+ +

Minimal Tutorial


DaCapo is a framework for easy application of established machine learning techniques on large, multi-dimensional images. +DaCapo Diagram


Needed Libraries for this Tutorial


For the tutorial we will use data from the skimage library, and we will use matplotlib to visualize the data. You can install these libraries using the following commands:

pip install 'scikit-image[data]'
+pip install matplotlib

Introduction and overview


In this tutorial we will cover the basics of running an ML experiment with DaCapo.


DaCapo has 4 major configurable components:

  1. dacapo.datasplits.DataSplit

  2. +
  3. dacapo.tasks.Task

  4. +
  5. dacapo.architectures.Architecture

  6. +
  7. dacapo.trainers.Trainer

  8. +

These are then combined in a single dacapo.experiments.Run that includes +your starting point (whether you want to start training from scratch or +continue off of a previously trained model) and stopping criterion (the number +of iterations you want to train).


Environment setup


If you have not already done so, you will need to install DaCapo. You can do this +by first creating a new environment and then installing DaCapo using pip.

conda create -n dacapo python=3.10
+conda activate dacapo

Then, you can install DaCapo using pip, via GitHub:

pip install git+https://github.com/janelia-cellmap/dacapo.git
pip install dacapo-ml

Be sure to select this environment in your Jupyter notebook or JupyterLab.


Config Store


Configs, model checkpoints, stats, and snapshots can be saved in:

  • a local folder

  • +
  • an S3 bucket

  • +
  • a MongoDB server

  • +

To define where the data goes, create a dacapo.yaml configuration file either in ~/.config/dacapo/dacapo.yaml or in ./dacapo.yaml. Here is a template:

type: files
+runs_base_dir: /path/to/my/data/storage

Alternatively, you can define it by setting an environment variable: DACAPO_OPTIONS_FILE=/PATH/TO/MY/DACAPO_FILES.


The runs_base_dir defines where your on-disk data will be stored. The type setting determines the database backend. The default is files, which stores the data in a file tree on disk. Alternatively, you can use mongodb to store the data in a MongoDB database. To use MongoDB, you will need to provide a mongodbhost and mongodbname in the configuration file:

mongodbhost: mongodb://dbuser:dbpass@dburl:dbport/
+mongodbname: dacapo
# First we need to create a config store to store our configurations
+import multiprocessing
+# This line is mostly for MacOS users to avoid a bug in multiprocessing
+multiprocessing.set_start_method("fork", force=True)
+from dacapo.store.create_store import create_config_store, create_stats_store
+config_store = create_config_store()
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.15/x64/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tqdm/auto.py:21: TqdmWarning: IProgress not found. Please update jupyter and ipywidgets. See https://ipywidgets.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user_install.html
+  from .autonotebook import tqdm as notebook_tqdm
Creating FileConfigStore:
+	path: /home/runner/dacapo/configs

Data Preparation


DaCapo works with zarr, so we will download skimage example cell data and save it as a zarr file.

import numpy as np
+from funlib.geometry import Coordinate, Roi
+from funlib.persistence import prepare_ds
+from scipy.ndimage import label
+from skimage import data
+from skimage.filters import gaussian
+# Download the data
+cell_data = (data.cells3d().transpose((1, 0, 2, 3)) / 256).astype(np.uint8)
+# Handle metadata
+offset = Coordinate(0, 0, 0)
+voxel_size = Coordinate(290, 260, 260)
+axis_names = ["c^", "z", "y", "x"]
+units = ["nm", "nm", "nm"]
+# Create the zarr array with appropriate metadata
+cell_array = prepare_ds(
+    "cells3d.zarr",
+    "raw",
+    Roi((0, 0, 0), cell_data.shape[1:]) * voxel_size,
+    voxel_size=voxel_size,
+    dtype=np.uint8,
+    num_channels=None,
+# Save the cell data to the zarr array
+cell_array[cell_array.roi] = cell_data[1]
+# Generate and save some pseudo ground truth data
+mask_array = prepare_ds(
+    "cells3d.zarr",
+    "mask",
+    Roi((0, 0, 0), cell_data.shape[1:]) * voxel_size,
+    voxel_size=voxel_size,
+    dtype=np.uint8,
+cell_mask = np.clip(gaussian(cell_data[1] / 255.0, sigma=1), 0, 255) * 255 > 30
+not_membrane_mask = np.clip(gaussian(cell_data[0] / 255.0, sigma=1), 0, 255) * 255 < 10
+mask_array[mask_array.roi] = cell_mask * not_membrane_mask
+# Generate labels via connected components
+labels_array = prepare_ds(
+    "cells3d.zarr",
+    "labels",
+    Roi((0, 0, 0), cell_data.shape[1:]) * voxel_size,
+    voxel_size=voxel_size,
+    dtype=np.uint8,
+labels_array[labels_array.roi] = label(mask_array.to_ndarray(mask_array.roi))[0]
+print("Data saved to cells3d.zarr")
+import zarr
+print(zarr.open("cells3d.zarr", mode="r").tree())
Data saved to cells3d.zarr
+ ├── labels (60, 256, 256) uint8
+ ├── mask (60, 256, 256) uint8
+ └── raw (60, 256, 256) uint8

Here we show a slice of the raw data:

# a custom label color map for showing instances
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6))
+# Show the raw data
+axes[0].set_title("Raw Data")
+# Show the labels using the custom label color map
+../_images/7bcc41b2e8c9ecea9d3960b78d0841b6e9abdcd7b93e9589e8378151e1c3d58e.png +



Where can you find your data? What format is it in? Does it need to be normalized? +What data do you want to use for validation?


We have already saved some data in cells3d.zarr. We will use this data for +training and validation. We only have one dataset, so we will be using the +same data for both training and validation. This is not recommended for real +experiments, but is useful for this tutorial.

from dacapo.experiments.datasplits import DataSplitGenerator, DatasetSpec
+dataspecs = [
+    DatasetSpec(
+        dataset_type=type_crop,
+        raw_container="cells3d.zarr",
+        raw_dataset="raw",
+        gt_container="cells3d.zarr",
+        gt_dataset="labels",
+    )
+    for type_crop in ["train", "val"]
+datasplit_config = DataSplitGenerator(
+    name="skimage_tutorial_data",
+    datasets=dataspecs,
+    input_resolution=voxel_size,
+    output_resolution=voxel_size,
+    targets=["cell"],
datasplit = datasplit_config.datasplit_type(datasplit_config)
+# viewer = datasplit._neuroglancer()



What do you want to learn?

  • Instance Segmentation: Identify and separate individual objects within an image.

  • +
  • Affinities: Learn the likelihood of neighboring pixels belonging to the same object.

  • +
  • Distance Transform: Calculate the distance of each pixel to the nearest object boundary.

  • +
  • Foreground/Background: Distinguish between object pixels and background pixels.

  • +

Each of these tasks is commonly learned and evaluated with specific loss functions and evaluation metrics. Some tasks may also require specific non-linearities or output formats from your model.

from dacapo.experiments.tasks import DistanceTaskConfig, AffinitiesTaskConfig
+resolution = 260  # nm
+# an example distance task configuration
+# note that the clip_distance, tol_distance, and scale_factor are in nm
+dist_task_config = DistanceTaskConfig(
+    name="example_dist",
+    channels=["cell"],
+    clip_distance=resolution * 10.0,
+    tol_distance=resolution * 10.0,
+    scale_factor=resolution * 20.0,
+# if the config already exists, delete it first
+# config_store.delete_task_config(dist_task_config.name)
+# an example affinities task configuration
+affs_task_config = AffinitiesTaskConfig(
+    name="example_affs",
+    neighborhood=[(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)],
+# config_store.delete_task_config(dist_task_config.name)



The setup of the network you will train. Biomedical image to image translation +often utilizes a UNet, but even after choosing a UNet you still need to provide +some additional parameters. How much do you want to downsample? How many +convolutional layers do you want?

from dacapo.experiments.architectures import CNNectomeUNetConfig
+# Note we make this UNet 2D by defining kernel_size_down, kernel_size_up, and downsample_factors
+# all with 1s in z meaning no downsampling or convolving in the z direction.
+architecture_config = CNNectomeUNetConfig(
+    name="example_unet",
+    input_shape=(2, 132, 132),
+    eval_shape_increase=(8, 32, 32),
+    fmaps_in=1,
+    num_fmaps=8,
+    fmaps_out=8,
+    fmap_inc_factor=2,
+    downsample_factors=[(1, 4, 4), (1, 4, 4)],
+    kernel_size_down=[[(1, 3, 3)] * 2] * 3,
+    kernel_size_up=[[(1, 3, 3)] * 2] * 2,
+    constant_upsample=True,
+    padding="valid",



How do you want to train? This config defines the training loop and how +the other three components work together. What sort of augmentations to +apply during training, what learning rate and optimizer to use, what +batch size to train with.

from dacapo.experiments.trainers import GunpowderTrainerConfig
+trainer_config = GunpowderTrainerConfig(
+    name="example",
+    batch_size=10,
+    learning_rate=0.0001,
+    num_data_fetchers=8,
+    snapshot_interval=1000,
+    min_masked=0.05,
+    clip_raw=False,



Now that we have our components configured, we just need to combine them +into a run and start training. We can have multiple repetitions of a single +set of configs in order to increase our chances of finding an optimum.

from dacapo.experiments import RunConfig
+from dacapo.experiments.run import Run
+iterations = 2000
+validation_interval = iterations // 4
+run_config = RunConfig(
+    name="example_run",
+    datasplit_config=datasplit_config,
+    task_config=affs_task_config,
+    architecture_config=architecture_config,
+    trainer_config=trainer_config,
+    num_iterations=iterations,
+    validation_interval=validation_interval,
+    repetition=0,



NOTE: The run stats are stored in the runs_base_dir/stats directory. +You can delete this directory to remove all stored stats if you want to re-run training. +Otherwise, the stats will be appended to the existing files, and the run won’t start +from scratch. This may cause errors.

from dacapo.train import train_run
+# from dacapo.validate import validate
+from dacapo.experiments.run import Run
+from dacapo.store.create_store import create_config_store
+config_store = create_config_store()
+run = Run(config_store.retrieve_run_config("example_run"))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    train_run(run)
Creating FileConfigStore:
+	path: /home/runner/dacapo/configs
Starting/resuming training for run example_run...
+Creating FileStatsStore:
+	path    : /home/runner/dacapo/stats
+Trained until 2000, but validated until 2001! Deleting extra validation stats
+Current state: trained until 2000/2000
+Creating local weights store in directory /home/runner/dacapo
+Resuming training from iteration 2000
+Retrieving weights for run example_run, iteration 2000
Trained until 2000. Finished.



Let’s visualize the results of the training run. DaCapo saves a few artifacts during training +including snapshots, validation results, and the loss.

stats_store = create_stats_store()
+training_stats = stats_store.retrieve_training_stats(run_config.name)
+stats = training_stats.to_xarray()
+plt.title("Training Loss")
Creating FileStatsStore:
+	path    : /home/runner/dacapo/stats
+../_images/97b2edf7e99216bd990eef2c7597672b7c0cfe34cad52e451d4ff080ec986ee9.png +
# import zarr
+# from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
+# np.random.seed(1)
+# colors = [[0, 0, 0]] + [list(np.random.choice(range(256), size=3)) for _ in range(254)]
+# label_cmap = ListedColormap(colors)
+# run_path = config_store.path / run_config.name
+# num_snapshots = run_config.num_iterations // run_config.trainer_config.snapshot_interval
+# fig, ax = plt.subplots(num_snapshots, 3, figsize=(10, 2 * num_snapshots))
+# # Set column titles
+# column_titles = ["Raw", "Target", "Prediction"]
+# for col in range(3):
+#     ax[0, col].set_title(column_titles[col])
+# for snapshot in range(num_snapshots):
+#     snapshot_it = snapshot * run_config.trainer_config.snapshot_interval
+#     # break
+#     raw = zarr.open(f"{run_path}/snapshot.zarr/{snapshot_it}/volumes/raw")[:]
+#     target = zarr.open(f"{run_path}/snapshot.zarr/{snapshot_it}/volumes/target")[0]
+#     prediction = zarr.open(
+#         f"{run_path}/snapshot.zarr/{snapshot_it}/volumes/prediction"
+#     )[0]
+#     c = (raw.shape[1] - target.shape[1]) // 2
+#     ax[snapshot, 0].imshow(raw[raw.shape[0] // 2, c:-c, c:-c])
+#     ax[snapshot, 1].imshow(target[target.shape[0] // 2])
+#     ax[snapshot, 2].imshow(prediction[prediction.shape[0] // 2])
+#     ax[snapshot, 0].set_ylabel(f"Snapshot {snapshot_it}")
+# plt.show()
+# # %%
+# # Visualize validations
+# import zarr
+# num_validations = run_config.num_iterations // run_config.validation_interval
+# fig, ax = plt.subplots(num_validations, 4, figsize=(10, 2 * num_validations))
+# # Set column titles
+# column_titles = ["Raw", "Ground Truth", "Prediction", "Segmentation"]
+# for col in range(len(column_titles)):
+#     ax[0, col].set_title(column_titles[col])
+# for validation in range(1, num_validations + 1):
+#     dataset = run.datasplit.validate[0].name
+#     validation_it = validation * run_config.validation_interval
+#     # break
+#     raw = zarr.open(f"{run_path}/validation.zarr/inputs/{dataset}/raw")[:]
+#     gt = zarr.open(f"{run_path}/validation.zarr/inputs/{dataset}/gt")[0]
+#     pred_path = f"{run_path}/validation.zarr/{validation_it}/ds_{dataset}/prediction"
+#     out_path = f"{run_path}/validation.zarr/{validation_it}/ds_{dataset}/output/WatershedPostProcessorParameters(id=2, bias=0.5, context=(32, 32, 32))"
+#     output = zarr.open(out_path)[:]
+#     prediction = zarr.open(pred_path)[0]
+#     c = (raw.shape[1] - gt.shape[1]) // 2
+#     if c != 0:
+#         raw = raw[:, c:-c, c:-c]
+#     ax[validation - 1, 0].imshow(raw[raw.shape[0] // 2])
+#     ax[validation - 1, 1].imshow(
+#         gt[gt.shape[0] // 2], cmap=label_cmap, interpolation="none"
+#     )
+#     ax[validation - 1, 2].imshow(prediction[prediction.shape[0] // 2])
+#     ax[validation - 1, 3].imshow(
+#         output[output.shape[0] // 2], cmap=label_cmap, interpolation="none"
+#     )
+#     ax[validation - 1, 0].set_ylabel(f"Validation {validation_it}")
+# plt.show()
+ + +