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Part 6 - Smart Contract

File metadata and controls

259 lines (183 loc) · 10.4 KB

Data Types and Variables

  • Features of Solidity include:

    • Statically Typed Language
    • Compiled Language
    • Elementary Types (value)
      • Boolean, Integer, Address, Byte Arrays, Enums
    • Complex Types (reference)
      • Arrays, Structs
    • Mappings

Value Types


  • Address is a 20 byte value with member functions, which include:
    • Balance - Queries the balance of the address
    • Transfer - Transfers Ether (in units of Wei) to the address
    • Send - A low level counterpart to transfer (recommended to use transfer instead of send)
    • Call - Can be used to call other contracts. It returns true if the function terminated successfully or false if an exception was encountered.
      • Uses .gas() or .value() modifiers to specify them
    • Callcode - Use delegatecall() instead.
    • Delegatecall - Delegates a function call to the specified address, maintaining all aspects of the calling address (storage, balance, etc.)

Byte Array

  • Byte arrays are arrays of bytes.
  • Fixed size byte arrays are defined with byte followed by a number (1 - 32), byte[4] variableName
    • .length returns the length of the byte array
    • It is cheaper to use dynamic arrays
  • Dynamicaly sized byte arrays are defined by bytes equivalent to byte[]


  • Enumerations is a user defined type
    • Enums are explicitly convertible to integer types
    • Require a least one member, cannont be empty


  • Function type is used to pass parameters to other functions or return functions
    • This type is not to be confused with function declarations.
    • Can be internal or external
      • Internal - Can only be called from their contract, included library, or inherited functions.
      • External - Consist of an address and function signature.

Reference Types


  • Defined as either a fixed or dynamic size and can be allocated to storage or memory.
    • Storage arrays can be any data type
    • Memory arrays can be anything but a mapping
  • Arrays have two methods, .length, and .push()
  • Creating arrays of variable length in memory require using the new keyword
    • uint[] memory a = new uint[] (<variable length>)
    • Once an array is defined it is a fixed size but the variable length can be determined at runtime.


  • A way to define new type
  • struct can contain data types of different kinds, but cannot contain other structs.
  • Struct values stored as local vairables in functions are not copied, they are passed by reference.


  • Declared by mapping(_KeyType => _ValueType)

  • _KeyType can be any type but mapping, dynamic array, contract, enum or struct

  • _ValueType can be any type

  • Mappings are essentially hashtable

    • Every _KeyType is initialized to a _ValueType when it is defined, by default all keys match some value.

    • As a result, mappings have no length

    • Key data is not stored in the mapping, instead its keccack256 hash is.

    • When the mapping is invoked the _KeyType is assigned to some _ValueType.

      • In the following example the counters mapping will take the msg.senders as a _KeyType and map that address to each of the new addresses (_ValueType) created whenever a new Counter contract is created:

        contract CounterFactory {
            mapping(address => address) counters;
            function createCounter() public {
                if (counters[msg.sender] == 0) {
                    counters[msg.sender] = new Counter(msg.sender);
            function increment() public {
                require (counters[msg.sender] != 0);
            function getCount(address account) public constant returns (uint) {
                if (counters[account] != 0) {
                    return (Counter(counters[account]).getCount());
  • A mapping declared public will create a getter requiring the _KeyType as a parameter and return the _ValueType.


  • Solidity recognizes wei, finney, szabo, and ether as units of ether

Global Variables

  • Commonly used variables include:
    • msg.value (uint): number of wei sent with a message
    • msg.sender (address): sender of the message (current call)
    • msg. gas (uint): remaining gas


  • When defining a function we also define the parameters and the funcitons accessibility.
    • There are 4 accessibility modifiers:
      1. Public - Has no restrictions
      2. External - Only accessible from outside the contract
      3. Private - Only accessible from this contract.
      4. Internal - Can be accessed by this contract or any derivative contract
  • If a function returns a value it must be declared in the function signature

Constant Function

  • Constant Function is a function that does not alter state
    • Function will not emit events, creat other contracts, selfdestruct, send ether, call any function not marked pure or view, use low-level calls, or use inline assembly that contains opcodes

Pure Function

  • Pure Function is a function that does not read or modify the state.
    • State reads include:
      • Reading from state variables
      • Accessing this.balance or .balance
      • Accessing any of the members of block, tx, msg
      • Calling any function not marked pure
      • Using inline assembly that contains certain opcodes

Payable Function

  • Payable Function are functions that handle ether
    • function must be marked payable!
    • function deposit() public payable { balance += msg.value; }


  • Throwing an exception will automatically revert the state

Function Modifiers

  • Function modifiers allow for checks that can be used across functions, they can be defined with the keyword modifier

Fallback Function

  • Fallback function is an unnamed function that does not return anything, nor does it take an arguement. It is a security feature that is called if the given function identifier does not match any functions defined by the contract.

Overloaded Function

  • Functions can also be overloaded (have the same name) as long as they take different arguements.

Storage and Memory


  • Storage and memory is analogous to the harddrive and RAM on a computer
  • The contract storage is stored on the blockchain and persists across executions
  • All contract state variables reside in storage
  • Every contract has its own storage and variables persist between function calls.
  • Storage is expensive because variables are written to every node.


  • Only perists for the duration of the function call
  • When the function terminates the function in memory no longer exists
  • Memory is cheaper than storage

Call Stack

  • Used to hold local variables, but is limited in the amount of information it can hold.
  • This method is the cheapest

Key Concepts

  • Data location will vary depending on the variable type
  • Bugs can result in poor assumptions regarding where a variable is stored
  • For most types, location cannot be specified, the exceptions being Arrays and Structs
  • The following are the locations for each data type:
    • Storage - State Variables
    • Memory - Function Arguements
    • Call Stack - Structs, Arrays, Mappings
  • Using the memory keyword Arrays and Structs can be assigned to memory

Contract Structure

  • Solidity is similar to other OOP languages, contracts are similar to Java Classes
  • Every contract contains the following:
    • Pragma, indicates the compiler version
    • Contract Declaration, contract ContractExample {}
    • State Variable Declaration
    • Events, name events so they are clearly identified as such
    • Function Modifiers
    • Functions
  • It is also possible to write inline assembly (EVM Bytecode) which provides more control over the EVM stack.

Smart Contract ABI

  • The Application Binary Interface (ABI) is the standard way to interact with contracts from outside the blockchain as well as contract to contract. It provides us with a way of encoding Solidity contract calls as well as decoding the data being read from transactions.
  • The ABI and bytecode are created when a solidity contract is compiled. Contract To ABI
  • An ABI is essentially a list of the contracts functions and their arguements and allows the a user to access the binary data in the contract.
  • Data is encoded according to its type, as described in this specification. The encoding is not self describing and thus requires a schema in order to decode.
  • The ABI is a translation for the bytecode and provides a specification for how the bytecode and web3 are supposed to communicate.

Events and Logs

  • Events can be used for three primary reason:
    • Provide a mechanism in which a Javascript callback can be called in the user interface of a DApp that listens for a given event.
      • When web3 submits a contract call as a transaction a function cannot return a value.
      • Transactions dont return values to the frontend because they are not immediately mined/ included in the blockchain.
      • Instead the transaction hash is returned.
    • Asynchronous triggers with data
      • "...When a contract wants to trigger the frontend, the contract emits an event. As, the frontend is watching for events, it can take actions, display a message, etc..."
    • Cheap form of storage
  • When an event is called the arguements are stored in the transactions log, a special data structure in the blockchain.
  • A log is associated with the address of the contract and remains persistent on the blockchain.
  • Events and Logs are not available from inside of the contract.


Data Types and Variables

Data Types - Solidity Docs

How does Mapping in solidity work?


Functions - Solidity Docs

Storage and Memory

Storage, Memory and the Stack - Solidity Docs

Smart Contract ABI

Application Binary Interface Specification

Events and Logs

Technical Introduction to Events and Logs in Ethereum

Solidity Events - BitDegree