All changes to the project will be documented in this file.
- The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- The date format is YYYY-MM-DD.
- The upcoming release version is named
and links to the changes between latest version tag and git HEAD.
vNext - unreleased
- just a placeholder
1.6.0 - 2025-01-26
- bumped copyright year to 2025
1.5.0 - 2024-06-25
- added Github Community Standard documents
- enabled scheduled releases (weekly)
- added ./docs/
1.4.0 - 2024-02-16
- added Dockerfile for arm64v8 architecture into folder ".devcontainer/arm64v8"
- added
and codeowners file - added python packages:
- watermark
- plotly
- graphviz
- nasdaq-data-link
- finnhub-python
- finacetoolkit
- financedatabase
- duckdb
- added vscode extension:
- added/improved notebook examples:
- added FRED/GDP visualization example to finance notebook
- added statsmodels example
- added check_devbox, which includes listing of installed packages
- added debian packages:
- ca-certificates
- tzdata
- locales
- devcontainer.json:
- added python.terminal.activateEnvironment
- added python.defaultInterpreterPath (#6)
- Dockerfile:
- use multiple pip install runs, else the dependencies do not resolve correctly
- reduced number of run sections
- added locale setup
- changed ipykernel name ("jupyter_debvox") and display_name
- used the ipykernel name as c.MultiKernelManager.default_kernel_name
- renamed deprecated c.ServerApp.token to c.IdentityProvider.token
- moved Dockerfile for amd64 into folder ".devcontainer/amd64"
- changed github workflow to build a multi-arch container for amd64 and arm64
- firstly, build each container image and a digest/manifest,
- secondly, upload the merged digests as one manifest file
- changed python packages:
- opencv-python to opencv-python-headless
- removed python packages:
- pydotplus
- quandl (deprecated, replaced by nasdaq-data-link)
1.3.0 - 2024-02-05
- run installation of ipykernel
- added jupyterhub to python packages
- updated notebook config, replaced
- removed the tensorboard port from "appPort" in devcontainer.json
- removed apt package python3-opencv, because version too old (4.6.0)
1.2.0 - 2023-07-22
- added vscode.extensions:
- ms-toolsai.jupyter
- ms-toolsai.jupyter-renderers
- editorconfig.editorconfig
- streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker
- scan container image for vulnerabilities using trivy and upload sarif report
- user is now added to sudoers.d to allow package installation
- added python packages:
- statsmodels
- updated Debian to v12 (bookworm)
- make use of virtual env for Python, because Debian 12 enforces pep668
- improved pip config (disabled progressbar, caching, pip-version-check)
- renamed
1.1.0 - 2023-02-15
- added Github Actions release workflow for publishing the container image to GHCR
- added python packages:
- pandas-datareader
- requests_cache
- alpha_vantage
- quandl
- added vscode.extensions:
- yzhang.markdown-all-in-one
- added .editorconfig and dependabot.yml
- The default remote user was changed from "root" to "vscode"
1.0.0 - 2023-02-14
- added python packages:
- yfinance
- updated to Debian 11 bullseye
- dropped the deprecated Python 2