One at a time. -- Kyle G., on goals
Let's try not to be ningas-kugon, alright?
- Try reading djvulibre-cpp first to understand how C++ works, and try modernizing it
- b3DS and modernize to Go
- Why modernize? Because why not. Also readability and w/e
- A general library for 3DS files in Go (or Rust, maybe, because it is language of ✨ the future ✨)
- La antigua escritura filipina and a website on it: multilingual issues abound
- Generalization: a framework to read literary works of multiple languages at once. Think of Cuentos de Balmori or those books for kids in EN/TGL. In additon, have a way to divide sentences into several parts, e.g., "Voy | al | cine" -> "I'm going | to the (m.) | cinema"
- Online books for learning mathematics and Spanish in the Filipino langauge (oh boy that's gonna be a project: synthesizing front-end webtech and pedagogy)