A cheqd-node
instance can be controlled and configured using the cheqd Cosmos CLI.
This document contains the commands for reading and writing token transactions.
cheqd-noded query <module> <query> <params> --node <url>
: IP address or URL of node to send the request to
$ cheqd-noded query bank balances
cheqd1lxej42urme32ffqc3fjvz4ay8q5q9449f06t4v --node http://nodes.testnet.cheqd.network:26657
cheqd-noded tx <module> <tx> <params> --node <url> --chain-id <chain> --fees <fee>
: IP address or URL of node to send request to--chain-id
: i.e.cheqd-testnet-2
: Maximum fee limit that is allowed for the transaction.
Pay attention at return status code. It should be 0 if a transaction is submitted successfully. Otherwise, an error message may be returned.
$ cheqd-noded tx bank send alice
cheqd10dl985c76zanc8n9z6c88qnl9t2hmhl5rcg0jq 10000ncheq --node http://localhost:26657 --chain-id cheqd --fees 50ncheq