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choices13k Dataset

Authors: Joshua C. Peterson, David D. Bourgin, Mayank Agrawal, Daniel Reichman, Thomas L. Griffiths

The choices13k dataset contains human decision rates on 13,006 risky choice problems.


Understanding how people make decisions is a central problem in psychology and economics. Until recently, most theoretical accounts of human decision making were developed using relatively small collections of in-lab data, limiting the kinds of models and theories that could be evalauated. To remedy this, choices13k provides a dataset of human decisions under uncertainty suitable for modern ML (30x larger than previous datasets), collected according to best practices in the human decision making literature.

Risky choice problems

Each risky choice problem required a participant to select the most appealing option from a set of two decision scenarios ("gambles"). Both gambles were represented to participants as a list of rewards and their associated probabilities. In each problem, one gamble ("Gamble A") was constrained to have only two outcomes. The other ("Gamble B") yielded a fixed reward with probability 1 - pL and the outcome of a lottery (i.e., the outcome of another explicitly described gamble) otherwise. Gamble B's lottery varied by problem. For a detailed description of the gamble presentation and parameterization, see [1], Appendices A & C.

The presentation format for the gambling problems closely followed that of the 2015 and 2018 Choice Prediction Competitions [1, 2] with the exception that the block parameter in CPC15 and CPC18 was reduced from five to two, and feedback and no-feedback blocks were not required to be presented sequentially. We found that this relaxation did not significantly affect overall predictive accuracy in our models, and allowed us to more than halve the number of trials necessary for each problem.

From [1]:

In particular, each problem in the space is a choice between Option A, which provides Ha with probability pHA or LA otherwise (with probability 1 >= pHA), and Option B, which provides a lottery (that has an expected value of HB) with probability pHB and provides LB otherwise (with probability 1 >= pHB). The distribution of the lottery around its expected value (Hb) is determined by the parameters LotNum (which defines the number of possible outcomes in the lottery) and LotShape (which defines whether the distribution is symmetric around its mean, right-skewed, left-skewed, or undefined if LotNum = 1), as explained in Appendix A. The Corr parameter determines whether there is a correlation (positive, negative, or zero) between the payoffs of the two options. The tenth parameter, ambiguity (Amb), captures the precision of the initial information the decision maker receives concerning the probabilities of the possible outcomes in Option B. We focus on the two extreme cases: Amb = 1 implies no initial information concerning these probabilities (they are described with undisclosed fixed parameters), and Amb = 0 implies complete information and no ambiguity (as in Allais, 1953; Kahneman & Tversky, 1979). The eleventh dimension in the space is the amount of feedback the decision maker receives after making a decision. As Table 1 shows, some phenomena emerge in decisions without feedback (i.e., decisions from description), and other phenomena emerge when the decision maker can rely on feedback (i.e., decisions from experience). We studied this dimension within problem. That is, decision makers faced each problem first without feedback, and then with full feedback (i.e., realization of the obtained and forgone outcomes following each choice).

Data Format

The columns of c13k_selections.csv are:

Column Data Type Description
problem Integer A unique internal problem ID
n Integer The number of subjects run on the current problem
feedback Boolean Whether the participants were given feedback about the reward they received and missed out on after making their selection.
bRate Float The frequency with which subjects selected Gamble B on the current problem.
Ha Integer The first outcome of gamble A
pHa Float The probability of Ha in gamble A
La Integer The second outcome of gamble A (occurs with probability 1-pHa).
Hb Integer The expected value of the lottery in gamble B
pHb Float The probability of the lottery in gamble B
Lb Float The non-lottery outcome in gamble B (occurs with probability 1 - pHb)
LotShapeB {0, 1, 2, 3} The shape of the lottery distribution for gamble B. A value of 1 indicates the distribution is symmetric around its mean, 2 indicates right-skewed, 3 indicates left-skewed, and 0 indicates undefined (i.e., if LotNumB = 1).
LotNumB Integer The number of possible outcomes in the gamble B lottery
Amb Boolean Whether the decision maker was able to see the probabilities of the outcomes in Gamble B. 1 indicates the participant received no information concerning the probabilities, and 0 implies complete information and no ambiguity.
Corr {-1, 0, 1} Whether there is a correlation (negative, zero, or positive) between the payoffs of the two gambles.
Block {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} The "block ID" for the current problem. For problems with no feedback, Block is always 1. Otherwise, Block ID was sampled uniformly at random from {2, 3, 4, 5}.

The specific payoff amounts and probabilities displayed on each problem are contained in c13k_problems.json. Keys correspond to the row index in c13k_selections.csv. For example, the first entry is:

    "0" : {
        "A": [[0.95, 26.0], [0.05, -1.0]],
        "B": [[0.95, 21.0], [0.05, 23.0]]

which indicates that gambles associated with index 0 in c13k_selections.csv were:

        Gamble A                      Gamble B
   Payout  Probability          Payout  Probability
     26.0         0.95            21.0         0.95
     -1.0         0.05            23.0         0.05

NOTE: bRate is the average of the gamble B selection probabilities over all subjects for a problem. Specifically, each subject completed 5 trials for a given problem. The frequency the subject chose gamble B across those trials gives p(Gamble B) for that subject x problem. Those probabilities were then averaged over subjects to generate the final bRate for a problem. Hence bRate * n gives the sum of gamble B selection probabilities across all subjects on a problem.


If you use choices13k in your research, please cite:

	title = {Using large-scale experiments and machine learning to discover theories of human decision-making},
	author = {Peterson, Joshua C. and Bourgin, David D. and Agrawal, Mayank and Reichman, Daniel and Griffiths, Thomas L.},
	volume = {372},
	number = {6547},
	pages = {1209--1214},
	year = {2021},
	doi = {10.1126/science.abe2629},
	issn = {0036-8075},
	journal = {Science}
	title = {Cognitive model priors for predicting human decisions}, 
	author = {Bourgin, David D. and Peterson, Joshua C. and Reichman, Daniel and Russell, Stuart J. and Griffiths, Thomas L.}, 
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning}, 
	pages = {5133--5141}, 
	year = {2019}, 
	volume = {97}, 
	series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research}, 
	month = {09--15 Jun}, 
	publisher = {PMLR}, 

Related Work

For another excellent risky choice dataset, see CPC18.


[1] Erev, I., Ert, E., Plonsky, O., Cohen, D., and Cohen, O. (2017). From anomalies to forecasts: Toward a descriptive model of decisions under risk, under ambiguity, and from experience. Psychological Review, 124(4):369-409.

[2] Plonsky, O., Apel, R., Erev, I., Ert, E., and Tennenholtz, M. (2018). When and how can social scientists add value to data scientists? A choice prediction competition for human decision making. Unpublished Manuscript.