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If you're new to Rust

If you're unfamiliar with Rust, here are some basic things to know if you wish to read the source code!

  • Variables are declared with let, and are immutable by default.
  • Mutable variables are declared with let mut.
  • The primitive types look like i32, f64, bool, usize, etc.
  • let can (and often will) infer the type of a variable, and everything must have a type:
    let a = 78324;  // type: i32
    let b = 0.435;  // type: f64
    let c = false;  // type: bool
  • Variables can be redefined, which is called "overshadowing":
        let value = 42;
        let value = 9000;
  • All blocks surrounded by {} are expressions, meaning they can have a value. The value of a {} block is often at the end, and is not terminated with a semicolon. For example:
    let number = {
        // unused value
        let unused_number = 42;
        // arbitrary function call
        // value used only within this block
        let important_number = 3.14159;
        // this is the result of the block, and the value of "number"
        important_number * 2.0
  • This also applies to functions, so return is not always required to return values.

  • (a, b) is a "tuple", which can hold multiple values.
  • [T; N] is an array which holds N values of T. Arrays are stack-allocated by default.
  • &[T] is a "slice" of T values, which usually means a reference to heap-allocated data. All slices have a .len() method.
  • &str is a "string slice", which is a reference to heap-allocated UTF-8 data.
  • The Box type is a pointer to owned data on the heap:
    let data = [1.234; 56];     // type: [f64; 56]      stack-allocated
    let boxed = Box::new(data); // type: Box<[f64; 56]> heap-allocated
  • structs can (optionally) hold data and implement methods with impl.
  • enums have variants, and variants can store data. enums can also implement methods with impl.
  • traits are a kind of interface — they can define methods which are implemented by structs or enums, and they can restrict what types can be used in certain contexts.
  • T is owned data, &T is immutably-borrowed data, and &mut T is mutably borrowed data.
  • You can have any number of immutable references to data at a time, as long as there are no mutable references.
  • You can only have one mutable reference to data at a time, as long as there are no immutable references.
  • let a = b will move the data at b into a, unless b implements the Copy trait. All of the primitive types implement Copy.
    • Similarly, a function which takes T as an argument will consume the data.
    • Because of this move-by-default behaviour, borrowing is used very often.
  • || {} is the syntax of a "closure", which is like a lambda function in other languages. Parameters go inside ||:
    let closure = |a: f32| { a.sqrt() * PI + a.log10() }; // type: impl Fn(f32) -> f32
  • There is no null — the Option enum is used for that, which has the Some(T) and None variants.
  • panic is a term which refers to the program exiting, typically because of an unexpected or unrecoverable action.
  • Functions ending with ! are macros, such as println!(), vec![], or todo!().
  • A crate is a library of Rust code — usually third-party.

There are also some more advanced methods used in this project:

  • The dyn keyword refers to dynamic dispatch, and is used in Rust as "trait objects":
    // any trait
    trait SomeTrait {
        fn do_something();
    // an example struct which implements SomeTrait
    struct SomeStruct;
    impl SomeTrait for SomeStruct {
        // implementation...
    // another example struct which implements SomeTrait
    struct SomeOtherStruct;
    impl SomeTrait for SomeOtherStruct {
        // implementation...
    // a struct which needs to hold any type which implements SomeTrait
    struct OtherStruct {
        some_trait_object: Box<dyn SomeTrait>, // this is a "trait object"
    impl OtherStruct {
        pub fn do_something_here(&self) {
            // regardless of which type `some_trait_object` is, the `do_something()` 
            // method of `SomeTrait` can be called, and the correct implementation is
            // located at runtime. this is what dynamic dispatch is useful for!
  • "Atomic" types are types which use atomic operations — operations which are uninterruptible across threads. These are used in multi-threaded contexts to prevent different threads from accessing or interrupting half-complete operations.
  • The Arc type is a thread-safe, reference counting pointer. "Arc" stands for "Atomically Reference-Counted". It is used to share data amongst threads without needing to clone the data. However, it does not allow the underlying data to be mutated by default.
  • Mutex and RwLock are used to provide thread-safe "interior mutability" via a lock, which allows a value to mutated without a mutable reference to it.
  • RefCell allows for interior mutability by providing runtime borrow-checking (which is usually performed at compile-time). It is not thread-safe, however.
  • Multi-threading is used throughout the project as a way of asynchronously processing certain parts of the program — that is, certain operations are performed alongside the "main thread". A common example where multi-threaded is used is the audio processing, which is done on a separate thread. Accessing data on the audio thread requires the use of thread-safe pointers, or message channels such as mpsc in the standard library, or structs from the triple_buffer and crossbeam_channel crates.