env-vars (in .env file syntax) that will be substituted into docker-compose.yml (see |
string | "# No env-vars set" |
no |
docker_compose_override_yml | Contents for the docker-compose.override.yml file (see |
string | `"# Any docker-compose services defined here will be merged on top of docker-compose.yml |
version: "3"
"| no | | docker_compose_up_command | Command to start services with; you can customize this to do work before/after, or to disable this completely in favor of your own provisioning scripts | string |
"docker-compose pull --quiet 00260026 docker-compose up -d"| no | | docker_compose_version | Version of docker-compose to install during provisioning (see | string |
"1.23.2"| no | | docker_compose_yml | Contents for the
docker-compose.ymlfile | string | n/a | yes | | public_ip | Public IP address of a host running docker | string | n/a | yes | | ssh_private_key | SSH private key, which can be used for provisioning the host | string | n/a | yes | | ssh_username | SSH username, which can be used for provisioning the host | string |
"ubuntu"` | no |
Name | Description |
reprovision_trigger | Hash of all docker-compose configuration used for this host; can be used as the reprovision_trigger input to an aws_ec2_ebs_docker_host module |