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Unix Programming and Regular Expressions Workshop - Decision Making and Exit Status


Exit Status

Exit Status

Fork System Call

In computing, particularly in the context of the Unix operating system and its workalikes, fork is an operation whereby a process creates a copy of itself. It is usually a system call, implemented in the kernel. Fork is the primary (and historically, only) method of process creation on Unix-like operating systems.

Specific Exit Statuses

Exit Status

Once a command finishes whether the command is external or built-in it will return an integer value between 0 to 255 to the shell

echo $?

Remember that $? while show the exit status of the last command

Exit Status Meaning
0 Success
Non zero Failure
126 Command was found but the command could not be run
127 Command could not be found
129 to 255 A death by signal ==> (250 - 128) need to subtract 128 for the actual signal
Other values Different values are given by the actual command to indicate failure

if elif else fi

The Syntax of the if, elif, else, and fi

if test-commands; then
[elif more-test-commands; then
[else alternate-consequents;]

Each command is separated by semicolon ; or a new line

if test-commands
[elif more-test-commands
[else alternate-consequents;]

Notice here I put then in a new line

Both elif and else are optional and notice that to close the if command we used fi.

fi syntax used in Algol 68

The fi syntax is based on Algol 68 syntax that Steven Bourne incorporated into Bourne Shell

Shell Test Status and conditionals

The shell will check the exit status of the last command between if and then

If zero 0 is returned this means success so run commands after the then block

Otherwise move onto the next set of commands if there are any

elif is really short for "else if" and the same type of action is applied as the if

  • The elif is optional and you can use as many as you need

The else is only if the if statement or elif statement do not run

  • The else statement is also optional

The exit status will the last command that is run

Exit Status Examples

cd /somepath/not/exist

This prints error message

echo $?

This should return 1 signifying failure

if cd /dont/exist
  echo "could not change directory"

Notice here we put null character '\000' and then echoed message

echo $?

Notice that this prints 0 for success even though this isn't very clear usage

if ! cd /some/file/dont/exist
echo could not find the file

Here we use the ! operator which has more clear intent in the script

echo $?

Notice that this prints 0 for success but it is more clear because of ! operator usage

Reverse Conditional

The ! command is used with if to test reverse condition

This syntax was added by POSIX

Logical Operators

Operator Meaning
&& This is a logical AND operator which means if this and that condition
|| This is the logical OR operator which means if this or that condition

Both of these operators are short circuit operators

  • The processing will stop as soon as the shell knows the result of the expression
if ([$var == 1 && $var2 == "blah"]); then

This command will short circuit if first check fails meaning only $var is evaluated

if ([ $NUM1 == 1 ] || [ $NUM2 == 1 ]) && [ -z "$STR" ]); then

This command will short circuit if first check passes meaning that $NUM1 and $NUM2 are evaluated

Both && and || have same precedence

Exit Command

The Exit command will return the status of the script

The script will execute immediately after the exit command is invoked

If there is no value then the status returned will be of the last command run

Zero 0 signifies success and nonzero signifies failure

Don't use negative numbers or numbers greater than 255 for your own status codes

Small values work best for exit status codes

An exit status is defined for each command

Test Command Description

The test utility evaluates the expression and, if it evaluates to true, returns a zero (true) exit status; otherwise it returns 1 (false).

If there is no expression, test also returns 1 (false).

The test command is a multipurpose command that can check for many things

The test command has 2 forms:

  1. test something to test

  2. [ something to test ... ] The brackets need to have a space in between them to work correctly

  3. So [something to test] won't work

The test command can check for:

  • file attributes (is it readable, writable, is it a directory)
  • String comparisons:
    • equal,
    • not equal
    • less than
  • Integer comparisons

Read the Test Command Wikipedia Doc for full options available

Test Command Usage

Unary Operators:

-r tests if file is readable

if [ -r someFile ]

There are more unary operators and they are all written like -r

Binary Operators:

-eq is a binary operator

if [ $# -lt 2 -o ! -e "$1" ]

Remember that $# tells how many arguments were given to shell -lt stands for less than and -o stands for binary or operator and remember that ! is logical negation.

This is checking whether arguments is less than 2 or if the file doesn't exist if any of these are true then exit the script.

String comparisions use the following operators:

  • =
  • !=
  • <
  • >

There aren't any operators like <= or >= for some reason

String Arguments

Non-POSIX options:

  • -a is and
  • -o is or

These operations can be troublesome

The man pages have bugs section detailing possible issues:

Both sides are always evaluated in -a and -o. For instance, the writable status of file will be tested by the following command even though the former expression indicated false, which results in a gratuitous access to the file system: [ -z abc -a -w file ] To avoid this, write [ -z abc ] && [ -w file ]

It is preferable to use && and || over these operators for this reason

Test Command Options

File Level Tests:

  • -e True if file exists (regardless of type).
  • -r True if file exists and is readable.
  • -w True if file exists and is writable. True indicates only that the write flag is on. The file is not writable on a read-only file system even if this test indicates true.
  • -L True if file exists and is a symbolic link.

String Tests:

  • = True if the strings s1 and s2 are identical.
    • str1 = str2
  • != True if the strings s1 and s2 are not identical.
    • str1 != str2
  • -n True if the length of string is nonzero
    • -n str
  • -z True if the length of string is zero.
    • -z string

Numeric Tests:

  • -eq True if the integers n1 and n2 are algebraically equal.
    • n1 -eq n2
  • -ne True if the integers n1 and n2 are not algebraically equal.
    • n1 -ne n2
  • -lt True if the integer n1 is algebraically less than the integer n2.
    • n1 -lt n2
  • -gt True if the integer n1 is algebraically greater than the integer n2.
    • n1 -gt n2
  • -le True if the integer n1 is algebraically less than or equal to the integer n2.
    • n1 -le n2
  • -ge True if the integer n1 is algebraically greater than or equal to the integer n2.
    • n1 -ge n2

Read the Man pages for Test for more options

Also to see built-in test command help in bash run help test in zsh run run-help test

There is also another none builtin in /bin or /usr/bin which runs in C programs that is similar

Test String Comparison

Always use quotes when doing string comparison

if [ "$somevar" = off ]; then
do something

Test if and conditional examples

if test -f /etc/passwd && grep root /etc/passwd > /dev/null
        echo the password file exists and so does the root user
elif test -f /etc/group && grep root /etc/group > /dev/null
        echo group file exists and so does the group root
        echo there is no password or group file or there is notuser root or group root

Remember that /dev/null will redirect output of grep else we will get more output put into stdout. This script checks whether there is a file that exists called /etc/passwd and if there is a user named root and if so print message else if there is a file called /etc/group and if a group named root exists and if so prints message else it prints message

if grep marcel /etc/passwd > /dev/null || grep root /etc/passwd > /dev/null
        echo marcel or root exists as a user

This example uses or || operator this time


type in bash to get into a subshell


This should print out multiple versions of bash since we are in a subshell

exit 18

This will exit out of subshell and send value 18 to parent shell

echo $?

We can confirm this with the $? command

Remember we can create a shell program interactively using > as stdin

cat >
#! /bin/sh
if [ $# != 2 ]
        echo Usage: my program -f /a/file >&2
        exit 1

# some more program related lines

Paste the program above into your shell then hit enter and lastly press Control d in your keyboard to signify end of line.


If you run this command with no args you will see the output Usage: my program -f /a/file

and the exit status of 1 with echo $?


Here we set a variable z to an empty value

if [ -n "$z" ]
        echo z is $z
        echo z is empty

Here we use -n operator which checks if a string has length and we use the test command form of [ ... ]


Here we create a variable with a value

if [ -z "$var" ]
        echo var is empty
        echo var is $var

This uses -z operator checks if a string length is zero and the test command form [ ... ]


Enter a subshell


Set a value of c

set -x

Set a value of c variable and set command line execution tracing

if [ $c != foo ]; then echo worked ; fi

Notice it didn't work because there is an empty space before != comparison

if [ S$c != Sfoo ]; then echo worked ; fi

This worked because we preceded $c with a character the != operator is binary and an empty space isn't considered a proper argument

c='some spaces here'

Now rerun the previous command

if [ S$c != Sfoo ]; then echo worked ; fi

It fails with too many arguments

if [ "$c" != foo ]; then echo worked ; fi

Notice it works because we quoted $c this time

Extended Test Command

Issues with Regular Test Command and [ ... ]:

  • The extended test command is syntactically the same as any other command
  • Spaces are required between everything
  • Quoting is required for parentheses, <, and >
  • Quoting is required for variable values
  • Complicated expressions can be hard to write
    • and, or, and grouping
  • the And operator a and the Or operator o are not portable

The extended test command originated in KornShell "ksh" and in Bash and in Zsh

Even though the Extended Test Command is not in POSIX it has been available for a long time

The syntax for extened test command is [[ ... ]]

It is almost like a separate language inside the brackets

Features of Extended Test Command:

  • Word Splitting disabled
  • Filename Expansion disabled
  • <, and > are recognized as operators and not redirections
  • You can directly use $var to get a variable value
    • You don't have to use double quotes like "$var"
  • You can use && and || in the extended test command to chain your conditions
  • You don't need to quote <, > for string comparisions
  • You don't need to quote parentheses for grouping
  • File names can be used /dev/fd/N for test file descriptors
  • The same features in the regular test command are available

Pattern Matching Abilities:

  • You can use =, ==, and != for pattern matching
  • Extended patterns using extglob for Bash and extendedglob for zsh
  • You can quote the right hand arguments in order to do string comparisons
    • if [[ $FILE != !(*.c) ]]
  • The == operator is preferred over = for comparisions
  • You can use str =~ pattern for ERE type matching
if [[ -f $SOMEFILE && -r $SOMEFILE ]]
        echo $SOMEFILE is both a regular and readable file

Here notice we didn't double quote variables and everything should work fine


Go into bash subshell if you are in a shell zsh

set -x

Set execution tracing

twoWords="Hista Mikista"
if [ -z $twoWords ] ; then echo twoWords is a empty ; fi

This prints error because expansion uses word splitting provides more arguments

if [[ -z $twoWords ]] ; then echo twoWords is a empty; fi

This time it works because expansion is not split into separate words instead $twoWords is given as one word

shopt -s extglob

This enables extended glob options in bash

set +x

Turn off tracing

if [[ $CFILE == !(*.o) ]]; then echo $CFILE is not an object file; fi

Here with extended glob features in bash and extended test command we check whether a file is not an object file

if [[ Marcel =~ [A-Z][a-z]+ ]]; then echo Marcel; else echo Not Marcel; fi

Here we use a feature in bash and zsh to do pattern check with =~

if [[ Marcel =~ $regex ]]
echo Marcel
echo Not marcel

Here we use variable and it still works

The extended test command [[ ... ]] has features over the regular test command [ ... ]

Case Statement Description

The case statement is similar to the switch statement in C, Java, C#, JavaScript, etc

The case statement tests a single value against multiple patterns one after another pattern

The case statement is easier to read and to write than a series of chained if ... elif ... elif ... else statements

case: case WORD in [PATTERN [| PATTERN]...) COMMANDS ;;]... esac

Execute commands based on pattern matching.

Selectively execute COMMANDS based upon WORD matching PATTERN.

The | is used to separate multiple patterns.

Exit Status: Returns the status of the last command executed.

Case Statement Syntax

case expression in
    pattern1 )
        statements ;;
    pattern2 )
        statements ;;
    * )
        statements ;;

Case Statement Execution:

  • Case statement first expands the expression and tries to match it against each pattern.

  • When a match is found all of the associated statements until the double semicolon (;;) are executed.

  • After the first match, case terminates with the exit status of the last command that was executed.

  • If there is no match, exit status of case is zero.

No quotes are required on the value between case and in

Make sure that each case group ends with ;;

The ;; can be on a line by itself which is often more readable

The ;; is optional before esac but it is good convention to do so.

You can optionally use a leading left parenthesis before each pattern set

case expression in
    (pattern1 )
        statements ;;
    (pattern2 )
        statements ;;
    * * )
        statements ;;

Open up scripts/decision-making-and-exit-status/ to look at an example of case statements

We won't go over details of loops and functions yet because we will discuss it later in the workshop.

Best Practices

The only universal success status code is zero

The Syntax in conditionals is very important

Make sure to use a newline or semicolon to make the next keyword work properly

Be sure to use !, && and || in your scripts

If you need to return an exit status make sure it is small and use them sparingly

If you try to use < and > then you must quote them

Double quotes should be used in variable values

Group conditions with ( )

Try not to confuse string comparisons with numeric comparisons

Use shell operators && and || to chain tests instead of -a and -o

Of the 2 test forms that you can use prefer [ ... ] form over the test version

Make sure to save exit status of $? and do it immediately

Use ! to invert cases

Quote Variable expansion arguments in the test command

There are possible spacing issues with test command

Use the extended test command [[ ... ]] because it makes your scripts more readable and easier to write

case ... esac is a more clean pattern to use than a bunch of if ... elif ... else in your script

use pattern1 | pattern2 where appropriate

Use a final * ) for the default case

Always Supply the final ;; before esac

Bash extglob and Zsh extendedglob can be used for extended case patterns

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