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62 lines (43 loc) · 2.38 KB

File metadata and controls

62 lines (43 loc) · 2.38 KB

Here are some guidelines for a file for your ShareFileAPI project:

Contributing to ShareFileAPI

Thank you for your interest in contributing to ShareFileAPI! We welcome contributions from the community to help improve and expand this library. This document outlines the process for contributing to the project.

Getting Started

  1. Fork the repository on GitHub.
  2. Clone your fork locally: git clone
  3. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix: git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
  4. Install dependencies: npm install

Development Workflow

  1. Make your changes in the new branch.
  2. Write or update tests for your changes.
  3. Ensure all tests pass by running: npm test
  4. Update documentation if necessary, including and inline code comments.
  5. Commit your changes with a clear and descriptive commit message.
  6. Push your branch to your fork on GitHub.
  7. Open a pull request against the main repository's main branch.

Coding Standards

  • Follow the existing code style and formatting conventions in the project.
  • Use TypeScript for all new code.
  • Ensure your code is well-documented with JSDoc comments.
  • Write clear, descriptive variable and function names.
  • Keep functions small and focused on a single task.


  • Write unit tests for all new functionality.
  • Ensure all existing tests pass before submitting a pull request.
  • Aim for high test coverage on new code.

Pull Request Process

  1. Ensure your PR description clearly describes the problem and solution.
  2. Include any relevant issue numbers in the PR description.
  3. Make sure all CI checks pass on your PR.
  4. Be open to feedback and be prepared to make changes to your code.
  5. Once approved, your PR will be merged by a maintainer.

Reporting Issues

  • Use the GitHub issue tracker to report bugs or suggest features.
  • Check if the issue already exists before creating a new one.
  • Provide as much detail as possible, including steps to reproduce for bugs.

Community and Conduct

  • Be respectful and considerate in all interactions.
  • Follow the project's Code of Conduct (if available).
  • Help others who have questions or need assistance.


By contributing to ShareFileAPI, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the project's GPL-3.0 License.

Thank you for contributing to ShareFileAPI!