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Péter Hauszknecht edited this page Aug 23, 2017 · 1 revision


The Store holds the whole state tree of your application. You need to instantiate it.

constructor(initialState: State)


  1. initialState (any): The initial state of your application. Usually it is an object that represents the state tree.


(Store): The new Store instance.


import Store from 'repatch'

const store = new Store({ counter: 0 })


getState(): State

This method returns the current state of the store.


(any): The current state of the store.


const store = new Store({ counter: 0 })

const state = store.getState()

console.log(state.counter === 0) // true

dispatch(reducer: Reducer): State

Dispatches a reducer.


  1. reducer (Reducer: State -> State): That reducer will reduce the state of the store. This takes the current state and returns the next state.


(State): The new state after reducing.


const store = new Store({ counter: 0 })

const increment = state => ({ counter: state.counter + 1 })

const result = store.dispatch(increment)

console.log(result === increment) // true


If you use middlewares, that is not guaranteed that the dispatch returns the new state. For example thunk middleware modify dispatch that it returns the result of delegate function.

subscribe(listener: Listener): Unsubscribe

Adds a state change listener.


  1. listener (Listener: void -> void): The listener that will be synchronously run after the state was modified by dispatching a reducer.


(Unsubscribe: void -> void): The unsubscribe function, that you can use to unsubscribe the given listener.


const store = new Store({ counter: 0 })

const increment = state => ({ counter: state.counter + 1 })

const unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() => console.log(store.getState()))

store.dispatch(increment) // listener logs the new state


store.dispatch(increment) // listener won't be fired

addMiddleware(...middlewares: Middleware[]): Store

Enhances the store with the given middleware(s).

Middlewares will be run at dispatching before the store applies the new state of the reducer. The added middlewares are composed by order of addition, so the last added middleware will run first.


  1. ...middlewares (Middleware: Store -> Next -> Reducer -> any): Middlewares as variadic arguments. Middleware functions take the store instance, a next function and the previous reducer. The middleware can provide a new reducer via the next function.


(Store: this): Returns the enhanced Store instance for chaining.


const logger = store => next => reducer => {
  const state = store.getState()
  const nextState = reducer(state)
  console.log(state, nextState)
  return next(_ => nextState)

const store = new Store({ counter: 0 }).addMiddleware(logger)

store.dispatch(state => ({ counter: state.counter + 1 }))
// logger logs { counter: 0 } { counter: 1 }
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