During this time when COVID-19 is coming to a close, emergency services are extremely essential, especially for our senior citizens. Because of the importance of such services and the increase in people moving to new homes, we created Responder, the first emergency service response time visualizer and predictor!
Specifically for senior citizens, our web application can predict emergency service response times for their specific address and their county in general as well as showing directions to the closest emergency service facility in their city and county!
We achieved this through extensive use of the Google Maps API, an accurate Random Forest Regressor machine learning model, a thorough Python backend, and several HTML and CSS files for a sleek, clean, and easy-to-use user interface. In addition, we also developed a page to educate seniors and others alike the importance of knowing response times as well as what to do when a senior is injured.
We hope that our project will keep seniors and their loved ones feeling safer and more secure knowing they’ll be safe in the event of an emergency. Creating this was also very personal to each of us as creators. We all have grandparents at home that we cherish and love, and thinking about them and their safety is what drove us as individuals to pursue our work.
Responder: https://seniors-responder.herokuapp.com Devpost: https://devpost.com/software/responder-c9gpuk?ref_content=user-portfolio&ref_feature=in_progress
Rachelle Hu - Frontend and Backend
Abhijith Varma Mudunuri - Frontend
Anuj Naik - Backend
Jahsh Arshad - Backend